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Sister Pat Goes 2 JAIL!Episode77



A new Day arrives in Pasadena.oldtownpasadena.jpg

ngckmjgb.jpgS8000019.jpgRufus, who hasn't eaten in days, decides to go to the grocery store, to try and steal more t-bone steaks. He enters Save-A-Lot Grocery Stores. Right behind Rufus is Sister Patterson Williams, pushing a buggy. Pat realizes who is in front of her. She has a flashback of seeing Rufus at Sabryn and Bryan's trial.

Sister Patl_dd0fa2d475ffa5094a27f8066c5ff41d.jpg

"I've been looking for you."

Rufus turns around and sees Sister Patterson,

"Can I help you?"

Sister Pat

"I am only going to say this the only way I know how. I only know how to speak the truth. Are you a man or a woman?"


"Get out of my face you ugly crow." Rufus walks off. Sister Pat pulls her Holy Water and a Bible from her purse and goes after Rufus.


Huntington Memorial Hospital

kutdo.jpgLauren walks into Daniel's hospital room. She sits down next to him and holds his hand. As he lays sleep she talks to him

"I can't believe you are really here. I wish you could wake up. I have so much to ask you. Everything is so confusing. I thought Chris killed you, I thought you were dead. But you're not. How did this happen? I don't understand."

Daniel slowly begins to open his eyes. When he sees Lauren, and he smiles.

"Tell me this is not a dream."


"It's no dream. You're here at Huntington Memorial hospital."

Daniel lets out tears, as he finally realizes, he is free from Mona's death clutches."justin_hartley.jpg


Episode: 77,Sis Pat Goes2JAIL!!

Written by: ML Cooks

Lavender Hill, IMG_0042.jpg

Ty's Mansion.


Ty and Jenn are in the bedroom


"I can't believe you hit me."


"You asked for it. I told you not to go to Cleveland and you went anyway."


"I'm not your child. You don't tell me what tot do."


"You're my woman. I won you away from Mike. You will do what the hell I tell you to do. My life is spinning out of control and I need you here with me."


"What about what I want? You said you would make me happy but that was a lie. Were you just feeding me sweet nothings just to take me away from Mike to spite him?"


"It has nothing to do with Mike. If you would act right, I would treat you better."


"Your treating like I'm your child. You don't even respect how I feel about anything."


"Because all you do is nag, nag, nag. I don't have time for that. I am trying to make money so we can live a good life."


"All the money in the world doesn't mean nothing to me. I just want you to respect me, and love me. Not hit me."


"Jenn, put some ice on your jaw. It's looking bad.' he says walking out the bedroom. After Ty leaves, Karl walks in the bedroom


"Can I help you Karl?"


"No, I just came to see your jaw. It's about time my son showed you who's boss."


"Excuse me? So you approve of your son hitting women?"


"It's about respect. Know your place." Karl says walking out the room.

Jenn, hollering after him

"Damn you! Damn all of you." She looks in the mirror to see her jaw is some what swelled up. She thinks to herself

"This is all your fault Jodie. It's time for you to be reunited with your pimp." Jenn leaves the bedroom as well.

Ty enters Santino's bedroom.


"What's going on boss?"


"Don't you what's going on boss me. Why didn't you stop Jenn from going to Cleveland?

Santino, has a flashback of kissing Jenn in the hotel room

"I didn't know you didn't want her to go" He says lying. "You know if I had known you didn't want her going I would have stopped her."


"I don't need this sh!t right now. Daniel is alive and Mona is still missing. You need to get better Tino. ASAP. We are losing money out here."


"I'm trying boss. I am getting my strength back. My therapist is on her way." Ty doesn't say anything and walks out. After Ty walks out, his father Karl walks in.


"I'm glad you are recovering well.'


"Thank you Mr. Hutchins."


"So why don't you tell me what really happened between you and Jenn in Cleveland?"

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean

Mona Islandtropical_island_setting.jpg

Mona and Sharan are lip locking. Sharan thinks to her self "I just have to get this madwoman to trust me. I have to lure her into a false sense of security. It's my only way of having any chance of escaping." Mona pulls back from Sharan's lips and looks into her eyes.


"Did I do something wrong?"


"Not at all. Everything is perfect. You're so beautiful."


"Thank you. Let's get to know one another some more."


"How do you want to do that?"


"By talking." Mona's cell phone rings


"Hold on sexy lady." Mona answers, it's The Lady in Red


"I am tired of waiting for what I want. When are you coming back to Pasadena?"


"In a day or so. I have to take care of a few things here. Where is Daniel?"


"Ty found him. He's in the hospital."


"Good. I bet Ty is going bonkers. And Chris is dead right?"


"Yes he is."


"Good, and Alexis is still in jail?"


"Yes she is. It was not supposed to happen like that. Sabryn and Bryan still roam the streets."


"Listen, just give them a little scare till I get there. Get all the info you can on them. When I get there I will call." Mona hangs up


"Are you going some where?"


"Why are you going to miss me?"


"Actually I am."


"You know this sure is a sudden change of heart you are having. Minutes ago, you were just telling me that you would not love me and that you're not even a lesbian. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you are trying to set me up."


"You're giving me no choice but to force me to love you. So if there is any change of heart, it's because you have left me no other option."


"You're right about that."


"Let's talk."


"What do you want to talk about?"




Sister Pat continues to stalk Rufus around the fresh meat section. Rufus looks around to see if some one is watching him. He sees no one is looking at him, and Rufus puts a pack of pork chops in his purse. Then he heads towards the exit.

Sister Pat, still following him

"Not only is she a fruit basket, she's a thief." Then she hollers after him

"Stop that man in that dress! He's a thief!" Store security and managers grab Rufus. One of the security guards pulls the pork chops out of her purse.

Sister Pat, throwing Holy Water on Rufus

"You better take that dress off and put some jeans on. What's the matter with you? Don't you love the Lord?"


"You are one annoying hag you know that."

Sister Pat slaps Rufus.

Abe, arriving on the scene, blair-underwood.jpg

"You can't put your hands on her."

Sister Pat

"She's a he. I mean He's a she. He she. Half and Half. Disgusting and sick. You ought to be a shamed of yourselfof his officer to escort Rufus to the squad car. He looks at his wife.

"Why did you hit that woman?"

Sister Pat

"God told me too. I was doing the good work of the Lord. Don't question me."


"God is telling me to arrest you. You can't assault people like that."


"Arrest me! You can't do that! What if Miss Jenkins found out?"


"Damn Miss Jenkins!"


"No you didn't!" She walks up to him and slaps him. "Don't know one talk about Miss Jenkins." Abe then spins his wife around and slaps some cuffs on her.


"Abe you better quit tripping. I am a Godly woman. What will the church say about me? I am your wife! You can't arrest me!'


"Yes I can. I need a break from that loud mouth of yours." Another officer takes Sister Patterson to a squad car.

Abe, looking at the store manager

"Sorry about any inconvenience."

Downtown Pasadena,


Jenn and DC walks into an eatery.


"I sure am hungry girl."


"It seems you are always hungry."


"So when can I see my best money maker?"


"Trust me, your going to see Jodie. At the very right time."


"Good, I think she owe me some money. That hoe went on a fu(king spree before she left Cleveland."


"You mean she had sex with a bunch of men before she left?"


"Damn straight. She owes me monies. I need all my monies' He says ordering his food.


"So how long has Jodie tricked for you?"


"For about 2good years. Jodie put me on the map. Without her, I wouldn't have nothing today."


"So how did you meet Jodie?"'


"Well I am from New Orleans. After hurricane Katrina hit, and wiped out New Orleans, I relocated to Cleveland., Having lost everything in the hurricane, my business, my house, my car, everything girl. Do you hear me?"


"Loud and clear."


"I lost everything. I met Jodie at a bar. We were both broke as hell so she let me pimp her."


"Such a shame."


"Naw it aint girl . We needed to make money. Speaking of, when can I see my hoe?"


"As soon as we leave here. You can be reunited with your hor" Jenn smiles, but she can't smile to much from her jaw on swoll, thanks to Ty.

Huntington Memorial Hospital

Abe walks into Daniel's room. Once Lauren sees Mr. Williams, she thinks of having sex with his son Kevin. She immediately feels dirty and ashamed.


"Lauren, do you mind if I talk to Daniel for a minute?"


"Not at all." She kisses Daniel on his for head and leaves.

Abe walks over to Daniel and gets a good look at him

"It's a miracle."


"Yes it is."


"Who did this to you?"


"Your crazy daughter Mona. She's behind all the madness in Pasadena and I swear to GOD when I see her, I'm going to kill her!"……..,now tune in for Life In Salem, A days of our Lives blog co written by me, things will never be the same!!!



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I'm so happy that Lauren went back to Daniel, after everything he's been through, he truly deserves her. Even if it was at Chris's expense, I can see why these two are a supercouple. They have been through so much throughout this series. Also, Daniel has every right to sue/choke/kill or whatever verb you can think of to use to get back at Mona.

Mona's doing business and warming up to Sharan, it's sick and twisted, which is the way us STEAMers like it. I think it would be really cool to see Mona go up against LIR. Evil bitch versus psycho bitch would make for some awesome writing. Poor Sharan, she's almost like the female version of Daniel.

Wow, I can't believe that Karl said that to Jenn about his abusive son's ways. Santino's the one who deserves to be with Jenn and Ty deserves to go to jail along with his psychologicaly abusive father. (The casting for Karl was perfect!) Jenn get out of there if you know what's good for you but she obviously doesn't if she's hanging out with a pimp like DC. It's going to be awesome when he sees Jodie because I know the sparks and the claws are going to fly!

Sister Patterson had it coming. It's funny that two wrongs don't make a right (Sister Patterson hitting Rufus and Rufus stealing) but it makes for funny material. Both are such comical characters that even though the scene was supposed to be serious, it's just halarious. I'm sure it was very liberating for Abe to get back at his demeaning and sometimes demonic wife like that.

Very nice episode!

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ABE/SISPAT/MISS JERKIN - Now that's what I am waiting for... Cant wait to see how it'll come.... It seem like the stage is set, now waiting for the players.

It was awesome that Abe was the one who arrested her... and man the scene with Rufus and Pat was hilarious... "Get out of my face you ugly crow." Very nice.

AAAWWW- Daniel in tears... That was sweet, and all Lauren has on mind is 20 questions - These two have a lot more to face, and challenges along the way... Man it sure will be interesting to read... DRAMA!!! Love it.

JODIE OWED DC NOTHING!!!!! HE needs to grow up, and become a man... Catching up on a tragedy like Katrina is just sick -it was that selling babies; but than again Jodie was a grown woman before and after Katrina... MAN, what a showdown this will be when these two come face to face...Good Times!!!

Good job man, I like how everything is tighten up, and building to one big blow - And I have a feeling nothing will be the same in Pasadena!

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