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Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee




Anna is in her suite packing her bags, hoping she is making the right decision. She tries to convince herself she is as Tony is not going to let up and there is nothing really keeping her in Salem anyway. She agrees she is making decision and finishes packing as the scene shifts downstairs...

To the lounge, where Tony is having a drink and thinking about his meeting with Anna. He then gulps down the rest of drink and says he just can't sit around and give her space. He knows she still loves him but something, or someone, is keeping her from admitting it. Tony leaves a tip and races off to Anna's suite...just missing Anna, who gets off the elevator with her luggage and walks down the lobby.

Meanwhile, Tony gets off the elevator and reaches Anna's suite. He finds a note taped to the door with his name on it. Tony opens it and reads aloud:

My dearest Tony,

I figured you would come after me eventually after I raced out earlier so I left this letter. I didn't just want to leave without telling you why I am leaving Salem so, quite simply, my reasoning is that I know you won't give up. I know you love me and I love you. I always have and always will.

It's not about that and, rest assured, that no one is poisoning my mind against you. This is all me. This is about the fact that I can't put myself through all the pain again, Tony. I don't want to be hurt and I don't want to hurt you. Please understand and please don't come after me. Please...just let me go. Do it for yourself. Do it for me.


Tony crumples the note in frustration and races off in hopes that he can stop Anna from leaving as the scene shifts to...

Nicole's suite as her cell rings. As she sips a brandy, she answers it. It's Orpheus, who tells her there has been a change of plans. He has just learned Anna is on her way out of Salem and they must act now. He orders Nicole to get to the airport and to buy a ticket so she can get through airport security and into the terminal . Nicole says she better be reimbursed. Orpheus just tells her to do what she is told and says to call when she gets there. He hangs up as an annoyed Nicole reluctantly puts her drink down and races off as the scene shifts to the...


Alice comforts an emotional Julie, who can't believe that Doug is gone. Alice apologizes again, saying she was so sure that they would reunite. Julie wishes she had the chance to talk to him. Alice says she is sorry she just missed him. Julie looks up and admits she never heard Alice say that. Alice says she did when Julie first arrived. Julie concludes that it must have slipped her mind due to the shock of Alice's news. Julie wonders if she can still catch him. Alice says it's worth a try. Julie kisses Alice and tells her to wish her luck. Alice does as Julie races off and the scene shifts to...


Steve arrives and tells Hope he got her message to meet. Hope says she figured it was a good time after hearing Kayla had a shift at the hospital and with Bo dealing with police stuff. Steve points out that Hope mentioned having a solution to the Nicole problem on the phone. Hope says she thinks she does. Hope points out that they can't go along with Nicole's demands and hurt Carrie and Alyson, not to mention the affect it would have on Evan and Sam in the long-term.

Steve agrees and says he wouldn't want to destroy the lives of others just to preserve their secrets, especially with Carrie involved, who is family. Hope says her idea is that she calls Carrie and convinces her to return to Salem and he can go and talk to Alyson per Nicole's orders. This way, it makes it look like they made an effort and they can tell Nicole they are working on her demands. It will buy them some time to come up with a long-term solution.

Hope then adds that she will warn Carrie about Nicole upon her arrival in Salem, should she come, and Steve can warn Alyson. Nicole won't find out a thing since neither Carrie or Alyson will say anything to her due to their hatred of her. Steve thinks it's not a bad idea and it's worth a try. He does think it could backfire as Nicole may want results now. Hope thinks they will have to take a chance and hope it pays off for now or, at least long enough to find a permanent solution.

Steve says he is in and he will go and speak with Alyson right now while Kayla is out. Hope says she has Carrie's number from Caroline and will go give her a call now. Steve hopes this works. Hope says she does too as it's not the best plan but it's all they got. Steve tells Hope to stay in touch. Hope tells him the same and sighs deeply after he leaves, hoping everything goes well as the scene shifts to...


Will and Lucas are at Sami's bedside. Will is still shaken up about what happened earlier with him being followed. He is sure someone is stalking the both of them and reminds Lucas of the previous instances in which he has felt the same way. Lucas thinks Will is just being paranoid and tells him Abe has a guard with them just in case there is a threat. He tells Will to just calm down and promises him everything is going to work out for their family. Will isn't so sure and thinks he is going to lose both of them. Lucas embraces him and promises that isn't going to happen.

Meanwhile, in another part of the hospital, Patricia and Joelle exit off the elevator. Patricia is assuring Joelle the rape test doesn't hurt at all but they do need it for evidence against Lucas. Joelle wonders if they can put it off longer. Patricia reminds Joelle they have been doing that all day and that is why Lucas was released on bail so easily. They have no case without the rape test backing her up. Patricia points out that Joelle has been hesitant since reporting the rape early this morning and she wants to know why that is the case. Joelle is silent. Patricia tells Joelle she better not be lying because that would bring a whole lot of trouble and her career would take a major hit. Joelle doesn't answer. Patricia asks again why she doesn't want to take the test.

Lucas comes in and interrupts, saying he would like to know himself. Patricia tells him to back off and says Joelle is just scared but she knows what she has to do. Joelle and Lucas stare into each other's eyes. Joelle then says she will do it and will take the test now. Patricia is pleased and drags Joelle off, saying they need to take it right away. Lucas watches them leave and tells Joelle she knows he didn't do it and he knows it too, even if he can't remember last night. Patricia and Joelle look back nervously at him and then walk off as a worried Lucas sighs deeply and the scene shifts to...


Victor is still on one knee, waiting for an answer to his marriage proposal. Victor tells Maggie he is getting nervous. Maggie then smiles as tears stream down her face and says that of course she will marry him. Victor gets up, takes her in his arms and embraces her lovingly. They then kiss passionately. Victor then slips the ring on her finger and promises that he will make it his task each and every day to protect her and to make her the happiest women on this earth because she is so deserving. Maggie tells Victor he is deserving of happiness too and she hopes to make him just as happy as he makes her. They then kiss again. We then see a romantic montage of them kissing and holding each other in each other's arms, eating the romantic dinner Victor had put together with his kitchen staff, dancing together closely among the candlelight, and then more kissing and holding each other which leads to a long walk up to the bedroom where passion ignites and they make love.

Later, Victor and Maggie bask in the afterglow of their beautiful and memorable night together, commenting how it couldn't be any more perfect. Victor tells Maggie that everything that has happened has made him realize how short and fragile life is and he didn't want to wait. He wanted to live every day to the fullest and doesn't want to risk missing another chance to be happy. Maggie says she knows that feeling all too well and asks if he is saying he wants to get married sooner rather then later. Victor nods and says he would if that is ok with her. Maggie throws out Christmas, citing how important it is to her family, but Victor thinks it's too short notice. Maggie points out New Year's Eve. Victor reminds Maggie of his wedding to Nicole on New Year's and other bad memories of that night but thinks, ultimately, it's a good idea to erase some of those from the memories he has of past New Year's. They can start the new year right and with a clean slate he hopes is full of happiness and joy for them and their loved ones.

Victor and Maggie agree it's settled then. Maggie says it's a good thing Max and her are ahead on the club construction so that it doesn't suffer as she plans this but wonders how she can get it together. Victor says he will pull some strings and promises it will all come together. She will have the wedding of her dreams. He promises. Maggie smiles as she kisses him and says she can't wait to be Mrs. Maggie Kiriakis. Victor smiles and kisses her back as they then begin to make love a second time as the scene shifts to...


Anna is sitting and waiting in the terminal for her flight and is shocked when Doug shows up. Doug asks if she is going to Paris too. Anna nods and says it looks like they are traveling together. She asks why he is leaving Salem. Doug says he just needs to move on and doesn't want to hurt Julie again or be hurt. He just can't seem to get past what she did. Anna thinks they are in the same boat as she feels the same about Tony. She knows he won't let up and there is nothing in Salem for her now anyway. She thinks it's best to finally just get out of dodge.. Doug agrees and says they share that thinking.

Meanwhile, Nicole arrives and is walking the terminal and sees Anna with Doug. She calls Orpheus and tells him she is at the airport and sees Anna with Doug and thinks they are flying together. Orpheus is pleased and tells Nicole to just listen to the following instructions he is about to give her. Nicole says fine and that she is listening as she watches Anna sitting with Doug from afar. The screen then divides into a split screen of Nicole lurking, Anna and Doug at the airport, and both Julie and Tony driving in their cars in a race against time to stop Doug and Anna as the scene freezes and then fades to black.




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Very good episode it was very smooth. I got a couple question if you guys don't mind?

Who is Alison? And why does Nicole want to hurt Carrie?

Nicole is all over the place being bad. I love it.

Did Lucas actually rape that poor girl. My jaw dropped when I read that. I also love how Sami and Lucas will be having a custody battle. I miss these two going at it.

Another surprise for me was Vic, and Maggie, Did I miss that? But I love it. Wow First Steve and Hope and now these two. I was also praying Vic would not have a heart attack having numerous love sessions with Mags. Damn is he on Viagra. Great scenes though. Loved it. So nice and tender.

Great episode guys, I see I'm going to have to read much more often

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  aMLCproduction said:
Very good episode it was very smooth. I got a couple question if you guys don't mind?

Who is Alison? And why does Nicole want to hurt Carrie?

Nicole is all over the place being bad. I love it.

Did Lucas actually rape that poor girl. My jaw dropped when I read that. I also love how Sami and Lucas will be having a custody battle. I miss these two going at it.

Another surprise for me was Vic, and Maggie, Did I miss that? But I love it. Wow First Steve and Hope and now these two. I was also praying Vic would not have a heart attack having numerous love sessions with Mags. Damn is he on Viagra. Great scenes though. Loved it. So nice and tender.

Great episode guys, I see I'm going to have to read much more often

Not at all.

Alyson came with her mother, Jean, to Salem in September. She had a brief fling with Eric that produced a child, Sam. Nicole is jealous that she has a child with Eric and feels Eric would want her to raise the child and not some girl he had a one night stand with that kept the fact that they had a child a secret for over a year. Alyson's mother is in a coma right now due to the attack on her life my Michael Myers in October.

Carrie gave up her child with Austin, Evan, last February and the child ended up with Eric and Nicole via Orpheus. Nicole learned how she ended up with Evan and began working with Orpheus to protect the secret (he more or less blackmailed her). Everything was exposed in June and Carrie ended up getting her child back. Eric and Austin died during the cruise ship story and Nicole fell apart and wanted Evan back, feeling she was more of a mother to him and that Eric and Austin would want it that way. Nicole now wants revenge on Carrie and the whole Brady family due to their hypocritical treatment of her.

Sami and Lucas are not involved in a custody battle. Sami is in a coma after being shot and Lucas has the rape story to deal with.

Victor and Maggie have been together off and on for over a year.

Hope that helps. :)

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