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EPISODE 26 (08/20)




Original airdate: 08/20/07

Written by: Steve Ungrey


As the music begins playing and the picture fades in, we see a shot of Susannah working at her desk and drinking a cup of coffee. Jack walks by in the hallway and takes a couple steps backwards once he realizes Susannah is in her office.

SUSANNAH: (Looks up) Jack! Awfully early to see you here.

JACK: I thought you were a wee bit early in arriving here. It isn’t even 8:30 yet.

SUSANNAH: I’d be here a little after 9, but I’m just catching up on some paperwork.

JACK: Well, I promise you that you’ll have a little help. I’m conducting a few interviews at the end of the week to fill some legal associate positions, so you’ll be more of a 9-to-5 type person.

SUSANNAH: Don’t worry about it. One of the things I wanted to do was work when I got here, so you’re not keeping me from anything.

JACK: (Smiles) I’ve heard nothing but praise from colleagues about you. You’re a fine asset to Martin Enterprises.

SUSANNAH: Means a lot coming from you.

JACK: (Feels cell phone vibrating) Oop, better take this call. I’ll talk to you later on today.

Susannah flashes the thumbs-up signal as Jack opens the phone.

JACK: Jack Martin?

We see Nick at his desk, turning on his computer as he’s talking.

NICK: You’re finally ready to talk a bit about this mysterious project, I hear?

JACK: (Smiling as his eyes brighten) Yes! Yes! When can you and Michael come over jointly to discuss the X Project?

NICK: I’ll clear a spot in my calendar as soon as you want to meet with me.

JACK: I’d like it to be tomorrow if at all possible. I want Mike to have some time to clear his schedule, because we could be talking for an hour or more.

NICK: Boy. You’re ready to spill your guts, huh?

JACK: Yes. Let’s just say I finally had some inspiration.

As Nick laughs, Jack turns and looks out the window at The Peoples Building.

CUT TO: An exterior shot of the Cleypool mansion, as we slowly zoom in and fade in on the dining area. Fenwick is setting down a carafe of orange juice as George is reading the morning’s Register.

FENWICK: Will Master Zachary be joining you today, sir?

GEORGE: Not sure, Fenwick. He got in rather late last night.

Just as George says that, Zachary comes bounding into the room.

ZACHARY: But not late enough to enjoy breakfast with Dad. Good morning, Fenwick! How are you this wonderful morning?

FENWICK: (Smiling) Wondering how well your night went, for one thing.

GEORGE: Ah, that’s right. Zachary had drinks with a young woman last night. How did that go?

We slowly focus in on Zachary, who is understandably sheepish to tell his dad who he went out with last night-- as the Somerset theme begins playing.

We see an overhead shot of downtown, with the camera slowly pulling away from the buildings. The Somerset logo pops on the screen and goes into position at the center.

This… is Somerset. This portion brought to you today by Crest Pro Health Night, the clear mint mouthwash that takes great care of your teeth… and by Camay, the soap that feels like you’re washing your face in cold cream.


Annabella is at the kitchen counter at home, making a pot of coffee and whistling to herself as she has breakfast cooking. Victoria descends the stairs, looking like she’d been up all night.

ANNABELLA: (Turns to look) Good morning sleepyhead!

VICTORIA: I’m definitely glad I have a night shift this evening.

ANNABELLA: How’d you sleep?

VICTORIA: Oh, just fine… (takes cup and pours coffee) once I got to sleep. I couldn’t close my eyes for a while.

ANNABELLA: That good last night?

VICTORIA: (Smiling) Well… let’s just say I had a better time than I thought I would.

Rose descends the staircase, coming into the kitchen.

ROSE: Morning, girls! (Looks at stove) Bella honey – you made breakfast?

ANNABELLA: (Kisses Rose) You act like I’ve discovered a cure for cancer.

ROSE: If only your cooking could be that simple. (Kisses Victoria) Morning, Tori. You look like you just went to bed.

VICTORIA: Love you too, Mom. I got some sleep… I’ll probably take a nap before I head into work.

ROSE: How was last night? You didn’t get in until after 2.

VICTORIA: It was fine, Mom. (Sits at table) I went out for drinks with a friend… and we agreed another round of drinks might be something special.

ANNABELLA: In other words, you’re going out again?

VICTORIA: (Nods) Eventually, once I can get another free night on my schedule. We’re talking about dinner.

ANNABELLA: Where’s Dad?

ROSE: Oh honey – this was the morning he and a couple employees were heading to Albany to attend some hearings on restaurant safety. They left about 7:30.

ANNABELLA: That’s right. So do you guys need help tonight?

ROSE: If you’re volunteering.

ANNABELLA: Sure. Be happy to help.

ROSE: (Turns back to Victoria) Who is this guy you’re going out with, Tori? Has he been in the restaurant?

VICTORIA: Well… (Looks a bit sheepish)

ROSE: Come on, honey. As long as you’re not dating the devil he can’t be that bad.

VICTORIA: Well… if you think Zachary Cleypool isn’t the devil then I guess that’s fine.

Rose’s face drops a bit as Victoria looks on – the exact reaction Victoria thought her mother would have. Annabella notices Rose’s reaction and looks a bit puzzled. The music plays into the next scene.

CUT TO: The Cleypool dining room

ZACHARY: (Drinking orange juice) Things went well, Dad. We’re probably going to go out again for drinks soon.

FENWICK: A splendid idea, Master Zachary. About time you went out and socialized… (George gives Fenwick a dirty look) Well it is, Master Cleypool.

GEORGE: (Laughs) That’ll be all, Fenwick.

FENWICK: Quite right, sir. Let me know if anything else is needed. (Walks out of room)

GEORGE: Anyhow, who is this person? Is she the blue blood of Somerset? Is she from an outstanding social family?

ZACHARY: Well, no – Dad, she’s a nurse at Somerset Hospital.

George nods and is somewhat surprised to see his son involved with a hospital nurse. Before he can ask the identity of the nurse, his cell phone rings.

GEORGE: (Turns away from table as he answers) George Cleypool?... Hi Ken… no, I’m at breakfast now…

ZACHARY: (Thinking to himself) Saved by the cell.

The music plays as Zachary realizes his dad might not approve of his choice of friends… the picture fades to black.

We’ll return to Somerset in just a moment.

Today on Point Palace… the test results Nate didn’t want to hear about. You don’t want to miss the end of this gripping episode. Point Palace, weekdays on SONBC.

We see a still shot of the Somerset logo with the accompanying music.

And now the second half of Somerset, brought to you today by Oxydol. Oxydol bleaches as it washes… for sparkling whites.


An exterior shot of City Hall as we fade in on Nick at his desk, poring over a few budget reports. There is a knock on his cubicle.

NICK: (Looks up to see Mike) Hey there. Did you get Jack’s message?

MIKE: Partially. Joanne said he was in a meeting when I called, but I gather he’s ready to spill his guts about the X Project?

NICK: That’s what I hear. You free tomorrow morning?

MIKE: I certainly can be. This is the meeting I’ve been waiting for all my journalism career. I’m sure as hell not going to miss it now. What do you know about this?

NICK: As much as you do. Jack’s told me nothing about his project, except to hint that it’s going to involve some urban renewal work.

MIKE: Then I guess we’re going to find out together what the heck this is all about. Hey, did you get a chance to look over the bachelors’ brochure?

NICK: I did… and I accept.

MIKE: Wow! Two revelations in one day. (Shakes Nick’s hand) What made you change your mind?

NICK: The fact it’s for a good cause and the fact that I’ve got to put myself back on the market. When is it, once again?

MIKE: Not for another few weeks yet. We’re getting some support right now from the business community. People coming forward – do you think Jack would want to take part?

NICK: I haven’t approached him. Good luck. He’ll probably decline.

MIKE: Or at least help out with a cash contribution… we hope.

NICK: (Nods) He’s been so wrapped up in work lately though… maybe this would be a good thing for him. I might broach it with him tomorrow, so hold off.

MIKE: Gotcha. Well, good to see you aboard at least.

NICK: A pleasure. Now if I only could find someone as appealing as Alana was…

Mike laughs as the music plays and the scene changes.

CUT TO: The Petterino kitchen, where Rose has just realized who Victoria’s friend is.

ROSE: You could have your choice of all the eligible guys in Somerset – and you found him?

ANNABELLA: Mother! What’s wrong with Zachary? He’s nothing like his dad, or at least what his dad was like when I left for Italy this time.

ROSE: He hasn’t changed, Bella. And his son is likely cut from the same cloth.

VICTORIA: Mom! (Stands up) I found Zachary to be nothing but a gentleman last night. He held my hand… he complimented me on how I looked… and he seemed genuinely happy to be with me.

ROSE: It was probably the liquor talking.

ANNABELLA: (Shocked) Mom! What did George Cleypool do to this family to make you so sour on Zachary?

ROSE: Well, George and Giovanni go way back. I don’t think George likes Giovanni too much because Giovanni’s been a staunch supporter of Jack Martin.

VICTORIA: That’s Dad’s problem, not mine.

ANNABELLA: She’s right. Why should the next generation be punished?

ROSE: (Sees her daughters aren’t budging) I just realized – I’d better call Leonard and see how things went last night. (Turns and leaves the room)

Annabella turns back toward Victoria, who is brushing a couple tears away from her eyes.

VICTORIA: Is this how it’s going to be? I’d best stick to nursing.

ANNABELLA: (Reaches down from behind to hug her sister) Stick with it, Tori. If it makes you happy, then what the hell.

Victoria shakes her head, in disbelief at how her mother reacted, as the picture fades to black.

We’ll return to Somerset in just a moment.


Susannah is working at her desk as Patrick comes to the door. Knocking on the door, Patrick draws Susannah’s attention.

SUSANNAH: Hey! How long have you been standing there?

PATRICK: Long enough to watch you hard at work. Got time for coffee?

SUSANNAH: Wish I did… but I’m poring over these files for Jack on Somerset property.

PATRICK: Then… (Produces the containers) I brought the coffee to us.

SUSANNAH: Good man. Bring me mocha. (Takes cup and sniffs) Oh, great… you always know the way to my heart.

PATRICK: How are things?

SUSANNAH: Great, why do you ask?

PATRICK: Because you’ve been burying yourself in work the last several days. It’s almost like you’re afraid to go home –

SUSANNAH: (Looks up suddenly) Why do you say that?

PATRICK: For fear your desk will be doubly crowded with paperwork when you walk in the next morning. What did you think I meant?

SUSANNAH: Oh nothing. Nothing at all.

The music plays as the picture fades to black, and the Somerset logo and credits roll following the final commercials.

Be sure to stay tuned for Salem Lives, coming up next over most of these SONBC stations.

Join us again each weekday afternoon at this time for the continuing story of Somerset. This program was pre-recorded.

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