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1/14/08: ONE SWEET DAY



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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The camera shows an overheard shot of Frankie's room and Greta lying on his chest as nurses turn off the monitors and start cleaning up the area. The camera then pans down and over to Mike, who is telling Caroline how sorry he is. Caroline nods, saying she knows Lexie and him did the best they could. She embraces him and thanks him and Lexie for all that they did.

Abby walks over to Max and puts her arms around him, asking if he is ok. A grief-stricken Max tells Abby he can't believe that Frankie is gone. Abby embraces him. Jack goes over to Billie and asks if she is ok. Billie tells him it's hard to believe. Jack hates that it's always the good that die before their time and adds that Frankie did not deserve this. Billie agrees and adds that Greta didn't either and now the guilt will eat away at her for the rest of her life.

Victor and Maggie overhear and Victor says that is exactly what he is worried about. They all look over at Greta lying on Frankie's body. Maggie notes that she hasn't moved or said anything since her outburst after Frankie was declared dead. Victor wonders if they should move her and have her sedated. Lexie interjects and says it's ok. Greta just needs time and she will make sure the nurses leave Frankie there until Greta is ready. Victor thanks Lexie.

Abe walks over to Celeste and thanks her for not making a spectacle of herself even thought she knew what was happening. Celeste nods, saying there was nothing she could do to stop it and more pain is yet to come. Abe looks at her with worry as Lexie walks past him and out onto a balcony. Abe notices her upset and says he is going to go check on Lexie.

Meanwhile, Bo and Kim think they should go check on Kayla and pass on the bad news. Caroline admits she almost forgot that another one of her children is fighting for her life and her child's life. She thinks it's a good idea to go check on Kayla. Carrie, Sami, and Belle say they will go with them. Billie suggests Jack go be with Steve. Jack admits he is worried about Greta but Billie says she can stay back with Greta. His brother needs him. Jack tells Billie to let him know if she or Greta needs anything.

Victor and Maggie also agree to stay back with Billie to monitor Greta. Abby suggests to Max they go check on Kayla too. Max nods, saying he can't lost his sister too. Not today. They walk off, leaving Victor and Maggie behind with Billie as they watch Greta, with her head rested on Frankie's chest.

Abe enters the balcony and finds Lexie in tears. He asks about what is wrong. Lexie says she's fine. Abe points out he can see she has been crying and asks what is wrong. Abe tells her that if it's about Frankie, she did everything she could.

Lexie: Did I, Abe? You know, I've just returned to medicine and I'm already questioning myself.
Abe: Why? What else could you have done?
Lexie: Been honest. I could've stood there and told the Brady's what was really going on.
Abe: What do you mean?
Lexie: I was in surgery with Frankie, Abe. I saw the damage. It was extensive. Survival was a long shot from the start yet, Mike and I stood right in that room (points to the waiting area inside) and told Frankie's friends and family there was still hope.
Abe: I don't see the problem.
Lexie: His loved ones needed to hear the truth. Needed me to be straight with them. Blunt, even if it hurt them. You would think it would be easy for me, given how I treated all my friends and family this past year. I'm a Dimera, for heaven's sake. I should've been honest. I should've came right out and said it. Mike and I both knew it. (beginning to cry) He never had a chance.

Abe takes Lexie in his arms.

Abe: Lexie, that person you were this past year was not you. You may have Dimera blood but that woman that turned her back on her family is not you.
Lexie: I don't know about that.
Abe: I do. You just wanted them to have hope. There's nothing wrong with that. You've always been like that as a doctor.
Lexie: This was different, Abe. From the minute we opened him up, I knew. Mike knew. We all knew. The more we explored the damage, the more certain it became what the result would be. One of my advisers in medical school once told me there are two kinds of doctors. You have the ones who want to give the family just the slightest chance of hope, at the very least. Then, you have the doctors who just walk out and give it to you right then and there. No BS. Just the truth. This is what the situation is. I'm sorry. It hurts like hell but isn't the truth supposed to hurt?
Abe: Sometimes. Lex, you can't help the way you are and sometimes circumstances will define who you are in that moment and what you do. No one's perfect and there will always be things you feel you could've done better. We all wish we could have do-overs. I'm a cop and your a doctor. The mistakes we make can be tragic We just need to learn from the mistakes we do make and hope and pray that we make as little of them as possible.
Lexie: I just feel like Mike and I gave them false hope.
Abe: They knew, Lex. They knew there was a good possibility. His condition was serious from the get-go. It wasn't as if he had a good chance and took a turn for the worse. You did fine, Lex. Trust me.
Lexie: I feel as though I could've done better. I think I can do better.
Abe: Then do better. The thrive to improve and succeed is a great thing to have. I am proud of you for how you are taking control of your life and trying to be the best you can be.

Lexie looks at Abe stunned.

Proud? Wow...
Abe: Yep. I will always care about you, Lex. We have a son and I love you. I always will.
Lexie: Thank you. Thanks for listening and for the advice. And for caring. You don't know how much I wish I could take back from the last year when it comes to how I treated you. I was horrible.
Abe: Like I said before, we all make mistakes. We can't always get back what we lost or fix the damage done but we can learn. We can take what we learned from our mistakes and grow. Your already doing that, Lexie. That is all that matters.

Lexie thanks Abe and says she needs to be getting back inside. He agrees and says he is going to go check on Kayla. She says she is heading that way to and then walk back inside together.

Meanwhile, Caroline is talking with Marlena, Stephanie, and Adrienne as Hope and Steve stand away in a corner, not wanting to upset anyone. Marlena can't believe Frankie is gone. Stephanie goes over to Max and embraces him, saying she is so sorry. Jack walks over to Steve and asks if he is ok. Steve nods and apologizes to Jack for his loss. He knows him and Frankie were close. Jack points out he knows Steve cared about him too. Steve smiles and says he did but he can't comfort the family. He isn't on their Christmas card list right now. Jack pats him on the back.

Kim wonders how they are going to tell Kayla about Frankie. She will want to know so she can mourn and there is going to be no right time to tell her without her being upset. Lexie, Abe, and Celeste join the crowd. Mike and Rich come out of Kayla's room. Lexie goes over to talk to them. Caroline asks Rich if he thinks Kayla could deal with the stress of Frankie's death. Rich shakes his head, saying the chances aren't good. Caroline puts her head down just as Kayla's voice can be heard.

Mike opens the door and Kayla looks right at everyone outside her room, saying she could see them all out there and asks what is going on. She says they all look like they lost a puppy or something. Everyone is silent. Kayla says she can see something is wrong and knew it when she saw them all out there looking upset and worried. Caroline says they are worried for her.

Kayla says she is fine for the moment and Rich told her she is stable so whatever seems to have upset all of them is not that. They would be happy she is hanging in there right now. Kayla thinks out loud and says there is only one other reason they would all be together and looking so depressed. She asks if Frankie has taken a turn for the worse. Carrie, Belle, and Sami turn away. Bo, Hope, Steve, and Max put their heads down.

Kayla says they are all scaring her. She looks at Caroline, who is fighting back tears. Kayla asks her mother what is going on. Rich tells Lexie to have a team on standby. Caroline is silent. Kayla tells Caroline she knows something bad has happened. She looks at Caroline, who has tears streaming down her face. At that moment, Kayla begins to realize what may be going on and begins to shake her head, saying:

Kayla: No...oh no. Not Frankie. No!!

Caroline and Bo race in to comfort her as Lexie, Rich, and Mike race in, leading a medical team. Caroline takes Kayla in her arms and says she is so sorry as Kayla lets out a bloodcurdling "No!!" Kayla breaks down in her mother's arms as her monitors begin to go off. Rich orders everyone out of the room.

Caroline refuses to leave her daughter but Mike tells Caroline they all have to go. A hysterical Kayla then yells out in pain several times before passing out. Kim wheels out as Bo pulls a worried Caroline out with him. Everyone watches as the team works to save Kayla and her unborn baby as the scene shifts to...

A worried Victor, Maggie, and Billie as they watch Greta, who has yet to move. A nurse comes back. Maggie thinks it's time to move her. Billie shakes her head, saying they should give her more time. The camera then pans over to Greta as

Greta: Your so cold. I don't think the blankets are enough. Maybe...

Greta then gets out of her wheelchair, grimacing in pain as Victor watches and nearly races over but Greta recovers. Greta then lies on the bed with Frankie and runs her fingers through his hair with one hand and puts her other arm around him. Tears well in her eyes once again as she says:

Greta: Is that better? It is, isn't it. I know I feel warmer already. I just want...you to be comfortable.

Greta then looks down at Frankie's face and caresses it with her hand. Tears begin to stream down her face as she lays her head down right next to his and the scene shifts to Mike, Lexie, and Rich working with their team to save Kayla and her unborn child. Rich yells out the blood pressure and heart rate are way too high. Mike yells out they are losing the both of them.

The camera then pans around to Hope praying, Bo and Kim holding hands with Caroline and comforting her, Abby comforting Max, Carrie and Sami looking on in horror along with Belle and Marlena, Celeste trembling as a worried Abe looks at her and she shakes her head and tears stream down her face, Adrienne comforting a distraught Stephanie, and a worried Steve praying he doesn't lose his wife and child as Jack puts his arm around him. Caroline then looks to the heaven's above and says:

Caroline (In tears): Please God...not her too. Shawn...Frankie...help us. Help your sister and her child. Please....

The scene then shifts back to Greta as Victor, Maggie, and Billie watch. Billie and Maggie have tears steaming down their face as they watch Greta hold Frankie in her arms. Greta then sits up and looks at Frankie.

Greta: It wasn't supposed to be like this. We just...we didn't have a chance. We deserved a chance.

Greta begins to break down again.

Greta: How could you do this? How could you leave me? You were supposed to fight! Fight to live. What good is you saving me if you are just going to leave me? With this guilt...with this pain. My life...I feel empty without you. I fell in love with you, Frankie. And my greatest regret...will always be not realizing it sooner. Not telling you before it was too late. So much time...was wasted. This is all my fault. I killed you. You died...saving my meaningless life. You died...you died for me.

Greta then breaks down and begins to pound on Frankie's body.


The camera then pans up for an overheard shot of Greta breaking down laying next to Frankie as MARIAH CAREY AND BOYS 2 MEN's "ONE SWEET DAY" montageends as the scene slowly fades to black.



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This was an emmy worthy episode! There was so much heartfeld drama involved that you rarely see in hospital scenes anymore. Especially hospital scenes where all of the family members and important dayplayers are involved. I truly felt Greta's grief at the end of the episode.

I also enjoyed the tender scene between Lexie and Abe. Ever since I was younger and my babysitter briefly watched the show, they were the couple I always wanted to see. Poor Lexie. She led with her heart and not her brain. It shows how true and pure of a character she really is. Good job!

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