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August 22, 2007-GOODBYE KIM AND SHANE!!




-At the Pub, family and friends have gather to say their goodbyes to Kim and Shane. Hope is at the bar and hates that they had to leave Chelsea with her leaving so soon. Bo reminds her visiting hours were over and that they would not be permitted to see her until it is time for her to leave. Hope makes note of the fact that she could be leaving tonight. Bo says he knows and they will be there, if it happens. Bo comforts her and says he never thought he would see the day where Hope treated Chelsea like her own daughter. Hope's face turns to one of panic.

Belle and Marlena embrace Kim and Shane and wish them luck. They both thank them as Max, Stephanie, Frankie, and Greta come over and so the same. Kim wishes Roman would come. They don't have much time and she doesn't want to leave without saying goodbye to him. Marlena hears this and calls Roman, telling him that he is needed at the Pub. His sister is leaving Salem and his place is with his family and friends.

Marlena hangs up and then gets another calls. She answers and hears Barbara, who tells Marlena she has been trying to reach her. She needs to make an appointment with her and must not toss her treatment aside. Marlena tells Barbara she will but now is not a good time. She will talk to her soon. Marlena hangs up, saying her problems are the least of her concerns.

Meanwhile, Stephanie and Max talk about what he told her at the station. She can't believe Fred is Forrest. She always thought he was dead. Max has no idea what is going on but he knows Forrest is bad news, as does Chelsea. Neither one of them has been unable to get through to Abby. Stephanie says that she can call and talk to Abby. Max doubts it will help but thinks trying wouldn't hurt. Stephanie takes out her cell and calls Abby, who is sitting with Alice when she answers her phone. Stephanie and her both ask how the other is doing before Stephanie asks if Fred is there with her. Abby says he isn't and asks why. Stephanie says that she knows that Fred is Forrest Alamain and she thinks it would be best if Abby stayed away from him for now.

Abby gets upset and says she can't believe she is siding against her too. Stephanie says she just has a bad feeling and insists they all care about her and are worried. Abby says they will all see that they are wrong. Forrest has been a blessing to her and they will soon see he is not what they all think he is. Stephanie prays Abby is right but begs Abby to be careful at least. Abby says she will before saying goodbye and hanging up. Alice asks if there is a problem. Abby shakes her head and says it's something that will work itself out.

Stephanie tells Max she tried and failed. Max doesn't know what else to do. Stephanie thinks they need to tell her dad or maybe even Bo, Roman, or Abe. Max thinks that is a bad idea. Forrest was adamant about keeping his identity a secret and blowing his cover to many people may cause him to do something rash. Stephanie still thinks they should get some help, like maybe telling his brother or something. Max says Frankie would be of no use just as Frankie and Greta walk by and overhear. Frankie asks what Max is talking about. Max says it's nothing but then Stephanie jumps in and interrupts him, saying that max and Chelsea are worried about Abby because of Fred. Frankie and Greta are confused. Stephanie adds that they are worried because Fred is really Forrest Alamain. Frankie and Greta are stunned.

-At Sami's apartment, Lucas is now all dressed up and in his suit. He comes out of his bedroom to Will and asks how he looks. Will says he looks great. Lucas then worries he won't be able to do this. Will tells him to just have confidence and reminds him that mom is watching over both of them. Lucas smiles and says that and the fact that he is also doing this for his son is what will keep him going. Will and Lucas embrace as Will tells Lucas he is so proud of him. Lucas tells Will he is proud of him too. Lucas looks at his watch and says he has to go. Will and Lucas say their goodbyes as Lucas leaves.

Later, Lucas arrives at Roberts INC and is greeted by Joelle, who says she will now be his personal secretary with Kate gone. Lucas nods and says he hopes they can have a cooperative relationship. Joelle smiles and says she hopes so too as Lucas takes a deep breathe and hopes that he can move on and do this. He then heads to his office. Joelle follows. Lucas tells her he is ready to just dive right in and tells Joelle to hit him hard. Joelle then explains how backed up they are with everything Kate and the family went through so it's up to Lucas to get them caught up. Lucas understands and begins to throw himself right into it, telling Joelle he thinks he has it under control. Joelle then puts her bare leg on the desk and smiles, saying she knew he looked like a man that likes to take charge. Lucas smiles as Joelle seductively observes Lucas.

-At the Cheatin Heart, Nicole is downing shot after shot while looking at a picture of Eric. Her eyes well up with tears as she remembers him and also Evan. She lost everything and she couldn't even go to Eric's funeral or the reception at the Pub. She reminds herself it's always been this way. She was never good enough for a Brady or a Horton and she is sick of it. The bartender asks if she wants another. Nicole shakes her head and says it's time she sobers up. She will not sulk anymore. It's time for her to sober up and get her revenge on those that belittled her and treated her so harshly. Nicole vows to make all her enemies wish they never laid eyes on her.

-Back at the Pub, Steve embraces Kim and Shane and wishes them well. Bo, Hope, and Kayla do the same. Kim apologizes to Bo again for hiding the truth from him. Bo says they agreed to put it in the past. It's time to move on. Kayla agrees and adds that the family needs each other. Just then, Roman arrives and says he agrees. Marlena is pleased to see him, as is everyone else. Roman embraces Shane and Kim. Kim thanks Roman for everything and for standing by her through it all. Roman smiles and thanks her for doing the same. He then tells Shane to take care of his sister. Shane says he will, like always.

Shane then apologizes to everyone again for his role in what happened to Carrie. Carrie then appears from upstairs with Evan and says it's all forgiven. She explains that he only tried to help her and had good intentions. Roman tells Shane it's time to just let it go. Shane thanks him and the Brady's, saying he would never want any harm to come to them. Caroline is so happy to see the family united again and thinks putting past issues in the past is best. She then embraces Kim and Shane, tearfully wishes them well, and adds that they will be missed. Carrie also says goodbye to them and gives them both an embrace. She adds that she will be on the receiving end of this too when she leaves.

Everyone is stunned by Carrie's words. Carrie smiles and says she was going to keep it rather quiet but, since she blurted it out, she announces she is leaving Salem ASAP. She just needs to get away and she won't be saying where she is going. She just needs time to heal and think and she leaves tomorrow. Marlena thinks that is a good idea. Roman and the rest of the family say they will miss her and hate that she is doing it so fast. Carrie says she has to...for herself and Evan. Kim and Shane both wish her luck. Carrie thanks them. The door of the pub then slams as Anna yells out in disbelief that Carrie can't be leaving.

Carrie tells Anna to get out and reminds her she has no say. She also lashes out at her for following her again. Anna says she just had to find her so they could talk. Anna begs Carrie to reconsider as she can help her through everything. Carrie tells her to just leave her alone and to stop acting like a mother. She has never been one nor will she ever be. Anna is heartbroken as Carrie wishes Shane and Kim well before saying she has to go. Caroline tells her they will have a party for her tomorrow. Carrie smiles and thanks her and tells everyone she will see them later before leaving.

Anna then turns and faces everyone, asking what they are looking at. She then begins to fall apart and leaves the Pub in tears. Roman wonders if someone should go after her. Marlena thinks it's best if they leave it be. Kim tells Shane they really should be going. Shane agrees. They them embrace family and friends once last time and say their goodbyes before exiting the Pub while family and friends watch them walk off.

In the parking lot, Shane gets Kim in the car. He then turns and sees Miranda there. She says she knows he is leaving and wishes him well. She is glad she found him before he took off. Shane says thanks and asks her to keep in touch and to watch her back. Miranda says she will and that she can handle herself. He should know. Shane laughs and says they have to get going. Miranda embraces him and tells him good luck. Shane thanks her. He then says goodbye to her and gets in the car.

Back in the Pub, Frankie and Greta are stunned about Forrest. Max is upset with Stephanie but she argues that they needed help and she thinks Frankie and Greta will help since they are under the radar, unlike their family members in law enforcement. Frankie thinks they need to tell Abe, Bo, and Roman.. Max begs Frankie not to, saying Abby could be in danger as Forrest wanted the secret of his identity kept. Frankie says he promised he would always look after Abby. Max knows and says he is worried too but telling anymore people would only make things worse. He begs both Frankie and Greta to remain quiet...for now. Frankie agrees but tells Max and Stephanie they need to discuss Forrest later...in private.

Meanwhile, Steve is at the bar when he gets a phone call and then tells the person he will be right out. He goes over to Kayla, who is with Caroline, and tells her that he needs to get something from the car, kisses her, and leaves. He walks outside and finds Tony, who asks why Steve called him and why they can't talk insider. Steve says they need to keep this private and just between them. He asks if Tony did as they discussed. Tony nods, saying he talked to the guards and he is clear to go visit the Maison Blanche area and the rebuilt mansion without problem. Tony says he will make sure Stefano doesn't interfere.

Steve thanks him. Tony says it's no problem. He knows that the past is very important and can define a person. He will do anything to help him discover the truth behind his missing years, especially if it helps with bringing Stefano down. Steve and Tony both smile as Steve thanks him yet again and reminds him he mentioned something about a key. Tony remembers what he is talking about and hands Steve an iron key, saying that will help get him into the various secret passages and rooms in the house, just the way the old Maison Blanche was set up. He managed to snag it from Stefano's secret cabinet in the library at the mansion and it gives his access, which is important since Stefano likes to hide his various secrets in those areas.

Steve thanks him. Tony tells him to keep in touch and to call if he needs anything more. He also wishes him luck. Steve says he will and reminds him to keep this all quiet. Tony promises he will as Steve thanks him yet again, unaware that Hope, who has just taken out the trash for Caroline, is behind the dumpster and is listening in on their talk.

-Back in the parking lot, Shane asks Kim if she is ready. Kim says as ready as she will ever be. Shane assures her they will be fine. Kim says she knows but she will miss Salem. They have alot of bad memories but they have just as many good ones there. As she says that, a Kim and Shane montage begins to play:


The scene then returns to Kim and Shane as he tells her they will return to Salem again...some day soon. Kim smiles and says:

Kim: Just like we always end up doing, I guess. Ok. Let's get this show on the road!

Shane then backs out the car and then drive off to the airport as the scene fades to black.




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Just wanted to say that I've been catching up on your blog starting around the funeral episodes, and I love your vision for Days. It is absolutely perfect in my eyes, exactly what I want to see on screen. I love the way you guys write the couples as strong characters but keep the emotion and romance. The dialogue is amazing, you guys clearly have a great talent for strong emotional scenes and you stay true to history. Your version of Roman Brady, the strong but vulnerable man on a warpath to avenge the deaths of his "babies" is exactly how I want to see John/Roman behave. I love that Sami is a heroine but still feisty and I love the dynamic that all the Brady siblings have with each other. Keep up with the great work, it is a heck of a lot better than what the real Days has to offer.

PS: The best thing No Ejami/Santeen and No Shelle lol. :D

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Just wanted to say that I've been catching up on your blog starting around the funeral episodes, and I love your vision for Days. It is absolutely perfect in my eyes, exactly what I want to see on screen. I love the way you guys write the couples as strong characters but keep the emotion and romance. The dialogue is amazing, you guys clearly have a great talent for strong emotional scenes and you stay true to history. Your version of Roman Brady, the strong but vulnerable man on a warpath to avenge the deaths of his "babies" is exactly how I want to see John/Roman behave. I love that Sami is a heroine but still feisty and I love the dynamic that all the Brady siblings have with each other. Keep up with the great work, it is a heck of a lot better than what the real Days has to offer.

PS: The best thing No Ejami/Santeen and No Shelle lol. :D

Thanks JtSmarts :) .

Hope to see you reading and commenting more often. There is great things ahead.

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Wow, I loved this episode. It felt so real. Good to see that Carrie is moving on with her life and I just hope she sticks it to Nicole. I would love to see her belt her a good one.

I have to play catch up some more...but you guys are doing a wonderful job.

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