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July 31, 2007-TENSION OVERLOAD!!




-Jack and Billie are on the beach, preparing the food they found which consists of fish and some berries they found. Billie tells Jack they will just have to make do with what they have. She notices him struggling to start a fire and begins to laugh at him. Jack tells her to give it a whirl if she thinks she can do better. She fiddles with the branches and rocks Jack found and starts the fire withing a minute. Jack is both impressed and embarrassed, wondering if she ever was a girl scout. Billie says it was her ISA training and she has also had to survive many ordeals that required skills like this. Jack calls her a "show off."

Billie wonders why Jack has so much trouble with surviving on an island when he has been trapped on enough of him. Jack thinks it's his old age. It's bringing his memory down with it. Billie laughs and thinks they should just prepare their meal and enjoy. Jack agrees as they get to work on their makeshift meal.

-At the Salem Inn, Katherine returns to her and Cal's suite and finds Cal about to rush out. She asks where he is going. Cal says he is going to the courthouse. Chelsea is being arraigned and he was once again not told when it was happening. Katherine asks what is going on with him and his behavior since they got back from the cruise ship debacle. Cal doesn't answer and reminds Katherine that Caroline promised to make sure she and the family kept him informed and that promise was told to him this morning.

Katherine reminds Cal that Caroline is going through alot, as is her family. Cal defiantly states they are his family too, at least that is what they told him. They said blood didn't matter but he is beginning to think it does. Katherine tells him not to think like that. A fed up Cal says he has to go and walks out as a worried Katherine begs him not to go and make a scene. She then gives chase and follows him.

-At the courthouse, Alice notices Doug seems rather upset seeing Victor and Maggie together and tells Doug that it's time to let go of the anger. Doug turns and tells Alice he knows what she is going to say. She is going to tell him to just have faith in his love for Julie and to just remember and focus on that love. She is going to advise him to sit down and work things out with Julie, Maggie, and Victor. Alice smiles, saying he knows her well. She insists it's the right thing to do. Doug tells Alice he isn't sure he can do that after all the lies. He has never felt this hurt. Alice understands and says that time heals all wounds. Doug tells Alice he must get going and needs to say goodbye to Hope. Alice urges him to remember what she said. Doug tells Alice he will.

Meanwhile, Bo is with Hope. Steve and Kayla join them, along with Caroline and Kim. Kim tells them Shane left. Frankie also walks over. Caroline asks why Greta was not at the hearing. Frankie says she had to handle Spectator business and had to leave. Hope asks Bo what he thinks Chelsea's chances are. Bo shakes his head and says he thinks they aren't good with Patricia around. Plus, Orpheus already set this whole thing in motion by sending evidence in to make sure Chelsea was arrested so he could interfere again somehow.

Steve tells Bo that they will all just have to keep an eye out. Kayla thinks they just have to pray and hope that the system gets it right. Bo says that having faith in the system is very hard to do with all that has happened to their family. Doug comes over and says he has to be going. Hope embraces him and tells him to call her later and tell her where he is staying so she can check on him when she wishes. Doug says that isn't necessary but he will call her and tell her his whereabouts. He promises Hope he is ok. Hope gives him another hug and kiss before he leaves.

Nearby, Victor is on the phone with Greta and he tells her he should be back at the mansion within the hour. They can meet then. He tells her to bring the lab tests and any other proof she has. He then tells her he will see her soon and hangs up. Maggie comes over and Victor asks if she is ready to go. Maggie nods and tells Victor they just need to take Alice home. Victor and Maggie approach Bo, Hope, Caroline, Kim, Kayla, Frankie, and Steve and tell them all they are leaving. Victor tells Bo to call if he needs anything and he promises to do what he can to help Chelsea. Bo appreciates that. Victor and Maggie say their goodbyes and go to get Alice so they can leave.

The scene then shifts to outside the courtroom where Abby is telling Alice that Forrest went to go get the car and then he will be bringing her home. Alice says she isn't so sure she likes Abby spending so much time with a man so much older them her that they don't know well. Abby assures her that "Fred" is a kind soul that has been nothing but generous and caring to her. Maggie and Victor then come to get Alice so they can go. They both greet Abby and ask how she is holding up. Abby says she is doing her best. Her brother needs her to be strong. Maggie is proud of her and asks if she has a ride home. Abby says she does. Alice tells Maggie "Fred" is taking Abby home. Maggie nods and tells Abby they will catch up later as she has a few questions about this "Fred." A sarcastic Abby tells Maggie she isn't the only one who has said that.

Max sees Abby with Alice and Maggie and then sees them leave. He opts to take the opportunity to talk to her before Forrest returns. Max approaches, telling Abby that Mrs. Horton is right. Abby rolls her eyes and tells Max she is not his concern. Max tells her he cares about her and they really need to talk. Abby says she doesn't want to deal with him or the issues they have with each other right now. Her father is missing and she has been through hell, along with so many of her loved ones. She just wants to be left alone. Forrest returns and asks if there is a problem here. He then remembers that things seemed tense earlier between Max and Abby and he tells Max that he is clearly upsetting Abby and thinks it best for him to leave. Max looks Forrest in the eye and tells him he thinks HE should leave.

Just then, Cal shows up with Katherine behind him. She begs him not to start anything. They learn the results of the arraignment and that it's over. Cal is upset that he missed it. Katherine tells him he can still help and encourages him to go see what he can do. Cal shakes his head and says he has no desire to. If they can't make the effort, he isn't going to either. Cal then says he is leaving and walks out of the courthouse as a confused and worried Katherine looks on and then follows.

-Back on the island, Jack and Billie have finished their meal and are now lying on the beach, looking at the clear, star-lit sky. Billie tells Jack she hardly ever takes the time out to appreciate the stars and their beauty. Jack says it's hard to when life is so hectic. Billie just hopes they find a way to get home. Their families need them. Jack urges her to forget about her troubles and to just enjoy the surroundings at the moment. Billie smiles and agrees.

They then see a shooting star. Billie says they should make a wish. Jack tells Billie he doesn't believe in that stuff. Billie says she does and thinks her wish may come true. She tells Jack she will make his wish for him. Jack doesn't think she can do that but Billie insists as she thinks she knows what he wants. She then moves in for a kiss but Jack once again backs away at the last moment, saying the fire is going out and needs more wood. Billie is put off by being rejected by Jack again.

-At the Horton house, Victor and Maggie open the doors and tell Alice to take her time walking in. They both then see Julie on the floor, crying and looking at the shattered picture of her and Doug's first wedding. Maggie asks what happened. Julie tells Maggie she has lost Doug for good. Maggie comforts her as Alice makes her way in. Maggie tells Victor he can go and that she will call him later. She needs to help Julie right now. Victor understands and tells Alice, Julie, and Maggie to call him if they need anything. Maggie and Alice smile. Victor leaves as Maggie holds Julie in her arms as Alice gently strokes Julie's shoulder, both woman telling her that it's going to be ok.

-At the courthouse, Frankie tells Kim he will run her home as Bo and Hope tell the group they are going to go help in the search for Roman. Caroline wants to help but Bo thinks she is more needed at the hospital with Marlena, Carrie, and Belle. He promises to keep her posted. Kayla and Steve want to help too but Kayla then realizes she has a shift at the hospital. Steve says he can go look and tells Kayla that the people at the hospital are counting on her. She can't let them down. Bo thinks that it would be great if Steve helped and tells Steve to check out a few bars and local hangouts and to just keep in touch. Steve promises to do what he can.

Meanwhile, Forrest detects some tension and says that Abby and her loved ones don't need this right now. Abby tells Forrest to forget about Max and to just take her home. Forrest reluctantly agrees but warns Max to back off or he will have to deal with him. Max tells Forrest he is not Abby's keeper. Forrest begins to wheel Abby and coldly look at him as he wheels her away. Abby tells Max to just listen to Forrest because that is what she wants. Forrest wheels Abby out of the courthouse as Max worries that Abby may already have been dragged too far into Forrest's web. Outside, Forrest loads Abby into his rent-a-car and closes the door, putting her wheelchair in the trunk. As he walks around the car, he whispers:

Forrest: Max Brady is clearly a threat and I will not let him stand in the way of what I must do...no matter what I have to do.

The scene then freezes on Forrest's face and then fades to black.




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