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Episode 91





(EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND- Augusta & Lionel's Flat)

---Augusta sits in her living room, pretending to read a book but keeping an eye on the gossip program she has on TV. She's flabbergasted when she hears a loud banging at the door.

"Who could that be? The rent's been paid..."

The person bangs on the door again, even more loudly.

"What THE?!-- If Lionel forgot to pay, another parking ticket...."

The person once again bangs on the door.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming, keep your knickers on..."

Without looking up even, she opens the door, apologizing for her husband not paying their tickets and she'll gladly pay any late fees necessary. She looks up and lets out a gasp. WHO'S AT THE DOOR!!!

"Hello Augusta. Been to any good parties lately?"


---Marcello furiously rings the doorbell at the castle. Inside the temple, Sophia calls to Christine, telling her not to worry about the door. She opens it up and smiles at Marcello.

"Dr. Armonti, how lovely to see you again. What brings you by?"

"Please, call me Marcello. May I come in?"

"Of course."

Marcello asks if she got her handbag back safely. She says she did and thanks him for sending someone over with it. Marcello disputes that, telling her that he actually dropped by personally but Edmund wouldn't allow him in. Sophia writes it off as it being late, and that she actually got into her night clothes immediately after arriving at home. She says that it would have been inappropriate for her to come down anyway. Marcello is repulsed by the idea of Sophia and Edmund together.

"He's my husband Marcello, in every way. Just like Maria will soon be your wife."

"How well do you really know your husband, Loretta?"

"I've been married to him for over thirty years, I think I know him well enough."

"Weren't you sick for a period of time?"

"Well....yes, but Edmund stuck with me, through the coma and my recovery. I believe it was his love that kept me alive- he's the reason I'm even here talking with you."

"How long were you in a coma for?"

"Gosh.....I don't even know how long it was, can you believe that?"

Marcello explains that he's asking because Lady DiMonde was an old chum of Edmund's and had no recollection of meeting his wife. When they looked further in the matter, they found out that there has been no record of a Loretta Lavery ever having lived in London.

"There must be some mistake." Sophia insists

"Believe me, Lady DiMonde's detectives don't make mistakes. She and her colleagues have been investigating Dr. Lavery and his unusual methods for many years now. They insisted that I come and share this with you, to warn you."

"But that's absurd- Edmund adores me, he'd never do anything to harm me. I understand your concerns, Dr. Armonti, but you don't know my husband."

"Maybe not, but Lady DiMonde does. Very well. All I'm saying is don't take anything he says at face value. He's not to be trusted and no lie is beneath him. And please, please, do not let him take you away from this house. Stay put. It's essential to the invstigation. Loretta, you must understand I wouldn't be here if you weren't my main concern."

"I'm telling you there's nothing to be concerned about."

"And I'm telling you there is. I best be going, but I'll be in touch. Please, consider what I've said....."

Christine comes down the stairs as he exits and notices that "Loretta" looks dazed.

"Mrs. L? Everything alright Mrs. L?"

"Yes, Christine. Everything's fine."

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

----Ted and CC go over the latest projections for Capwell Enterprises. CC asks how Ted has been compensating for Angela so far, since she's filling in for Kelly over at the hotel. Ted admits he's feeling the pressure, but is working through it. He questions his father about his obvious disdain for Ashton and the rift is causing between he & Kelly.

"Son, I have my reasons for how I feel toward your sister's husband," CC says, ominously.

"Those being what exactly? He seems to love her enough. He runs a large business over in London, so he's not out for the Capwell money or name."

"I don't trust him. You should be keeping your eye on him as well."

"I'm more worried about Elizabeth, and the stranglehold she has over this company."

"Elizabeth? Why would you be concerned with her?"

"Dad, come on, she barred mom from the building, she barely showed up to the funeral before storming out, she made that scene at Kelly's reception, hell she's even married to Keith Timmons now! You don't see her as a potential long-term threat to the company?"

"We don't have anything to worry about from Elizabeth, I've known her for many years. She's not out to steal my company away from me or my children."

"And this is what concerns me- what is with this blind eye that you're constantly turning to her? Because, seriously dad, if you can't see that Elizabeth is a threat to this company and possibly this family, then you're a blind, blind man," he says, as he begins storming out of the office.


Ted ignores his father, bumping into Elizabeth on his way out of the office.

"Afternoon, Ted" she says, greeting him.

Ted gives her a look and then looks at his father, leaving without saying another word.

"What was that all about?" she asks.

"He's concerned about you possibly having too much influence over the company, that you're out to steal it away, something to that effect. He misses his mother, is what it boils down to."

"And I'm the big bad sister that came and cut her out of the company completely. I guess I can't blame him for hating me."

"He doesn't hate you," CC reassures her, "You look like you were able to get some sleep, after our little ordeal last night."

"Is that what you're calling it?"

CC smiles. "It was more than that and you know it."

"I'm a married woman, CC."

"To a man you don't love. To a man who's only using you for his own agenda."


"Leave him, Elizabeth. End your marriage."

Elizabeth looks at him, shocked by his suggestion.

(EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND- Lionel & Augusta's flat)

-----"Edmund. I...I...." Augusta gulps the words out.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?"

Before Augusta can say anything, Edmund walks past her, into the flat. He comments on what a lovely home she has, and how it would be a real shame if someone came along and wrecked it.

"Why would you want to do something like that to an old friend like me?" Augusta asks.

"I think you know exactly why, Augusta- last night? The party? Marcello Armonti?"

"Yes, what about him?"

"He was Sophia's step-son, years ago, was he not? Knows her quite well, cares a great deal about her..."

"I don't see where you're going with this or what it has to do with me."

"I saw you there last night."

"And? So? Marcello is an old friend of mine. How did I know you would bring your Loretta-Bot with you?"

"Save it, Augusta, I know everything. I know you sent the costumes, that you visited Marcello before the party. The question is, what am I going to do about you? Pamela tried but she has failed. I'm sure she was nice and easy with you, too. She's much more pleasant than I."

"Don't come into my home and threaten me- I'm not some hypnotized woman that is going to bow to your every whim. Consider yourself lucky that I haven't turned you into the authorities. Now GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" she says, pulling Edmund toward the door.

Edmund grabs her by the arm and twists it around her back. "Perhaps you weren't listening to me, Augusta. This is not a battle that you will win. What I suggest to you is that you go and talk to your friend Marcello and straighten this whole mess you've created out. And it is only a mess- I'm not giving Loretta up. Not at all and anyone who gets in my way- God help you, because he'll be the only one who can."

Edmund throws Augusta to the ground and smiles at her. He tips his hat and shuts the door to the flat.

"My God. Sophia is in worse danger than I ever could have imagined.......... My God......With what Pamela knows........So am I......"

THE END................for TODAY


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