Episode 88: Switch Tape
- London was forced to make a decision on whether or not she should have her baby or risk dying. London tells John, Alley, and a heart broken Blake, that she'll risk everything to have her child because it was the main reason why she came to Point Palace to begin with.
- C.C. tries to persuade Carlos to return to "Blue Crystal" because of his popularity of winning his award. He tells her that Jenny didn't want him to and that he's been having problems because Nick has been interfering. C.C. gets an evil idea.
- Nate kisses every board member's ass to try and get a position with them. The last person on his list was Dylan. It didn't go as expected because Dylan never liked how Nate treated Blake and a girl that Dylan once liked from their hometown of when they grew up. Nate exits by telling him that he will be working for him, and Dylan responds by commenting on how he was doing a horrible job of kissing his ass and that his karma came around.
- Nick talks to Jenny about working later and how he can do whatever he wants because he's pretty high up. He also checks to see if Carlos tried contacting her but she tells him that he didn't. C.C. eavesdrops and lets him know that she knows what he's doing. Nick tells her that it's none of her conercen. C.C. gives him the idea that they can team up together to break up Carlos and Jenny forever.
- Ava thinks about her past loves. Zak and James. Sky then visits her and the two end up making love. She wakes up in a hot sweat and in confusion after having a sex dream about her lesbian friend.
- Will follows Mika to a trendy new billard bar and she begins to give into him by talking to him. The two get closer and he tells her all about Lenvy and how it's hard for him to date other girls, but he wants to get to know her. She agrees to go out with him on an official date.
- London notices that Blake is depressed about her decision but she tries calming him down by saying that everything is alright. On the other side of town, John is in the same mood as Alley tells him that as much as she doesn't approve of London, everything will be okay.
- The next day, Alexia and Tanisha go to see Owen. Before they get up there, Alexia thinks she sees Owen getting wheeled away but dismissed it off as nonsense. When they get to his room, they find it empty, and Owen gone.

Episode 88:
Switch Tape
Executive Story Consultant:
Matt Politylo
Serena Green
- - -
(Alexia falls quickly into a state of panic. Immediately moving around the covers of the neatly made bed sobbing from her fear.)
Oh God! This can't be happening!
(Tanisha stood near the doorway in shock. She couldn't believe he was gone. She remembered what Alexia foolishly said on the elevator and here it was true. Moments later she realized there had to be a logical explanation for Owen's sudden M.I.A. She goes into the bathroom to check for some of his things.)
Nothing's here. Maybe he was moved to another room.
Someone took my brother! He was kidnapped! I just know it! That’s what I was looking at, I swore I saw him getting wheeled away.
I'll go and get Doctor Quarr. He'll make sense of this.
(As Tanisha hurriedly left the room Alexia stood with her hand on her head trying quickly to think of who could do a thing like this. Who would want to steal Owen and why?)
Some one has my brother but why?
- - -
(London lays looking at her new baby girl. Blake, Alley and John are the only ones surrounding her. She instantly fell in love with the nameless child.)
You did it!
London: (smiling)
I still can't believe it.
Dr. Harnlo:
She was quite the trooper. I'm very proud of you London, your baby is healthy.
Thank you again Doctor. I understand why you did what you did, you were just trying to protect us.
(to the others)
So what should I name her?
(The room falls silent as a smile spreads across Blake's face.)
How about we name her after the woman who made it all possible?
Me? You want to call her London?
Absolutely. London Jr. What do you think John?
John: (Proud to be included)
Hey, I think L.J. is a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl.
- - -
(Dylan walks into Carrie's room to find her singing into a brush to Janet Jackson's "Pleasure Principle" He takes a water gun from behind his back with his right hand and squirts her with it.)
Hey! What do you think you're doing stupid?
Dylan: (Handing her the red gun in his left hand)
Nothing you can't retaliate with!
(The two begin childishly running around the dorm with water guns soaking each other. Although there was a method to Dylan's madness he was glad he was finally having fun with Carrie, even if it took him to act like a child.)
- - -
(Just as Nate turned on the air conditioner there was a knock on the door. He gets up to answer it just after removing his shirt.)
Hey, how can I help you?
Chordelia: (flashing her own flirty face and batting her eyes.)
Glad you asked. Are you busy tonight? I was just wondering if I could…hang out.
(Nate becomes instantly excited with the emphasis she put on the words "hang out." He then notices the incredibly tight and revealing dress she was wearing. He knew she was trying to impress him. He smiled to himself knowing where the evening was going.)
Hang out? Sure you can hang here. I'm not doing much. Please come in.
(He shuts the door behind her and allows her to walk past him. He takes another look at how well the dress was fitting her body. He places his fist to his teeth and bites down behind her back. They sit next to each other on the bed.)
You know, I've been thinking about you lately.
Really? What have you been thinking?
Just that…Oh, I don't know if I should be telling you this.
Come on. It's just me. You can tell me. I won't laugh.
Well, I've just been sort of fanaticizing about you lately. About us, I mean.
(She begins to lean back on her elbows seductively)
(becoming more and more aroused and watching her every move.)
What about us?
I can be pretty erotic when I want to be and I don't think any guy can handle that as well as you would be able to. Do you mind if I get comfortable?
Not at all.
(Chordelia then stands to remove her dress revealing a sexy red lace bra and underwear with matching garter belts. Nate can't believe his eyes. Chordelia walks over to him. He lightly touches her face until grabbing her by her neck.)
The next time I find out that you’ve been talking to one of my girls, I swear you’ll never be able to speak again. Just enjoy the moment hun.
(Nate begins to kiss Chordelia who goes from cunning to scared but rolls on top of him to kiss him back.)
- - -
(Ava walks into the Palace Café and sees Sky sitting in a small booth in the corner. Sky immediately signs for her to come over. Ava reluctantly goes over to her with scenes from her dream floating in her head. As she takes each step to the table a different image appears in her mind. First Sky at the door, then her taking off her blue light hoodie, then the two kissing, then heading up the stairs, then Ava sitting on her bed, then Ava undoing Sky's bra.)
Hey, what's up? How are you?
Ava: (Realizing she was standing in front of Sky)
Fine why do you ask?
Sky: (Sarcastically)
That's normally what people say upon greeting, sort of catching up on the other person.
Ava: (smiling weakly)
Oh. Fine I guess.
Sky: (patting the seat beside her)
Come. Sit. Tell me all about it.
(Ava quickly grabs a chair from a nearby table and places it in front of the table away from Sky.)
Oookay. That's one hell of a shirt. Where'd you get it?
(quickly crossing her arms in front her chest realizing her cleavage was exposed a bit)
Umm, I don't remember.
(A moment of silence sweeps them until Sky breaks it.)
Okay, I'll bite. What's going on?
Ava: (shocked)
Bite what?! What do you mean you'll bite? I'm not into getting bitten!
Sky: (laughing)
It's a figure of speech. It means like "I give up." You're still not answering my question.
Ava: (relaxing)
Nothing. I didn't get much sleep last night, that's all.
Bad dreams?
(Ava then flashes to kissing Sky.)
Something like that.
- - -
(Will checks himself out in the rearview mirror of his car. He exits the car and before he can get into the dormm Mika comes walking out in an elegant rose colored dress that came down slightly past her knees. Her high heels matched the dress and her hair was pinned up with a few curls left behind to fall down her face with two little diamond studs in her ears. Will was taken back by her beauty.)
(holding out his bended arm for her to grab)
Hello beautiful.
(taking his arm, smiling, and playing along)
Hi handsome.
(Seated at The River Teal, Mika and Will are already talking and eating.)
I thought you worked for the FBI since you weren’t telling me your name and then running off so quickly.
Mika: (laughing)
No, I thought you were just another guy trying to push up on me.
Now what do you think?
(hesitates then responds with a smile)
I think you're very sweet.
- - -
(Back at the hospital, Dr. Quarr talks to Alexia and Tanisha in Owen’s room.)
What can I help you with Alexia?
Where is my brother?
Was he moved to another room?
Dr. Quarr:
Of course not. He was checked out this morning by a nurse named uh, Goldie. Is everything okay?
(Tanisha and Alexia share a nervous stare.)
Okay, well I have to get back to a few patients.
(Dr. Quarr exits.)
What am I going to do? My brother was kidnapped! I couldn’t tell him anything. I can’t risk having- Never mind.
Who is Goldie?
I think the better question is, what is she doing with Owen?
- - -
(Chordelia has managed to get Nate down to his underwear. He has no clue what he's in for. Nate is kissing on her neck.)
Hey slow down tiger.
This is what you wanted right?
Of course, but like I was saying, I want to explore new things.
New things? Like what? I'm down for anything.
Anything? I don't know. I have some pretty heavy stuff in mind.
Nate: (jokingly)
Break out the whips and chains. I'm ready baby.
Chordelia: (forcing back laughter)
Whoa sparky. Have you ever done it outside? I mean, you have a nice balcony out there. Let's go explore it.
Outside? I don't know about that.
Chordelila: (
sucks her teeth)
I knew it.
(She begins to get up and grab her dress.)
I knew I was too much for you. It's okay. I'll just leave then.
Leave? No, I didn't say I didn't want to. Don't you think it's a bit cold outside?
Oh, sure. Hide behind the weather. I'll see you around. You're not the guy I thought you were. I feel so silly for coming to you like this. And about talking- I shouldn’t have done it. So goodbye.
If you want to do it on the balcony then let's do it on the balcony. I'm all the man you need.
Chordelia: (smirking seductively)
(Nate takes off his boxers and opens the sliding door to the balcony. He steps onto the balcony naked still facing Chordelia with his arms wide open inviting her. Chordelia walks seductively toward the balcony sliding doors and in an instant she shuts and locks the door laughing hysterically.)
Hey! What the hell are you doing? This isn't funny.
Oh, yes it is. How could you think I really wanted to sleep with you again? This is what you get for thinking with the wrong head!
(Chordelia lets Claudia and Ginnny into the room. Ginny takes a poloroid of Nate’s vulnerability.)
You’re not having a group thing tonight.
Ginny: (snapping another picture)
Say cheese!
That one is definitely going online.
Ginny: (to Chordelia)
Well girls. I think he needs to message. Loud and clear.
(Ginny takes out a tube of lipstick and writes on the glass door big and bold HERE STANDS A PLAYER WHO'S BEEN PLAYED. Claudia and Chordelia blow Nate a kiss as all the girls exit, leaving Nate to fend for himself.)
- - -
(Dylan and Carrie are sitting on the couch in the living room with one huge bowl of ice cream topped with gummy bears, sprinkles, m&m's, peanuts, chocolate syrup, and peanut butter. Dylan decides that now is a good time to start asking questions.)
So, Carrie?
Carrie: (stuffs a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth)
Mmm hmm?
What do you think about you being trapped in a big girl's body?
I don't know. I mean, I think I'm really pretty, but it's just weird. I didn't look like this before.
What do you think about a lot?
I think about my mommy and daddy. I miss them.
Is that all? Do you have any friends you think about? Anything at school?
I think about the DiMarco's. They're my friends.
Are you sure about that?
Why? Why do you think about them? What do you think about them?
I can't tell you.
Dylan: (frustrated)
Why not Carrie? Don't you trust me?
Carrie: (shyly)
Yes. I think about you too.
(Dylan then excuses himself and goes to find Carries cell phone. He dials Victor’s number.))
Hello? Carrie?
No, sweetheart. Guess again.
What do I owe the pleasure of this call? Judgment day is nearing isn't it? This is the second time we’ve chatted on her phone. Screening her calls huh? Or are you just too poor to buy a phone?
Don't get cute. This is not a friendly call, but I do need your help.
Carrie realized she doesn't need you?
In your dreams pasta eater. Seriously, I wanted to update you on Carrie's condition.
It's such a shame that you weren't the one who was hurt from the explosion.
Sometimes I think that too. But, she was hurt and she lost her memory. She thinks she's 10 years old again. All she keeps talking about is some stupid secret that your family and hers shares. I hate to ask this but I need her to get better so would you and your sister get down here and help us put together the pieces to this puzzle? Please! I know you want to help Carrie and this is the only way to do it.
- - -
(Sky looks at Ava in a weird way.)
So what was it about?
I would never be able to begin telling you.
Sky: (reaching out to touch Ava's hand for comfort)
Come on. It can't be that bad.
(pulling away)
Please don't do that. I would rather not talk about it.
Ava, come on. It's obviously made you uncomfortable. Just spit it out.
I can't. It's too weird. Let’s just forget about it and move on.
No, you're going to tell me what's bothering you. Since you walked in that door you've been acting shitty towards me and I think I deserve to know why. Give me that much respect.
(looking nervously at Sky and speaking in a low tone)
I had a sexual dream about you and me.
You did? Is that what's bothering you?
Yes, you and I both know I am not a lesbian.
That’s right Ava. You know you're not a lesbian.
(Ava wonders why Sky made that statement and put the emphasis on the word "you.)
- - -
(Cairina and C.C. are onset of Blue Crystal just finishing up a taping of another show.)
So you think Carlos will come back huh?
Yes, I'm almost certain.
Good. I have the writers working diligently on a plot for Miguel and it's looking great. With him back our ratings are going to skyrocket!
C.C.: (fakes a smile)
(Cairina pats C.C. on the shoulder as she walks away. C.C. waits until no one is in ear length to eavesdrop and then calls Dr. Quarr on her cell phone.)
Dr. Quarr here.
It's C.C., I need you to do me a favor.
Name it.
This is going to sound crazy, but I need you to give Carlos and Jenny some alone time.
That doesn't sound crazy at all. It's preposterous!
Would you just trust me please! I know what I'm doing. This will be the last meeting they ever have and that's a promise.
- - -
(Will and Mika are standing in front of Mika's door at the end of the night.)
I had a really nice time tonight. I haven't had fun like that in a long time. Thank you.
I had an amazing time with you too. You have made me feel so comfortable with you. I really like you Mika.
I like you too.
(Will leans in for a kiss and Mika goes for it.)
Well, good night.
I'll call you tomorrow.
I hope so.
Mika: (jokingly)
Goodnight handsome.
Will: (playing along)
Goodnight beautiful.
(Will heads to the car, standing on the elevator he begins thinking about Lenvy. He knows that in his heart he was thinking of her during that kiss with Mika. Slowly his mind wanders too far and Lenvy is standing in front of him.)
I miss you.
I miss you too Will. I'm glad to see you had fun tonight. Mika is a lovely girl.
She can't hold a candle to you sweetheart.
Still, she'll help you cope with your pain. She'll help you get over me.
Never, I could never forget you Lenvy, because I love you. Mika is nice and she's beautiful, but I could never let her come between what you and I have. I mean what Nan did to you! I can’t let that go. I just can’t.
Don’t worry about her. I’m fine where I’m at. You’re going to laugh but I’ve even made peace with Brandon and Trella on the other side.
You would. You’re such an angel. You’re my angel.
I want you to allow Mika into your heart. She can bring you so much happiness if you let her. I know you will never forget me. I'm always with you. I love you Will.
(Lenvy leans in for a kiss but Will never feels her lips. The elevator doors open and two students get on. Just like that she was gone and Will was left stunned.)
- - -
(Carlos visits Jenny to show her the tape of the awards when he dedicated his award to her. Standing outside her door he hopes this will help her remember him or at least let her know he wasn't lying. He knocks and she opens.
Hey, can I come in?
I don't think that's a good idea.
This won't take long. I just want to show you something.
What could you possibly have to show me?
Carlos: (holding up the tape)
What's that?
Please let me in and I would be happy to show you.
(Jenny opens the door and reluctantly let him in.)
Thank you. Are you afraid of me? You know I would never hurt you right?
I guess. What's on the tape?
Carlos: (excited to show her)
Right the tape. This is the tape of my award show. I am an actor. I won an award and I dedicated it to you, my girlfriend.
Jenny: (confused)
Uh huh.
(Carlos puts the tape in and presses the play button.)
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