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June 21, 2007




-Outside the cruise ship, Stefano and Cassie watch the goings on. Cassie thinks they need to call the police. Stefano says no. His daughter is on that ship and that monster shot him and put him in a coma for months. The MCF must be stopped and Stefano vows to kill the MCF if he finds him or her. Cassie thinks they should call Stefano's informants, thsoe that gave them the info to come there, and have them handle this.

Stefano shakes his head, saying he must do this. He tells Cassie to wait outside. She reminds him of their deal. Stefano reluctantly agrees, reminding her to stay with him. Stefano draws his gun and is stunned to see no guards defending the ship. He wonders if something is going on.

Meanwhile, Jack and Billie arrive. Shane, Max, Frankie, and Greta show up behind them. Shane says he is going to check the perimeter. Shane leaves. Billie sees Stefano and Cassie getting on board the ship and tells Jack that the surveillance monitor at the Kiriakis house was right. That was Stefano and Cassie lurking near the cruise ship. Greta wonders if they have something to do with this but Jack reminds her of Stefano's shooting and the Dimera's being targets too. Jack says they must follow them and see where they are going and what exactly is on that ship. Billie says she is going with him. Frankie and Greta decide to go too. Frankie tells Max to keep watch and to tell Shane what they are up to. He leaves before Max could argue as a frustrated Max nearly punches a crate.

-At the Horton house, Maggie races into the house and tells Julie she got her message. She asks what is wrong as she sounded panicked on the phone. Julie shows her what appears to be a letter and hands it over to her with it's envelope. Maggie asks if this is for real and where Julie got it. Julie says it was left on Alice's doorstep for the both of them. It says if they don't meet with whoever wrote the letter by midnight on the cruise ship at SH port 3, their secrets will be exposed and the Horton's will be destroyed. Maggie says they will go to prison. Julie says they need to meet with this person.

Maggie thinks it's dangerous but Julie says they can't do anything. Calling the police may result in the truth being discovered and she already tried calling Victor for help with no luck. Alice calls out from the kitchen, asking if all is ok. Julie says it is and tells Maggie they have to go...now. Maggie hates to but realizes they have no choice if they are to make sure the truth doesn't come out, for everyone's sake. Julie goes to tell Alice as Maggie worries.

-At Salem Park, Doug is bringing home a special surprise for Julie....swiss chocolate. He hopes she will like it. A teenage boy comes up to him and tells Doug he was told by someone to give him this letter. Doug asks who gave it to him and the boy says he doesn't know but was also told not to say what the person looked like. The boy runs off, counting what appears to be money in his hand, as Doug tries to talk to him. Doug realizes the kid must have been bought off to do this. He then opens the letter and wonders what the hell it is. It says for him to go to the cruise ship at Salem Harbor port 3. Julie and Maggie are in danger. Doug thinks it may be a joke but realizes he can't take the risk and races off for the ship.

-On the cruse ship, Kayla is still stunned to see Abby and Chelsea on board. They fill Kayla in on how they were kidnapped and held captive for so long on the ship. Kayla asks who the man standing next to them is. Abby and Chelsea say that his name is Fred. Forest says nothing and simply nods and smiles. Kayla says it's nice to meet him. Steve then notes that he doesn't look like a Fred. Forest says he is...Fred Allen. Steve seems bothered by this.

Kayla then turns to Steve and asks where he has been. Steve says it's a long story and it's not the time but Kayla demands answers. Steve says she will get them. All she needs to know is he did this to get his memory back and to get his life back. He did this to protect her, Stephanie, and all their loved ones. He may not remember all of them but he knows they are important to him deep down. Kayla is touched and asks Steve what exactly he did. Steve says the MCF forced him into this. He made it seem like it was a deal for him to get his life and memory back but he would've had to do this no matter what. He or she was targeting Kayla and Stephanie. Steve reveals that the MCF has a drug to help him remember and was also injecting him with a drug to block memories out. Kayla admits it makes sense now.

Kayla tells Steve they will talk about this later. In the meantime, they have to get out of there. Abby says there is no way out. They looked all over. Steve and Kayla look outside and see guards all around. They are trapped now...like sitting sucks. Steve says that the MCF couldn't have planned it any better. Tonight is the big night it seems. Steve warns they are all in for a rude awakening tonight.

-Alan is dragging Nicole by the arm. They are now at the Salem Harbor and the ship is in sight. Alan tells Nicole they need to get on board that. Nicole has second thoughts but Alan won't hear of it. If she wants to hold on to Evan, she must do it. Nicole looks at Evan and agrees. They both continue to race to the ship.

Roman, Carrie, Austin, Sami, Eric, Belle, and Lucas are on their trial. Carrie tells Roman to call other officers in as he needs to go find Marlena too. Roman says that he has people out for her. This is more important at the moment. Roman says he has to keep going and wishes the rest of them would stay out of this before they get hurt. Bo, Hope, Caroline, Kate, and Will show up. Roman is angry. Sami is upset with Kate for not taking Will home. Kate asks Sami if she blames the kid for wanting a part of this based on what happened. Sami shakes her head and tells Will to stay with her.

Roman asks a fisherman if he has seen Alan, Nicole, or Evan and he says he someone similar to them heading for port 3. Roman and everyone else races off for port 3 as the fisherman looks at everyone running by, wondering why it's necessary for all of them to be doing this together.

-Later, they arrive at port 3 where they are greeted by Max. Shane arrives and fills them all in on what is going on as Roman clues him and Max in. Sami lashes out at Shane, saying him and Carrie's lies led to this. Now Alan has Evan and he may just get away. Carrie and Shane look down in shame. Roman looks around and realizes this is a dead end so Alan must have taken Nicole on the ship. Roman says they need to get aboard and search the ship. Shane and Max agree to go along, as does Bo. Roman doesn't want everyone involved. Bo tells him he will need all the help he can get. The ship is huge. Roman reluctantly agrees.

Kim then wheels herself into the harbor, saying she was worried about everyone with the search for Bo. She is relieved to see Bo. Roman, Max, and Bo race on to the ship. Kim asks what is going on. She then grabs Shane as he is heading on, telling him not to go yet. Hope says she isn't just sitting there. Carrie says her baby is on there. She is going too. Austin thinks it's a bad idea but races behind her, as does Belle. Sami tells Lucas Alan needs to pay. She is getting on board too to make that bastard suffer. Sami runs off as Lucas goes after her. Will then makes a break for it too as Kate tells him not to do this and follows on to the ship.

Caroline fills Kim in on everything. Kim wonders when this will end. Shane tells Kim he needs to get on the ship. Kim says she just has an awful feeling right now. She thinks they are all making a big mistake going on board. This may be one big trap, like luring a flock of lambs to their slaughter. Shane reminds Kim this is his job. She knows that. Kim mentions how he has been the sole reason why she got through everything this year with her family. Shane tells Kim she helped him too.

Kim: I just don't want to lose you. I can't. Your all I have right now.

Caroline: Honey...

Kim: I know, mom. I have you but Shane has been such a comfort. Don't do this. We should just call the police and get everyone off there now and just....

Shane: Kim, we can't. You can call for help if you want but I am still getting on board. I have to.

Shane embraces Kim.

Shane: I will be back. You won't lose me.

Kim: We wasted so much time. It was almost like fate that you were here for me. Maybe a sign. Look, Shane. I...

Shane: I know, Kim. Don't say it. I want to hear it when I come back. It gives me more reason.

Kim: Don't say that. Something will happen. God, my family is on there. All of them. Now you are going...please.

Shane: I'm sorry, Kim. I have to go.

Shane kisses her forehead and then walks away, fighting back tears. As he goes up the platform, he seems to whisper "I love you". Kim then breaks down in tears, saying she loves him and never stopped. Caroline comforts her. Kim says she is so worried about him and everyone on that ship. They need to get off. Caroline agrees. She tells Kim to call for help. She will get aboard and try to get them all off. Kim says that will never work. Caroline says she will come up with some lie or something...just as long as they get off the ship. Kim dials her cell to make the call as Caroline races aboard. Kim can't get a reception and wheels around the corner.

Meanwhile, on the ship, Stefano and Cassie walk into what looks like the main ballroom and are shocked to find Cal and Katherine there. Bo, Hope, Belle, Eric, Carrie, Austin, Sami, Lucas, Kate, Will, Max and Roman also walk in and wonder what is going on. Jack, Billie, Frankie, and Greta walk in and wonder the same. Stefano says he got a tip that Lexie was on board. Cal says he got a tip about his past and answers being available on board. Roman explains they are looking for Alan and Nicole. Jack says he saw Cassie and Stefano get on board and followed. Shane then joins the group, followed by Caroline. Roman wants her off. Caroline says she wants everyone off the ship.

Everyone is stunned when Julie and Maggie enter. Hope asks what they are doing there. Julie lies, saying they were told loved ones were in danger on board. Doug then races in. He embraces Julie and Maggie, happy they are safe. He explains that he was told in a letter they were in danger. Everyone wonders what is going on. The lights then go out and door slams can be heard all around the room. The lights then come back on and everyone is stunned to see entrances and exits blocked by guards dressed all in black with ski masks. Roman realizes it's all a trap and they were all lured on board.

The scene then shifts back to the harbor. Kim looks at the ship and wonders what is taking her mother so long. She then sees two guards emerge. She wheels to the side and hides. The guards lift up the platform so no one can get on or off. Kim then notices the ship is getting ready to leave port. She panics and realizes practically her whole family is on board, along with many of her friends including Shane, and worries about the danger they are in.

The scene then shifts to the Horton house, Alice is sitting in her chair with her eyes closed when she awakes quickly and seems to get a chill. She then looks over at Tom's picture and says:

Alice: I have a bad feeling, Tom. Something horrible is going to happen. I just pray you watch over all of our cherished loved ones on this night.

The scene then shifts back to the ship as Jack, Billie, Frankie, Greta, Bo, Hope, Belle, Eric, Carrie, Austin, Sami, Lucas, Kate, Will, Max Cal, Katherine, Caroline, Shane, Doug, Julie, Maggie, Stefano, Cassie, and Roman all look around the room, desperately. Each entrance or exit is either locked or under the watch of a guard. They all realize they are trapped. They then see the lights flicker on and off as a booming voice projects over the PA system:

MCF (via voice changer): Good evening, all. Welcome to what I hope will be a fun and enlightening evening for all of us! I have waited quite awhile for this night and for it to be finally here...well, I will spare you all that. WELCOME ABOARD...TO YOUR FINAL RESTING PLACE!!

Everyone in the ballroom looks at each other in a panic and searches desperately for away out as the screen fades to black.


Kayla to Steve: You can stop this. We can do it together. You have never been afraid before so why are you now?

Alan to Nicole: There is no way out of this. We all made our beds, sweety. Now we all have to lay in them.

Tony to Anna: This could be our last chance, Anna. There is no telling what could happen. I love you. Just say you love me.

Philip (looking at Victor on the monitor): I am so sorry, dad. So sorry.

MCF to Ernesto: Time to make my grand entrance.

Celeste: We're all doomed!!!


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I am so excited! Awesome episode, I can't wait for the reveal. I love how everything is coming together. Great job!

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I agree with Tishy. Great job of building up the suspense, and what a cliffhanger!

I really look forward to finally find out the identity of MCF!

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