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Episode 75: Over Edged

Matt P.


Previously on Point Palace:

- Ava was cleared of all charges and could go on to live her normal life. She briefly saw Ike and Vicki in disguise but wasn't able to thank them. Peggy was upset about everything and was thrown out, when she sees Ava outside, Peggy tells her that everything wasn't over.

- Ginny decided to maybe give Owen another chance after finding out that he wasn’t British.

- Tanisha went to find Alexia in London's room but both begin to worry when she is no where to be found. London calls her and while she is still being tortured by Frank, and Frank warns her that if she does anything stupid then she'll have her head blown off. He points the gun to her head and London can tell that something is wrong. London tells Tanisha that they have to help Alexia.

- Nan reads Bryan the paper and how the story made front page. They believe that it's the end of Blake's term and soon Bryan will be president and Nan will be made vice president.

- Going behind Nan and Bryan's back, Blake has a secret meeting with Lanoi and Benjamin. He tells them that nothing happened, Nan's a liar, and that Blake's secretary Myra heard nothing and would prove it to everyone if she had to. Blake wants to fire Bryan but can' because the four members are under contract. He then decides to hold a three person vote (Bryan, Benjamin, and Lanoi) to decide whether or not Nan will stay.

- Jenny films her last scene for "Blue Crystal" and makes an exit as Miguel breaks up with Melanie. Carlos, Cairinia, and Ian try cheering her up but she is still hurt. C.C. taunts her and tells her that the fans liked her as much as she did. When C.C. exits, she throws a glass at the wall, and out of hurt, begins to cry.

- Lenvy and Will try to have a nice day at the cafe but can't when Trella comes along with a visitor. The thug looking, Brandon, turns out to be Zak's best friend from back home. He and Will almost get into a fist fight but Lenvy stops it and pleads with Trella to end what ever kind of war that could go on. She tells her that Will deserves to be brought down and that's exactly what Trella is determined to do!

- John gets a phone call from his brother Guy and the two catch up on old times. John however almost crashes his car, when he sees Carrie's car in front of Dylan's room.

- Carrie sees Dylan in his room, and he tells her that he needs to stop feeling guilty for what they did. Alley walks in on them and wants to know what is going on. Dylan claims that he has something that they need to tell them. John pops in too, and Alley asks "do you have something to tell us?" Will they tell the truth?
Episode 76:
Over Edged

Executive Story Consultant & Creator:
Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman
(Tension runs through the room. Carrie looks at Dylan with begging eyes.)

Can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on!

That's exactly what I wanted to know. It seems as if these two have been hiding something. At least that's what I got out of their conversation when I walked in on it. So do you need to say something?

(Dylan looks at Carrie. She has a scared look on her face.)

Yes. Yes we both have something to tell you.

Dylan, there are other ways around this.

Carrie, what are you talking about?

Just spit it out? Are you throwing a surprise birthday party for one of us or what?

It's something that is much worse and much more serious then some party.

Then what is it?

One night. It was the night when you and I were fighting. I walked out on you and ended up getting drunk.

This isn't sounding good.

It gets worse.

And how does it involve all of us?

That night, when I was still drunk. I went over to Carrie's room. We accidentally, kind of, sort of...slept together.

(Alone in Carlos's room, Jenny sits on his bed and watches television. Surprisingly "Blue Crystal" is on. Carlos walks in and sits next to her.)

It's weird watching yourself on television, isn't it?

Couldn't tell you. I'm not in this episode.

It was filmed two weeks ago, so you would be in at least one of them.


(Jenny turns off the television.)

Getting boring for you?

Not at all.

What's bothering you?

Why would you even ask that question?

I'm sensing that it has something to do with the show.

If you only could have put that thought in your mind before you asked that stupid question.

Just trying to be the nice and respectable boy friend, but if you obviously don't want my help, then I'll just be leaving.

No. Sorry for being in a bad mood.

There was no way that I was going to leave. Never have and never will.

And I'm happy that you are here. For once you have a day off and you're not filming or spending any time with her.


Jenny: (mocking)
C.C. However the hell she wants to be known as. She mentioned to me that you had something to do with me getting on the show.

Yeah, I put in a good way for you. That’s all. I just wanted you to have something to do.

That’s great to know that Cairina didn’t want me, she was trying to help you out.

You don't have to deal with C.C. ever again. The only reason why I talked to Cairina was because I knew deep down inside you have talent.

Yeah okay…you're right by the way. I don't have to see that tramp, but you do.

What do you want me to do?

Leave the show...for me.


(In the school's board room. Lanoi, Benjamin, and Myra wait patiently inside. Blake is outside talking to Bryan and Nan.)

What exactly do you think you're doing?

It's not what I'm doing but what I did.

And that is?

You went behind my back and pulled a little stunt so I went behind yours.

Whatever you did was probably not as effective as what we did to you. Your reputation is ruined and your job is as well.

The only thing that I was doing was being a president, a damn good one if that, and no way would I let you two try to get in the way. We'll just see about whose job will be ruined.

(Blake enters the board room. Nan and Bryan come in behind them.)

Lanoi, Benjamin, and Bryan have all voted on weather or not Nan stays on as Presidential Assistant.

Why wasn't I informed about any of this.

The same reason why I wasn't informed that you two were going to do what you did. Now I-

Wait a minute. I thought that it was only a survey.

Unfortunately, you thought wrong. Myra would you please read me the results.

Sure thing.

(Myra opens the lid to a small box full of three papers.)

Nan in.

(Myra picks up another piece of paper.)


(Myra picks up another one.)

The third vote...Out. A two to one vote that claims Nan Sheridan is fired from her job as Presidential Assistant.

What? This is outrageous!

Bryan: (to Lanoi and Benjamin)
You two voted against her! How could you?

Blake made a very convincing point, we were just expanding our new horizons and seeing that this new team, was working well together. Then you brought Nan into the mix and all of a sudden chaos pursues.

Nan it was wonderful working with you, but Benjamin and Blake made me realize that maybe this isn't exactly something that you want to do. Also, lying is not a big thing to me. We know the truth.

(Nan stands up.)

This is bull! You all can just go to hell!

Bryan, do you mind escorting the ex-Presidential Assistant out of the premises, or should I be forced to call security?

Bryan: (to Blake)
Good job.

(Bryan takes Nan out as she is screaming her head off.)

Have fun letting a no good rapist who killed our child and plays mind games to get what he wants, running your school.

That's actually you Nan but please have your things packed by five o'clock today or they will be terminated.

(Bryan takes Nan out of there.)

Everything will be okay, you just need to calm down!

How could he? This! There is no chance in hell that I’ll let him win!

(Back in the office, Blake and the others are cooling off from the recent scene.)

What are you going to do as a replacement?

Since, we didn't know the outcome of the votes, the person isn't here. His name is Dylan Colby and he is a fellow student and a great friend. He also has the best idea to throw a gala for the students. He is someone who is the most trustworthy and honest person you will ever meet.

(In Dylan's room, Alley has her mouth wide open from what Dylan has just told her. Carrie is tearing up and John is flat out mad.)

What did you just say?

Carrie and I-

We heard you the first time. I told you that you should never double cross me and you both did.

Alley, I'm so sorry.

I heard that pathetic 'I'm sorry' line the first time when you and Will had a little affair behind my back. What a friend you were then.

It was an accident and we have been feeling guilty about it ever since.

Why? Is that why you had me drive you the hospital? You didn't think that you were pregnant by Victor, you thought that it could have been Dylan's!

Dylan had me go to the hospital too. Bet you had a nice scare going on. Surprised that you even slept at all.

It was hard for everybody.

Sure it was. I'm so sure that it was hard to look at Carrie and- I can't even think of it. Just can't believe this! Why would you do it?

It's because she wanted me at a time when I needed someone.

And John we weren't even that serious. When I told you that you didn't deserve me, I meant it.

You're damn right I don't. Alley knows how I feel to be cheated on. It hurts.

Alley: (to John)
Yeah but you didn't hate Dylan as much as I hate Carrie.
(to Carrie)
I do hate you so much!

(Alley lunges for Carrie as they both fall to the ground. Alley is on top of Carrie strangling her as does Carrie.)

Stop fighting!

(Dylan and John try to break up the fight. John pushes Dylan off of her.)

Haven't you had your hands on both of these girls enough?

We're trying to be as civil as possible.

(Everyone stands up. John punches Dylan square in the jaw.)

I've been wanting to do that for the longest time. You smug son of a bitch. It felt pretty good.

(Dylan elbows John in the face. Alley gets in between them.)

Let's just leave.


I was talking to John.

Carrie: (to John)
Please forgive me.

You know what I told you the other day! Anyone who does me wrong, doesn't get a second chance. You're nothing but a slut to me.

(John exits.)

(Alley looks at Dylan and shakes her head.)

John's right. Being cheated on really does hurt but what hurts even more is who you cheated on me with! A whore! A dirty rotten whore!

(Alley begins to leave but then turns around.)

One more thing!

(Alley winds up and smacks Dylan across the face.)

We're through!

(Alley exits and slams the door.)
(Tanisha calls Owen on his cell phone with London and Detective Miltner by her side.)


Owen, what are you doing right now?

Nothing really. Why?

London is here in my room and there is a detective who wants to talk to you.

Owen: (shocked)

It's about your sister.

What about Alexia?

Just come over here and we'll explain everything to you.

(Tanisha hangs up the phone and turns to the others.)

Did he have any idea?

He's shocked as ever.

Detective Miltner:
Basically, I've hired some men to take pictures of her room. A few glances here and there, and we only got one photo of someone other than Alexia.

Why can't we just ask one of the RA's to open the door.

Detective Miltner:
You and Alexia both called me saying that she was in some sort of trouble. The pictures clearly show that a psychopath is in there with her. We don't even know that she's still alive, but hopefully she is! So if we did bust down the door and went in there then there's a huge possibility that the guy could open fire on everyone, even hurt and or kill Alexia!

Point taken!

(There is a knock on Tanisha's door, she opens it to find Owen. He is out of breath and scared.)

What's wrong with Lexi?

(Will and Lenvy walk out of the café as Tanisha and Brandon begin to walk in. Trella begins to walk away.)

So is that how it's going to be?

What do you mean?

Are you just going to ignore me and ignore the fact that you're like my best friend?

Maybe you should ignore her.

Trella: (to Will)
No one asked you.

Sometimes I like to interpret what I see.

I like to interpret with my fists.

(Trella stops him as Lenvy holds back Will.)

Will, I'll meet you in the car.

Will: (to Trella)
She sees something in you that even I don't see.

Funny because that's something I tell myself every day of my damn life!
(to Brandon)
Can you grab a seat for us?


(Brandon walks into the cafe. Will exits as well. Lenvy and Trella are alone with one another.)

There are no stupid guys here to fight.

It has been a while since it was just us girls.

Look...I know what happened is very hard. Best friends fight and that is what you are to me.

You are the nicest person in the world and I don't know how or why you can be with someone who is a murderer.

That was his past. Maybe you should look past that and you can see the beauty that I see within him.

I feel bad because of who you go out with. If you still want to be my best friend, then drop the baggage.


You heard me.

(Trella begins to walk into the cafe, until she turns around.)

If you do stay with him, then you're one naive girl.

(John and Alley sit at a table in the café. They both seem depressed. Ginny comes over to greet them.)

How are you two doing today?

(Ginny notices their frowns.)

That good huh?

I'm going to have a double latte please. Extra foam.

Apple shakamata.

If anyone is going to be moppy it should be me. Relationship troubles.

John & Alley: (same time)
Us too.

Be right back with your drinks.

(Ginny exits.)

(At the same time, Dylan and Carrie are alone in Dylan's room. They seem just as depressed if not more depressed.)

What do you think we should do?

You spill everything and then ask me what we should do? I have no idea.

(John looks at Alley.)

John: (to Alley)
I was thinking of something.

Oh really?

Carrie: (to Dylan)
Should we fight for the people that we feel so strongly towards?


John: (to Alley)
They're obviously going to try to fight for us.


So what if we made a few mistakes.

John: (to Alley)
They made so many huge mistakes that they have dug a hole so far down, that their coughing out dirt clouds.

Carrie: (to Dylan)
Then what do you think we should do?

(John puts out his hand and touches Alley's.)

(Carrie puts out her hand and touches Dylan.)

John: (to Alley)
I know I’m not being mister tough guy but you might get a second chance with me. Maybe...

Carrie: (to Dylan)
Maybe we should get back together.

(London, Tanisha, Owen, and Detective Miltner begin walking to a white van.)

You're telling me that Alexia might be kidnapped by someone in her own room?


Owen: (to Tanisha)
This isn't a stunt to spend time with me is it?

Of course it isn't!

Yeah. What she said.

Detective Miltner:
We're going to stay low in the van.

(He opens it to reveal television sets, computers, and a desk. A detective's dream come true.)

Could have fooled me.

Me too.

Who has Alexia? Do you know?

(Detective Miltner opens up a manila envelope and takes out three black and white photos.)

Detective Miltner:
They've been enlarged. This is the closest that we can get.

(Owen looks at the picture and is shocked.)

It's...it's him!

Who is he?

(Owen begins to have a flashback of a conversation that Frank and Owen once had.)

All I have to do is tell my mom that you've been doing it with one of your STD ridden prostitutes that you pick up on the corner of the streets.

She wouldn't believe you.

She would and you would be out of our lives for good.

Since you don't like me so much and I can't send you little brats to boarding school, then you're in for a treat.

What are you talking about?

You know the story of how your father was shot on the job. I pulled the trigger and shot him! I killed your father.

(The flashback ends.)

Our ex-step father, Frank Varcuza. He's dangerous and Alexia is in serious trouble.

(Outside of James’s home, Peggy sits in her car and spies on Ava walking into the house. She pulls out her cell phone and calls him.)


Hi. Look I was wondering-

I really don’t want to talk to you right now.

Please just understand why I did what I did.

That can take sometime to do and it’s something that I don’t want to wrap my brain around. Good bye.

Do you have any remorse over Laney’s death?

James: (appalled)
What did you ask?

It’s no secret that you’re parading around with your mistress.

And how do you know that?

Just answer my question!

I’m grieving in my own way. Thanks to you I poured my heart out to strangers about how my marriage went to hell. You have the nerve and the audacity to ask me if I have any remorse over my wife’s death?
We both know that she didn’t deserve it and I’m a good person who needs friends right now. Which obviously is not you!

(James hangs up with Peggy. Peggy looks at the house with evil eyes. Peggy takes out a picture of her, James, and Laney.)

This ends tonight!

(Frank peers out the window. It seems empty. A few students pass by but quickly exit.)

It's been days on end and yet you're still alive.

(He looks at her. Her mouth is free to talk.)

If you're going to do something, then why don't you do it. You were so certain that you wanted to kill me that night when you chased Owen and me around the house.

I was so close to doing so. You're actually right.

Then what are you waiting for?

Do you want to die?

Just calling your bluff.

For a girl who's tied up and for a guy who's been waving a weapon around, I don't think it's so wise to do so. But if you insist.

(Frank raises the gun. Alexia is scared and breathing heavy.)

Remember. No screaming!

(Frank gets closer to the trigger.)

(Back in the van, Detective Miltner watches with binoculars. He speaks into a walkie talkie.)

Detective Miltner:
We just caught a glimpse of the suspect and he seems to have not left the window.

Shoot him!

I agree.

Detective Miltner:
The suspect is armed and dangerous! Permission to open fire?

Take the shot!

(Frank leans over the bed.)

Before I kill you. One last thing.

(Frank kisses Alexia but she is disgusted and repulsed by it.)

That's the kiss of death. It'll be your last.

(Frank goes back to aiming the gun at her.)

Owen: (screaming)
Take the shot or I will.

(Owen goes through a cabinet underneath the desk.)

What are you doing?

Detective Miltner:
We have a periscope gun, you're going to do nothing!

Then shoot the bastard down.

(Frank gets closer to the trigger again.)

Good bye.

(A bullet runs through the window and hits Frank in his back. Alexia is screaming.)

You're family-

(Frank chokes up blood.)


(He collapses dead on the floor.)

Alexia: (screaming)
Somebody help me!

(Owen and Detective Miltner bust through the door. London and Tanisha behind them.)

Thank god you're alright.

We were worried about you.

Detective Miltner:
It's all over now.

(Detective Miltner begins to talk on his walkie talkie.)

Detective Miltner:
Could I please have a unit come to Van BCA. I also need a coroner unit. The suspect is dead. Time of death eight twenty nine p.m.

(Detective Miltner leaves. London, Tanisha, and Owen untie Alexia and help her up out of her bed.)

You all saved me. Thank you.

Of course we would.

We knew something was wrong.

Glad to see you alive sis. And I'm so glad to see him dead. That's one bullet that he's not going to be able to survive.

I just want to take a long hot shower and forget all about this. I need to get out of this room.

You can use my room.

Why don't we all stay with you tonight?

Good idea.

Have fun with your little slumber party, but this is going to be one hell of a story that we're going to have to tell mom!
(to Detective Miltner)
Thanks for saving her.

(Owen looks at Tanisha and smiles at her before he leaves.)
(Later that night, Ava spends time alone in James's bedroom of his house. She is dressed in a green robe. He is also in a blue satin robe.)

How does it feel to be a free woman?

It feels absolutely wonderful. Free to do what I want and who I want.

(Ava kisses James. James seems hesitant.)

How are you still able to live here?

James: (looking around)
I'll probably sell the house. The memories here are unbearable. They’re just very eerie.

I'd imagine.

However, I have this outlook on life. That you need to move on from tragedy and have the brain feel at ease. Stress can do a lot to a person’s physical and emotion-
(noticing he’s being too Psychological)
I'm going to go and brush my teeth and get ready for bed. Please excuse me.

(James kisses her forehead and exits. Ava gets off of the bed and walks over to the railing. It over looks the dark living room which makes Ava shiver a bit. The door creaks open. She doesn't turn around.)


Try again.

(Ava turns around to see Peggy dressed in a black trench coat with her hands behind her back. She has a wicked smile on her face.)

What are you doing here?

Ending it all.

Does James know you're here?

He'll know soon enough. Except he'll just think that you had an accident. He's locked in the bathroom anyway.


(Peggy reveals a seven iron golf club which belongs to James. She holds it firmly with black gloves.)

Peggy put it down!

I told you that it wouldn't be over. Why couldn't you have just gone to jail like you were supposed to? You were so lucky to slip out of that. I tried way too hard to bring you down.

Just calm down.

(Peggy swings once at Ava but misses.)

Laney was only supposed to get hurt. That's all we wanted out of it. She was going to have a bruise or a concussion or something. Then she would have taken you to court for battery. We wanted to teach you a lesson on morality. But she died. It was such a shame. She never deserved it, not like that. Except with her out of the picture, that meant that James was free.

Ava: (realizing)

I always loved James Vaughne! Too bad you won't even get to see your wedding day. It would have been nice if he would remarry. But not you. Better me then you!

(Peggy begins to violently swing the golf club at Ava but misses and hits a glass vase smashing it. Ava takes the club and they both struggle as Peggy gets closer to Ava’s throat. Ava pushes Peggy off of her, making her fall onto the bed. Peggy regains her composure and continues to swing the golf club at her, coming very close to striking her.)

(James comes up behind her and pushes Peggy. Ava moves out of the way and Peggy goes over the railing, shrieking and screaming. She lands flat on her front side onto the wooden coffee table.)

Join Us Next Time For Another Exciting Episode of


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Let me try to limit my comments, so I have been told I leave long ones, lol.

Another great episode. I love what I call them the circle scenes, how u went back and forth from John and Alley and Dylan and Carrie.

Also the circle scenes between Alexia and Owen and nem,

I love as usual The Nan scenes. I bet Lanoi and Ben must feel like Dummies working with these kids and having all these scandals. Is Bryan going to be fired next?

Is Trella a lesbo? I could really see that for her and her trying to get with Lenvy. I also like this Brandon character. He's sexxy and I hope you do more with him.

Man Carlos is in a tough spot, after Jenny asked him to quit the soap. What a great storyline. But damn don't she realize that Carlos is making mad money as an actor?

Last but not least, Peggy and Ava had me on the edge of my seat. Wow, I can't belive it ended like that and I knew Peg had a thing for James. U said Peg had a lot coming up but it seems she may dead, you have thrown me for a loop. I can't wait to find out what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey the longer the better in my opinion.

I enjoy writing circle scenes. The Alexia/Frank scene was very exciting because Alexia is the type of person to call someone's bluff, she acts on impulse. Like I said before, they treated Frank like crap. It was seen in a prequel that I wrote in 2001 called Before Their Time. Other stories featured were Nan's cheating on Blake, Zak and Trella, Ike/Vicki/Jake, and there was another one but I can't remember what it was at the moment.

In the episode with Frank, he makes dinner for them but Alexia throws it in his face. Owen purposely crashes his car. Frank admits to killing their father to be closer to their mother. He kidnapped them but their mother saved them by shooting him in the shoulder. He went to jail but was released on good behavior.

Trella isn't a lesbo but in Season 4, someone else is, she feels vengeful towards Will as does Brandon who just wants to kill him! Yeah Benjamin and Lanoi never had this many problems when Howard was president but Bryan feels betrayed. Jenny always does that to Carlos, she's thrown many ultimatums at him but he knows deep down inside it's just her being insecure because from the beginning (ever since she was friends with Nan) she's always been.

The next two episodes should be good!

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