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Episode 89: She Warned Him

Matt P.


Previously on Point Palace:

- Alexia began to freak out when Owen was no where in his hospital room. Her and Tanisha ask Dr. Quarr where he is and he informs them that a nurse by the name Goldie signed him out. Alexia knew for sure that Owen was kidnapped.

- London has a baby girl. Blake suggests that they should call her London Junior and John furthers it by calling her L.J. Everyone is happy, except for Alley, who knew what trouble was going to ensue.

- Chordelia got back at Nate for his man whore ways by pretending to want to sleep with him. He took the bait when she reeled him outside. She then locked him out in the cold on the balcony and wrote in lipstick that he had been had.

- Ava acts coy with Sky after she can't stop thinking about the sex dream that she had with her. She then tells her and Sky tells her that of course she wouldn't be a lesbian. Her comment confused Ava in what she meant.

- Will goes on a date with Mika at The River Teal. The night ends in a kiss and all goes well. When he's by himself, he pictures Lenvy telling him that Mika's the one who's going to have him get over her.

- Dylan gives in to Carrie's child like ways by being a child too. He then talks to her more about her hometown. All she tells him is about the DiMarcos. He calls Victor and explains to him why he needs to come to Point Palace.

- On the set of Blue Crystal, C.C. tells Cairina that she thinks Carlos will be returning. She then calls Nick to make sure that he lets Carlos and Jenny be together because of what she caused was going to unfold.

- Jenny lets Carlos in as he tells her that he has something that might help her remember him. He is about to play either the right tape (his acceptance speech) or the tape of C.C. sleeping with Carlos.
Episode 89:
She Warned Him

Executive Story Consultant & Creator:
Matt Politylo

Serena Green

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(Carlos goes over to the TV and puts the tape in. He pushes play and the award show appears. The nominations are read and he wins. He walks onstage dressed in a tuxedo and begins to give thanks.)

Carlos (on tape):
Wow. I really didn't expect this. I first off want to thank Cairina Gautiez for discovering a guy studying pre medicine. Our director Henry Boxwit and my wonderful co-stars, C.C. Chasity and Ian Hadley as well as the rest of the crew and cast. You guys are awesome. I want to thank my parents and I also want to thank one special person. My girlfriend Jenny who couldn't be with me because she is in the hospital. I love you and I can't wait to see you when I get back.

(The tape stops for a moment and goes blank only to come back on in a blurred vision of something else. Carlos and Jenny both stand there in anticipation. Carlos might have played the tape that C.C. wanted Jenny to see. The one of her making love to him.)

(Carlos and Jenny sit intently on Jenny's couch in her dorm room. The tape stops playing. Jenny seems confused at what she has just seen.)

That was it?

Yeah. It was just an attempt to try to make you remember me. To show you that I really do care for you, even though, you don't even know who I am.

(Jenny is in deep thought/concentration. She pictures herself in her darkened dorm room. Angry about something. Carlos stands before her, with stressed eyes.)

What else do you want me to say? I've told you the truth.

You were kissing Nan Sheridan! You know how I feel about her and you know that we hate each other.

And I've told you before that she set me up. She kissed me and I tried getting out of it. She knew you were going to be at the window. Perfect timing for her.

You didn't get out hard enough. We've been together for a short time and I thought you were different. I thought you were special and could really be something.

I- We still can.

Just leave.

I'm going to walk out this door and it will be the last time that you hear from me! Ever!

Fine. The door's that way.

(Carlos leaves slamming the door in front of Jenny. She walks over to it and touches it, hoping that he would be on the other side.)

Please don't leave me.

(Carlos comes storming back into the room and hugs her.)

I would never do that!

(The flashback ends. Carlos realizes that something might have triggered her memory.)

Did you remember something?

Yeah. Something about us fighting. Some girl named Nan.

Nan Sheridan! Your ex best friend who tried causing us so many problems. Do you remember? She’s this lying bitch who’s done everything in the book against us. The list goes on and on.

It was only a flashback. I really don't know what it means. I don't even know if what you're saying is true.
Your story sounds like an episode of "Blue Crystal."

So much stuff happened on the set too.

Nick told me that I used to act on that show.

Nick's using you to get to me! Even he has caused us problems. Just like now.

Nick's going to be visiting me anytime now. So if you would, please excuse me.

(Carlos stands up and heads for the door. He stops and turns to her.)

I know that you're going to remember something.

(Carlos leans in to kiss her but stops.)

(stopping himself)
No. Not until you're good and ready. I can only hope that you gain your memory back. I know deep down inside you will. You have to!

(Carlos exits, leaving Jenny to ponder.)

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(London and Alley work out at the local gym. Both are gloating up a storm on the treadmills. London especially.)

I want to lose the fat that I gained with L.J. Plus I want to look good for Blake as well as myself.

You seem to be working hard at it. Maybe you should slow down.

I'm fine.

How is L.J.? She's so adorable.

She really is.

There's something that we have to talk about...I think you know where I’m going with this.


And Blake. Both of them are going to fight over that child. You're the only person who can say who will have custody. I beg you though, please don't make things complicated.

Things have changed a lot since the last time I told John that he couldn't be a part of our child's life.

Yeah. Like your marriage to Blake. There's going to be a huge custody battle and you know it. If and only if you-

What die? Was that what you were going to say?

No not at all. I-

It's okay. I've given a lot of thought to it.

Have you been okay? Health wise?

I would lie to you if I say that I haven’t been have some problems. Like how I've been having some sharp pains in my stomach. And at night I find myself bleeding constantly.
I’m just a human slaughter house.

Maybe you shouldn't be doing this.

(London stops her treadmill as does Alley. They both begin to towel off.)

Look, I took a chance on having L.J. That little girl is my life. I know that John wants to step in and be there for her but Blake wants to be a father too.

(There is a long pause between them. Alley perks up to lift her spirits.)

You know that you’re going to be just fine.

Give it up Alley, obviously you don't think so.

No I do mean it, I hope you live.

So does this mean you finally forgive me for telling John about your affair with Dylan?

Yeah. That was such a long time ago. Besides you actually kept a promise to me.

Oh yeah?

Yeah. I told you not to break Blake’s heart and you didn’t.

Well I’m glad that our war is resolved. Deep down inside I really didn’t hate you.

Oh I did. Now all you have to worry about is the new war between your husband and my man.

There's not going to be a big bad custody battle. I've been drawing up a will with my lawyer, just in case, I do pass away.

Don't talk like that.

You're not the only one who's been thinking realistically.

(London walks away but when she does her vision begins to get blurry.)

What's wrong?


(The room begins spinning for her. She can hear herself breathing heavier. Everything was weighing on her. She then faints to the ground.)

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(In his new apartment, Blake spends time with L.J. He is holding her in his arms, as he sits next to her crib.)

You really are the cutest little thing I have ever seen. What am I saying? You're no thing. You’re a gift from god.

(L.J. begins to coo before falling asleep in his arms.)

You're mommy and I are going to take great care of you. You're going to have many people in this world who will love you. Including your grandparents who will spoil you. Especially grandma Katrina.

(Blake lays her down in her small crib.)

And you're going to have the finest things in life. Especially a healthy mother who loves you.

(The thought of London and the fiasco of what the doctor's told him, made Blake tear up a bit. He wipes his eyes to stay strong.)

Of course. Your mother's going to be just fine.

(There is then a knock on a door.)

(to L.J. whispering)
Don't you go anyway cutie.

(Blake answers the door and finds John standing in front of him.)


What are you doing here?

I'm here to see my daughter.

She's sleeping in her crib right now.

That's fine.

(John makes his way past Blake and into the apartment.)

I didn't say that you could come in.

Too bad. Isn't she the cutest thing you have ever seen? Of course because she's a Snaldry. London Junior Snaldry. Or should I say L.J. Snaldry.

(John smiles knowing he hit a nerve with Blake. He goes to reach for her until Blake speaks up.)

I don't think that this is a good idea. London isn't here and she should be the one to decide if she wants you to spend time with L.J.

What? L.J. is my daughter!

And London told you sometime ago that she doesn't want you near her. You left her in Ohio.

That was the past. People and situations change. Except for you, you’re still the spoiled brat from seven years ago.

Please just go.

(John begins to leave. He then turns around to face him.)

Just because you're married to the girl that I impregnated, means nothing to me. L.J. doesn't belong to you Blake! She's mine and she will be mine. Not yours!

(John leaves and quietly slams the door behind him, so that he doesn't wake up L.J.)

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(On her way to class the next day, Ava breathes in the crisp air. The weather was nice. She walks in the courtyard to her destination. Someone then catches up to her.)

Hey you.


That wasn't a very convincing greeting.

Sorry. Would you like to be more cheery for you?

At least you're an honest person. I like that.

Honest enough to tell you everything about my life. You didn't even know me when you saw me at the cafe. Since then, everything has been twisted because of you.

You're also very forward.

Sometimes you have to be.

Don't forget that I also saved your life. Not to throw that in your face or anything. Though if it wasn't for me, you could have been six feet under.

And I thank you for that. If it were any other person, I'm sure they would been freaked out, and would have just stopped talking to me.

Nope. Not me.

Maybe I shouldn't have told you about my dream the other night.

Dreams usually mean something. I'm glad that you did. Maybe it means-

If you're thinking that I'm a lesbian. I'm not! Not in the least. And that goes for your past little "oh not you" comment!

You really don't have to get defensive about it.


If you want to try something new, then just go for it, and do it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having fun. Who knows, you might even like it.


When you're ready to convert, and I know that you’re wanting to, you know where to reach me.

(Sky exits before Ava could detest her offer.)

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(In her dorm room, Alexia begins to pace back and forth. Tanisha sits calmly on the couch.)

How did you sleep last night?

Sleep? How did I sleep? My brother was taken away from me after trying to commit suicide for the second time. Sleep is something that I haven't been thinking about.

Not that I well I guess.

Not even a wink. Look at the bags under my eyes! Just look at them!

Calm down. I'm sure that there is an obvious explanation to it all. Maybe we shouldn't jump to the conclusion that Owen was kidnapped.

Look at the facts Tanisha. His things are gone and some nurse woman signs him out. He's no where in sight and hasn't tried contacting us. I checked his room, he’s not there.

Like I said, something has to give.

(breaking down)
I don't know what to do or think. Why would someone take him? What would they gain out of it? I swore that I saw him being wheeled away. It was his last day.

Of course it was. Maybe he wanted some alone time. He did claim that he wanted to get away from us.

And he also claimed that he forgave us. Besides what we did wasn't too bad. All you did was fought his ex girlfriend. At least he would still talk to you. I was the one who hid my mom's breast cancer news from him.

Then maybe we should get the police involved. Maybe even that Detective Miltner. He saved you when Frank tried killing you.


Why not?

Because that would mean that my mother could find out about this. If I didn't tell her about the explosion and how it left Owen hard of hearing, then there's no way in hell that I'm going to tell her that someone kidnapped him! No way.

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(Nate lies in his darkened hotel room bed. The daytime was shinning on the other side but in the inside, Nate didn't feel well enough to go out and see it.)

Maybe I caught a cold from that chilled night.

(The previous night when Chordelia, Claudia, and Ginny had pulled their stunt, one of the neighbors saw him stranded, so he had the hotel staff open his door to him. Nate was embarrassed about it.)

(Nate picks up the phone to call Blake.)



What's up?

I wanted to let you know I won't be able to make the next meeting.

Why not?

I'm sick. Like really sick.

(Nate then coughs.)

If you want me to take care of you I can't. London fainted earlier and I'm making sure that she rests with her new baby.

That's good to hear, well sort of.

This is actually kind of funny.

How so?

Not ha ha funny but more interesting. You were bragging to me a few weeks ago about how you've been sleeping with every girl after the next.

That's because I have a bragging streak to go with it.

When was the last time you slept or kissed or did anything?

Last night.

There you go. Maybe you have a cold because of her. Could be mononucleosis. Or worse.

You don't know what you're talking about.

No but I always joked that you probably did have an STD.

And rarely do I get sick.

This was something I wanted to tell you when we were kids. I know about your sexual appetite Nate. Please...go and get tested. For yourself. Take better care of yourself and when you feel better, there’s a seat on the board for you.

(Blake hangs up with Nate. He walks into the bedroom to find London holding L.J. He smiles as he thinks to himself, out of all of life's pains and problems, he could play the father figure to everyone.)

(On the other end of the phone, Nate digs his face back into the covers and begins to think of what Blake said.)

(justifying himself)
There's nothing wrong with me. It's just- it’s just a cold!

(Nate sneezes again and grunts at his illness.)

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(In Lexington, Massachusetts; Victor DiMarco begins packing his things in his room. The door is partly open, until his older sister, Juliana walks in.)

What are you doing?

What does it look like I'm doing? I'm packing.

Are you going on vacation? You really do need one.

Yeah, something like that.

Tell me why and where you're going.

Not until you tell me what it is I want to know!

What? What could I possibly say to you?

You tense up when I mention Carrie. You've done everything in your power to keep us torn apart. Having her kidnapped, making and keeping fake letters. Do I have to mention bribing Dylan Colby's cousin Jason? You even went along with making me think that she died.

So you're going to Point Palace.

Yep and you're not stopping me.

I can and I will.

What are you going to do? Have one of our goons kidnap me? You don't have the guts!

Don't push me Vic!

Ever since mom and dad died, you've wanted control of this family! You took over the mob business and now you're trying to take over me.

You're my family and it was my instinct to fill in for mom's absence. In speaking of family, Dante wants to live his life as he sees fit. He wanted nothing to do with the business and I’m questioning his loyalty to the family.

There you go again. You want everything and everyone to go your way! Just because he's gay, well you had to go and have his lover killed and tried setting him up with a girl! I can't even believe that I'm saying this! The things you do are ridiculous and wrong!

Just to prove your little theory’s a dud, I'm going with you.

Great. Then I guess we'll both get to see what you've been hiding.

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(In Carrie's dorm room, which has been like his home for the past weeks, Dylan looks at Carrie who is still the same.)

What are you thinking about?

(Carrie is obviously distraught about something.)

Nothing. You wouldn't understand.

Sure I would. Please tell me.

I'm missing my mommy and my daddy.

(Dylan snickers at how cute she was.)

What's so funny?

Nothing. I'm sure they miss you too.

I also miss my friends. This place is nice and all. The counselors are super cool, but I think I'm homesick.

Then why don't we call your parents.

Yeah! Oh could we? That would be great.

(Dylan walks over to her dresser drawer to get her cell phone. He finds her parent's listing as "home." The phone begins to ring in Lexington.)

Mary Ann:

(Dylan hands the phone over to Carrie.)

Hi mommy!

Mary Ann:
Carrie? It's so nice to hear from you.

You too mommy. I miss you sooooo much.

Mary Ann:
You can always come by and visit.

I know mommy wait…my friend wants to talk to you. I miss you and I love you.

(Dylan takes the phone off of Carrie. He then walks outside to get some privacy. It doesn't phase Carrie as she is preoccupied by the television.)

Misses Slondsbid, this is Dylan Colby, I'm Carrie's boyfriend.

Mary Ann:
Nice to meet you. Mind explaining why my daughter's acting like she's eight?

Not eight. Ten. There was an explosion at Point Palace and she hit her head when she was flung in a tree. As far fetched as that sounds, it’s the truth. Now she thinks she's ten years old.

Mary Ann:
That's awful! Is she okay?

Physically, yes. She's been examined by a really good psychologist who's a family friend of mine.

Mary Ann:
And what was their diagnosis on my daughter?

Something about repressed memories. I think that they have to deal with the DiMarcos.

(On the other end, it was like someone shot a dagger to her heart. She froze.)

Hello? Are you there?

Mary Ann:
Yes. What exactly needs to be done?

We need to get to the bottom of this and her parents need to help her become the same girl that I know.

Mary Ann:
My husband and I will book a flight tomorrow. Thank you for calling.

(Dylan hangs up with Mary Ann. She then walks upstairs to find Carrie's father Michael who had been on the other end listening.)

Michael: (sighing)
What are we going to do dear?

Mary Ann:
We need to go and see our daughter. I don't think that no one else is going so we'll be just fine.

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(Later that night, Will sits alone in his dorm room on his bed. He has a smile on his face because he can't stop thinking of Mika. He then picks up his phone to call her. She picks up on the first ring, but there is loud music playing in the background.)

Where are you at?


Where are you?

I'm at The Destins concert! Hold on.

(Mika goes over to a quieter place to talk to him.)

There that's better.

I miss you already and I've been thinking about you nonstop.

That's sweet of you to say.

Will you stop by when the concert's over?

Of course. I'll be there sooner than you know.

Can't wait.


(Mika hangs up with Will. She then gets another phone call. The voice is deep and of an Asian man's voice, the same man she talked to when she first arrived at the school.)

Why aren't you using the headphones?

(Mika hangs up with him on her cell phone and places a mini receiver in her ear.)

There. Let's get this over with. I have somewhere I need to be. By the way, grunge music isn't my thing.

Look at two o'clock. On the main floor. His name is Toshi Yukikio. He's the one.

Red shirt? Younger guy?

That's the one. He stole from Tumka Inc. and he thinks he can walk free.

Nice to know the reasons why. Consider it done.

(As the band continues to play, everyone is focusing on them, not one single pair of eyes are anywhere else. Mika walks towards the moshpit, which is near the exit. Mika looks at the security guards who are scanning the area but she blends in with the crowd unnoticed.)

(whispers to herself)
Forgive me.

(From her black boots, Mika bends down to produce a palm sized hand gun with a small silencer on the tip. With the gun in her grasp of her black leather gloves, she slyly places the pistol under her shoulder. Her other hand was on her head to look like she had a headache, the other was hidden under her arm, aimed at the back of Toshi’s back.)

(The crowd goes wild. Two shots was all it took. No one would or could hear it. The bullet struck Toshi in the back. Slowly he was falling down, but no one noticed, they continued jumping up and down, taking Toshi with them. Mika quickly put the gun back in her pocket. She exited, without looking back. Soon she was going to be with Will.)


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Wow, Another good one by Serena, I love how she sets up her scenes, and how the action keeps moving through out her scenes. She's very good with details.

I don't know what to make of Mika. I am thrown for a loop on this one. You took it to the left. She's an assassin? Wow. I love it.

Episode was a little bit slower

Loved the scene with Alli and London. It was so nice for them to get all that out. And What a joy it was to c Jon in action against Blake, I knew it would not be long b 4 that drama jumped off., O yea, ask Serena how do you quietly slam a door.? LOL.

I am finally beginning to let Ava an Sky in. The past 3 or 4 episodes have been good for them, They are no Trella and Lenvy, but they are working there way up,

That std scene with Nate was quiet chilling. Good message for straight men, Speaking of since Nate has such an appetite for sex, maybe once or twice he crossed the fence to enter rainbow lane?

I also loved the Juliana back story. I bet she's going to cause a storm in Cody.

Good episode

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  • Members

Good episode. I loved the London and ALley scenes.

Great twist with Mika. Neversaw that coming

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  • Members

Good episode Matt. A little bit on the long side though isn't it? Lol. Keep up the good work.

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