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Another solid episode Matt. I can definitely tell you wrote this one.

I loved the Dylan Nate scene. I also like how slowly you are weaving Nate into the thick of things. Hogan Sheffer need to take tips from you about that.

Two of my fav characters Nick and CC working together. Now this is gonna get real good.

I am so mad at Dr. Harnlo. That's a malpractice lawsuit and she should loose her license and If I was Blake I would sue her and that hospital.

I WAS MAD AS HELL when you revealed it was only a dream for Ava. I was on the edge of my seat reading that and couldn't believe I was reading because it did come out of no where But it was only a dream. <_<

So glad you got into the emotions for Jon/Alley/ Blake/ London

Owen is missing, let's see where this goes.

And I loved all Of Carrie's line.

You got some really GREAT storyline going.

And I am really liking Mika. She's another you weaving into the canvas slowly. I like Will/Mika so far.

Again Matt good episode and good dialog.

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