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Episode 72: Back to His Past

Matt P.


Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

Previously on Point Palace:

- Dylan gets a call from his family friend, Dr. Rebecca Ralma, who explains to him that none of the girls are pregnant. Dylan is happy and when he gets a chance calls Carrie who tells him that she is happy and guesses that it's the end for them hiding the lies.

- Carrie explains to John that she went to the doctor because she thought she was pregnant. John quickly worries but she tells him that she's not. Carrie still feels guilty for what happened.

- Alley is happy that she's not and tells Dylan that everything is going pretty good and Dylan congratulates himself on pulling everything off.

- The sassy inmate from before, listens to Ava's story and feels for her. Ava then gets a visit from Ike and Vicki (who have changed their looks) and explain to her that at the moment they do not have enough to bail her out but have hired a lawyer for her just in case.

- Peggy calls James to tell him that she is taking Ava to court for what she did to Laney. James is upset for what she did.

- The calls continue for Alexia and this time the person speaks but with a computer like voice that says one-word phrases like "revenge." London convinces Alexia to go to the police about it.

- Owen continues to act British with Ginny but their date is interrupted when Tanisha and her date see them together. Tanisha hides her true emotions but says that she believes it should be her sitting with Owen, not Ginny.

- Bryan introduces the new Presidential Assistant and it turns out to be Nan. Blake is ticked, and vows to get back at them both.

- Jenny meets C.C. when she goes to the set of "Blue Crystal." When Carlos has to film some scenes with the director, C.C. mistakes Jenny for an assistant and yells at her. Jenny does not like her at all and on her way to the control room, she accidentally trips over some wires, and knocks over props.

- Lenvy and Will spend time alone with one another to get more intimate while Trella does some research at the library. Trella calls Lenvy but Will silences the call so that Lenvy can't get it.

- After having a flashback of the last kiss Trella ever had with Zak before he got into a violent fight with her brother over a bad drug deal, Trella goes through the pictures that she found of Zak from year books, web sites, and newspaper clippings. She then sees a picture of Ava and Zak together. Trella recognizes Ava from the press and needs to see her.

-The next day, Ava gets a visit from Trella. Trella shows her the picture of Zak and Ava. Ava asks why she is there talking to her, and Trella asks where Zak is. Ava informs her that Will murdered Zak.
Episode 72:
Back to His Past

Executive Story Consultant & Creator:
Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman

(Trella is taken back by what Ava has just told her. From the other side of the glass window, Ava notices how shocked Trella truly is.)

What did you just say?

The slimy, sleazy, bastardized, and one and only, Will Pazner killed Zak.

Trella: (confused)
How? Why?

Those two questions can take you very far back into the past of this school. Lucky for you, I was there for most of it.

What kind of a past did you share with Zak?

When I first arrived at Point Palace. He was the first person I ever met. His dorm was right across from mine. There was obviously an instant attraction between us but I found out that he was a huge pot head then I was quickly turned off.

That does sound like Zak. Did his murder have anything to do with drugs or alcohol?

That part was my dealing. See I was an alcoholic, Will turned me into that, and Zak saw the good in me that no one else could see.

I remember hearing that girl talk about that.

Alley has gone through much more with Will Pazner then any other girl can even bare. He cheated on her, threatened her, and pretty much made her life a living hell. Guess I got off easy by just becoming an alcoholic. I turned to the bottle after Will left me to go to Point Palace.

Sorry to hear that. All you've told me was about your past with Zak. Why was he murdered by Will?

Supposedly there were bad ties between the two. They might have been drug related, that was never clarified, but Zak got this one kid drunk one night and the guy crashed his car into a tree and into his ex-girlfriend who was pregnant. It turns out that Will was behind the wheel and it was Will's child. He
had no one to blame. That's something that Will never could do. So he stabbed Zak to death.

Why didn't you go to the police about it?

It seemed like the obvious thing to do. Will threatened to kill both Blake and me, if we went to any kind of police figure. We knew that he was capable of it. If he had the chance, he would have killed us too.

Trella: (upset)
He could have been put away in jail for murder!

Will left the school and his threat stayed with us. When people found out that Will and I used to go out. People who had known about the murder, thought that I had something to do with it. I loved Zak and I would never hurt him!

What happened to his body?

His body was buried. It's up on Cemetery Hill if you would like to go and visit it. The truth was never told about Zak. Will also had some incriminating evidence against us. He could have put us both away if we told. He blackmailed us and won.

This doesn't make any sense. Why didn't you stop Will for what he did? He's going out with my best friend and I'm now scared for her.

What do you plan on doing about all of this? You're in a police station. They probably heard our conversation, but they don't care. We're not fighting, so they leave us alone. I'm learning a lot here.

I don't know. Will can threaten me all he wants. The way my life has been, is nothing compared to what he or this damn school can do to me! I- I'm going to make sure that Will Pazner pays for what he did! He won't get away with killing Zak!

(The next morning, in Blake's office, Nan walks in with a smug smile on her face. He ignores her by concentrating on his paperwork.)

I have all of the minutes and reports from the Student Government meeting yesterday.

Put them on my desk please.

Usually when you talk to someone, you either look at them straight in the eyes, or at either some part of their face.

Your eyes shoot nothing by lying daggers.

That's not being nice mister president.

(Blake lifts his head up and shoots her a mean look.)

What kind of game are you playing? Then again you're not the only one. It's good to see that you have Bryan on your side to back you up.

Bryan informed me that there was a job opening available, good pay, and it has great experience. I jumped at the chance to get it.

You probably slept through the chance to get it.

Kind of like how I slept with you Blake.

Don't even bring that up!

Look, let's just give up this stupid charade. If we are going to be working close together, then we should be nice to each other at least.

I'll be civil with you, but don't expect me to be nice!

(Alley walks into The Palace Café and goes over to the counter.)

Hey Alley, what can I get ya?

Small coffee please. You seem to have had a constant smile on your face for days now, what gives?

Nothing really.

Let me guess, you met someone?

I've been telling everyone about it.

Who is he?

Owen Newlan. Do you know him?

We've met a couple of times. Congratulations and I hope that everything works out for you.

Coming right up with your coffee. I swear they’ll fire me for talking too much.

(Ginny begins to retrieve Alley's coffee. Alley turns around and sees Carrie sitting by herself, reading a book. Alley walks over to her.)

Hello Carrie.

Didn't see you walk in.

If I would have saw you then I probably would have walked out.

Walking away from everything. That's the way you always handle all of your problems.

(Blake is alone in his office after going over some more reports later that afternoon. His phone buzzes.)

Yes Myra?

There is a Mr. Dylan Colby here to see you.

Send him in please.

(Myra opens the door and lets Dylan in to see him.)

Everything is going great for you man. You have a secretary, a wife, and you're the President of the university.

Yeah I have everything I have ever wanted.

So you said on the phone that you had something business related that you wanted to talk to me about.

Yes I did. Our favorite person has done it once again and this time she has a pretty heavy partner to back her up.

You don't even have to say her name. Let me guess, she has somehow found another way of making or at least trying to make your life a living hell?

Of course. See Bryan Daniels was supposed to be the President but my father obviously thought that if Bryan was suited for it then he would have let the previous President give the job to Bryan. Well my father beat him to it. Bryan automatically hates me and then it turns out that he makes a new position that the other board members thought was a great idea. It sounded like a great idea for me too. It was for Presidential Assistant. Guess who that is now!

Psycho bitch!

Exactly. Believe me, I was this close this to strangling her when we worked together earlier, but I have respect for women even devilish women such as herself.

It sounds like you do have a problem on your hands. How many times have you come to me about her? It's like when she's not in our lives, everything is great because we can focus on other things in our lives, but she somehow worms her way back into everything. Especially with you.

I had an idea though.

Hold that thought. You're the President. You override everyone and can pretty much do anything that you want. You're the leader and the big man. Just fire her.

You just about read my mind. It's a lot more complicated though. Everyone on the board likes her and if I got rid of her, then they would be furious with me. All I have to do is expose her for the bitch that she is.

She'll probably slip up somehow.

I can only hope. When I get rid of her, I promise to replace her with you. Would you accept it if she was terminated?

Of course I would. I'd be the best damn Presidential whatever you would need.

Presidential assistant.

Just as long as it's not a Presidential Intern, I'm all for it.

This is Point Palace not the White House. How are you and Alley doing?

Okay. Lots have been going on, if she wants to tell you about it, then let her do it.

Would love to hear it but I have more trouble to deal with. Since you agreed to help me, then I know she'll be gone sooner then you can say Vamoose.

(Alley and Carrie continue their conversation at the café.)

Vamoose. Poof. There goes Alley right out the door or click, Alley has just hung up because she didn't want to really talk about what's bothering her.

Usually I step away from my problems because my words could hurt the other person who is on the other line or who is sitting right in front of me.

(Alley sits down across from Carrie. Ginny comes by with the coffee and gives it to her.)

Here you go.

(Ginny exits.)

So you're staying?

Just for a little bit. You and I have some catching up to do. It was really nice of you to tell me that you were leaving the school to go and live with Vincent DiMarco. How is he doing by the way?

He's fine. Sorry that I didn't call or write or even give you any fair warning that I was going to go. Things were going on back at home and he wanted me to be there with him. He also made me realize that I still had a lot of feelings for him.

Feelings that you forgot to tell Dylan about?

Everything happened so sudden and I didn't know that Victor would have come back to town.

You say that I run away from my problems. I haven't run away yet and you will hear everything that I have to tell you. Besides it seems that you always have an excuse when it comes to dealing with problems.

I didn't come to the café to be harassed.

(Carrie stands up.)

If you'll excuse me, I think that I'm going to pull an Alley Robberts!

(Carrie begins to walk away until Alley stands up and pulls her shoulder.)

You're not going anywhere!

What is it that you want?

It sucks that you and I can't be best friends anymore. We were through a lot. We both learned to forgive and forget! Things have changed. You may think that I might have stole your boyfriend or ex-boyfriend or whatever he is to you in your mind, but I didn't. Dylan and I found each other because of
you leaving town! How dare you say that I'm the one that runs away from everything.

You already heard my excuse as you put it.

Stay away from Dylan! I don't want you to even look at him. Whatever you two had in the past, will stay in the past, because you left him for Victor and now you're with John so go and have fun with him.

That's another reason why you're mad and why you think that you have the need to threaten me. John. Yes maybe I went out with John to spite you. To shove it in your face that I can go out with your ex-boyfriend and do the same thing that you did to me. Things were going bad for Victor and me. His dangerous family hated me and I needed to leave. John brought me back into this town to try and break up you and Dylan. We might have been successful or not, but that's why I came back to town. To tell you the truth, things have been going so well you with your ex-boyfriend, that I really don't give
a damn anymore. Goodbye!

(Carrie exits.)

I knew something was up from the day you came back! Damn you John!

(Bryan and Nan walk into the back patio area of Bryan's classy, LA styled home.)

This is what a Vice President can earn to make with a salary like yours. It's very impressive.

The house is a perk. It gets lonely sometimes.

You being lonely? Now that is something that I can't imagine. How do you I think I feel. Sleeping in a rinky dink apartment building.

They are one of the nicest apartments or dorm rooms in the country. We made sure that you students got that luxury.

(Nan leans on the side of his Jacuzzi.)

Did you see Blake's face yesterday? I thought that he was going to have a heart attack at an early age. It was so priceless.

We did it. And the way he was just complaining or at least trying to cover up how angry he really was. He probably would have tried to throw me out by force if it were just the two of us. He couldn't do though because he had to maintain his image for all of you trustee partners.

That was one time that I wish he I had a camera.

How do you want to celebrate? Because if you can't think of anything. Maybe we shouldn't waist this wonderful Jacuzzi.

(Nan unbuttons her shirt and reveals her green satin bra.)

What do you have in mind?

(Nan crosses her arms across her chest to cover everything as she slides her bra off.)

You don't have to use your imagination.

(Owen walks out of his door to go to class. Tanisha comes up behind him.)


Hey Tanisha. I'm walking to class, do you want to go with me?

Sure. About the other night.

Thank you for not blowing my cover with Ginny. You're probably getting sick of me playing some sort of role with her, but I can't help it. It's like I'm addicted.

You still haven't told her? If she ever finds out that she was lied to, then she probably won't even say a word to you.

That's why she can never find out.

Are you telling me that you're going to act like this forever?

Why not? If I ever need to go into the Witness Protection Service, then I know where I'm going to go.

Pretending that your English just to impress a girl doesn't mean that you could have an everlasting relationship. It means the total opposite actually. Maybe I shouldn't be prying but she has such a busy work schedule, will she be there for you all the time?

She would make time for me. Why are you being defensive about her?


Because why?

Because I'm…in love with you.

(There is a knock on John's door in his room.)

It must be Carrie.

(John answers it to find Alley with a scowl on her face.)

You should smile sunshine.

(Alley comes in and sits down on his couch.)

Not after what I heard. You were obviously expecting someone else.

It's always a pleasure to see you. When was the last time we ran into each other? Was it Blake's wedding or all of the awkward times that I was with Carrie.

Can't remember.

Why are you here?

Had another little run in with your girl friend.

She used to be your best friend.

Like I told her, things have changed. Things changed the minute she came back to this school. She just popped right back up into everyone's lives. Funny how she ends up with you.

No one's laughing.

Stop being such a smart ass. Carrie told me the reason why she came back to Point Palace was because of you. Is that true?

Can't lie if she already told you the truth.

She said that you wanted to cause problems for Dylan and me.

Cat's out of the bag now. I tried to bribe that Carrie look-a-like to play her but Lenvy didn't go for it. So, I thought why not go after the real thing.

Let me stop you right there. Why in the first place were you doing this at all?

Did you think that I was just going to sit back and watch you and Dylan be happy?

Dylan and I wanted to be your friend.

That would have been too weird. Anyway, I went to go and find Carrie in Lexington. She got a note from me saying that she should come home because you and Dylan were an item. She did and all I asked for her to do was just snoop around and cause problems.

It didn't work. Dylan and I are still together and we are going to be together for a very long time.

I seriously doubt that but the same goes for Carrie and me.

Great to hear.

You know the truth but I also called everything off and realized that instead of getting back at you. Carrie was the greatest thing to come into my life.

(Alley stands up.)

I'm getting sick of hearing about her.

If your sick then maybe you should go home. Basically you came here to tell me how angry you are about what I did and I'm trying to tell you that I'm finally happy and you don't even care?

That sort of sounds about right.

That's a little pathetic, don't you think?

What's pathetic is how you felt hurt and the need to try to get revenge. Watch your back.

You always do have those little one liners. I sort of miss them and then again I sort of don't.

(Alley slams the door and exits.)

You think your so smart.

(Alley gets an idea in her head. She pulls out her cell phone from her purse and begins to search through the name list.)

Why didn't I think of this before? Victor gave me his number once and I've never called it. Until now!

(Alley dials the number and begins to snicker as she walks away.)

(Jenny and Carlos begin to drive back from the studio in Carlos's car.)

Today went really well. This whole acting thing can be really fun. It's official. Acting will now be my minor. The school does offer some sort of acting classes. It can also help me to improve on some things. How are all of your classes going?

(Jenny is silent.)

That good huh? Since you asked. All of my medical classes are boring but the other students recognize me and are very nice. Regardless of my new job or not. I must admit it. The attention is wonderful.

It was great to see you in a bed scene with C.C.

Didn't we already have this talk?

Of course we did. It's just, I met her the other day, and well she wasn't very nice to me whatsoever. She actually mistook me as being a stage assistant or personal assistant or whatever the hell you call them.

So that's what got you so upset. Usually when you're not smiling and avoiding everyone or everything, it shows that you’re upset about something.

And then I made a total ass out of myself when I tripped on those wires. You cannot believe how devastatingly embarrassing that was.

What happened wasn't that bad. Everyone was there to help you.

Yeah because they felt sorry for me.

No they didn't.

Everyone accepts you because you have talent. They look down on me because they just see me as the bother some girl friend.

No they don't. I got a lot of compliments about you. Cairina, Henry, and even Ian said that they really do like you.

Really? They said that for real?

Would I lie to you?

You would if you wanted to make me feel good.

(Carlos's cell phone begins to ring.)

Baby, I'm driving, can you get that for me?

Sure thing.

(Jenny answers Carlos's cell phone.)


Hi Jenny how are you?

Doing good. Carlos is driving right now and can't talk. I'll make sure to have him call you back though.

Carlos isn't the one that I wanted to talk to, you are.

You want to talk to me? What about?

Everyone on the set hates to see you do nothing so we came up with a position for you. Well, more like a proposition.

What's that, to be a personal assistant?

No. To be a part of the show as Heather Kine.

You're saying that you want me to star in "Blue Crystal?"


I accept and I promise not to let you down!

You'll be getting a script very soon and you'll be alongside Carlos.

I'll have Carlos teach me everything. Thank you!

(Jenny hangs up with Cairina.)

Who was that?

You were right!

(Carlos pulls up into the school's parking lot.)

They cast me in a part of the show!


(Jenny kisses Carlos out of joy and happiness.)

(C.C. hovers from the wall behind Cairina's office, after hearing the conversation, she is not happy. C.C. walks in to her office.)

To what do I owe this pleasure for?

Please tell me that you were joking.

Joking about what?

About casting Jenny in a part of the show.

That was no joke. She starts very soon.

Why? What exactly does she have?

Although she may not have a lot of experience, she has a tight bond with Carlos, and that will show well on the screen.

Don't you see that this could make our show look like crap? I'm not even an executive and I know that this will make the ratings drop.

C.C. I love you like a daughter, but please don't tell me how to do my job. I know talent when I see it. It hasn't failed me yet. Carlos is going well and so will she.

She didn't even try out for the part though!

I'll let you in on a little secret, but you have to promise me not to tell anyone. It's not that big of a secret but just don't go spreading this around the set.

Tell me.

Carlos felt sorry Jenny and wanted us to put her to work.

He's so considerate. Thanks. See you later.


(C.C. leaves Cairina's office.)

I'll make sure that Jenny's role is temporary!

(Nan and Bryan get more comfortable outside in the night sky of the Jacuzzi.)

This night just keeps getting better and better.

It's because you have me to liven it up for you.

And I thank you for that. Without you I probably would have been in here alone and that wouldn't have been any fun.

Plus you wouldn't have anyone to help you get what is truly yours.


There's something else that I have to let you in on though.

Is it bad or good?

Good for us and bad for Blake.

Those are the kind of words that I love to hear. It's like music to my ears. What is that you have planned?

All I can tell you is that pretty soon Blake will be off the board for good and we will have the whole school as well as the whole town in an uproar!

Just because of us?

Exactly. Just because of us.

Victory is ours!

It isn't just yet, but it will be. I promise you that it will be.

(Bryan and Nan kiss each other passionately.)

(Officer Wendell and Officer Smith stand next to Ava as she sits in a small dim lit room. Her back is turned to them.)

What exactly is going on?

Officer Wendell:
Would you like to turn around and face us?

No thank you.

Officer Wendell:
Fine. We have some bad news for you. It turns out that Peggy Lowrie has decided to take legal action against you.

Officer Smith:
A lawyer is here to see you as well as a guest. Now sugar I'm sorry but we can only allow you one hour to see both of them. Use all of that time wisely.

Smith I know that you mean well. It's just your partner doesn't feel the same way.

Officer Wendell:
So I'm the bad guy?

You arrested me. If the shoe was on the other foot, you'd probably feel the same way.

Officer Wendell:
Truly sorry that you feel that way.

(Middle aged lawyer Bryant Barrone walks in along with James. They both sit next to her. Both officers exit but Ava knows that she would somehow be watched.)


(Ava and James hug each other.)

It's nice to meet you. James and I were briefly talking about this case.

Do you believe that I can win this case?

You have me on your side.

And I'm here for you too. What Peggy is trying to do is wrong. She's making things so much worse and she needs to be stopped. This all has to be stopped and put to an end.

I definitely want closure.

The first thing that I have to ask you is that are you innocent? You must be honest and truthful to me at all times.

I swear to you that I am one hundred percent innocent.

Good. That means that we have distinguished trust. In your own words, what happened?

I went to go and see James, but instead I saw Laney. We exchanged a few words and then the words exchanged into a few slaps. We were fighting and we were getting pretty close to the steps. I was trying to pull her back from falling, but she screamed to get off of me, and turned the other way really hard. Her shirt ripped and then she fell down the steps. Peggy walked in right when Laney was falling, she called the cops on me, and that's why I'm here.

I see. Now I must warn you and James. When you walk into the court room, you are you going to have to be an honest and grieving human being. The prosecution is going to try and tear you into shreds. They are going to attack your integrity and make you look like horrible people. Not so much you James. They need you. But Ms. Cecilenelli, you can't let them get to you.

I won't.

What should I do?

Explain to the jury and the judge that there were things wrong with your marriage as you pointed out before.

That won't be hard to do.

The whole affair thing is going to look really bad, and I'm sure that during my closing argument I can work around it.

Do you think that you are going to be able to get her out of here?

As soon as possible.

(Blake and London have dinner at ‘The River Teal.')

It must feel good to not have a board meeting or to worry about anything.

Yes it's very nice not to have to do work, but you're wrong about the whole worrying part.

What is it this time?

Not what, who.


Bingo. Obviously she was trying to set us up for what she had planned. When she went to see you the other day, it was to psych you out. I know her.

If you're upset then you're letting her win.

Nan is the new Presidential Assistant!

You're kidding me?

Nope, but don't worry, I already have a plan to get her out of there and to replace her with Dylan.

Have you worked with her yet?

We had to work side by side today. The whole time she was being snippy and shoving it in my face!

Like I said, don't let her get to you.

Not only do I have to worry about her but she's partnered up with Bryan Daniels. He has had in for me since the day I started to work for them.

Obviously he would. He was guaranteed something that he didn't get.

You're right. No worries. Whatever she has up her sleeve, I'll be ready for it. This is only the beginning!

(Alexia is alone in her room, sitting on her bed. She picks up her cell phone and begins to dial numbers.)

Hey mom.

Hey baby girl. What's going on?

Just wanted to call and say hi. See how you were doing. How's life going in Raleigh?

Raleigh's doing good but I think that it's losing its flavor because it doesn't have one of the sauciest residents in town.

It's doing fine without me. Have you talked to Owen lately?

Yeah I talk to him all the time. He tells me he's dating some girl who works at the café.

He's being stupid if you ask me.

Why is that?

Because this girl that I work with, she is totally in love with him. It's the sweetest thing in the world. She would do anything for him and he doesn't even see it.

Your brother is smart and I'm sure he'll figure it out sooner or later.

Anything else going on?

Actually yes there is.

(In the court room, there is a plethora of reporters in the back, Peggy sits on the prosecution side on the front row, and James sits in the front row of the defense. The bailf walks in.)

All rise. Now honoring Judge Lionel P. Carnes.

Judge Carnes:
You may all sit down. We are here for the case of Lowrie vs. Cecilenelli. Prosecution may start.

Thank you your honor. Prosecution would first like to call Officer Allan Wendell to the stand.

(Officer Wendell walks to the stand and raises his right hand.)

Please state your name.

Officer Wendell:
Allan Wendell.

Please raise your right hand and place your left hand on the book. Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god?

Officer Wendell:
I do.

(Davis Ghram stands up, places his hands behind, and begins to pace back and forth.)

Please tell the court, what your occupation is.

Officer Wendell:
Police chief for the Cody County Jail Precinct.

You were the one who was called to the scene of the crime, correct?

Officer Wendell:
Yes that's right.

In your own words would you please describe what happened when you arrived at the Vaughne residence?

Officer Wendell:
We got a call that a murder happened.

A murder?

Objection, it has not been declared a murder yet.

Judge Carnes:
Overruled. Witness please continue.

Office Wendell:
I walked into the house. The first thing I saw were Mr. Vaughe, Ms. Lowrie, and Ms. Cecilenelli. The next thing that I noticed was the limp dead body of Mrs. Laney Vaughne.

Then what did you do?

Officer Wendell:
Asked what happened. Ava spoke up and said that she got into a fight with the victim. Since physical violence was done, I had to arrest her.

What did you say to Ava after she had told you that piece of information?

Officer Wendell:
That she had incriminated herself.

No further questions your honor.

(Davis sits down at his table.)

Judge Carnes:
Defense council, you are now up.

Thank you, your honor.

(Bryant stands up and walks over to the witness stand.)

Was that your opinion about the incrimination?

Officer Wendell:
A crime had been committed and she had to go to jail.

What happened to Laney's body?

Officer Wendell:
She was taken to the hospital, but she was already dead.

If she were already dead then why not have the coroner take her away?

Officer Wendell:
There was some hope to save her.

Once the hope had failed, her body was inspected by a forensics unit. You were given the information correct?

Officer Wendell:

(Bryant goes over to the table and pulls out a bag with a piece of paper in it.)

The defense would like to submit ‘Evidence A.’ The forensics report that was given to Officer Wendell.

(Bryant slides the clear sealed piece of paper to Officer Wendell.)

I am sure that you have read this report word from word, but will you please read for everyone the part that says ‘cause of death.'

Officer Wendell:
‘Cause of death' is a fractured neck.

No further questions your honor.

(Alexia continues her conversation with her mother on the phone.)

That tone in your voice tells me that it's not good.

It's not. It's actually horrible news.

Then what is it?

Frank was released from prison on good behavior.

(Alexia is shocked and doesn't say anything.)

Hello? Lexi?

Yeah I'm here. This can't be happening. Who the hell would release that psycho? Did they know what he has done to our family? He killed dad and he almost killed us, if you hadn't come to save the day.

He knows not to come around here or I will put another bullet in his back.

I thought he was dead.

He was in the hospital for a long time and then he was sent to prison once he recovered. Please, just be careful.

Everything will be fine!

(Christina hangs up with Alexia.)

Now I know who's been making these calls.

(Alexia dials the operator.)

Please connect me to the Cody Jail.

One moment please.

Jail Operator:
Cody County Jail Precinct, how can I help you?

Yes I think that I need to get a detective or someone to help me with a harassment crime.

One moment please.


Detective Miltner:
This is Detective Miltner.

Hi, my name is Alexia Newlan and I've currently been getting harassing calls. They're really scary and I need them to stop.

Detective Miltner:
Do you have any idea who they could be coming from?

I have some sort of idea but I can't be too sure.

Detective Miltner:
What's your location?

Point Palace University. Room number twenty-eight.

Detective Miltner:
We will be over shortly.

Please hurry!

(Lenvy and Will are alone in Lenvy's bedroom watching a movie.)

Last night was amazing.

See I must be doing something right.

You sure are.

(There is a knock on Lenvy's front door. She gets up to go and answer it.)

If you don't answer it, they will go away.

And if I don't answer it, then I won't know who it was.

(Lenvy goes to her front door to find Trella.)


We need to talk.

Okay. About what?

Are you alone?

No. Will's here with-

Get him out here.

What's wrong?

(Will comes out to see her.)


How well do you know your boyfriend?

Pretty well. We tell each other everything.

Oh really? Did he tell you about all of his ex girl friends?

Yes. I had Will tell me everything, either good or bad, about his past and present, so that we could have a nice future.

Why are you questioning my devotion to Lenvy?

Quit trying to play stupid. Everything seems so clear now. Funny how my car just all of a sudden gets a flat tire. Then Lenvy's purse ends up in the back seat of my car. Will was just trying to get me away from you.


(Will stays silent.)

How much do you know?

(Trella dives after Will and begins to pound his chest with fists as she cries her eyes out.)

You bastard! How could you do it!

(Lenvy pulls Trella off of Will.)

What is going on?

Tell her Will. Tell her what's going on.

Trella just leave.

There you go trying to get me away from Lenvy! How dare you. How dare you even command me to do anything for you.

Obviously we never got along, but please I'm asking you in the most sincere way possible, to please just let me handle this on my own!

Can anyone please tell me what's going on?

The main reason why I came to this school was to find the love of my life. Will lied about knowing him. Will knew him very well. He knew him so much that he actually killed Zak!

(Will is again silent. Lenvy looks hurt and confused.)


Yep. Ava Cecilenelli told me everything. Lenvy you better get out of your relationship because he might just kill you! And Will, you will pay for what you did, because I’ll bring you down for all of the harm that you have ever caused anyone!

(Trella leaves and slams the door behind her.)

(Lenvy faces Will.)

Please tell me that what she said isn't true. Tell me that it was some sort of joke or that she was making this all up. Just tell me that you're not a murderer.

(Will is silent.)

Just give me time to explain to you everything, because right now, even I don't know where to begin.

I thought that you told me everything.

Please just give me some time.

You didn't answer my question! Did you or did you not kill Zak?

(Will looks at her with sad eyes and then storms out of her room. Lenvy falls to her knees.)

Lenvy: (screaming)

(Ava's trial continues. Ava sits with Bryant and turns around to see Peggy, she then turns around to see James. He gives her a condoling smile.)

Judge Carnes:
Prosecution do you have another witness to call on?

Yes we do your honor. We would like to call upon Peggy Lowrie to the stand please.

(Peggy stands up and begins to walk toward the witness stand. She stands in front of the court.)

Please state your name.

Peggy Lowrie.

Please raise your right hand and place your left hand on the book. Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god?

I do.

(Davis stands up and walks toward her.)

Ms. Lowrie please tell the court your relationship to the victim.

We were best friends.

You were also best friends with her husband Mr. James Vaughe, correct?


How exactly do you know the defendant?

Well, she started to hang around James a lot. James then told me he was having an affair with her and that's how I was caught up in this whole mess.

An affair? Did Laney know about Ava?


Now if I'm not mistaken, that means that Mr. Vaughne committed adultery?

Objection your honor, that is a judge of character and is not relevant to this case.

Judge Carnes:
Sustained. Please refrain from judge of character your honor.

But he did committ adultery.

Please explain to us what you saw when you went to go and see Laney at home the day she had met her ill fate.

Laney had called me to talk. By then she already knew about the affair, so I figured that is what she wanted to talk about. When I got to the house, I opened the door and saw Laney's body rolling down the steps.

That must have been horrifying for you to see. What or who else did you see?

(Peggy points at Ava.)

I saw her at the top of the steps. She had a distilled look on her face and she was breathing heavy. Kind of like one of those people you see on television after they've committed a crime.

No further questions your honor.

Judge Carnes:
Will the defense council continue with the witness?

(Bryant stands up.)

Yes your honor we will.

(Bryant looks at Peggy.)

Ms. Lowrie you on many occasions had runins with the defendant, correct?

(Peggy is silent and looks down at her folded hands.)

Ms. Lowrie will you please answer the question.

Judge Carnes:
You must answer the question.

Yes. Yes I did have many encounters with Ava.

And during these encounters you distinguished hate, did you not?

(Davis stands up.)

Objection your honor, leading the witness.

Judge Carnes:
Sustained. Mr. Barrone will you please ask another question.

If I may just restate the question your honor.

Judge Carnes:
I suppose but it must be simple and non leading.

Yes your honor. Now Peggy to restate the question, what exactly has happened when you two spoke alone with one another?

We would exchange some words.

Some words. Like what?

I can't remember what I said.

Can't remember? Liars must have a good memory and you-

Objection your honor!

Judge Carnes:

No further questions your honor.

(Bryant sits back down at the table with Ava.)

Ava: (whispering)
Things aren't looking good for us.

(Alexia is alone in her room. She sits on her bed and waits with a phone in her hand. Suddenly there is
a knock on her door. She slowly gets up to answer it.)

It must be the police.

(Alexia answers the door but sees no one. She goes outside and turns her head to the left and then to the right. Nothing is there. A noise is heard coming from inside of her room.)

What's going on?

(Alexia goes back inside and shuts the door behind her.)

It must be my imagination running wild.

(All of a sudden a heavy piece of white rope is violently wrapped around her neck. Frank begins to strangle her as Alexia gags for breaths of air.)

Daddy's home!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

PP has really picked up the pace. Lord Have Mercy. lol Good episode. Trella treats Lenvy or she was speaking of her as if her and Levny were dating. The Palace cafe reminds of The coffee shop on Y&R. Your cast has also exploded as well. I was very suprised about the twist with Jenny going on the soap and only to find out Carlos is the one behind it. I just know CC is up to no good. Bryan sure is a sexxy bad boy. Great casting choice. I also am shocked we are into Ava's trial already. I think it would be nice to see the effects of James wife dying has on James and how much of a scandal it is or should be concerning his job and school and the fact this is light weight James's fault. How long will PP be on hiatus?

O yea super creepy ending. Loved it.

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  • Members

Yeah the pace has kicked into gear. PP will be on a very short (few days) hiatus. You'll see James take the stand and he'll pour his heart out over Laney.

Trella's worried about Lenvy's safety since she thinks that Will could kill her.

The C.C./Jenny/Carlos plot goes well into the fourth season as well as a few other like Ava/James. I don't want to give too much away but the next 5 episodes (Episode 77 will be the season finale) will have tons of fast paced drama!

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  • Members

Whew I can't wait and I am so happy PP won't be gone for long. Y is your blog cutting off some words on the right. have you noticed that? I didn't know this was PP's 4th season.

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