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In the ballroom, the emergency lights have now popped on. Victor tells Maggie that his people are working on the power but that the generators should be working any moment now. Maggie smiles and says she loves watching him in action like this. Victor says he is happy he can please her. They kiss. Meanwhile, a mysterious person is near the elevators lurking and walking around suspiciously. The person looks at the elevators and then turns around to see if anyone is watching. The person then enters the staircase.
Bo and Kayla are talking with Caroline, Alice, Max, Stephanie, and Frankie about Hope and Steve. Caroline wonders if they should be worried since no one seems to have seen them since the power outage. Bo doesn't think they have reason to yet. Kayla then takes Bo aside and tells him she thinks this has something to do with the trips they have taken. She wonders if they should talk to Tony. Bo doesn't think so, saying that even if he knew something it's likely he would cover for them since Steve and Hope would've considered that possibility. Kayla tells Bo she has an awful feeling that something is going on as the scene shifts to...
Hope and Steve in the elevator. Hope stops screaming and pounding on the door. Steve tells her there is nothing they can do until the generators or the main power comes on. He thinks they should make the best of it and talks things out. He then pulls out Gina's diary and tells Hope he thinks they should start by reading the last entry. Hope asks why he won't give this up despite knowing it could destroy all their lives.
Steve: I don't want to spend the rest of my life wondering. I want to know where I was all those years and what I did. You know most of that, Hope. I don't. Why don't you think about the other side of this and what I have to do deal with?
Hope: Then read the final entry yourself. You don't need me. I don't want to be a part of it anymore. I know what I need to know. Your Chelsea's father. We slept together.
Steve: You need to be a part of this because this is your past too, Hope. I know you would regret it someday if you didn't know what that last entry said. If you had a missing piece from your life floating out there, you would want to know about. You know that as well as I do.
Hope: I just want to get out of here and leave the past where it is. We've come too close to losing control. I'm not going to give in to the past...to these feeling now. Too many people will get hurt.
Steve: Well, you can't run anywhere so I guess I will go ahead and read this (opens diary and turns to last entry).
Hope: I just won't listen then (covers her ears).
Steve begins to read Gina's final entry.
Steve: The escape plan was a disaster. Patch and I made it out of our room and found this secret passage. We took it but were captured. The guards pulled us apart and said that we would never see each other again. I told him I loved him but couldn't even say goodbye to the man who had made my life worth living while in this prison. I may never seem him again.
Hope begins to lower her hands away from her ears as Steve continues to read.
Steve: The man I thought was my soulmate. The man who I loved with my whole heart. I need to tell him how much he means to me so I am writing this not as a normal entry but as a goodbye letter to the man I love. Patch, I hope that you know how special you made me feel. Every day I spent with you was a treasure.
Tears stream down Hope's face as Steve seems to be fighting tears to as he reads.
Steve: Every day with you was a wonderful adventure. You like an angel sent to me by God to save me from a life of loneliness and sadness. You made me feel alive and made me forget that I was in this depressing place. I don't know if I ever loved anyone before like I loved you and I don't care because I can honestly tell you right now that I don't think I will ever love anyone like I love you. You lit up my life with your charm and that gorgeous smile. You made me laugh. You were my confidante. My knight in shining armor. You were everything to me and my hope is that you find this wherever I leave it so you will know how much you meant to me. I love you, Patch. Don't ever forget that just as I will never forget you and our time together. Love, Gina.
Steve closes the diary and wipes tears from his eyes. Hope does the same. Steve asks if she is ok. Hope then has a flashback to the day the guards took "Patch" away from her, "Gina." All Hope can hear is her bloodcurdling screams as Gina and her yelling to Patch/Steve that she loves him and him yelling the same back to her. Steve asks her again if she is ok. Hope then runs into his arms. Hope and Steve tenderly embrace each other as the lights come back on and the elevator begins to move. Hope and Steve break from their embrace. Hope tells Steve she will just hit a button so they can get off Hope hits one of the floor buttons to stop the elevator and panics when it doesn't work.
Steve tells her it's common after a blackout for an elevator to need to be reset, especially if it was in the process of moving prior to the outage. Hope asks if he is telling her it's not going to stop. Steve tells her to hang on to him. Steve takes Hope in his arms as the elevator continues to speed upwards. Hope screams just as the screen goes black and a loud crash can be heard. The scene then shifts to...

Billie walks over to Miranda and asks how she knows so much about her past. Miranda looks at her and pulls out a file that was written by a current I.S.A. agent who was around back then. She then turns and smiles knowingly at Kate. Kate is confused and troubled at the same time because she doesn’t understand where this is leading.
Miranda then opens the file and starts reading. It is in her own words, as she starts......
Miranda: I still can’t believe what happened. It’s a damn shame. That poor girl does not deserve to have a mother who sleeps with men for money. And now......I have a choice. Either tell my sister, Kate......the truth.......
Or let it die right here.
Everyone is stunned, except Kate. A tear falls from her eye, as her younger sister continues....
Miranda: That is the reason I never talked about that night. I had seen Kate with so many men over the years. Mom would have died if she knew what she was doing. But, this certain man.......I had seen him before. Living with Kate wasn’t easy. She was never there and, when she was, her bedroom door was closed. But, I just ignored what she did and who she was........
Until that night.
Billie then starts putting things together, but asks her aunt to.....
Billie: Please. Keep reading.
Miranda: (Looking back down at the file) When I walked to the door, Kate must have forgotten to lock it. It was one of her regulars, and I knew that because I have seen him before. I didn’t realize later who he was, but........
When I opened the door, there she was...........in bed..........with who I now know was Orpheus. When I joined the I.S.A., I had done my research, and found out that he was an agent at the time. All Kate could do was look at me with sadness and, as he looked at her........
I just closed the door.
Billie looks at Kate and asks if this is true. All a sobbing Kate can say is.....
Kate: I’m so sorry.

Anna is still outside, shielding herself from the storm. She knows she has to get inside to tell Roman and the others what Billie instructed her to tell them. She notices the guard at the front is gone and figures he is dealing with something related to the blackout. She goes over to the main doors and sees him standing inside. She then decides to go around the building to see if there is another entrance. She does just that and comes across a service entrance.
Anna sees caterers and ball workers going in and out and tells one of them that she ran out to her car and doesn't want to walk up the staircase alone since it's still quite dark. She asks if she can go in this entrance with them. The male caterer notices she is dressed for the ball and says there should not be a problem. He lets her in front of him and they walk in the service entrance.
Tony is with Patricia, who wonders how long it's going to be until the lights come back on. Tony assures her it should be soon. He then sees Anna come out of the staircase. Tony points out they seem to have enough light to move around and then asks if Patricia would like to dance. Patricia is shocked he would want to dance now, especially with pre-recorded music playing out of a stereo. Tony tells her they don't have much else to do so why not give it a whirl. It's quite relaxing. Patricia agrees.
As Tony and Patricia move across the dance floor, other couples follow suite. Roman and Marlena, Victor and Maggie, and others hit the dance floor and begin to dance. Doug asks Alice if she would to take a spin. She smiles and says she may need some help. He says he will do all the heavy lifting. Doug helps her to her feet and they dance. Jack asks Abby if he can have this dance. She smiles and agrees. Anna watches Tony and Patricia dance and her face turns to one of jealousy. Tony then looks at her and they both lock eyes. He then smiles, causing her to say she hates him and then to walk off in a rage, seemingly forgetting the important info she was told to pass on by Billie.
Alyson and Alex sit at the bar. She says it's still kind of dark in the room but it's nice. It sets a relaxing mood for her. Alex admits he likes sitting in a room with nothing but candlelight, especially when he is writing. Alyson is shocked to hear he is a writer and asks what he likes to write. Alex says he likes to write anything because he loves to do it. He loves expressing his feelings on paper. Alyson smiles and says she likes to read so maybe she can read something he wrote. Alex tells her he would like that. They both smile at each other.
Philip comes running in and over to Victor. He tells him he did as instructed and made a statement to the press about the power outage and what they are doing about it. Victor thanks him and says he just keeps proving himself more and more everyday. Nico then comes over to Victor and tells him he is needed backstage. Victor excuses himself as Belle walks over and asks Philip what he is doing there.
Philip says he had to handle some PR stuff since his family put on this event. She asks if he really had to come all the way up to do that. Philip admits he wanted to come up and make sure everyone was alright and he had to see if his father needed anything else since cell phone service is in and out with the weather. He then asks if she is ok. Belle says she is fine. She's with her family. Philip stares at her and she asks what is wrong. Philip tells her he had forgotten how beautiful she looked in the candlelight.
Belle points out the room isn't just being lit by candles now. Phillip says he knows but still. Belle reminds him that he has to prove himself to her quite a bit more if he even wants her to give him the time of day. Philip says he knows and he plans to do just that. He promises to show her that he can be the man she fell in love with. Belle tells him she hopes he does and then walks off as Phiip watches her leave and smiles.
Roman holds Marlena in his arms and tells her the generators should be up and running soon. She tells him it's ok. She's with her big, strong man. They kiss as Caroline comes over and tells them that Steve and Hope are still missing and they are all beginning to worry. Roman and Marlena go with Caroline to join the others. Roman asks Bo and Kayla if they tried calling their cells. Bo says service is out with the storm and admits he is really worried, especially with the storm and blackout.
Meanwhile, Hope and Steve pick themselves off the elevator floor. Steve has a big gash on his head. They notice the elevator door is now open. Steve says it must have opened on impact when they hit the top of the shaft. Steve notices Hope is hyperventilating. She says she needs some air and runs out of the elevator. She looks around and goes out a door, which leads to the rook of the building. Steve, holding his head, asks what she is doing as it's raining outside. Hope says she just needs air. She just had the hell scared out of her.
Steve walks over to Hope and tells her it's ok now. Hope says it's ok thanks to him. He took most of the impact when the elevator hit the top. She would've gotten hurt if not for him. She asks how his head is. Steve asks how she thinks it is. She touches the gash and takes a look at it and flashes back to the night where, as Gina, she took tended to Steve/Patch's wounds. Hope closes her eyes. Steve asks if she is ok. Hope doesn't answer. He asks if it's a memory. Hope opens her eyes. Steve says he just had one too.
They then lock eyes as the sight of lightening and the sound of thunder are prevalent. The rain pours down on both of them and the wind is picking up.
Hope: It's not safe out here.
Steve: Yeah. In more ways then one...
They both look into each other's eyes. We then see a montage of their time as "Gina" and "Patch" at Maison Blanche. Their first meeting, playing a board game, her tending to his wounds the night he got beat up for her, dancing a waltz, their first kiss, the time they nearly made love, the night they made love, laughing together, and them both being torn apart by guards and screaming how much they love each other...all those memories keep playing repeatedly in both their minds. Hope and Steve keep leaning in...closer....and closer...and closer...until they end up in a passionate kiss.
Hope breaks from the kiss and looks into Steve's eyes. She then kisses him again, only this time more aggressively. As the rain soaks them and the lightning and thunder continue to make their presence felt, Steve and Hope keep going at it and end up against the wall. She tears off Steve's tuxedo coat and bow tie. He lets her hair out of it's bun and begins to pull off her dress. Hope then breaks away suddenly and says they are making a mistake. She collects herself and pulls her dress strap up and races off. Steve follows her as she races down the staircase and the scene shifts to...

Orpheus has had enough and tells his men to remove Billie and Miranda. She then says to Billie........
Miranda: The lovebirds must want to be alone. Damn. Where are you two going to do it this time? Right here on the floor?
Kate: Shut up, you BITCH!
Miranda: Rather be a bitch than a whore, sis.
Kate: You didn’t have to tell her. Billie is innocent in this.
Miranda: When Mom found out, it killed her. And you still didn’t stop. You ruined us, Kate. Just returning past debts, my dear.
Kate: Not like this, Miranda.
Miranda: If you weren’t all over him, nobody would have known. Blame yourself, sis. Not me.

Julie walks over to Doug and tells him she is glad he came tonight. She asks if he can at least listen to her for a few minutes. Doug tells her he knows what she is going to say and it won't change a thing. They're through and he is leaving Salem tomorrow. He will send divorce papers by mail. Julie asks why he hasn't already left. He said weeks ago he was leaving. Doug says circumstances with Hope kept him there and he is worried about Hope right now. He says he needs to go check in with Bo to see if he knows anything about Hope.
Julie tells Doug to stop lying. They both know his heart is telling him not to go and they both know if he really wanted to go, he would've already. Doug says he has to go. Julie tells him if Bo found anything he would come and get him. Doug walks off as Julie watches and smiles, saying that Doug still loves her and she just needs to find a way to have him realize it and admit it to himself.
Will is with Lucas, Alice, and Maggie. Maggie is telling Alice and Lucas about the storm and the power situation. Will still can't shake the feeling he is being watched. He looks over and sees Joelle still sitting at the bar and figures it must be her. He then turns around as the mystery person continues to watch Lucas and Will from nearby and then turns his or her attention to Joelle at the bar. Joelle looks over at Lucas and Will and promises that Lucas' life will be in ruins when she is through with him.
Abe tells Celeste that he thinks they should go home as soon as the power comes back on fully to check on Theo. Celeste agrees and tells Abe she is getting very bad vibrations. She feels danger and death in the air tonight. Lexie walks by and Abe grabs her and tells her she shouldn't be walking around alone. The room could go totally dark again at any moment. Lexie pulls her arm away from Abe and says she doesn't need him looking out for her. She reminds him of their impending divorce.
Celeste tells Lexie about her vibrations and warns her that it's not the time to be taking chances. Lexie says she doesn't need to be told what to do by either of them. They are nothing to her now and that will be especially true when she has full custody of Theo. She then walks off as Celeste admits to Abe she is really worried about Lexie and all their loved ones tonight. She feels that tonight will change lives and that many horrors lie ahead.
Abby goes over to Forrest, who tells her he is trying to get a signal on his phone and nothing. Service must still be out. Abby asks what he is going to do about Lawrence. He tells Abby all they can do is keep an eye out. They all just need to be vigilant. Max comes over and asks if everything is ok. Abby says everything is fine and that Max isn't needed. Max says fine and walks away. Forrest admits he feels sorry for Max. Abby says she doesn't. He brought this on himself. Forrest asks Abby if she doesn't see herself as being a little to harsh. Abby tells Forrest that harsh was what Max did to her. He deserves everything he gets.
Tony and Patricia are now back at the bar. She says she enjoyed their dance but saw him looking at some blonde woman. She asks who he was trying to make jealous. He tells her to nevermind. He then looks over and sees Stefano with Cassie. Patricia tells Tony his daughter seems upset. She thinks he should go to her. Tony thinks she may be right and says he will be right back.
Meanwhile, Cassie tells Stefano this blackout is a sign. She needs to admit what she did before Greta recalls everything and tells the police. She may get a lenient sentence if she turns herself in. Stefano tells her she is doing nothing. He admits he is to blame because he made her feel like she had to prove herself to him. He apologizes for that and says:
Stefano: I am responsible for Greta's hit and run. Ok. Don't worry, my dear. No one will find out a thing.
Tony then comes up right behind Stefano and says he knew it. He motions over to Patricia to come over. She does and Tony tells her he has her man. Stefano just admitted to being responsible for Greta's hit and run. Stefano tells Tony he doesn't know what he is talking about and that he misunderstood. Tony tells Stefano he heard it very clearly and tells Patricia that Stefano is her man.
Cassie begins to tremble and tells Tony to stop. Tony tells Cassie she shouldn't even be near Stefano. He is a bad influence. Cassie says that Stefano didn't do it. Tony tells Cassie not to make excuses for Stefano. Cassie says she's not. She knows he didn't do it. Stefano sees tears streaming down Cassie's face and notices her shaking. He tells Cassie not to it. Tony asks what he is talking about. Cassie then shocks both Tony and Patricia and says:
Cassie: Stefano didn't hit Greta. I did.
Tony and Patricia are stunned as Stefano puts his hand over his face in frustration and Cassie breaks down in tears.
Kayla takes Bo aside and tells him she thinks they need to start looking for Steve and Hope. He thinks she is right. Bo tells Caroline that Kayla and him are going off to look for them. Caroline wishes them luck as they race off. The scene then shifts to...
Steve, who is chasing Hope down a staircase. The scene happens in slow motion as we see Hope running down the stairs and Steve following close behind. Hope finally exits the staircase on the 14th floor, which is a floor filled with offices. She wonders what she is going to do as she can't go back to the ballroom like this. Steve then comes in and tells Hope not to run away. Hope then turns around and looks at Steve. Both of them are soaked and disheveled. The memories of their past as "Gina" and "Patch" continue to repeat themselves over and over in their minds.
Steve and Hope are once again are looking deep into each other's eyes. The sound of thunder and the sight of lightning don't seem to affect Steve and Hope. They both then flashback to the guards pulling her away from him. Hope begins to cry and then races into Steve's arms. She looks up at him and says:
Hope: I don't want to run anymore.
She then kisses him passionately. Steve breaks from the kiss and looks at her and then goes back to kissing her. They slam up against the wall as they go at it. Hope unbuttons Steve's shirt as he reaches for a doorknob and opens it. They make their way into an office, still kissing. Steve closes the door behind them but is unaware that it is not completely closed. Hope pulls his shirt off and begins to unbutton his pants as he slides her dress off. They fall on to a couch in the office and begin to make love.
Outside the office, a mystery person roams the halls and ends up outside the office door. The person opens the office door a bit more and watches as Steve and Hope passionately make love and the scene shifts to...
Anna, who is in the ladies room, wondering how Tony could dance with that woman just to piss her off. Anna then realizes she forgot all about telling Roman and the others what she was supposed to tell them and races out to the ballroom. Roman is with Marlena, Stephanie, Caroline, Frankie, Max, Jack, Abe, Celeste, and Maggie and tells them he thinks they should all split up to look for Steve and Hope. Victor comes over and says the generators are having some trouble but the power should be fully back on soon.
An out of breath Anna then races over and tells Roman she is so sorry she almost forgot to tell him with everything going on. Roman tells him to calm down and asks when she got there, saying he didn't notice her before. Anna says that doesn't matter. She needs to tell him something important. She says that Billie and Kate are in danger. Jack asks what she means.
Anna tells him that Kate was taken by Orpheus and Billie got a call from her and followed. She gives Roman the location directions Kate gave to Billie on the phone. Anna adds that Kate was worried Orpheus would hurt her because she found out something. Roman asks what that is.
Anna: It's Sami....he has her, Roman. Kate saw her. Sami's alive, Roman.
Roman, Marlena, and everyone else look on stunned as the scene shifts to...

Sami sits in her room, hoping that Kate seeing her may be the breakthrough she needed and that her putting up a fight gave Kate enough time to run off and escape. She prays to God that this is the night she finally returns to her family. Meanwhile...
Billie wipes her eyes and asks if Orpheus was just a one time thing. When Kate looks down in shame, Miranda pipes in. She says she found Kate after she left her home some years later and wanted to start fresh. By that time, Kate had left the business, so she really felt they could be sisters.
Miranda says Kate was the sister she remembered.........full of life and energy, and very loving and kind towards her. That was......until she met and married that !@#$%^&*] Curtis Reed. She still didn’t know then what Kate was thinking........until she got pregnant with Austin.
She then says that she later found out Curtis would leave for days at a time, because he didn’t want to be around a “Crying brat”, as he called Austin. Kate loved that little boy so much........and he was the only wonderful thing in her life. But, she was lonely, and that was when........
She met up with Orpheus again.
Billie asks if this is true and Kate just nods her head. A still crying Kate asks Miranda to stop now but she feels Billie must know the truth. Miranda continues, saying that he was an agent then and couldn’t have the distraction of a lady at that time. So........
He ended the affair and, from what she gathered, hadn’t seen Kate at all........until recently. Billie asks if Curtis knew and Kate says that if he had,........he would have killed her. She asks if Austin or Lucas know. Kate says Austin was a little boy and didn’t say anything to either one because nothing ever came of it. Kate slowly walks over to Billie, wanting to comfort her desperately.
When asked what Curtis did at this time, Kate says he was gone all the time. Either on ships doing merchant marine work or who knows what else. At one point,.......he was gone for a year and it was the happiest year of her life. She finally had some peace. Billie looks away for a moment and then back at Kate and Miranda. A thunderstorm starts up as Orpheus tells one of his men to close the glass doors. He then says he’s tired of the Memory Lane talk........
And tells them that it is over. As he walks over and takes Billie’s arm, she jerks away. Billie then steps forward and asks a question........
Billie: I have to know. Were you and Curtis still sleeping together?
Kate: Why would you ask that?
Billie: Why? Because during the year he was gone.........I was born. Around Austin’s second birthday.
Kate and Orpheus look stunned but Miranda doesn’t. That is when she steps forward...........opens the file back up........and hands a paper to Kate. Kate looks at it and, a few moments later.....
Realizes that it is a blood type report. Billie’s blood type. It also has the date on it. When Orpheus demands to know what’s going on, Kate looks at Billie, who is crying uncontrollably now, as Billie asks a very shocking question........
Billie: Is it true, Kate? Is this bastard.........MY FATHER?!
All Kate can do is look at a smiling Miranda and then back at Billie, as she can only say.......
Kate: I didn’t know. I SWEAR.........I DIDN’T KNOW!!!
Orpheus looks at Billie, but before she can say a word.........Billie faints into her father’s arms, as Kate turns and stares cold hatred at her sister. Kate then looks back at an unconscious Billie as Orpheus tries to wake her up...........
And as the thunderstorm rages outside, the scene then slowly fades to black.
Roman to Marlena: I will rescue our daughter.
Billie to Kate: How could you do this to me?!
Clip of Billie then slapping Kate.
Abe to Greta: Was Cassie the person who ran you down?
Clip of Greta looking at Cassie.
Clip of Orpheus holding a gun to Sami's head by a window.
Orpheus: Can you see me, Roman? Make one wrong move and your little girl meets her maker.
Hope to Marlena: We can't lose them.
Marlena: NO!!!!

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