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#57 Thursday, November 15th



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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    • Greenlee

Thursday, November 15th (delayed episode)

B.P.'s gun just went off and Norm is on the ground, the bullet having just missed him. B.P. runs off into the wooded area, trying throw Norm and Wilkins off.


Wilkins: You all right, man?


Norm: Yeah, the bullet didn't hit me.

Wilkins: Come on, let's see if we can catch him.

Norm: Let's hurry.

Wilkins goes one way and Norm goes another.



At the McGregor, Estelle has stopped by to see Anna.


Estelle: I apologize for stopping by like this, but it's about a matter requires your immediate attention.


Anna: No problem.

Estelle: The investors want us to select a contractor soon so we can start building.

Anna: I'd like a little more time to sort this out, there's a potential for cost overruns and I want to get all that taken care of.

How soon do they want a decision?

Estelle: Tomorrow afternoon.

Anna: Oh, great. How are we supposed to figure out the details by then?

Do you think they would except a phased construction?

Estelle: I doubt it.

Anna: (sighs) I guess we ought to round up the joint board of directors for a meeting tommorrow morning.

Estelle: This will be the first time doing that and judging by the members, it will be a fractious meeting, a clash of corporate minds.

Anna: I've dealt with worse. This has to be worked out, my company has a lot riding on this.

Estelle: As does mine. By the way, are you leaning toward any of the contractors yet?

Anna: There is one. Lightner, I like the record they have and their building design.

I've met with the head of the company, George and he seems like a good businessman. There's something

about him that reminds of someone, but I can't put my finger on who it is.


Yvette is in her office, there's a knock at the door.


Yvette: Come in.

Teddy walks in.

Yvette: You have anything good for me?


Teddy: You bet.

Teddy hands her a small stack of papers. Yvette looks through them.

Yvette: Oh, my goodness.

Teddy: It's shocking how many bad business decisions she's made have caused problems for others.

Yvette: This also says she was partned with people who ran half a dozen ponzi schemes.

Teddy: That's not all, keep reading, check out the part that says "Silver Hills Savings and Loan".

Yvette: How on earth is she even still doing business after all these mistakes?

Teddy: A lot of this stuff got buried because she had people in the right places cover it up, but

with a little digging I found it. But, if half of her investors found out about this, she'd be washed up.

Yvette: I know, a businessperson with any would stay away from a person with a record like this.

Well, you've done good work, Teddy and as promised you'll be getting the other half of your fee.

Yvette hands him an envelope.

Teddy: Thank you.

Yvette: No, thank you.

Teddy leaves. Yvette leans back in her chair and smiles.

Yvette: Now lets see who can make threats.

Yvette picks up her phone and dials a number.

Yvette: (into phone) Hi, I've never done this before, so I don't know how it works, but I have

a little item for your paper, how soon can you fit it in? That soon? Sounds great. Do you have a paper and pen ready?



Norm and Wilkins are still trying to find B.P. in the woods. Norm is looking around a patch of trees, when he hears a gun cock.


B.P.: Maybe this time I won't miss.

Norm turns around to see B.P. aiming his gun.

B.P.: This time you don't have the P.I. to help you. (chuckles)

Norm: Why are you doing all this?

B.P.: Because no one crosses me and gets away with it.

Norm: You are insane.

B.P.: You know what? Maybe I am insane, but one thing I'm not is a fool.

Norm: This stops now, you've caused my family enough trouble.

B.P.: I'll be the one who says when anything stops.

B.P. steps back, unaware he's close to the edge of a cliff.

B.P.: Now you just turn around and head back to town, pretend you never saw me and no one gets hurt.

Norm: I can't do that.

B.P.: All right, have it your way.

B.P. prepares to shoot, but as he steps back again, he stumbles over a root. Norm watches in shock as B.P. begins to fall backward down the hill and then takes a steep plunge off the cliff into the icy water below, disappearing in the current. Fade to black.



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Love the castings of Estelle and Anna

BP sure did have it coming to him. Now this mystery is over and I wonder what is going to happen from here.

Didn't really know what was going on with Teddy and Yvette. But we'll see where it goes. Can't wait for the next episode

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