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Episode 7



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

It's Halloween Night and all of Springfield is running around in costumes:

Company: Buzz is serving food to all of the dressed up people, Ashlee walks over in a beautiful dress, "So Buzz what do you think?"

"You look great. Who are you supposed to be?"

"Why Cinderella of course."

"Well where is you Prince Charming?"

Coop stumbles in trying to put his boots on for the prince costume that Ashlee got him.

Buzz starts laughing, "Oh, I see."

Coop walks over to Ashlee, "Well, I really thought you were kidding when you said we were dressing up this year."

"Coop I take Halloween very seriously. It's not a holiday where you sit at home and give each other gifts. You get dressed up and then go to see your neighbors who give you treats."

"Wait. Are you saying that we are going to trick-or-treat."

"Well maybe. It wouldn't be so bad would it?"

"Isn't there like a law against it at certain age?"

"Well don't worry about it. I'll be happy just passing out the candy."

Coop and Ashlee grab the candy and start to put it in bowls.

The Beacon: Marina is in her room waiting. Cyrus comes in with bags of candy, "Are you sure we need this much?"

Marina grabs the bags from him, "Yes we need to be ready when the kids come by. The Beacon loves to try and force this on us."

"I didn't realize that it was such a big deal. I've never really celebrated Halloween."

"Well this year should be good for you. I love seeing little kids running around in their costumes. I used to love dressing up Zach and Jude."

Marina begins to fill up the bowl with candy.

"So is it the holiday or the children that you love?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I mean.... it just seems like........."

Marina walks over to him with the bowl, "What's wrong?"

"Marina, do you want to have children?"

Marina drops the bowl of candy all over the floor.

Mainstreet: Reva and Marah are putting up decorations, "Mom this so much fun. I love decorating."

Reva is setting out pumpkins, "Well I am glad that you were here to help me. I was honored when Buzz asked me to help run the town's Halloween celebration but I didn't think it would be so much work."

"Well I think this place is going to look great."

Reva begins to walk off.

Marah follows her, "Mom where are you going?"

"Oh I was just going to make a call. I'll be right back."

Reva calls Jeffrey, "Hey, I'm at Mainstreet with her. Maybe you could stop by and meet me behind the buildings where no one can see us?....... Okay great see you then."

She hangs up and goes over to Marah.

Company: Susan sneeks in, she doesn't want anyone to notice her. She is looking around and runs into Buzz. He grabs her and hugs her, "Oh sweetie welcome back!. How's school?"

"It's great Buzz. How are you?"

"I'm better now that you're here! Oh did your Mom send you?"


Buzz rushes and grab Halloween bags, "The boys are in the back."


"They will be so exvcited that you are taking them out. I was worried when Harley said she couldn't get off work, but here you are. I'll go get them."

Susan looks at the bags in disappoinment and sits down.

Coop and Ashlee are finishing up the decorations when they here footsteps coming. They are ready for the children to come, Ashlee grabs the candy and runs outside to see Ava, who is wearing a witch costume that she cut to be shorter and show a little sex appeal.

Ashlee is disappointed, "Well if it isn't the Wicked Witch of the Midwest."

Ava smirks at her enemy.

Cedars: Lizzie is dressed in a nurse costume, she is helping put together candy to give to the children in the hospital. Lillian walks over to her, "Well look at you. You might have a knack for this."

"What? Giving candy?"

Lillian laughs, "No. Being a nurse. Ever thought about it?"

"Nana this is just a costume. I'll leave the medical jobs to you and Uncle Rick."

Lillian giggles, "Okay sweetie. Have fun at your party." Lillian goes down the hall.

Another nurse comes over to get the candy from Lizzie. Then she recognizes her, "Oh Miss Spaulding. Why haven't you come back to talk about treatment?"

"Oh. I just don't have time right now."

"Miss Spaulding this is very serious."

"I'll handle it okay. Now I have to go to a party." Lizzie quickly walks out.


Company: Ava is staring at Ashlee, "Nice costume. Are you a princess?"

"Maybe. Are you a prostitute?"

Ava steps over in Ashlee's face when Coop walks out, "What's going on?"

Ava runs over to him, "Hey Coop. You look cute."

"Thanks Ava. Uh wow that is a unique costume."

"Thanks, I thought it looked a little over the top so I trimmed the skirt and lowered the neckline."

Ashlee walks over, "Well this is a family restaurant, so maybe you should leave."

"Fine. I need to head over to Mainstreet to look for Jeffrey anyways."

Ashlee grabs some fliers, "Oh would you hang more of these for Emma?"

"I don't have much time."

"But she's your little sister."

"I'm sure she will turn up. Have a fun night you two. "

The two walk back inside. Ava kicks in a pumpkin before she leaves.

The Beacon: Marina is picking up the candy, "What do you mean children?"

"Well you have been going on and on about them."

"But we are just moving in together and we haven't even found an official place yet."

"Marina I wasn't proposing we have children. I was asking if you were planning on having them in the future."

"Oh. Well why?"

"I just didn't know how you felt about it."

They sit on the bed, "Well, I really wanted to be a mother when I was little but after my parents split I didn't believe in families anymore. Then when I was dating Danny, I just fell in love with Robbie, and I didn't want to go my whole life without experiencing parenthood."


"What's wrong?"

"It's just that I don't want kids."

"Oh. Well lets not worry now. I mean that is far into the future."

"No Marina for me it's never. I don't think I can ever change my mind about this."

"Why not?"

"I just think that people shouldn't have kids because they want them. They should have them because they would make good parents."

"And you don't think we could make good parents?"

"I think you would be a great Mom. But I have always known that I shouldn't be someones father."

There are trick-or-treaters at the door. Marina gets up, "We can discuss this tommorow." She gets up leaving Cyrus sitting on the bed.

Mainstreet: Susan is sitting on bench with Zach and Jude, "Lets just take a break."

Zach and Jude get up, "NO!"

"Come on guys I really don't want to keep going. And you guys have so much candy."

Zach sees Lizzie. She is crying. He runs over to her, "Lizzie! Hey what's wrong?"

She cleans herself up, "Oh I just get a little scared on Halloween. But I'm fine."

Susan and Jude come over, "Hey Lizzie."

"Susan! I heard you were in town!" Lizzie hugs Susan, "So, how is school?"

"It's going alright."

"You know I kind of thought about going to college. Where are you going again?"

Jude drops his bag. Susan is obviously frustrated, "Jude! Please hold your stuff."

Lizzie helps, "Hey I could give you a hand tonight."

Susan looks excited, "Oh really? Thinks Lizzie. Just take them back home when they're done!" Susan runs off.

"Wait Susan.... I meant."

Lizzie grabs their hands and walks off to the houses.

Behind the buildings Reva is waiting for Jeffrey. Someone walks over.

Reva walks to them, "I was hoping you would be here."

Marah steps foward "Really?"

"Oh Marah, I thought you were someone else."

"Who did you think I was?"

"Uh....... Oh I need to go call Buzz. Excuse me."

Reva runs off. Marah is confused. She looks around.

Jeffrey walks up behind her thinking she is Reva, "Hey beautiful."

Marah turns around, "Hi."

Jeffrey is in shock, "Oh... hey Marah."

"Jeffrey, I need to tell you something."


"I never stopped thinking about you. I always hoped that some day we would be together again."

"Marah... I need to tell you..."

Marah leans in and kisses Jeffrey. He surprised at first but then grabs her face and kisses her back.

Ava walks over and secretly catches the couple making out.


Dinah and Mallet set a date

Ava gets closer to Marah

Beth gets ready to tell Rick

Olivia gets news about Emma

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