Episode 82: Tempting Habits
- Alley knew that she was caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. Dylan was angry to find that he thought she tried to pull Carrie's life support. The doctors and nurses saved her, yet again, only to have her fall back further in her coma. John tried to stop Dylan from getting Officer Wendell but he couldn't and Alley was taken in for questioning.
- Owen got news from Dr. Quarr that he's going to have to stay longer in the hospital to try and fix his deafening ear problem. He complains to Alexia and Tanisha on how he wants to leave immediately.
- Carlos is depressed in LA when he can't stop thinking of Jenny. C.C. tries to cheer him up by making a very suggestive pass at him, but he turns her down.
- Bryan reads The Point Palace Inquiry with happiness because the lead story talks about the accusations that he caused Blake to have. London pays him a visit to display her disgust for him and shows him by slapping across the face. She warns him to leave Blake alone.
- Jenny wakes up to see Dr. Quarr taking care of her. It seems that she has amnesia and can't remember anything. Nick explains what happened to her. She asks who he is to her. He responds by saying that they are lovers.
- Nate sleeps with yet another girl named Claudia who he just uses for sex.
- Sky visits Ava and the two learn a lot about each other. Sky learns that Ava is an ex-alcoholic and Ava learns that Sky is a lesbian.
- Leon promises to print Blake's side of the story. When Leon leaves, Blake thinks that he is the only one in his office building and begins to leave. However he isn't alone. Will is angered by the story he read and wants to kill Blake for supposedly killing Lenvy. The two get into a fist fight and almost destroy the hallway foyer. They both begin rolling down the steps and through the banister railing, landing head first in the office fountain pool.

Episode 83:
Tempting Habits
Executive Story Consultant & Creator:
Matt Politylo
Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman
- - -
(The fountain that Blake and Will fell from had broken both of their fall. Blake is the first one to get out of the pool. He looks at Will who has not come out of it yet. Blake pulls Will out. Will begins to gasp for air.)
I think you've had enough. Are you okay?
No. I want to kill you. I wanted to throw you over that balcony and make sure that you cracked your skull open.
Blake: (continuing to breathe heavy)
Do you really hate me that much?
You took away the one thing that ever meant something in my life.
I'm telling you that I didn't do it! Until you find out who that was or who was involved. Go and blame them.
(Will lunges at Blake. He pushes him off of him.)
You should leave. This night has gotten worse for the both of us!
Do you swear on your life that you had nothing to do with that explosion?
I hate you for what you did to Zak, Alley, and Carrie. And even me! But I would never kill someone! We both know what happened in the past between us. Let’s just leave it at that but you’re going after the wrong person.
You’re talking about the time when I crashed your car into a tree when you were drunk and then ran over Nan. Who would've known that her kid would have been mine? That was years ago!
If you only would have listened to me in the first place, none of this would have ever happened! Please just go.
Will: (pointing)
I'm going to find out who did this. And when I do, they're going to pay. You better hope you’re not lying to me!
- - -
(The next afternoon at Cody Memorial, Dylan looks over Carrie.)
I didn't think that Alley was going to do try and do what she did. She probably just ruined the chances of you coming to. I guess I'll go and get a doctor to see how you are. You're probably not going to make any progress.
(Dylan looks away from Carrie. He goes to the door and turns around. He sees Carrie's eyes actually flutter open.)
Oh my god. You're actually awake.
(Dylan begins to hug and kiss Carrie's cheek as he is so happy to see her awake.)
Hi. Nice to see you too.
I seriously thought that you were never going to wake up. I was so worried about you.
Thanks. Where's mommy and daddy?
Your parents?
Yeah I want to see them. Where are they?
I didn't think to call them. I really don't know them that well.
That's okay. I'm sure they will be here soon. I must have had my tonsils taken out.
I think that they're still in Lexington. They probably would have been notified if you were actually seriously hurt, but now that's not happening. You had a more serious accident then tonsillitis. I don't even want to think about what happened. You look great. How do you feel?
Hungry. I want some ice cream and some candy!
(Dylan gives her a weird look.)
We'll go down to the food court later.
Carrie: (joyfully screaming)
What's wrong with you?
Nothing. I'm just happy. You don't mind if I watch cartoons do you?
Dylan: (confused)
Go right ahead.
(Carrie turns on the television set and begins to laugh.)
I love Nickelodeon!
I didn't think that college girls still watched silly cartoons. Except for Adult Swim or something more mature for our age.
Carrie: (even more confused)
College girl? I'm not even in junior high yet.
I'm only ten years old buddy!
- - -
(In Los Angeles, C.C. sits on her couch in her hotel room and begins to think.)
Stupid Jenny. If she wasn't in the picture, I could have Carlos all to myself! It's almost as if he wouldn't touch any other girl, unless it was her.
(C.C. stands up and goes over to her mini bar.)
Look at all this alcohol. It could alter someone's mind and it would be such a shame if it went to waste.
(C.C. begins to smile at herself.)
I am the best actress. That is why I will win my award. If the only girl that he will sleep with is Jenny...
(C.C. begins to look at herself in the mirror. She starts playing with her hair.)
Then I'll play the part of red headed Jenny Fremann!
- - -
(Back at Cody Memorial Hospital, Ginny visits Owen yet again, only this time she is alone with him.)
I'm glad to see that you're awake. How are you feeling?
(The only thing that Owen heard her say was 'awake' and 'feeling.')
It's nice to see you. Out of all the stuff that I put you through. It's amazing that you will actually come and visit.
What are friends for? Besides the last time I saw you, you were in a deep sleep. I was worried sick about you.
So how are you doing? Have the doctors told you anything?
I really can't hear you.
No. It's nothing against you at all, but the doctors told me that I'm going deaf.
Oh Owen...I'm so sorry to hear that.
Ginny: (raises her voice)
I'm sorry.
It's okay. I'm just a little depressed about it. That's all.
You're going to be fine. I'm sure they'll find something to cure it.
Now I know how old people must feel.
(Ginny smiles at his comment.)
I should get going. I have to be at work in a few minutes.
(Ginny begins to open the door.)
It means a lot to me, to have you here. Thank you.
And that's why I have to go because of this.
(Ginny exits. She looks back at his room.)
I can't tell you how I feel about you. Not yet at least.
- - -
(In the Cody Precinct, Alley is in questioning with John by her side. Officer Wendell sits down across from her.)
Is this even necessary?
Is she getting arrested?
That depends. Besides, I'm the one who is supposed to be asking the questions here. So, if you don't want to both be held in contempt, I would suggest that you shut up.
(Both are quiet.)
Now please explain to me what you were doing in Carrie's room in the first place.
I found out from Dylan that she was hurt from the explosion. So I went in there and saw that she was unconscious.
If she was unconscious, then how long were you in there for?
Five minutes or so.
What kind of things were you saying to her?
I- I was telling her that I thought she deserved what had happened to her.
Wendell, they both hate each other.
Alan: (to John)
And why is that?
It's a very long story.
That's why were here. To get her story straight.
Do you want me to tell it or her?
I’m no Stephen King but I’m sure my story will have its entertainment.
I guess since she's the one in here for questioning, her story telling will do just fine. Please begin.
John and I used to go out. You of course knew that. Carrie left town for her ex boyfriend and thus she left her boyfriend, our good friend, Dylan. Then London Tyler came to town. That's John's ex and she told him she was pregnant. John and I grew further from one another. I then cheated on him with Dylan. John and I broke up and then John grabbed Carrie back into Point Palace, just to break us up. Instead they start going out. It turns out that Dylan and Carrie cheated on us. We recently found out and decided to exit the school. Then we returned. Did I leave anything out?
And Dylan thought that we were both dead because we told them that we were going on a bus to Philly. We didn't know that a bus going to Philly would actually have something happened to it. Instead we went to Florida but had to return once we heard about the explosion.
Wow. I have to tell you that that story deserves to be on either a soap opera or a talk show. Alley, I know you. How did Carrie's condition go from bad to worse?
I tripped over a wire that was connected to her air supply. The alarm went off and then everyone walked in on what looked to be a really bad situation.
Alley would never do such a thing like that.
Don't you think that if I were to kill her, I would have done something more planned out? Or maybe even spontaneous. Like...suffocating her with a pillow. Not that I have a criminal mind, I'm just trying to give you a-
I understand. You must have been caught in the wrong situation at an even worse time. I'm going to let you two go. Please, for your sake Alley, try staying out of trouble.
- - -
(The next day, Blake and London sit in Blake's office as Myra pours them some hot tea. Blake doesn’t have some but London begins to eat numerous finger foods.)
That is such a shame about what happened. To think that there were no securities cops here or anything.
They don't come until every other hour.
I'm just glad that you're okay.
(There is a knock on Blake's door.)
You don't have any appointments today. I wonder who that can be.
(Myra opens the door. Nate walks in and begins to check Myra out.)
Shall I escort him out?
Nate Mavick! Come in.
(Myra exits as Nate walks in and shakes Blake's hand.)
It seems as if you've been in the news lately.
(Nate gives him the article of Blake's side of the story.)
Like they say, no news like bad news. Nate, I would like you to meet my wife London.
(London shakes Nate's hand.)
It's nice to meet you. How do you two know each other?
Blake and I were really good friends from back home.
He actually dated Alley. That was such a long time ago.
I see that you two must have a baby on the way as well. I remember when this kid was a virgin for the longest time.
Actually this baby belongs to another- It’s a long and personal story.
So you two haven't-
I don't kiss and tell.
Yes you do.
(Blake laughs at the comment.)
What brings you to Point Palace?
Besides all of the hot girls that want me, I came to see you about a job.
A job?
At first I was going to just stay for a visit but then I found out all about how you're now the president of Point Palace.
It's almost as if he owns the place.
What exactly would you want to do?
You know how skilled I'm at in the computer field. That would probably be my number one choice. Unless anything else is available.
I'll have my secretary call as soon as possible.
Thank you. You won't regret it.
(Nate shakes Blake's hand.)
Too bad I didn't get an invite to the wedding. However, it was nice to meet you.
(Nate exits.)
He seems like a very nice and interesting character.
Unless he's changed, which I doubt, then he's still a man whore with a hidden agenda!
- - -
(Before they go to the hospital, Tanisha waits for Alexia to get ready.)
Hurry up.
I have to look really good.
For your brother? You're not me.
No. For the cute, single doctors whose eye I might catch.
Good luck with that sister.
(Alexia goes into her bathroom to get ready. Her phone rings.)
Are you going to get it?
Not at the moment but you can get it.
(Tanisha answers Alexia's phone.)
No this is Tanisha. May I ask who's calling?
This is Lexi's mother. You're not by chance the same Tanisha who is going out with my son are you?
Yes I am.
It's so nice to meet you.
You too.
You and Owen will have to come out to Raleigh some day to meet me in person.
Will do. Do you want to talk to your daughter?
Sure. It was nice meeting you.
You too.
(Tanisha hands the phone to Alexia.)
Who is it?
It's your mom.
(Alexia shoots Tanisha a worried look.)
Just talk to her!
Hi mom.
What took you so long to answer your phone?
I was getting ready for something.
Oh. Like what?
(Alexia begins to envision what the response to telling her the truth would be like.)
Well mom. Owen was in an explosion and he's in the hospital. Oh and he's practically going deaf as we speak. Christina: WHAT?! I'm having a heart attack! Call me an ambulance! Now!
(The vision ends.)
Lexi? Lexi are you there?
Yeah. Sorry.
Well? What do you have planned for today?
I'm just going to go out with some friends.
Have fun. I really don't mean to burden you but I care.
How are things going for you?
Things are looking up. I have good days and bad days. I'm going to fight the cancer no matter what!
I'll pray for you. Well I'll talk to you-
By the way. Where has Owen been lately? He hasn't answered his cell phone.
- - -
(In Cody Memorial, Agatha answers the phone.)
Cody Memorial, fourth floor. How may I help you?
Hey it's Carlos.
Carlos. What are you doing calling me? You're supposed to be on vacation.
Yeah kind of.
Have you gotten your award yet?
No. It's later tonight. I'm just really nervous.
Don't be. You're going to win. I can feel it.
Thanks. I just wanted to call and see how Jenny was doing.
I wasn't working yesterday but let me go and check.
(Agatha finds Nick.)
Carlos is on the phone and he wants to know how Jenny is doing.)
Sure. I'll take the call.
(Nick picks up the phone and begins to talk.)
Carlos how's Los Angeles?
How's Jenny?
Unfortunately she hasn't made much of a recovery. She's still in a coma.
Oh. Thank you. Nick…please take good care of her for me.
No problem. Will do.
(Nick hangs up with Carlos and goes into Jenny's room. She's eating her dinner.)
This isn't the best food.
It's hospital food. What do you expect?
It makes me miss wherever I'm from.
You go to Point Palace University in Cody, Colorado.
Then how did you and I meet?
At the Palace Cafe. I accidentally spilled your drink and then I bought you a new one. We've been talking ever since.
Love at first spill I guess.
It was. You actually had someone call for you.
Just one of your loser ex boyfriends. He's really nothing to worry about. You dumped him along time ago.
- - -
(In another part of the school, a black Eclipse drives up in front of the school. After finding a nice parking spot, a very attractive tall Asian female appears. She takes off her sunglasses and looks up at one of the dorm rooms. She pulls out her cell phone and begins to make a call.)
Yes I’m here. It’s a very nice school and the plane ride was smooth. Can’t believe that it’s private. It seems too big. Send me all the information that you have. I’m all signed up? Good. Class schedules and such? Great. Hope that it wasn’t too expensive for you but then again, nothing ever is. It’s going to be fun to be a normal college student.
(Mika hangs up with her caller and walks on.)
If that were only the truth.
- - -
(Ava is walking along the streets of Point Palace and looks into the windows of stores. She then gets a call on her cell phone.)
Look. I wanted to make sure that you weren't freaked out by what I told you the other day.
I'm not but you are who you are.
Thanks. We're still friends right?
Nothing's going to change that. I have to go.
(Ava hangs up with Sky. She then looks into the window of a liquor store. It was almost as if it was calling out to her. She couldn't resist and walks in. She goes directly to a bottle of Spiced Rum.)
I’ve missed you. No I can’t do this!
(Ava places the bottle back onto the shelf until picking it up again and without thinking purchases it. She walks back to her car and opens the bottle. The smell tingles her nose. Ava looks around to find no one and takes a long swig.)
(Ava drives back to her dorm room and continues to drink some more. She finds a Psychology 101 book on top of her coffee table. Ava picks it up and examines it.)
Taught by the wonderful, the married, the exiting Professor James Vaughne.
(She then begins to have a flashback of when she almost got into a car accident with James. It was the first time they met. She thought he was handsome and charming. That was the first time he saved her. And then she was possessed by Jake and wreaked havoc on Vicki and Ike. It was the second time James had saved her. And it was the first time she fell in love with him.)
Looking at this book makes me think of him.
(Ava takes another sip of the bottle which was a quarter of the way gone. She throws the book against her wall and makes her way upstairs.)
You were my hope when Will left me to come here. You were my hope when Zak died. You're going to be my hope once again because of James!
(Ava continues to drink the bottle. Gulping the heavy liquor.)
Things are always taken away from us…especially me!
(As time wears on, Ava gets drunker and drunker. Until she becomes completely plastered, she starts herself a bath out of her drunken stuper.)
I- love you James! I absolutely do. I-
(She doesn't even know that she's talking to her drunk self into a mirror. She then keels over and passes out in the rising water of the bath tub.)
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