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-Christopher tells Hope he is sorry and they are doing all they can. She says she knows, and she just needs some time alone. He nods, and then leaves. She sits in silence, and says “My own father….could be gone forever?

-Sami begins to panic, and Marlena tells her her father is looking for him right now! Sami says that will do a load of good, he’ll probably just leave Eric to die! Marlena angrily snaps that he would never do that. He and Eric may not be close but he cares about him, and in a way always has! Marlena tells Sami it is time she showed her father some respect! Sami says she always has! Marlena yells that she is talking about John, and Sami knows that! She says Sami needs to finally grow up and treat John better! Marlena then storms out of the hospital room without a word, and Sami grits her teeth angry and lies back down….

*Days of Our Lives Opening*

-Max walks into the garage and there is a message from Kayla telling him she needs him down at the hospital NOW! However Max does not check any of his messages, due to how Erin cannot be found.

-Kayla walks back into Caroline’s room and tells Kim she called all three but Max didn’t answer so she left a message and hopefully he’ll get it soon. Kim says she did a good thing by calling John, and Kayla says she knows. Kim smiles, and both of them look at Caroline and hold her hands. Kayla says she looks so peaceful, and Kim nods. She says she has a feeling that soon she will be back and better than ever.

-Sami gets her mind off John, and worries for her brother. She says to herself no one ever really bothered to talk to him much these past several months, including her. And now he could be gone. She thinks to herself it shows how good of a sister she is. She looks around, saying almost everyone she knows in Salem are hurt and/or in danger…

-Hope sees Bo enter the hospital, and she yells “BO!” He turns and sees her inside her room, and he walks in. He comments it’s good to see her awake and around. She tries to crack a smile, and tells him that she has news on her father. As she tears up Bo asks her what’s wrong, and she says he’s in a possibly irreversible coma. More tears come out of Hope’s eyes as Bo just stands in silence without a word, and pulls Hope into his arms.

-Marlena walks into Belle’s room, where she lies unconscious. Marlena strokes her hair and says “My baby girl…I hate seeing you like this.” She flashes back to the night when John brought Belle as a baby back to her and Faux Roman after Sami had taken her. Marlena vows not to lose Belle now, and promises to take care of Claire until Belle is better. She says she knows she has been going through a hard time because of Shawn’s death, and she’s sorry she hasn’t been around too much to help her. She hasn’t been there for any of her children. She says it’s time she changes that, and she will be there for all of them. She whispers she’ll let her rest now and kisses her on the forehead before leaving Belle’s hospital room….

-Max walks into the office room in the garage, and finds a recording sitting on his desk. He looks at it in confusion and plays it, then hears the short conversation between Erin and her “stalker”. He recognizes Erin’s voice and then says he has to get down to the police station. He grabs the recording and leaves the garage, still not checking his messages….

-Hope says to Bo in between tears that their lives are just falling apart. Stefano DiMera is alive, and maybe even Megan Hathaway! Shawn was killed, and now her own father is in a coma! Bo promises her things will get better, and they will fight back to make their lives to be what they once were…


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