Episode 93: Runaway John
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- Nate found out that he had a treatable STD and decided to take it easy on the sex thing.
- Ava gets the guts to call up Sky to tell her that she's ready to be a lesbian with her.
- While alone in his apartment, Blake breaks down to the fact that London died.
- John confides in Alley that he has a plan to steal his own daughter away from Blake.
- CC shows the sex tape that she made with Carlos and Jenny freaks out. The two get into a huge cat fight.
- Carlos goes to the hospital to confront Nick on what he did to use Jenny's memory. The two get into a fist fight and it's broken up by Agatha.
- Alexia gets a phone call and she could have sworn that she heard Owen on the other end. Alexia tried tracing the call to prove to Tanisha that she wasn’t crazy but it was blocked.
- Will meets Mika's father but it turns out that he's really her Yakuza mafia boss.
- Dylan and Victor decide to have Mary Ann, Michael, and Juliana to admit the secret that they're hiding. Juliana gets overcome with guilt and blurts out that she is Carrie's biological mother after being raped by Michael.

Episode 94:
Runaway John
Executive Story Consultant:
Matt Politylo
Written By:
Dani Rowley
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(Everyone is shocked by what Juliana has just said. At first even Juliana couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. Juliana stands back up to recompose herself.)
That’s the truth. I'm your mother.
(Carrie stands up and faces everyone. She’s silent when she looks at the people who were shocked and embarrassed by what Juliana told her. Tears form in Carrie's eyes.)
I remember!!!
(Carrie faints. Dylan runs to her, holding her hand.)
Carrie! Carrie wake up.
(Victor shakes Carrie to get her back in shape. After no response he begins slapping her.)
Come on woman!
She's not a woman. She's a fragile little girl who I gave up!
Damn it Victor get off of her!
(Dylan pushes Victor who pushes him back.)
(to Juliana)
How could you?
Mary Ann:
We had a deal! See what’s going on? Do you see all of the pain you caused? It's all because of your big mouth.
You’re lucky I didn’t have you both killed! Get out of my way.
(Juliana leaves the room in tears. Shoving Mary Ann to get through.)
I only hit her to wake her up. This can’t be true! It just can’t be. Great going Colby!
(Victor goes after Juliana. Dylan continues holding on to Dylan.)
I think you should leave.
Mary Ann:
We're her parents. We're not going anywhere.
Her parents?
Have you missed what Juliana has just said?
Mary Ann:
Believe me. We heard every word of it. You don't know what parenting is. You don't know what it means to-
Get out!
Come on. Mary Ann. Leave the boy alone.
Mary Ann:
Shouldn't we call for a nurse or something?
No. Let’s just go.
- - -
(Outside Juliana gets into her rental car. She begins to drive away quickly in an angry mood. Victor looks around and has no other choice but to take Dylan’s car to chase her. With the keys in the dashboard, he drives off.)
I shouldn't have said anything. I knew this was the wrong thing to do.
Victor (in his other car):
What are you doing Juliana? Slow down.
(Breaks squeal and Victor goes off the side of the road to avoid hitting Juliana. She drives off.)
- - -
(Sky shows up at Ava's house with an array of movies for them to watch.)
Boys Don’t Cry? Bend It Like Beckham? Gigli?
Only the best for my squittlebriggs. Besides you’ll like these movies.
Why because they're all about lesbians? Which I'm all for by the way.
(Ava rushes into a passionate kiss with Sky which catches Sky off guard)
Whoa. Hey honey.
(Ava bites her lip and quickly undresses herself.)
What are you doing?
(Ava stops and sits down embarrassed.)
I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous. I just wanted to get this over with.
You know what I mean.
Sure but we don't have to do anything.
No. I want to.
Are you serious? Are you really ready to take the next step? I think you'll like it. We’re already on the kissing stage.
(Sky leans in to kiss her.)
Yeah. I will.
(Sky flicks her tongue rapidly towards Ava.)
Excuse me for a moment.
(Ava rushes to the bathroom where she thought she was going to vomit from her nerves. Stopping herself she looks in the mirror. After nodding to herself in approval, she comes back dressed in her underwear and rests against the doorway.)
(Sky grabs her body as the two continue to kiss before making their way to Ava’s bedroom hopping under the covers in excitement.)
- - -
(Nate makes his way to The Palace Café. His head is down because he is still thinking of what Doctor Harnlo told him. Without looking he knocks into someone.)
(He looks up at the girl’s long legs then up to her face, noticing how beautiful and familiar she was. It’s Ginny.)
Ginny. Hey.
Oh hey Nate. You have some balls talking to me after what you did.
It’s funny I should see you now. You look great.
Yeah. Well, I always look great Nate.
It was nice seeing you. Excuse me.
(Ginny begins to walk away.)
Wait. Can I ask you something?
(She pauses but then turns around and looks at him.)
What are you doing on Friday?
Are you serious? Piss off Nate.
I’m still sorry, Ginny. For the past! For what I did.
That’s the thing with lying…you do it once, nobody is going to believe you when you say you try apologizing for it. It's just like the big bad wolf.
(Ginny begins walking away, but he grabs her arm.)
You’re so beautiful.
(Ginny grabs a glass of water off of an outside table and throws it at Nate.)
Get bent! And by the way, I’m still debating on what to do with your exposed photo. I know the gossip columnist of the paper would love to have a story on how a potential school board member likes to play dress down!
- - -
(Jenny is sitting on Carlos’s couch trying to get reacquainted with him as Carlos is in the kitchen making a candlelit dinner for her, although something seems to be bothering her.)
What do you think? Tchaikovsky tonight? Or Frank Sinatra? I’m trying to set a mood.
Could you just come here for a second?
What is it?
(Jenny pulls out a tape from her purse.)
I’m not sure if you know about it or not. You will probably feel just as deceived as I felt.
What is this? Is my acceptance speech?
Just watch.
(Carlos puts the video in the VCR and watches himself having sex with C.C. on the screen.)
Oh my god. That bitch.
Well, she’s not the one I’m upset with or at least who I think I should be upset with.
That little slut.
This isn’t about her! This is about us! Look I know that I was under the-
(The doorbell rings.)
Great timing.
(Carlos goes to answer the door but isn’t happy with who’s in front of him while he looks into his peephole.)
Oh great.
(C.C.’s voice is heard through the door.)
I know you’re there. The peephole just got darker. I’m not stupid.
(Carlos opens the door.)
You know what? We’re glad you’re here. You have a lot of explaining to do.
Excuse me?
The tape. What the hell was that about?
Oh the tape. I forgot about it. I should have figured your woman kept it.
(leans in)
Hi, Jenny.
(to Carlos)
Sick girl. Never thought porno was your answer to an unhealthy relationship.
Funny but you’re ugly ass is on that tape!
Why do you like ruining my life so much?
I don’t. I like ruining hers. You know you’re the only one for me?
What are you on, woman? Besides all of North America…so I guess that means I’m not the only one for you.
Harsh. For someone who took care of you in your night of need.
Oh yeah that’s right. The night I was drunk in the hotel room. That’s how you did it.
(to Jenny)
See I was drunk and she took advantage of me!
Yes I did and I loved every minute of it or should I say every inch.
Get out of my room.
Or I’ll make sure to give you the fight of your life again.
I’d like to see that.
(Jenny comes pushes Carlos out of the way and smacks her across her face. C.C. quickly begins strangling Jenny. Carlos comes in the middle of it and grabs C.C.)
Time for you to go.
(Carlos opens the door and pushes C.C. out. She loses her balance and trips screaming as she rolls down a hill.)
- - -
(Blake is in his home when Alley knocks on the door. He answers it with a smile on his face.)
Thanks for coming.
Of course.
I just want to talk. Mostly about L.J.
I figured.
Do you have any idea how much harder this is than it has to be?
I think so.
Your damn no-good boyfriend-
(catches himself)
I’m sorry.
It’s okay to be mad.
What does he plan on doing? Knowing him he must be up to some sort of plotting. It’s a must for any Point Palace resident!
He wants to be with his daughter.
That’s not his daughter.
That’s what you say but we both know DNA disagrees. And DNA wins.
No, it doesn’t. Not if it doesn’t have Alley Robberts on its side. I need you Alley. More than I’ve ever needed anyone. I need you now.
(Alley throws up her hands out of frustration.)
I know you do, but so does John.
Oh to hell with John. Just tell me what you think. If you honestly believe he’d make a better father than me, just say so.
You can’t do this to me. Don’t put me in that position.
Yeah you’re right.
You can say that to yourself but I know for a fact that you will continue to fight for L.J. as will John. Ask yourself what London would have wanted!
- - -
(In Alexia’s room, Tanisha notices Alexia’s obsessive need to try to get some more info on Owen.)
I’m sorry. Alexia, I think it’s time to move on.
Move on? From Owen?
What’s with you? Why are you giving up? He’s your boyfriend!
How could you accuse me of such a thing? You know how I feel about your brother but you need to realize what this is doing to you. You look like you haven’t slept in days and…and I’m just worried about you.
What is there to do? I’ve been racking my brain trying to find Ivory but she’s like an invincible person, can’t go to the police, so what is there to do?
(Tanisha gets a thought.)
Wait a second, there’s one person we forgot to ask.
That jealous bitch. Ginny!
- - -
(During his visit with L.J. in the middle of the night, John carries the baby and places her in the car seat of his car.)
Hey beautiful. I’m going to get you out of this horrible place. We’ll go somewhere nice. Somewhere fit for an angel like you. Iowa maybe.
(He begins driving looking around at the school while he drives.)
Bye Cody, Colorado. Say “bye” to that imposter that tries to call himself your father. Bye Blake. Bye Alley.
(to L.J.)
Are you excited? I’m excited. I did try leaving sometime ago but that didn’t work. Somehow I was brought back here. Sure Alley will understand and I know she’ll come and find me. Don’t worry L.J., Alley will join us sooner or later.
(He drives up to the gate of the school and stops.)
Can I really do this?
(John looks at baby L.J. as she sleeps. He smiles.)
Can I really leave?
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