Kendall OR Greenlee...
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In his cell, Roman walks around, looking at his new home. He chuckles and then shakes his head, not being able to believe that he has ended up there, of all places. As he lays down on his cot, the guard brings in another prisoner......Lucas. They put both men in the same cell and Roman asks Lucas how his day is going. Lucas tells Roman about as well as his.
Lucas then asks who will get the top bunk. Roman says he goes to the bathroom a lot in the night so it’s better for him to have the bottom bunk. Lucas is ok with that and Roman asks Lucas what he’s in for. Lucas says one never says what they are in for.....just what they have been charged with. Roman pauses for a moment and then tells Lucas he’s been charged with murder.
Lucas then smiles, saying.......birds of a feather.
Lucas then says he needs to get some rest and, as he lays down, Roman stands at the bars and looks out. He then, suddenly.....gets a memory flash. He shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts, but another memory flash comes and goes. He chalks it up to stress and then goes to lay down on his cot.

Victor and Maggie come walking in. Bo sees them and walks over, shaking Victor’s hand and kissing Maggie on the cheek. Victor tells Bo to fill him in and he does. Caroline sits off in a corner, by herself, and Victor walks over to say how sorry he is. He knows Frankie will be ok. Maggie walks over and agrees, telling Caroline that she just needs to keep that famous hope of hers going.
Caroline says its been hours and she has two children in the hospital and one child locked up in jail. Victor asks what that is about and Bo tells him that Roman was arrested on murder charges. Before Victor can respond, Bo says he has their legal team working on it. Maggie asks has anyone seen Sami or any of the other family members and Hope then walks over, saying that some of them at the station......
Seeing Lucas, who was also arrested for murder. Victor then wants to know what the hell is going on. Bo pulls him to the side and, as Hawk walks into the waiting area and over to the two men, Bo and Victor start talking......
Victor: Tell me this, here and now. Is DiMera behind this?
Bo: With Roman, yes. Even though there was an attorney down at the station......on Roman’s behalf, asking about bail.
Victor: And Lucas?
Hawk: I have some people that I know in the place. Both men are being looked after.
Victor: Thank you, Hawk.
Bo: So, what do we do now?
Victor: Tell you what, son. You make the call. What should we do?
Bo: Ok. Well, Hawk, do me a favor. Get in touch with our people at the D.A.’s office and see if they can get both Lucas and Roman moved to a minimum security jail. I’ll have Nico and some men watch Stefano’s house and get some taps on his phone reactivated. And then....
Victor: Yes?
Bo: Then we circle the wagons........and bear down. I feel another bad wind headed our way and if we don’t stop it........
That’s the end......for all of us.
The men separate as Max looks out a window. Abby comes over and asks what is on his mind. Max says he is thinking about all the times he and Frankie had to eat out of dumpsters and sleep on the streets when he was a kid. He then says, now look at them. Frankie is a world-class lawyer and he has made something out of himself as well. And all because the Brady's took them in and made them part of the family.
But, that bond will always be there between him and Frankie and, as Max starts crying, all he can say is.....
Max: He’s the only real brother I’ve ever had. I can’t lose him, Abby. I just can’t.
Max puts his head on Abby’s shoulder as she pats a crying Max on his head, telling him that Frankie will be just fine.
At the nurses’ station, Bo hangs up the phone. Hope walks over and asks if everything is ok. Bo tells her she has some nerve asking that after what she did. Hope just wants a chance to explain and Bo says she lost that right when she screwed his best friend. Victor overhears this as he stands behind a wall, listening. Hope tells Bo that it happened just one time and Bo says......
Bo: Sure. One time you told me about.
Hope: (Starting to cry) Bo, please. Forgive me.
Bo: You really must be nuts to ask me for forgiveness.
Hope: Steve is just as much a victim as I am........
Victor’s face frowns into a cold stare and he pulls out his cell phone, calling Nico........
Hope: And I just don’t want you to hold this against him.
Bo: Hold it against him?! He steals my daughter, screws my wife behind my back, but I’m the one overreacting. That is BS and you know it, Hope.
Hope: Bo, for God’s Sakes, listen to me.......
Bo: (Grabbing her wrists) The only thing I want you to do......is go home, pack your [!@#$%^&*], and get out. I never want to see your face again....
That is.......until we see each other in court......when I divorce you.
Bo walks off as Hope tries to chase after her but Maggie runs over and grabs her, telling Hope to just give Bo time. Maggie comforts a deeply sobbing Hope......
As, back at the...

Roman is asleep in his bunk. He tosses and turns, remembering days gone by.......
The nightmare is ravaging his mind. He remembers a cabin exploding and himself on the run from the law. He remembers being charged with the Salem Stranglings..........the handcuffs being placed on his wrists........the breakout that Alice, Bo and Abe engineered.........and.......
Being shot on the top of Stefano’s island and, as he falls, right before he hits the beach below........
He wakes up, sweating and breathing very heavy. Lucas wakes up and asks if Roman is ok as Roman sits on the edge of his cot and tells Lucas it was just a bad dream. He then tells Lucas to go back to sleep.......they both have a long day ahead of them. Lucas lays back down and so does Roman but he is now terrified of going back to sleep. What he doesn’t want to tell Lucas, or anyone else, is that this is not the first time he’s had these nightmares......
And he fears it won’t be the last time.

Adrienne walks in and her and Steve hug. Steve tells her that he has really made a mess of things and Adrienne says he can’t think about that now. All his thoughts must be with Kayla. Steve then says that if the baby dies, or if Kayla doesn’t make it......it’s all his fault. Adrienne hugs her brother and, as he cries in her arms....
Stephanie walks into a darkened room. She slowly walks over and takes a chair, sitting down by her sleeping mother. Stephanie takes her hand gently and asks her to please be ok. She tells Kayla she never had a brother or sister so for the both of them to die now would be pretty messed up. Stephanie then wipes the tears from her eyes as she places her head on her mother’s shoulder.
Out in the waiting area, Mike and Lexie both walk in to the waiting area. Everyone stands as Mike says.....
Mike: Well, we do have news........
As the scene pans around the waiting area, Victor walks into Greta’s room. Maggie stands behind him as he takes a chair and, as he looks at his beautiful daughter, he says.......
Victor: Damn. You just got out of here. Now, why would you end up back in here?
Victor and Maggie both chuckle, as he continues......
Victor: You can’t do this to us. Not now, not after all we’ve been through. So, I’m just going......to sit right here, until you get better, ok?
Victor then leans in and kisses her on her forehead and, as the scene pans upward, it then slowly fades to black.
Meanwhile, down in the parking lot, a mysterious man makes a phone call.......
Man: My, my. What a New Year for these three families. Yes..........yes, everything is being monitored. Roman Brady is behind bars. So is Lucas Horton. Bo and Hope Brady are on the skids. Kayla Johnson, Greta Kiriakis and Frankie Brady are fighting for their lives. And Stefano DiMera is still being the puppet master. Soon, very soon.......it will be your time to strike. Sure, no problem. I’ll keep you informed. Good-bye.
As the man hangs up, he looks toward the night sky and says......
Man (CLICK HERE TO SEE HIS FACE!!!): Well.......looks like this is going to be one hell of a New Year.
The man then walks toward his car as the scene slowly fades to black once again.
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