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Episode#148(ALICE'S FUNERAL!)





A day passes in Salem, as the whole Horton clan finds out about Alice’s death. All people in the Horton family are called back for the funeral the very next day, as they all assemble to honor a matriarch. Julie knows about Doug’s coma, and as the scene opens Shawn Douglas’s funeral is just ending, his body finally being released from the police….

Hope sobs as Shawn’s coffin is slowly lowered into the ground outside St.Luke’s. “Goodbye, baby……” she says tearfully as Bo holds her “First Shawn, then my father, and Gran…….how can this be happening?”

“It’ll all be alright, Fancy Face. I promise.” Bo says, trying to be strong for his wife, as he also watches his son’s coffin be dropped into the ground

A single tear drops from his eye, but he continues to hold Hope firmly for comfort. Be strong for her….. he thinks to himself

Belle cries and Marlena and Roman are by her side, while Jan watches but also is hysterical. Marlena holds Claire while Belle slowly whispers “Goodbye, Shawn……”

As the funeral service ends, everyone slowly turns and heads back into the church for Alice’s funeral. All the Hortons sit down as well as most of the Bradys.

The funeral begins, and Hope sits beside Bo, Julie, and Maggie in the front row. One by one, family members of Alice get called up. First is Tommy.

“My mother was always a wonderful woman,” Tommy starts “She raised me and my siblings right, much better than any other parent back in that era did. Even though I had my bad spots in my life, my life was wonderful, because of her and my father. If my sister Addie was present, she would say the same. As would Mickey, and I am sure Marie and Bill feel the same. I know my daughter Sandy does.”

Sandy smiles at her father and gives a simple nod. Next, Bill stands in front of everyone.

“Through my life….I was very troubled. I became a doctor like my father and brother, but then I had battled my other brother Mickey for Laura.” Bill says and casts a simple glance at Laura “This probably hurt both my parents very much. I never considered really until now how it probably did. And then with my son Mike’s paternity……it must have been horrible for them. But I…..do know they still loved us all, and we both gave them wonderful grandchildren. Just….with how I was all those years ago….I shudder to think how it hurt them, and…..I never made up for it……”

Laura suddenly stands and exclaims “Yes you did, Bill! It wasn’t even your fault or Mickey’s. You made up to your whole family, me, and your children what happened! Mark my words you did!”

Laura walks up, and slowly takes Bill’s hand, and they both walk down and back to their seats in silence.

Marie then slowly walks up to the front of the Church, and she is slightly nervous. She says a prayer, and then begins. “For many years in my life, whenever something bad happened, I took it out on my whole family, especially my parents. I always stopped speaking to them, even if what happened had nothing to do with them. I just hid in my room, and later on I just ran off and became a nun for years. I still spoke to them, but most of the time I was just inside that convent. I finally came out of that eventually…but for so many years, I always took EVERYTHING out on them and I know they hated it.” she says and turns to Alice’s coffin “Oh mother, I am so so so sorry….”

Marie leans down and kisses her coffin before sitting back down.

Maggie walks up, and takes a heavy breath before speaking. “I have had a whole day to think on this. When Marlena first told me, I was devastated, and horrified. I had just spoken to Alice days ago, and I even felt guilty for her death because I knew she was sick, or at least slightly sick. Mabye I could have done something…..but soon I decided that I couldn’t mope. I had to cherish the time I had with her, just as I do with Mickey. I lost him in December, but even then I knew I could not mope. None of us should. We must be strong. It is want Alice wants, what she did when Tom or any other family member died. That is why I love her so much. She is strong for us all, and always has been. Now we must be strong…..and…I must help you all with this. Now that Alice is gone, I feel she, and Mickey, would…want me to try to be the pillar of strength for the Hortons. And that is what I shall do.” she tells them all, and everyone in the church smiles at her

Maggie slowly steps down with a small sniff, and sits down. Julie holds her hand tightly, as she prepares to stand up. “You can do it…” Maggie whispers

Julie smiles lightly, and stands and walks up to the front of the church. “Grandma Alice….was always such a treat to see. She always was there to help me, no matter what. All my life I have tried to be like her and my mother. I tried to help raise Hope, but for a lot of my life I didn’t even know who my own child was. I felt like I shouldn’t have been a Horton, at one time, but I realized we all make mistakes. Grandma was a great example, but she had her flaws which made her special to me and the fact my mother and she had faults might have been something that pulled me through the hard times often. My husband, Doug, who has been with me through thick and thin….recently went into a coma, that is highly likely to be irreversible. And then we received the news Grandma died….but through all those horrible discoveries, I could feel her strength guiding me….I could feel her strength when I awoke in that hospital bed yesterday with my family surrounding me……her strength is with us all.” she says as she looks out at everyone in the church, and two tears stream from each of her eyes as she sits down beside Maggie again

The funeral continues on, as more and more Hortons stand and speak about Alice, including Sarah, Melissa, Steve, Abby, Lucas, Mike, Jeremy, Jessica, and many others.

Soon, Jennifer Rose stands up. “My Gran…she was always so sweet and caring. She always took me in and comforted me no matter what kind of attitude I had or what state I was in. She helped me so many times, with relationships, or just something minor. She was always there for me, and….I wish I had known that last Christmas would be the last time I would see her…..but also….watching her and my grandfather, was perhaps what prompted me to finally get back together with my husband, Jack…..because I saw they had true love, and it lasted whether they were married or not….” she says, and then steps down and sits down beside Jack and Abby while Jack holds Jack Jr.

Bo stands up next, and says once he is in front of the whole church “Well, as many know….back when Hope and I began to fall in love some, especially her father, were not too accepting of it at first. However, Mrs.H seemed to always help me and Hope find each other whenever we had problems with our relationship, and she accepted me, and countless others. She had her friend Howie disguise as Hope at her wedding to Larry, she helped me majorly with the whole Gina disaster….” he says “So I was always glad to get to know her, and be a part of her family.”

Marlena then stands next, and walks in front of everyone. She smiles at them all while Belle holds Claire and Roman sits beside her, and she says “Ever since I came to Salem Alice has always been a good friend of mine. Always so helpful, so very helpful and comforting. Even a bit funny at times. She and I had a strong freindship….and again she was so helpful, always assisting in somehow, in some way. And just a few years ago….” she then begins to stop slightly “I repayed her by sending the poor woman to an island….I have not been able to speak to her much recently, but I have tried to make that up…and have apologized to her so many times. I hated to be the one to have to tell the news to the Hortons, and when I found her…..I can’t even describe how I felt. So overcome with sadness….an old friend gone. But even though I may not be related to her, she is in my heart…and always will be…..”

Marlena begins to cry as she steps down and sits next to Roman, and he puts his arm around her. Bo looks to Hope, as do Maggie and Julie. Bo gives a nod, and finally, she stands and slowly approaches the front of the Church.

She walks up to the coffin, and slowly touches it. She sniffs several times, before turning to her family and friends. “When Bo told me about this….I didn’t want to believe it.” she starts, her tone neutral “My life so far this year has been terrible. I have my daughters, Pamela and Addie, and my husband. But I lost my son…and my father…and now my Gran. I loved them all so much, and always had this special bond with Gran. She and I were always close, and she always helped me so much, and I never really helped her. She figured out that Gina was really me years ago, she helped me in my wreck of a marriage to Larry Welch, and was there no matter what was going on in her life. I enjoyed every moment of my time with her, on Christmas, or just some regular day. Yesterday….I was an emotional wreck, but also remembered a lot of great times with Gran and there are so many more that I didn’t recall at that very moment. I have been crying all day, and even during this funeral. But I want….to stop. I want to be happy all this day, as Aunt Maggie brought up. I know Gran is in a better place…..with my grandfather, Tom. I know she was strong during his death, so I must be strong during hers. And again, she is with my grandfather. Something she always wanted….so I know…she…is happy….and like Julie, I can feel her presence….”

Hope slowly turns, and looks down at the coffin again. “Gran, someday….I…..will join you….in Heaven….”

One, single, last tear drops down onto the coffin, as Hope turns and sits down next to Bo.

Alice’s coffin is then taken outside, and everyone follows. As she is about to be buried after everything is said, everyone drops roses on her coffin, as it like Shawn’s did goes into the ground, right next to where Tom is buried….

Maggie, Julie, Hope, Bo, Marlena, Roman, Tommy, Bill, Marie, Melissa, Sarah, Jennifer, and everyone else watches as the coffin is finally settled deep into the ground, and the hole is filled….

Bo wraps his arms around Hope for comfort as everyone watches, and she puts her hand back on his shoulder. They all watch, and as they all stand perfectly still, a last montage of Tom and Alice Horton is shown of them dancing to their memorable song( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b34glFqs5mM ) before the screen fades to black……

1 Comment

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Fine, fine work. Very emotional. Everyone spoke wonderfully of Alice. Moved alittle quickly, but that may be the way I read it. LOL! You gave her the class and dignity others would not have. You should be proud.

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