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Episode 109: V-Day Massacre

Matt P.


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Carlos was stunned when he read the name of the father. For a moment he could hear himself breathing heavier and heavier. He looks at Jenny who was on the verge of tears.


(to Doctor Vexen)

This can’t be. There has to be a mistake.

Dr. Vexen:

I’m sorry Carlos but there isn’t.


Seriously. Maybe there was an error or something. Nicholas Quarr can’t be the father of my baby!

Dr. Vexen:

Our tests results never lie. It leaves little room for errors.


It is too early to conclude. Jenny’s only been pregnant for a couple of weeks.

Dr. Vexen:

Yes it is harder to find out because Jenny’s in the first stage of her trimester.


Then what you’re saying is there could be a mistake. This piece of paper can be wrong. Right?

Dr. Vexen:

I don’t know what to tell you. Speaking off the record and coming to you as a person and not a doctor, I wish the results were in your favor.


Just- How sure are you on this?

Dr. Vexen begins typing on his computer and looks back at them.

Dr. Vexen:

We had numerous doctor help us out and they ran the same test at various times. Let me explain to you the process. We matched everyone’s blood samples, including the samples we had from Nick when he used to work here. Then we took a small sample of Jenny’s-



Believe me I know how it’s done.

(calming down)

We just- I’m just- Overwhelmed I guess.

(to Jenny)

Are you ready to go?

Jenny is silent. She just kept looking off in deep thought. She stands up to come to.


Yeah. Thank you doctor for everything.

Jenny storms out of Dr. Vexen’s office. Carlos goes after her. When he catches up to her in the hallway, he grabs her arm to stop her from walking. She looks at him with hurt eyes as tears streamed down her face.


Why? Why do bad things happen to us? Why couldn’t it have been our child? I’m carrying my rapist’s baby. Why us?

Jenny continues to cry. Carlos holds her and kisses her forehead.

- - -


Episode 109:

Valentines Day Massacre

Executive Story Consultant & Head Writer:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

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Carrie begins to do some research on her laptop at The Palace Café on Dylan's behalf. Dylan comes around and hands her a drink.




You’re welcome. What did you find out?


That what Rebecca told us was the way to go.


Is surgery really the only option?


Yeah. Unfortunately. But look at the bright side, you go under, and when you wake up your cured.


That’s wonderful. Then I’ll be minus one of my boys.


Dylan you’ll be fine.


I don’t want to be here anymore.


Why? What’s wrong?


I just want to be alone.


Too bad. You have me and I’m not going to let you sink into some sort of depression.


Carrie I have cancer!


Pretty soon you won’t. You can’t run away from these things. Rebecca said that if you don’t dissect the lump, it could grow, and ruin your insides.



Carrie takes Dylan’s hand and kisses it.




I’m going to be here for you. Just like you’ve always been there for me.

Carrie kisses Dylan’s cheek.

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In John’s room, Alley looks at the flowers that he had delivered to her, she smelled the roses and smiled. Alley calls John on his cell phone. He is taking pictures for Antonio with models. During a break, he answers his cell.


Happy Valentine’s day baby.


You seriously shouldn’t have. That was too sweet.


Yeah I had too. You would've attacked me if I didn't.


Are you almost done? I’m thinking that when you get home, I’ll wear something very sexy that you like.


Oh yeah? Go on.


It’s this red little negle-

Alley turns around to find Marissa with a scowl on her face.


Got to go. Your sis is here.


Please just be civil.


Why wouldn't I be? Bye.

Alley hangs up with John.


Didn’t he want to talk to me?


Nope. He was too busy and I guess that’s your fault that he’s away so much.


John is following his dreams. He has a job. Have you ever heard of that? Besides, all you do is mooch around this room, don’t you have your own place?


I’m actually in the process of permanently living here. It might get a little bit cramped so you might just have to go rot in the streets.


We’ll see about that!


Excuse me?


You heard me. I don’t appreciate your little stunt with Antonio and before you know it my brother will realize what a conniving, low life, tramp of a girlfriend he really has!

Alley winds up and slaps her across the face.


Did that feel good?


Yeah. I’ve wanted to do that since the first day I met you.


By all means. Here’s how I’d like to retaliate.

Marissa grabs onto the vase full of roses and goes over to the sink in the kitchen.


What the hell do you think you’re doing?

Marissa turns on the garbage disposal and thrusts the roses down the machine until the sink is nothing but a red mess.


Hey! John bought those for me!

Marissa then takes the glass vase and throws it at her. Alley ducks as it’s inches from her head.


Gee Alley you really are a mess. First you just start freaking out and throw things. Can’t forget about you hitting me. My point is, you’re just unstable, and this is something that John has to see.


You’re a freakin’ liar! You’re the one who-


Who’s he going to believe? Family always comes first.

Marissa walks past her but turns around before going to check on L.J. in John’s bedroom.


We’ll see how fast you last in this place! Happy Valentine’s day.

Marissa blows her a kiss. Alley takes another vase and throws it at the closed door.

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Nan gathers candles in her bedroom as night falls. She notices Anna Lee snooping around her room.


Can I help you...roomie?

Anna Lee:

Do you have a date or something?



No I’m just going to pleasure myself tonight.

Anna Lee:

Ewww gross.


I was just kidding. Look I need you to be locked away in that special little room I told you about.

Anna Lee:

I don’t like in there. It’s dark and it’s creepy.


Deal with it!

Nan grabs Anna Lee and takes her to a closed room.

Anna Lee:

Please don’t do it. What are roommates for anyway? I’ll leave you alone. I promise.


You’ll be fine.

Anna Lee:

Can’t I just go somewhere else? Like The Café or-


Hell no. Remember what I told you? You don’t exist! Besides people might mistake you for me and that’s something that you definitely don’t want to go through.

Anna Lee:


Nan opens the door and pushes Anna Lee into it. She quickly shuts it and locks it. On the other end, Anna Lee bangs on the door but it is sound proof. Nan looks at her make up in a mirror and winks at herself. She heard footsteps and knew it was Bryan. Nan opens the door for him.


You’re right on time.

Bryan holds an expensive bottle of champagne.


May I come in?


Of course.

Bryan walks in. Nan shuts the door behind her. He hands her the bottle.


It’s for you.


That’s very nice of you.


I know. Did you hear anything about Hammerhead?


No but I’m sure he got out of it. If I’m obviously able to, then I’m sure he can.


The only reason why he can is because of his position on the school board. Which of course could’ve been mine!


Calm down boy. I have other scores to settle. Blake isn’t always on top of my revenge list.


He should be. After everything he did.


I’m going to call a truce with him.



You will do no such thing. Why?


To throw him off guard while I plot against someone else. Surely our paths will collide again.


Then fine. You go and fight your other wars but I won’t give up on getting what’s rightfully mine.


Good for you. Now I think we know another reason why you came over here.

Nan places her hand on his belt. She seductively runs the other hand up his thigh while looking at him.


Hopefully this doesn’t change for us.


Shut up and kiss me!

Bryan scoops Nan up in his arms and passionately kisses her. He throws her up against the wall and kisses her neck. Both of them begin to pant. Nan begins to strip as Bryan’s pants drops to his knees. While still being pinned against the wall, he begins to thrust her with all his lustful might. The two fall to her couch and continue to kiss each other.

Meanwhile, Anna Lee digs through her pockets and finds a spare key that she made to all of the rooms in Nan's place.

Anna Lee:

You might have been born three minutes before me Nan but I’m not as dumb as I look.

Anna Lee opens the door and leaves Nan’s room to the outside world.

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Blake drives his Mercedes to Marli’s room. He parks his car and begins to think to himself. He has a flashback of what Officer Wendell told him.

Officer Wendell:

If you don’t hear from me, then you have nothing to worry about. Okay?

Blake took a deep breath to calm himself down.


It’s okay Blake. Everything will be fine. Dean lied for you and it’s not like you did anything wrong. Those idiots tried setting you up.

Blake shrugs it off and gets out of his car. He walks up to her room and knocks on the door. She’s dressed up in a jade colored short dress which Blake quickly notices.




Hey to you too. Do I look okay?


Mesmerizing. Are you ready to go?


Yeah I am.

They walk to his car. Blake acts like a gentleman and gets the door for her. Blake starts his car up to drive to The River Teal.


This time we can have more than just drinks.


Oh darn I was hoping that we could have some expensive bubbly again. Thank you for that.


Hey no problem.


This school seems to be in the romantic mood.


Yeah it can be. It can also be a heartbreaker if you’re not careful.


Somehow I’ve already realized that.

Blake parks in the parking lot of The River Teal. Before they get to the glass elevator. Mik walks out and notices the two of them.


Hey Blake do you mind posing for the camera?


Um…what is this for?


I work for Palastine.


What’s that?


A gossip magazine.


No thank you.


You heard the lady.


Oh come on.


We said no.


Please just respect our privacy ass hole!


Hey I’m a paparazzo in training. It's a free country, check the first amendment.

Mik pulls out his Nikon camera and snaps picture after picture. Blake shrugs it off but Marli continues to get nervous.


I don’t like this at all! Let’s go Blake.

They walk into the elevator. When the door closes Blake looks over at Marli who’s shaking.


Are you okay?



Yeah I’m…I’m just…I’m good. I’m fine. Let’s just enjoy our night together.

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Will looks at the bouquet of roses that he had bought for Alicia. He knocks on her door but instead of Alicia answering, it’s her roommate Rena.


Can I help you?


Yeah is Alicia around?


No she’s not.


You wouldn’t mind if I drop this off for her would you?


Not at all.


My name’s Will. And you are?


Her roommate. I’ve seen you around before. You live with Jace don’t you?


Yeah. How do you know that?


I was at your party the other night.


Cool. Our apartment is definitely the party house.


I’ll be right back. If you leave, just make sure to not lock the door or I’ll have a very pissed off RA.


Sure thing.

Will places his bouquet on Alicia’s bed. He turns around to leave and bumps into Jace.


Well, well, well. What do we have here?


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Five minutes before Will went to see Alicia, Sky saw him sneaking under Ava’s car. The plan was set in motion. Sky looks at Ava who’s sitting across from her in her living room.


I think that it would be best if we put everything out on the table.


I agree.


You don’t know how good it was to hear your voice when you said you wanted to see me again.


The reason why I called is because I’m contemplating a few things.


Really? Is Nate not giving you what you want? I could've seen that one coming with his diseases and such.


I’m not going out with Nate for the thousandth time.

Ava thinks back to what Nate told her about tonight.


If that’s the case, I’ll leave you alone. Meet me back here in two days at nine o’clock. If you come to me, then I know you want me.

Ava looks at her cell phone and sees that it was 8:54; she still had some time to spare.


I feel hurt by your decision to break up with me. That’s all I want to tell you. Sometimes hurt feelings can lead to a few unpredictable events.


Are you threatening me?


Not at all. Why would I do such a thing? I'm not a mean person, unless I'm pushed.


The reason why I’m here is because I need to know if I still feel something for you.



What? You mean, you’re willing to give me another chance?





Oh my god. Ava I didn’t see this coming at all. I thought you were going to just continue to push me further away.

Back at The Palace Café, it was close to closing time, Nate walked in with a heart shaped candy box. He was hoping to find Ava but he didn’t see her.


Come on Ava. I know you’re coming. I know you want to be with me.

Ava stands up and kisses Sky trying to see if she felt something deep down inside.


I think I should go. I need to...put things in order.

Nate has since sat down near the front door but only a few couples were leaving, which made Nate feel even more impatient.


Please walk through that door.

Ava walks out of Sky’s apartment. The kiss stunned Sky who in turn realized the mistake that she was about to make.




Nate looks at his watch to see that a big amount of time has passed. Nate pulls out his cell phone to call her but stops himself.


No. I have to let her make this decision on her own.

Sky runs out of her apartment corridor to get to Ava.




Nate throws away the chocolates and leaves the cafe.

Ava starts up her car engine and begins to back up without hearing Sky’s screams. Sky continues to run to try to stop her. Ava tries pumping her brakes which don’t work. The car comes to a screeching crash.


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OKAY - AVA, starting to acts like my ex-Boyfriend... BI-SEXUALS are the most confuse people on this planet, and she just prove my point - but I love her... Man the ending was great.... It was one those moment I wish I was watching on Television where you could have do some split screens... It was beautiful, well done... BRAVO BRAVO!!!!

MAN Carlos is not the Father. as bad and angry I am feeling right now.... I hope its not one of those DAYS's moment that the baby turn out to be Carlos at the end of the season.... I would pull out my hair... WOW, now can Jenny really love that child, and can't wait to see how this play out... NICE DONE!!! I sure would hired you if one of my show get pick up by a network... NOT HHD - Pure SONOP!!!!!!

OHHHH I am loving ANNA.... she my second best girl in the school....

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Wow Matt such a great episode. Much better than the last I have a lot to say.

I see two new faces but no anoouncement. When I first saw Dr. Vexen the first person that came to mind was Tanisha. Oh my god how hot they would be. Then when I saw Lily I mean Rena I thought Tanisha/Fine ass Dr. Vexen/Rena?

Good twist on the paternity thing. I didn't think you were going to go there. But you did. Good twist.

I loved the marissa and Alley scene. i could really see Lesli kay acting all that out in my head. And now she is going to make Alley look crazy. This is going to be real good. That's one of the break out storylines of season 5.

Another one is Dylan. Man everytime I read about him my nuts hurt. Is it painful? I hope he goes through the surgery One balls or two, I still wouldn't want cancer. Does that or will that affect his sexual perfomance and after he loses his ball will that affect his sperm count or what not? i am not being grapahic I want to know. Good job with this one Matt.

I don't know what is going on with this Anna Lee woman. I read about her last ep but didn't know what to make of it. But I guess I did like how she broke out of that room. She seems like she is kooky like Susan from Days? I don't know but I can already tell Ms. Lee is going to be trouble for Nan. And I wonder what new enemy Nan is going to go after next. I am so glad Bryan is not going to drop his fued with Hammerhead.

Marli got her pic snapped and it will only be a mtter of time before whomever she don't want to find her does just that.

Matt can you please get a different pic of Will. I have been wanting to ask you this since the first time I've read this great blog.

And what a twist the cliffhanger was. Liked how the scenes went round and round or as I call them circle scenes, if you know what I mean. So damn good. I was on the edge of my seat. I thought for sure aVA was going to choose Nate and I was gone be mad but then she kissed skye. Shocked. Then her car exploded. GREAT TWIST MATT!! One thing I Must say I never know where you are going with your storylines. I don't think PP has ever been this good, and its now even trumping season 3. And you already know how I feel about season 3. PP is still fresh, even into season 5. I was worried because I felt towards the end of 4 PP lost it's way but's it's back, better than ever. Matt KEEP IT UP PIMP!!

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