The Guiding Light: Episode 073

The Guiding Light: Episode 073
Saturday June 23, 2007
Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins
Saturday June 23, 2007
Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins

At HollyBend, Holly races around the room to gather her things. “My first day back and I’m gonna be late,” she mutters under her breath. She takes a quick sip of coffee and it spills over. "Damnit," she yells.

Blake exits the kitchen to see what is the matter. “Oh, I just spilled some of my coffee,” Holly replies.
“Mom, are you sure that you should be going to work so soon?” Blake asks.
“Yes, I am sure. I can’t spend the rest of my life on that couch. I need something to keep my mind off of things. Besides, I’ve taken my medicine so I’m not going to go insane if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Blake decides that its best to drop the subject. “Ross is coming over later today to look at the package daddy gave me. I just wonder what he had up his sleeve.”
“Don’t we all? Just remember sweetheart, remember your priorities. Family comes before any Spaulding schemes.”
“I remember my priorities, I just wish you’d remember yours.”
Holly anxiously looks at her watch. “Sorry Blake, no time for a lecture. Gotta go.” Holly kisses Blake on the forehead and runs out the door.

Marina and Ben are in Company waiting for Lizzie, Shayne, and Tammy. “I’m looking forward to prom tonight,” Ben whispers in Marina’s ear.
“Not as much as I am,” she replies. She looks at him and kisses his cheek. “Thank you for being such a good friend to Shayne. I know he hasn’t had the best year since his aunt went psycho and killed Tony.”
“No problem. Besides, you know what they say right. Keep your friends close and your potential competition closer.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about Shayne, Ben,” Marina replies.
The rest of the gang burst through the door to Company. Shayne and Ben separate from the girls to find their tuxes for the prom.

Danny sits in the Santos Mansion working on some paperwork when he hears the front door open.
“You forget something Marah?” he asks.
“My name apparently”
A confused Danny turns to see a very pregnant Michelle at the door.

“Hello Michelle,” he says. “Come in, is there something you need?”
“Not unless you happen to have a way to get this baby out of me. I almost forgot how much I hated morning sickness and weird cravings,” she says as she sits in the sofa.”
“I’m sure it isn’t that bad.”
“Spoken like a man,” Michelle retorts. “I wish just that you men would have to go through labor. But anyway, I came here because I wanted to tell you the game plan for the baby’s birth.”

Gus arrives at home after being out all night. She finds Harley desperately trying to get Zach ready for the school bus. When she sees Gus walk in, she ushers Zach up to his room.
“Where the hell have you been?” she asks.
“I was just sitting around lost in thought. By the time I actually looked at my watch, it was so late, I wasn’t sure what you would say. Or what I would say for that matter.”
“I can think of something for you to say. I still haven’t gotten an apology.”
And Now, The Guiding Light
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“An apology for what?” Gus asks, confused.

“For not believing me when I told you that that Vera Ginatoni wasn’t your mother. I told you so. Her story seemed too pat, too rehearsed. You forget, I was a cop too, and a pretty darn good one at that, remember?”
“I remember,” he said. “But how was I to know that Alex and Vera were lying? When she told me that I was her son, I couldn’t just block out my emotions.”
“I know,” she sighs. “Truth be told, I was hoping that Vera was your mother.”
“Harley, when we started our relationship, I’m sure that you didn’t plan on being in love with yet another Spaulding man. If you want out, I wouldn’t hold it against you.”
“Alan-Michael and Phillip did hurt me, but there were some good times. And just because you’re now a Spaulding doesn’t mean that you, all of a sudden, are going to start acting like them.” She looks to the clock and then back at Gus. “But now that you know the truth, what are you going to do? Are you actually going to try to have a relationship with her?”
Blake and Ross cuddle up together in her bed at Hollybend. “Oh Ross, doesn’t this make you feel like a teenager again, stealing alone time when your parents aren’t around?”
“It does and it feels wonderful.” They kiss. However, Blake soon pulls away. “I hate to interrupt, but wasn’t there something that you came for?”
“Can’t it wait, I’m just getting started?” Ross complains.
“No this can’t wait. The sooner we get into this business, the faster we have time for us.”
Blake grabs the envelope off the night stand and gives it to Ross. As he reads it, his eyes get larger.
“Daddy left me all his shares of Spaulding. Apparently, he scooped up a bunch more stock when Alexandra made the prices fall last year. Plus the stocks I got from Alexandra to vote at her little meeting. What I don’t know is how much say does this give me in the company?”
“All this stock puts you pretty high up on the pecking order at Spaulding. What I want to know though it, what do you plan to do with all of this?”
“I’ve been thinking about that and I think I want to get my toes back at Spaulding. Being a radio DJ and a novelist is fun but I want to do something more exciting. So I think I’m going to try to get a job from Alexandra. I think this will be pretty good leverage don’t you think?”
“Just be careful. We don’t need any Spaulding trouble, especially before our wedding,” Ross says.
“Scout’s honor,” Blake replies as they pull up the covers.

An attendant stretches a tape measure across Shayne’s arms to fit him for a tuxedo. Across the room, Ben sits close to the window talking on his cell phone. When he finishes the call, he returns.
“What was that about?” Shayne asks.
“It was Alexandra. I’ve been summoned to the house evidently. I’m going to have to cut this a bit short.”
“I can take the suit over to the Beacon if you want me to,” Shayne says.
“Would you mind?”
“Of course not. I have to take Tammy back anyway.”
“Thanks man, I appreciate it,” Ben says.

Ben walks out of the door as Alan-Michael walks in. He sees Shayne over at the counter.
“What do you want?” Shayne asks angrily.
“I just wanted to thank you. Thanks to our little bargain, I am going to land the Cedars deal this week.”
“I thought part of our deal was that you would leave me alone,” Shayne asks.
“It was, it was. Can’t I make some small talk? I just wanted to know if your dad or uncle made any changes to the proposal. I wouldn’t want everything we agreed to be wasted.”
“I don’t know and I don’t care. I did what you asked me to do. Now leave me alone.”
Alan-Michael looks and notices that Shayne has two tuxedos in his hand. He follows Shayne out of the store.
“Shayne, I couldn’t help but notice that you have two tuxedos. Is one of them for your boyfriend?”
“You are such a bastard you know that? No it’s not for my boyfriend for the record.”
“Don’t put up such a tough guy act,” A-M snidly replies. “I know you are attracted to me. You don’t have to hide it,” as he walks away. Shayne grits his teeth and scampers off in the opposite direction.
“Here’s what I’m thinking,” Michelle says . “Mel, Rick, Claire, and dad will be there with me while I’m in labor. Dad will call you both once the baby is checked out. You guys are going to come down and submit a DNA sample so we can perform the paternity test and get that out of the way. Capice?”
“Fine,” Danny sighs.
“If there’s one thing I don’t want, it’s lip from either one of you. I’m six days past due and my hormones are ready to blow. I don’t need a fight.”
“Michelle, can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Who do you want to be the father of this baby—me or Bill?”
“Now that’s not fair. Both of you have positive and negative qualities. We’ll get to that once we find out who the father is.”

Meanwhile, Marah enters the Santos Mansion to retrieve her misplaced wallet when she hears the conversation going on in the living room. Michelle begins to get up from her seat when Danny takes her hand.
“Michelle, wait. If this baby is mine, what happens to us? Will you give me another chance to prove that I love you?”
Danny pulls Michelle in for a kiss as Marah watches him from the foyer. A hurt Marah sneaks out the front door unnoticed.
“I don’t know. I think so. I have to know. I have to try,” Gus answers.
“I see,” Harley replies.
Suddenly, Gus’ cell phone begins to ring. He answers it. “Hello. Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can? Okay. Bye.”
“Who was that?” Harley asks.
“It was just Alexandra. She wanted me to stop by the mansion later.”
“Of course it was,” Harley groans.
“You don’t sound very enthused,” Gus says.
“Why did you expect me to be enthusiastic about this? I’m glad we found out the truth, but I almost died trying to get it thanks to Alexandra. The Spauldings have been a thorn in my side for years. And now here they are a part of my life again.”
“Is this an ultimatum Harley? You or a relationship with Alexandra?”
“I don’t know what this is. I don’t need ultimatums. Spaulding men are all alike; they do what they want regardless.” She puts her hand to her head. “Gus, I think I’m going to have to take you up on your offer. At least for now. I can’t—I can’t do this. I’m sorry. I need some time.”
“I’ll go pack my stuff.”
“No, wait till Zach goes to school. I don’t want him to be here when you leave; he’s been through so much.” Almost on cue, Zach runs down the stairs, his backpack jumping up and down with each step. “Mommy! I’m ready!”
“I see, do you have your lunch?”
“Yes Mommy!”
“Okay, let’s go out and wait for the bus okay?”
Zach gives Gus a hug then takes Harley’s hand as they walk out the door. Gus watches as the two figures get smaller and smaller. He turns back to the living room and takes it all in for the last time. He grabs a picture of him and Harley and thumbs Harley’s photo gingerly.

Suddenly, a rage shoots up out of his veins and he slams the photo against the wall.
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