Episode 94: The Doctor Is In
Kendall OR Greenlee...
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- Carrie remembered finding out that Juliana was her mother. She faints as Dylan and Victor rush to help her, Juliana storms off. Victor borrows Dylan’s car to follow her in the rental but he can’t keep up with her as she speeds away. Dylan kicks out Michael and Mary Ann who want to be with Carrie but Dylan forbids them.
- Sky and Ava have a formal date in Ava’s room which leads Ava to think that she needed to make fast moves on Sky to make her think she’s interested. After calming her nerves down, Ava decides to take the plunge and sleep with her.
- Feeling bad about what he did to Ginny, Nate goes to make amends with her at the café only she wasn’t having it. He was willing to give her a committed relationship but she didn’t believe him. Instead, Ginny threatened to send the pictures that she took of him to a gossip columnist of school news paper.
- Carlos tries setting the mood for Jenny who decides to show him the sex tape that C.C. made. He was upset with C.C. but Jenny was upset with Carlos since he was involved. Before he can explain, C.C. makes an appearance after which Carlos literally throws her out of the room, making her trip and fall down a hill.
- Blake talks to Alley about John and L.J. Alley admits that as much as she doesn’t want to say the truth but L.J. should belong to John. Blake makes Alley choose sides and she doesn’t want to be put in that position.
- Alexia thinks that Tanisha is giving up on the search for Owen but she thinks that Alexia is taking it a bit to the extreme. Until Tanisha gets an idea to grill Ginny.
- While watching L.J., John contemplates leaving Point Palace to be with his daughter. He is right about the gates about to leave.

Episode 94:
The Doctor Is In
Executive Story Consultant:
Matt Politylo
Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman
- - -
(After an early class, Alley walks to John’s room. She checks her cell phone to see if he called her but he didn’t. She walks to the door and knocks on it. After getting no response, she begins to walk away.)
Where could he be?
(Alley looks to the parking lot where she knew John’s car would be but it wasn’t there.)
Oh no John. Please don’t tell me you did what I think you did.
(Alley frantically calls him but gets his answering machine.)
Hey babe it’s me. Um…I’m just wondering where you are. I thought you’d be around but you’re not. Call me back when you get this. I’m worried about you. Bye.
(Alley hangs up. When she does she gets a text message from him. She begins to read it.)
Went away with my daughter for a little bit. I need sometime to myself. Please tell Blake that L.J.’s in good hands, she’s with her father.
(Alley paces back and forth.)
Damn it John. Damn it! Why would you do this?
(Blake calls Alley as she reluctantly picks up the phone.)
Alley, I was wondering if you can help me with something?
Yeah what can I do?
You can tell me where John and L.J. are!
- - -
(John holds on to L.J. after text messaging Alley. He looks out the window of the motel room that he checked into. All he sees is the morning sky and other cars, including his, parked in the lot.)
Shhh, daddy’s here and he’s going to make everything better. We just need to spend some more time together. I know why you’re crying baby girl, because you want to be with your real dad. Not some money grubbing jerk who likes to think he’s your father. We just need some time away from Point Palace and definitely time away from Blake.
(John begins to look at his phone as he thinks of Alley.)
Maybe we’ll let Alley in on where we are. That’s a big maybe though.
- - -
(At Cody Memorial Hospital, Nick begins to overlook C.C.’s ankle which has since been wrapped up in a cast.)
I hope this teaches you that medaling isn’t the answer.
Excuse me? I’m the only one from this team who’s really stepped up her game here. What did you do? Oh yeah, brainwashed Jenny until she regained her memory.
That sure did tons of damage. Let’s weigh the options here…sex tape or brainwashing. I think I win.
Well I’m sorry that I didn’t act like a slut to get what I wanted.
Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. It worked for Paris Hilton and it’ll certainly work in my favor.
Don’t worry about me stepping up my game. I’m going to win Jenny back.
Really? By doing what?
Just wait and see.
It might be from a jail cell because I might press charges against that bitch.
You told me that bitch wasn’t the one who threw you down the hill. Carlos was.
It was an accident but I can always lie and make it out to look like she had taken part in that.
Good luck.
(Nick opens up her door to leave until he spots Carlos talking with Agatha.)
Looks like you have a visitor.
- - -
(At The River Teal, Mika and Tjin Tao enjoy breakfast together.)
Can’t believe that you chose a public place to talk to me.
We have some more business to discuss.
And you couldn’t have done it via e-mail or by phone. Or even in my private room?
When do I ever have time to take you out to a nice place to eat at? Nothing’s too good for my daughter.
You’re not going to let me live that lie down are you?
Nope. But you are like a daughter to me so the role is easy to play.
(A waitress overhears their conversation.)
Would you like more rolls sir?
No thank you. We’re doing just fine.
(The waitress leaves.)
See what I mean.
You want to talk private? What was he doing there?
He was beginning to get suspicious of me. So that’s why I invited him to my room. Luckily he didn’t find anything incriminating.
Good to know that you’re covering your basis but you still have to follow out your assignment.
I already did. I took out that one kid at the concert and that one woman who was cheating on one of your men. What else do you want?
I want you to finish the job that you started when you originally came here. Don’t think that I forgot about it.
Please? Can’t it be someone else?
Unfortunately no.
(Mika is speechless.)
If Will Pazner doesn’t turn up dead soon, then you just might.
- - -
(Alley arrives at Blake’s door who quickly pulls her in to talk.)
What has got into you?
What got into me? Let’s see, John was supposed to bring L.J. back oh I don’t know last night. Instead, I called him almost ten times and he’s been ignoring my calls.
I’m sorry to hear that.
Don’t play dumb with me Alley.
I’m not. I’m just as clueless as you are. I haven’t heard from John either.
You’re lying to me.
Why would I lie to you? What would I have to gain by that?
You’re trying to save your boyfriend. Now I’ve given him plenty of time and chances to show up but he hasn’t even called.
What are you trying to say?
I think you know very well that John has L.J. I went to his place earlier and his car wasn’t there. No one answered the door. Nothing. There has to be a system and rules to the custody of that little girl. We’re sharing her and so far, he’s not playing nice in the sand box.
Maybe he just went to show his parents what a beautiful grandchild they have.
He would have told us. Stop making excuses for him!
Just let it go. This is getting way out of hand.
If it’s getting way out of hand, then it’s not my fault. I think it’s about time that we get the police involved.
Yes. I’m not as stupid or naïve as you think.
Let’s just wait for them to show up. I’m sure they will-
The police are going to find him. So you better hope that he’s not hiding close. Because I have a feeling that he has gone in hiding and he’s taken London’s baby with him.
(Alley is worried but couldn’t do anything to look suspicious. Blake picks up the phone and dials the police.)
- - -
(Back at the hospital, Carlos opens the door to C.C.’s room. Nick had since exited and pretended to do work while trying to eavesdrop close by.)
I’m still mad at you.
Then why are you here?
I wanted to make sure that you were okay.
So you do care. Just to let you know, it was a minor sprain. My ankle’s going to be fine.
Look it was accident. I didn’t mean to push you. It’s just-
No you don’t have to explain yourself.
Good so I guess I’ll see you on set and that’ll be that.
(Carlos begins to exit.)
Carlos wait.
I’m sorry about the tape. That wasn’t what I meant to happen. I thought it was two people in lust and in need. You needed love and I was willing to give it.
Actually you used me. You took advantage of me. That isn’t lust or need, it’s pure lies! You did want Jenny to find the tape so that she would’ve thought that I cheated on you. If you didn’t, then you wouldn’t have recorded us in the first place. I want you to leave me and Jenny alone. Just stay out of our lives.
No! You’ve done so much damage that I can’t even consider you a friend.
I did it for you. I did it for us.
C.C. there will never be an “us.” Like I said, I’ll see you on set.
(Carlos exits. He waves to Agatha who continues smiling which Nick notices.)
And why are you so happy Agatha?
Well I just found some good news from Carlos.
Really? Do tell.
Carlos and Jenny are rekindling. He was telling me how he plans on doing this romantic picnic dinner at the outskirts tonight.
You don’t say? Well Agatha, you put a smile on my face too.
(Nick goes back into C.C.’s room to find her on the verge of tears.)
Buck up missy, the doctor’s about to step up his game!
- - -
(Across town at The Palace Plaza, Dylan and Carrie knock on Juliana’s hotel room but instead find Victor.)
Hey. I think it’s best if we all talk. Don't worry, I promise not to throw any punches.
Well it’s only going to be the three of us. My sister has vanished. She didn’t go back home so she’s somewhere in this town. How’s Carrie?
I’m fine Victor. I’m not ten years old anymore.
That’s good to hear.
Yeah Carrie woke up and remembered everything. She remembered us, the past with you, and everything else.
Things were sketchy since the explosion but Dylan caught me up.
Great. Listen don’t you think that it would be best if all of us talk? We all need more answers.
If by we you mean mom and- Well wait, I guess I really can’t call them that. Except for my dad is my dad but my mother isn’t my mother. Kind of hard to get used to.
Yeah we wanted to see Juliana. She’s the one who has the answers. Michael and Mary Ann have apologized tons of times but that’s all they’re doing.
Please tell my-
mother. You know what this is complete utter bull. Your sister would pull something like this but I don’t know why my parents would be involved.
I know. I want this to be a nightmare too.
Tell her that we stopped by.
(The door to the hotel room opens and Juliana walks in.)
- - -
(Alexia and Tanisha walk into The Palace Café. There they find Ginny wiping off some tables. She smiles when she sees Alexia but glares at Tanisha.)
Ginny hey do you have a second to talk?
I…um…yeah kind of. Why?
We just wanted to ask you a few questions about Owen.
(Ginny sighs out of disbelief.)
Are you serious? Tanisha obviously put you up to this.
Damn straight I did. By the way, I have ears, so if you’re going to talk about me you better say it to my face girl.
(mocking her)
Listen girlfriend. I’m over you. Alexia I really don’t want to talk about your brother or what we had. I’m sure miss thang would get jealous.
(Tanisha lunges for Ginny until Alexia stops her.)
Hey. Calm down!
(to Ginny)
I really do hate you.
The feeling’s mutual sista’!
Owen has gone missing and I was wondering if you had any idea where he was or if you heard from him.
The last time I saw him was at the hospital. Or it might have been after miss psycho over there attacked me.
With good reason hun!
I’ll admit that I wanted to tell him that maybe I had hope that there was something for us.
And maybe you would see that you obviously don’t have a brain or a chance.
If you two came to insult me then I have to get back to work.
I’m sorry for Tanisha but if you know something, please tell us.
I really wish I could. Unfortunately because of it, my relationships have been screwed up lately. Not that you two would care or anything. Please excuse me. Tanisha it was great seeing you again.
(Ginny exits, leaving Tanisha to stare her down.)
Great. Back to square one. Let’s look for Ivory!
- - -
(Nate knocks on Chordelia’s door to her dorm room. She answers it and slams the door back in his face before Nate can forcefully let himself in.)
Oh that’s right, I forgot how brutal you can be towards women.
I just came to talk.
Talk? Yeah I’m sure you of all people want to talk. Do and screw. Those are the two motives you run by.
Actually I came to make amends.
Really? That’s surprising. It’s also surprising that you remembered where my dorm was. Did we even make it to my room? I remember just going to your hotel.
Maybe this isn’t the best time-
You’re right. So go.
I’m willing to give you all of me. Recently something has happened and it makes me want you.
I’m sure you want me. What about Claudia and that girl from the café?
I- I’ve realized the error of my ways.
Good. Then I hope you realize that those errors have cost you any future you could ever have with me. Bye Nate.
(Nate shakes his head and leaves. He presses up against her door and slides down to the floor.)
Maybe I’ll die alone!
- - -
(Ava walks out of her class with her books in hand. A few female classmates look at Ava and giggle. She knew that they were talking about her and deep down inside she couldn’t take it. Along the way back to her room, she runs into Sky outside.)
Hey babe.
(Sky kisses Ava’s cheek which makes Ava back away.)
What? Can’t I be affectionate?
No. It’s not that.
Whatever. Last night…was amazing! I can tell you definitely learned a lot.
Yeah. It was definitely something.
Oh great. Here we go again. You’re going to make things awkward and we’ll leave this area confused until someone picks up the phone the next day.
Do you really care about how I feel?
You’re my girlfriend so of course I do.
I feel guilty about what I did.
What? How was making love with me guilt ridden? What we did was hot, passionate, and new.
Yeah but I did it because I felt like I had to prove something to you.
You don’t have to prove anything to me. I’ll take you as you are.
(Ava shakes her head in frustration.)
Seriously! I feel guilty about a lot of things. Obviously if you’re so clairvoyant then you should’ve saw this one coming.
(Ava exits. Sky tries going after her but stops herself.)
- - -
(Carlos continues to get ready for his romantic candlelight dinner by placing everything he needs in his spot. He makes a call to Jenny.)
Hey you.
Do me a huge favor.
Dress up beautifully and come to the outskirts. No ifs, ands, or butts about it. Just be there. I won’t take no for an answer.
(Carlos hangs up with Jenny and smiles.)
Damn it. I left the candles in my room. There’s still time.
(Carlos drives off to get the candles. As he drives, he notices that his car begins to weave back and forth. He smells burning rubber after pulling over.)
Oh no!
(Carlos gets out and kicks the side of his car. He bends down to observe the hissing sound from his flat tire. Carlos tries calling Jenny but can’t get any service.)
Great! How much worse can this night get?
- - -
(An hour later, Jenny pulls up to the outskirts in her car. She took a different way and didn’t notice Carlos stranded on the side of the street. Jenny gets out of the car and notices the picnic blanket. She smiles as she sits down on it. Jenny hears someone behind her.)
Carlos you shouldn’t have.
Hello Jenny.
(Jenny stands up to face Nick who has been drinking the wine which Carlos left for the two of them. The thick bottle was almost empty.)
Nick? What are you doing here?
I helped you. I helped you out so much. So...This is how you thank me. By going back to him.
What you did was nice but it was a lie.
(Nick stumbles over to her. Jenny begins to back up.)
You’re drunk.
(takes the last sip)
Yes I am Sherlock riding hood!
Carlos will be here any minute. You should leave.
NO! You and I have some unfinished business.
We don’t. If you won’t leave, then I will.
(Jenny begins to walk away until Nick grabs her arm.)
Get off of me!
You know you want it.
(Nick covers her mouth with his hand as he pulls her in closer to him. He whispers in her ear.)
(giggling evil)
The doctor will see you now.
(Tears come out of Jenny’s eyes as she struggles to break free from him but can’t. With no one around, Nick throws Jenny to the ground and kisses her forcefully. Jenny slaps him across the face but it only made him want her more. She then closes her eyes, praying for someone to help her, as Nick began to place his hands up her skirt. Jenny continues to sob as Nick proceeds to rape her.)
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