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Episode 90





(EXT: Baja, Mexico)

---Eden and Julia wait silently by their phones for an update on the investigation. Eden asks when Vic is going to be down there, to help with the interrogation procedure. Julia assures her he should be getting in soon, as his plane landed about 15 minutes before. Julia asks where Kirk is and she tells her the police actually had some questions they wanted to ask him, possibly about the frame-up.

"Do you think maybe Kirk was really framed? That he possibly could have nothing at all to do with this?" Julia wonders.

"I've considered it, but he's hiding something Julia. I've just got to figure out what that is."

Julia's phone rings, startling them both. Eden calms down when Julia tells her it's Mason calling. She picks up and asks where he is.

"Sacramento? What are you doing there? What happened to New Jersey?...............................................Oh my God! He claimed the baby was his though?...........................................It shouldn't be that hard to track him. They keep excellent records within the foster care system.................................I see.........and they've confirmed that?....................That's all you can do, go and see for yourself. Obviously this is something that shouldn't be handled over the phone. How's Mary?....................................I hope it works out for her too...................Look, Mason, now's not a real good time. I'm in Mexico with your sister and I kinda want to keep the line free.............Ok...................I love you too......"

"Julia, if you want to go there and be with him, then...."

"Don't even think it. Believe me, I'm no good to him anyway. It's in the hands of the state really."

"The state?"

"Yes. The baby lived- Mark lied, no surprise there, but now, he's got a wife, who was all to happy to do his bidding for him. Long story short, Mary's baby is a boy and he ended up in the foster care system, which normally would make things a lot easier, but he apparently not only bounced from house to house, but cut off contact with foster care when he was only 16 years old."

"Poor Mary. And I take it Mark claimed the baby was his..."

"Of course. You know, who'd have thought it Eden? Here we are, 22 years later, and we still have sociopaths like Mark McCormick and Kirk Cranston in our lives. They ought to be locked up together!"

"If there were any justice in this world, they would be."

(EXT: The Capwell Hotel)

---Kelly continues instructing the head clerk as to how certain guests are to be treated in her absence, and what to expect from Angela as a manager. She assures her that she'll do fine in her absence and reminds her that when Angela is not around, the responsibility lies with her, re-enforcing that she trusts her judgement.

"Going somewhere Miss Capwell?" Warren asks, approaching the desk.

"It's Mrs Lavery now, remember?" Kelly says, turning around.

"My mistake. You didn't answer my question, Capwell."

"Not that it's any of your business, Lockridge, but my husband is taking me with him to London."

"Oh. Business or pleasure?"

"Both, actually, he has some contacts there he needs to meet with and we're staying with his father."

Warren is stunned. "His FATHER? Edmund? Dr. Edmund Lavery?"

"He's the one."

Before Warren can go any further, Angela interrupts them, apologizing to Kelly for being late. Kelly insists it's fine, but they don't have much time before she's supposed to leave.

"Hi Angela. Nice to see you too," Warren says, reminding them he's there.

"Warren. Been awhile."

"Yes, it has."

Kelly takes note of the discomfort between the two. She suggests that she and Angela go into the office and go over her duties. The ladies head into the office, as Ashton comes out of the elevator. He walks up to the desk, doing his best to ignore Warren. Not seeing her there, he turns around to Warren staring at him.

"Where's Kelly?" he finally asks.

"In the office, with Angela. So what's the plan, Ashton? Whisk her off to England and let your father torture her to get back at CC?"

"Is this what you do all day to amuse yourself, Warren? Come up with off-the-wall, paranoid scenarios about my intentions toward my wife?"

"I don't think it's so off-the-wall. Tell me, does Kelly even know about your father's history with the Capwells?"

"No, she doesn't, not that I haven't given CC ample opportunity to tell her. But he hasn't- because he doesn't want her looking at him with the disappointment that she would. Since it all happened years ago, I don't see any reason to color my wife's opinion of her father."

"Or her husband."

Kelly and Angela emerge from the office, breaking up the conversation.

"Everything alright out here?" Kelly asks them.

"Just fine, love," Ashton says, kissing her on her forehead, "Warren and I were just catching up, since I last saw him. Your bags have been delivered to the car. We really should be going, we need to be there at least 2 hours in advance for an international flight."

"I suppose you're right. Angela, if you need anything, just call me. If I don't answer, leave a message- I know the time difference is a mess. Warren, nice to see you again."

Ashton and Kelly leave. Angela asks Warren what that was all about, between he and Ashton. He only says that he doesn't trust the guy and doesn't think he's right for Kelly, much like Ted isn't right for her. Before she can say anything, he excuses himself, saying he's there to meet Pamela.

(EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND- Edmund's office)

----Edmund rushes into his office in downtown London, shuts & locks the door, and immediately begins dialing the phone.

(EXT: Pamela's suite)

-----Pamela picks up on the other end.

PAMELA: Hello?

EDMUND: Pamela, it's about time.

PAMELA: That was you calling last night? The desk clerk called me in the middle of the night, saying someone was desperately trying to get through.

EDMUND: Why didn't you take the bloody call then?

PAMELA: I didn't know it was you and it was this urgent. Was is it? Is it Sophia? Has something changed?

EDMUND: I'm not sure, possibly. What can you tell me about a Marcello Armonti?

PAMELA: Marcello, what would you ask me about Marcello for.

EDMUND: Then you know him?

PAMELA: Of course I know him- he was Sophia's step-son, the one she lived with when CC thought she was dead.


PAMELA: What? What is it? Edmund?.......... My God, you haven't let Marcello see her, have you?

EDMUND: Last night......there was a party........I knew it was trouble, I knew it, but Loretta insisted that we go......That man, this Marcello, was the guest of honor, the fiancee of the daughter of a prominent family here.........I introduced them, but introduced her as Loretta...

PAMELA HE'S SEEN HER? Marcello has seen Sophia?

EDMUND: Yes. But she was introduced as Loretta and he didn't seem to think anything of it...

PAMELA: Edmund, listen to me: Marcello would recognize Sophia anywhere. He's fixated on her, he'd do anything for her. You have to take Sophia, take her and go far away from London. Immediately.

Edmund sits silently, and slowly hangs up the phone.


(EXT: Baja, Mexico)

----Eden and Julia are again startled by a knock at the door. Julia opens it and sees Santana standing on the other side of it.

"Santana? What are you doing here?" Julia asks.

"It's alright Julia, I called her. Come in Santana," Eden says

"Hello Eden. How is everything? Have they found anything out?"

"They're not saying much....yet. Vic should be getting here soon and we're hoping he'll have better luck. They're, shall we say, a bit distrusting of the law enforcement down here."

"But they're definitely the kidnappers?" she wonders

"It's definitely them," Julia interjects "Marta Ramirez positively identified them yesterday. She and Angel are actually down there right now, giving more statements."

"Which is why I asked you here, Santana. You had the right map- you got there before any of us. Maybe you saw one of them, or saw something you may not have thought important at the time. The FBI have pictures of possible accomplices...."

"How can they know accomplices when they don't know who they're looking for in the first place?" Santana wonders.

Julia explains that in this case, it was most likely a murder-for-hire, and the actual conspirator probably didn't execute his own crime. The FBI is well schooled on who participates and has a history of participating in these types of crimes, she explains. They're again interrupted when Kirk enters the room, with breakfast. He's shocked to see a nervous Santana talking with them.

"I brought breakfast, ladies. Sorry, Santana, had I known you were going to be here, I'd have bought you something."

"I wouldn't eat anything you gave to me Kirk. What could you possibly be doing here with them?"

"I have a vested interest in this too, Santana. These guys tried to set me up for this fall and I want them caught as much as anyone."

"I've asked Santana to talk to the police," Eden interrupts, "Maybe she'll remember something or someone she saw at the pier that day."

Kirk begins choking on his coffee at the mention of it.

"Something wrong, Kirk?" Julia asks.

Before he has a chance to answer, Eden's cell phone rings. She looks and sees that Vic is calling. He tells her that he's going directly to the police station in Baja, since he landed late. She tells him that they're on their way. They begin walking out, but Santana stays still.

"You are coming Santana?"

"Yes. Yes, of course," a nervous Santana replies, "I'm going to take my car, though. I need to be at work later, so I'll probably have to leave directly from the station."

They all pile into their cars and head for the station.

THE END................for TODAY

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