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Episode 108: Planning Paternity

Matt P.


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Nan lets her gun drop to the ground. Standing before her was someone who looked just like her. The other person stopped digging through Nan’s dresser drawer and looks up at her.

Anna Lee:

Oh my god. You’re alive!

Anna Lee stands up and hugs her.


Yes I’m alive. Where the hell have you been? Under a rock?

Anna Lee:

No I thought that you died. It was in the news and-


I know exactly what you’re doing here. You thought that since your triplet’s dead you can come and try to live the good life.

Anna Lee:

Exactly! Believe me though, I wouldn’t want to play the part of Nan Sheridan. It seems like everyone in this place hates you.


Has anyone seen you yet?

Anna Lee:

Not yet. I actually just got in. Which wasn’t easy at all. I had to break in here to find that your stuff was all in order. I needed proof that you were dead.


Well here it is here sister. Take a good look.

Anna Lee:



That means you can leave. You really have no business being in Point Palace.

Anna Lee:

Really? Is that what you told Tracie when she wanted to come here?


Our sister-

Nan thinks to when Tracie was dropped from a cliff to her death. She looks away from Anna Lee.


Her story was different.

Anna Lee:

Where has she been? We haven’t heard from her back home.



She’s been traveling abroad. Quite frankly, I haven’t heard from her either. You know how twisted and screwed up our family is that she probably wants to be distant. I don’t blame her.

Anna Lee:

Exactly! It’s time for a change and I am staying right here. You’ll need a roommate so it should be me.



You know what? I think that you staying here would be a wonderful idea.

Anna Lee:

Nan that would be so freakin’ amazing!


You can stay here on one condition!

Anna Lee:

Of course. Anything!


No one knows who you are and you listen to every damn word say. You got that?

Anna Lee:

(saluting her)

Sure thing Nan. I’ll clean up the place. Now that I know that you’re alive. This is going to be so much fun.


Yes it really will be. Welcome to Point Palace. It’s such a wonderful place full of so many opportunities.

- - -


Episode 108:

Planning Paternity

Executive Story Consultant & Creator:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

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During the same evening, Blake opens the doors to The Cody Prescient to speak with Officer Wendell. Blake goes through the security measures and sees that his door is open. Blake knocks on it to get his attention.


Hey you wanted to see me?

Officer Wendell:

Yes. Please sit down.

Blake listens and sits across from him.


What can I do for you? You sounded so serious on the phone.

Officer Wendell:

Earlier today we were questioning Bryan and Nan with their supposed involvement with the gala explosion.


And did you arrest them for what they did? Nan obviously admitted to it and Bryan even gave all indication to being her partner for their crime.

Officer Wendell:

We can’t really discuss that with you but-


What do you mean you can’t discuss it? They tried framing me for taking innocent people’s lives!

Officer Wendell:

They brought evidence against you.


What are you talking about?

Officer Wendell turns a portable DVD player around towards him and presses play. Blake watches himself and London rooting through Nan’s room.

Officer Wendell:

Care to explain this?


Yes. I got a call from Dean Halte telling me that no one had claimed Nan’s things so I thought that it was Nan playing tricks on us so I got permission from Dean to go explore her room. That was when I found her diary saying that she had blew up the gala and wanted to frame me for it!

Officer Wendell:

Fine. I’ll talk to Dean just to make sure that your story checks out. I’m really getting sick and tired of the three of you.


You know deep down inside who to believe.

Officer Wendell is silent.


That’s what I thought. Can I leave?

Officer Wendell:

Yes. If you don’t hear from me, then you have nothing to worry about. Okay?


Sure thing.

Blake exits Officer Wendell’s and immediately pulls out his cell phone to call Dean.


(to Dean)

Hey it’s Blake. I need you to do me a huge favor. Officer Wendell is going to talk to you about-


He already called me.


Really? That’s funny he said that he was going to get in touch with you.


I actually just got off the phone with him a little bit ago.


Please tell me what you told him!

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The next morning, Dylan and Carrie walk into Rebecca’s office. They both smile at her and sit down in front of her desk.


Rebecca it’s nice to see you again. I’m sorry for snapping at you the other day.


I understand. It’s unfortunate that we have to meet under these circumstances. I take it that Dylan told you why we’re all here today.


I did. She had been through way too much not to know what was going on. Let me start off by saying, I slid into a depression. I didn’t want to see anyone or be near anyone. I just wanted to be alone.


Depression is usually the first psychological sign for anyone who has some sort of form of cancer.


Why me though? Seriously why did it have it to be me?


No one knows why they get it. Testicular cancer isn’t something you acquire.


Then what can he do to stop it? Is it treatable?


Of course it is. There are two stages, stage one is the early stage and stage two is something far worse. Since Dylan caught this early, it’s very treatable.


That’s good to know.


What’s the next step then? What can I do to get rid of this cancer?

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Agatha walks into The Palace Café while talking on her cell phone.


Carlos don’t worry about it. I have some connections with some very nice people who can deal with this sort of thing. Yes the results can be sped up very fast. Look I’ll talk to someone who can get a sample of Nick’s blood. I’m sure they have those sort of things on file. Just don’t worry and pray for the best. Okay? See you soon.

Agatha walks up to the counter to speak with Ginny. Ginny fixes her glasses and helps her.


What can I get for you?


I’m actually here to inquire about the manager’s position that’s open.


Oh my god that would be amazing. My name’s Ginny Coy. I'm almost the owner of this place.

Ginny pulls out her hand for Agatha to shake.


Nice to meet you.


Do you have a resume?


Right here.

Agatha pulls it out of her purse and hands it to Ginny. Ginny begins to read it.


I thought you looked familiar. You worked at the hospital. For so many years I can see. Why did you leave?



Retirement purposes. I decided that the medical field needs a rest so- I’ve always wanted to run a diner or a coffee shop. Possibly even own one.


Would you settle for a manager’s position?




This was sort of an impromptu interview but so far you definitely have what we’re looking for. We’ll be in touch.

Agatha shakes Ginny’s hand and leaves. Until she’s tapped on the shoulder. She turns around to find Tanisha.


Can I help you?


Yep. And I can surely help you. Why be the manager of The Palace Cafe when you can own it?

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Back inside, Ava sits at a plush chair, working on a class assignment from her laptop. She stops to take a sip of her coffee. Nate sits across from her.




Hi. I’m actually just about to leave.


That’s okay. I only wanted to talk to you for a short time.


Let me make it even shorter. Yesterday was…weird. If you’re trying to get to my heart, it’s not going to be through your pants.


You know what you said to me yesterday kind of hurt.




Don’t apologize. You were only being honest. Now it’s my turn to be honest. I wasn’t trying to sleep with you. I just wanted to gage a reaction from you and see if guys turned you on. I know you felt something because I was vulnerable towards you. I would never do that for a girl.


Vulnerable or not, I just don’t know yet what I truly want. Besides, I wasn't always a lesbian.


Would it be crazy if I asked about your past?


No. My first boyfriend turned me into an alcoholic, he in turn killed my next drug addict of a man, and then let's not forget about the married professor who I fell for.


Wow. That's...wow.


Yeah. I come with baggage. I don't think you want that.


It's only fair that I let you know about me then. I can inform you that after taking proper medication I’m cleared of my STD, if that's what you truly care about.


I only said it out of frustration. Just like how I slapped you and I’ve been pushing you away.


The reason why you’ve been doing all those things is because of-

Ava gets a call on her cell phone. She sees that it’s Sky. Ava looks away from Nate.


It’s because of your caller isn’t it?


Yeah it is.


Then I think I know what you have to do. See if you still have feelings for Sky. Find out if you still want her. If that’s the case, I’ll leave you alone. Meet me back here in two days at nine o’clock. If you come to me, then I know you want me.

Nate exits. Ava reluctantly answers the phone to talk to her, knowing that she had to sort out of her true feelings.

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Sky opens the door to her apartment to find Will in front of her. He walks in and waits for her to hang up.


Yeah. I think that we should get together very soon. Thanks. Bye.

Sky hangs up with Ava and turns her attention to Will.


Were you talking to your ex?




What’s her name?


That’s none of your concern. All you have to worry about is what I’m going to have you do.


So basically you want me to do your dirty work? You come out smelling like roses and I-


And you get the girl. I already know for a fact that their relationship is falling a part at the seems. We all know who to thank for that. Me! That’s why it’s time to take put this plan into action.


Fine. On one condition!




Whoever or whatever it is that happens, doesn’t come back to haunt me. I have way too many skeletons in my past.


Then you’re perfect for the job because it won’t. All I need you to do is to cut the wires on my ex’s car. She’ll get into a minor accident and I’ll be able to tell her that she shouldn’t have messed with me.


Yeah that sounds like fun and it’s definitely something I can do but instead of threatening her, why don’t you console her, and show her that you’re there for her.


Yeah that’s a great idea! Thanks Will. Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, you should get Alicia something. Heck maybe I’ll even chip in for it. I know that dick head of her boyfriend won’t get her crap. You’re free to go.

Will rolls his eyes and begins to head for the door. Until he sees Sky’s back’s turned away from her. He also notices her cell phone sitting on the table. Will quietly opens the flip phone to find out who she was talking to. He notices Ava’s name on the call list.


(turning around)

What are you still doing here?


Don’t worry. I’m leaving.

Will walks out of Sky’s room and stops.


Ava. There’s only girl on this campus with that name. The same one who told Trella that I killed Zak. It’s funny how things turn out.

Will gets an evil smile on his face.

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Alone in her room, Marli gets a call on her cell phone. She opens a window shade to see if anyone was outside but the coast was clear.




(computer voice)

How’ve you been Marli?


I’ve been doing well. How’s everything back home?


Great. Just fine. We wanted to do our annual check up and to see how’ve you're doing.


That’s nice of you. You know the only thing that I really care about is my family. I know that son of a bitch got released.


You obviously have been checking up on the news over here.


Yeah. Then again I never know when I’m allowed to call. I always have play by your rules.


Well our rules will keep you safe.


I know. I’m safe where I’m at. There’s no way that anyone can find me and that includes him or his gang.


We’ll do our best at protecting you. For now just continue to lay low.

The caller hangs up with Marli as she begins to pace back and forth in her room.


Lay low. That’s what my life has come to. I hope they don’t get mad when I go after the President of Point Palace. Since Nate doesn’t want me, I guess I’ll just have climb the ladder of success.

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In the wee hours of the night, John and Alley are in John’s bed together. Alley places her head in his chest while he plays with her hair.


We haven’t had a lot of time to ourselves so this is nice.


Yeah. Marissa’s out with Antonio and L.J.’s asleep.


Are you sure you’re not mad about yesterday?


I am having horrible visions of seeing my sister’s rack but other than that, I guess you could call it an accident.


It honestly was. My finger just slipped.


Yeah right.


Hey look, let’s not worry about Marissa. Let’s just have fun tonight. Okay?

Alley passionately kisses John. John takes off his shirt and moves in closer to her. She pulls his neck in and continues to kiss him. She then undoes his belt and throws it across the room. Alley unzips John’s jeans and kisses his stomach until there’s a knock at the door followed by Marissa walking in.



Oh my god!


Hey give us some privacy!

John quickly turns around to zip his pants and put his shirt back on.


Sorry but I did knock.


Usually when someone knocks they say, come in, or we’re busy. You don’t knock and then come in.


Okay whatever but I have really good news for you.


You’re leaving?


You wish. I just got back from my, business date with Antonio, and you officially have the job.


That’s awesome! Thank you Marissa.



Yeah thanks Marissa, you’re timing was excellent.


Hey what’s family for. Now you two, go back to doing whatever it was you were doing. Don’t let me stop you.




Act like I’m not even here.

Marissa exits John’s bedroom and begins to giggle. John looks at Alley who isn’t pleased. He slowly kisses her neck but she turns away from him.






Oh come on.


Hey you would’ve been but your sister ruined it! Good night.

Alley takes a pillow and plops down against it to leave John sexually frustrated.

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Jace’s apartment is rocking as a party is going on in the common area. The roommates have guests over while loud music is playing and people are drinking. Will was no where to be seen but Jace was by the beer keg. He takes a swig of his beer and joins Alicia who’s dancing with another girl.


You like her?


Yeah she’s kind of hot.


You want her?


I want the both of you.


Too bad. You’ll have settle for just me.


I think I can handle that.


Are you sure you won’t act like you did the other day?


Yeah I promise. Even though I kind of enjoyed it when you roughed me up.


You’re sick.


Let’s go back up to my room. If you’re lucky, I’ll let you pull my hair. You know I like it when you take control.

Alicia and Jace stop dancing with the girl. They begin to walk upstairs to Jace’s room. Will walks in and notices everything that’s going on. Jace sees that he’s arrived and right in front of him he kisses Alicia.


Hey Will.


Looks like a big party.


Yeah you should have tons of fun. I know we will.

Jace grabs Alicia’s hand as they walk up to his room. Will watches them leave and he isn’t happy. If anything he was more jealous then before. Jace looks back at him and shoots him a satisfied look.

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The next morning, Jenny and Carlos pace back and forth while they wait for the results to the paternity test, outside of Dr. Vexen's office. Carlos looks at Jenny and smiles.


I told you that Agatha would come through. She’s worked so long in this place that she pretty much could run things if she really wanted to.


She really did come through. How was your shot?


It stung a little bit, what about you?


It hurt a lot but hey we need to know right away.


Of course. We’re going to find out that the baby belongs to us.

Dr. Vexen:

You two can come in now.

Carlos takes Jenny’s hand. She squeezes back as they walk into Rebecca’s office.


So doctor do you know? Is it too early?

Dr. Vexen:

No. We found out who the father is. Thanks to Agatha, we were able to get a sample of the other subject. I’ll let you two read the results.

Dr. Vexen hands the test results to Jenny and Carlos. They begin to read it.


Oh my god…the father is…


Recommended Comments

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MAN- I believe that Jenny and Carlos are looking for trouble... The guy is dead, they should accept that and move on... Knowing the true Paternity of the baby; will only cause more trouble for them, beside Carlos looks like he can make a good father... ( SHHHH I am dying to know, I hope its Carlos) - An early father day Present for Carlos Maybe???

Oh GOD... NAN has another sister... Anna is a dead meat, I hope she out smart her twin sister... Who knows Anna might be just the person to stop NAN, I am looking forward to see how this play out.

The HOTTEST TRIANGLE on SONOP right now, is JOHNALLEYRISSA - Marissa Takes sisterly love to whole new level... I enjoy watching her, Lesli is undeniable - She is flawless... And every scenes with these three is enjoyable... Well done... Marissa might really succeed on driving home girl Alley away for good but to whom, Blake maybe? - I am keeping my eyes on these three... Love it!!!!!

OKAY wait, if Alley makes her way to BLAKE, would be nice; but she sure will have competition... From the look of it Marli is on the running for the First Lady of Point Palace... Not so Innocent after all - can't wait to see how this turn out!

PP is on top of it games... Love it !!!!


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Another great episode. Loved Aggaie's sceen the coffee shoppe. I was shocked she retired/ I wonder what Tanhish got up her sleave, It would also be great to see Ags at the shop more.

I like Ava serving Ava Karma. i do remeber her hating him, was it last season? I don't like how skye is so damn bossy. She need some sex or her panties are to tight.

Will was in his prime going toe to toe with Jace. I so love Jace and i am really looking forward into seeing where this goes.

I wonder what's up with Marli and wonder what she's running from.

I had to laugh at Jon'd rack comment.

Although I was able to predict the who's the daddy story with Carlos and Jenny I ca't perdict who it's going to be. Nice cliffhanger btw

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Thanks you guys for the comments. When I was writing this episode I kept thinking to myself, this is going slower, but sometimes that can be a good thing. Usually the episode titles mirror the endings. Which made for a predictable yet very interesting cliffhanger. Whose the father of Jenny's baby? Is it the one she loves or the one who was killed for raping her?

Anna Lee's character is different from the other two sisters mentioned. Nan is the bitch, Tracie was the romantic, and Anna Lee is very fragile. Which can either be a good thing or a bad thing for Nan.

Yeah you'll be seeing Agatha/Ginny/Tanisha throughout the episodes. This plot was never supposed to be frontburner but it will be featured a lot in Season 5.

Here's the history between Will and Ava. Ava met Will in high school when they lived in Denver Colorado. Will introduced Ava to booze and a party life which for her went way out of control. Especially when Will left Ava without telling her to go to Point Palace. She originally popped on in Season 1 to get back at him and show her what he turned into, which was an alcoholic. Instead she met Zak who was a drug dealer, fell for him, but he was killed by Will because of a bad dealing that involved Nan. (Nan was pregnant with Will's child and tried passing it off as Blake's.) Ava hated Will for killing someone she loved and vowed revenge. Skip to two seasons later when Trella was doing research on Zak and went to Ava to find out that Will was the one who killed Zak.

Thus, that's why Will wants to really help Sky as well as going after Alicia...which will be moving along at a fast pace very soon.

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Yes Matt it did move a bit slower, but like you said slower can be better, charater movement and like you said S.T.E.A.M. will pick up begining with the next episode

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