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Miss Thang! Episode 64



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

TC Hotel, 103632369_6cfe8fd0e6.jpgThe Bar7b242170-5c79-48a1-9b6f-186930590d9.jpg

aliciasilverstone.jpgJenn is sitting at the bar, drinking a glass of wine. As she stares off into the bottles that sit before her, she has a fantasy of beating up Jodie. A smile comes across her face.

"Jenn, Girl, you in there?"

Jenn looks to see who is talking to her and she sees Ria. Jenn gets up and hugs her

"Hey Ria. It's been such a long time."


"Yes it has. Where were you just now?"


"Oh, just thinking about some things."


"Well you mind if I join you?" She says grabbing a seat next to her


"Of course not. It's so good to see a friendly face. I get sick of looking at sluts here in Pasadena."


"OOh girl, don't you know no good. I know a few fake ass sluts myself." She says as she orders a Sex on the Beach "So girl, how and you Ty doing? He is so fine for a white man"


"What you mean?"


"Nothing girl. White mens usually aint my thang but Ty, yea I could see me doing him."


"Alright now. I already got two sluts after my man. I hope I'm not going to have to take you out too"


"Girl please. But tell me who want yo man?"


"That nasty skank Jodie"


"Girl you lying. I just met her the other day at Divine Design. She seems like a nice girl."


"Please. You better watch your man, she sleeps with anything that has two legs."

Ria, laughing

"Girl you crazy. You sound like my girl Natti. She had a bitch trying to take her man away from her."


"What did she do about it?"


"She handled her business."


"Didn't I read that Dahlia died at the Stink So Good Landfill?"


"Yes she did. Natalia took the trash out literally."


"Well I had a plan to get rid of Jodie but it's nothing that drastic."


"You got a plan girl? Do tell. Maybe I can help. I am good at these kind of things."


"Well Jodie is from Cleveland. I was thinking of going there and doing some research on her. My gut instinct tells me she's hiding something and I have to find it out."


"You know what girl, I have a conference in Cleveland this weekend. When you leaving?"


"Sometime tomorrow. I have to think of an excuse to tell Ty where I am going. If he finds out I'm going to Cleveland to dig up some dirt on Jodie, there's no telling what he will do. I think he has a soft spot for her."


"All the more reason you have to take her out girl. Just tell Ty that you are coming with me for a trip. A little getaway. Say we are doing some research for Divine Design."


"Ty knows I don't work there."


"Girl you are tripping. Aren't you a woman?"

Jenn, confused



"Then hush up girl. Lying is what we do best. It's in our DNA. I know you'll work something out. Just keep your eye on the prize. Taking out Jodie."


"I can drink to that." She says raising her glass to toast with Ria. They clank and sip up.


Episode : 64, Miss Thang

Written by: ML C with Monique Bitches

Westwood Park, Mark's HouseuntitSabynsfrontdoor.jpg

Rufus plants a kiss on Mark, sliding his tongue in his mouth, as Natalia bangs on the front door, wondering, who's tooter booter is in the driveway. Mark pushes Rufus off him and wipes his mouth


"Damn, this can't be happening."


"O but it is. I've been waiting to meet this woman in person. Hell maybe we can have a three some."


"Your outta your sweet mind. Go hide in the back and don't do nothing stupid."

Natalia, banging harderjyf.jpg

"Mark, Open this damn door."


"You heard the lady, open the door." Rufus says pulling out a gun and aiming it at Mark


"Rufus, come on. I have a child on the way."


"With that Bitch huh?"


"Not by choice, believe me. Look, Just let me get rid of her so that way we can talk." Trying to calm the gun wielding cross dresser down.


"Give me something to think about while I am away."


"Stop playing games and go hide in the back."

Rufus sits down on the couch


"Alright, what the hell do you want?"


"Kiss me, like old times." Rufus grabs Mark and kisses him passionately, at the same time he takes his hand and massages his crotch. Mark moves his hand away and pushes Rufus off of him and shoves him to the back room. Mark finally opens his door. Natalia barges right in.


"What the hell is your problem?"


"Why did you have me outside knocking so damn long? Who's here?"


"What do you mean?"


"Don't play games with me. I see the tooter booter outside in the driveway."

Back in Mark's bedroom, Rufus is eavesdropping on there conversation and upon hearing Natalia's comment about his car he says "Oh, no Miss thang didn't."


"Natalia what the hell do you want? I'm busy."


"Answer me, who's jacked up car is in the driveway?"


"It's the neighbors. There having a party. Damn do you approve?"


"Your co cute when your mad. So sexy." She walks up to him and kisses her baby's father on the lips. Rufus opens Mark's bedroom door and looks Mark in the eyes as he kisses Natalia. Rufus waves his gun for Mark to see and then Mark stops kissing Natalia.


"What's the matter baby? You seem so tense."


"I'm dealing with a lot. I just lost the love of my life."


"I'm sure Dahlia is resting in peace. And besides, you got me and our child to love now."


"I can love this child, but you-" He looks at her, trying to think of a way to get rid of her so he can deal with Rufus

"You know what, I am very tensed. Why don't you go home, cook us a nice little dinner and we can share the evening together and talk about our child."

Natalia smiles

"You really mean it?"



Natalia, hugging him

"I knew you would come to your senses." She hugs and kisses him on the cheek.

"I'll call you when I'm ready" He smiles at her as she leaves. Once the door closes Rufus walks out from the bedroom and slaps him.

"I don't ever what to see your lips on her again."


"Keep your hands off me."


"I'm not trying to hear that. You're my man and I can do with you as I please. You might as well tell Natalia to get in abortion because there's no way in hell I'm going to let you play house with her. I'm back in your life, and this time your not leaving me. So get used to it. Mark I mean it, you already know I am nothing to be played with, so you better get rid of the pregnant bitch or I will do it for you." Rufus flips his pink wig back and lights up a cigarette. "In fact tell her to bring her corny ass dinner over here."



Rufus, pointing the gun at him again

"Because I said so." She blows smoke in his face and leaves


"I'm in some sh!t. There's not telling what that fruitcake is going to do. As long as he don't hurt my unborn child. …I can't believe how fast my life is falling apart." He pulls out his cell phone to call Natalia and tell her to bring dinner over to his house.

Downtown Pasadena,

Divine Designbf46.jpg

In Alexis's office,

Alexis is looking over face shots of Jodie as Jodie sits in a lounge chair in front of her desk.

"Extremely Beautiful. I've never seen such eyes before. And again, This is not a come on."


"I didn't think it was" She says laughing. "Thank you by the way."


"No thank you. You will be the new face of Divine Design. I got a nice new line coming for spring."


"I'm so excited."


"Me too. Sabryn won't stand a chance."


"Sabryn? As in SG?"


"Yes that's her. But SG won't be in business much longer."


"I didn't sign up for no war. I've seen the news. I'm just here for a job and a career. I don't want to be involved in no take down of Sabryn. I desire no enemies."


"This is business my dear. Fashion is cut throat. Granted, it's sad that the competitor and I have crossed paths personally but at the end of the day I am just trying to run my fashion house. If Sabryn just so happens to lose everything because of that, I can't help that. It was bound to happen anyway I guess. You have nothing to worry about." Alexis hands her a contract to sign. "Now if you'll just sign on the dotted line, we'll be good to go."

Jodie, pulling a pen from her purse and begins to sign her new contract with Divine Design

"Again, Alexis, thank you for giving me a chance and believing in me. I want to stress I do not want to be involved in this war with Sabryn."


"Jo, I really hate repeating myself. I mean what I say, and believe me, I say what I mean."


"Understood." She gets up and shakes Alexis's hand. Alexis stands up and walks from around her desk and hugs her.


"I'll be in contact. And please remember, I have a lot invested in you, so please, make sure all the skeleton's in your closet are taken care of. Trust me we all have them." Jodie pauses and instantly thinks of her prostitution days back in Cleveland and her resulting HIV pos. status.

Jodie, wondering if she made a stupid choice in agreeing to model

"You won't have nothing to worry about." She reassures herself, and vowing not to let her past or her health get in the way of living a prosperous life. Jodie leaves Divine Design, feeling like a brand new woman, a woman who will not let anything hinder her or get in the way of her happiness.

662005s_city_hall_pasadena-1.jpgPasadena City Jailjailcell.jpg

Bryan walks over to Sabryn's holding cell


"I got here as soon as Gilbert called me. What the hell happened?"


"Hurricane Alexis."


"Sabryn come on. You're pregnant. This is not like you. What is going on with you?"


"I'm stressed the hell out. It's one thing after another. It's like Alexis and Ashley are controlling my life. Even from the grave, that Bitch and her sister is causing me grief. It's like a war"


"Since when are you the one to feed into such bs. "


"I wouldn't have too if you would have kept your d!ck in your pants. I didn't sleep with Ashley. You did. I would have never have known her if wasn't for you."


"I told you time and time again. I am sorry for cheating on you. If you're going to keep throwing her up in my face then-"




"I don't get you. You agreed to give us a 2nd chance. Even before I knew you were pregnant, we were already making our back to repairing things between us. Now you want to go back and throw my affair in my face. I didn't ask you to attack Alexis. You should have just called security. Your doing what Alexis wants you to do. And now look at where you're at. You're going to have to remain behind bars until the trial."


"Please don't remind me." She says wiping tears from her eyes. Bryan shakes his head at her


"I don't even know what to do. I can't bear the thought of you, and my child behind bars. Sabryn, I really can't believe you allowed this to happen." Without saying another word he walks out. For the first time in a LONG time, Bryan is upset and disgusted with Sabryn. She calls out after him

"Bryan……You're going to walk away from me like that!" He leaves and now is out of eye sight. Sabryn lays down on her cot and rubs her baby growing inside of her. She looks up at the ceiling, letting tears fall from her face. Sabryn has fallen from grace.

100_0062.jpgNight has fallen in the City of Pasadena

Back in Westwood Parknightviewofwestwoodpark.jpg

Rufus, in his tooter booter,oldcar.jpg sits down the street from Natalia's house. As he looks in his rearview mirror and applies lipstick to his lips, he sees Natalia walking out her house in his peripheral vision with what seems to be a picnic basket. Natalia gets in her car and drives to Mark's house. "Good. I always could get Mark to do what I wanted some how. This will give me time to get to know little miss thang a bit more." Rufus gets out his car. Upon crossing the street in his stilettos, Rufus trips and stumbles upon walking up on the curb. "Damn it to hell" Rufus slowly stands back up and gets his balance back. He walks over toward the back of Natalia's house and breaks in the back door…………


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WHAT IN THE HELL IS RUFUS... PLANNING? - Man, I love it - really enjoy the scenes between Jenn and Ria, and Jo with Alexis... Poor Jodie, it seem like her little screts are coming to bite her... Cant wait for the big reveal!!! 4 Stars!!!!

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Well I knew that Rufus was going to show her true colors and this episode definitely showed it. Rufus is so much fun because a.) she's a he and b.) she's whacked out of her mind. Mark can be such a dufus at times. He and Daniel should talk about not getting involved with people who can mess up your lives.

Jodie's an idiot for not seeing the war between Sabryn and Alexis. Though I'm enjoying that it's going to be exciting to see the girls battle it out. It kind of reminded me of AMC's Fusion girls. Ria cracked me up with Jenn's alcoholic talk. Jenn can be so pathetic at times that if Ria was smart she could brainwash this woman so easily.

Bryan needs to either grow a pair or move on. She doesn't want you and she's nothing but trouble though it is nice to see a tortured soul in love. In speaking of tortured souls, can't wait to find out what Rufus does to Natalia.

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