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May 18, 2007




On the second floor of the Titan building, Jack calls out for Billie desperately. Victor and Max join Shane, Jack, Frankie, and Greta and learn of Billie jumping over the balcony to go after the MCF. Jack is relieved when he sees Billie on the ground. She yells out to him she is fine. It's a good thing she had ISA training. Jack yells at her for taking such a risk but Billie says this may be the only shot they get and she needs to go. The MCF is getting away. Billie takes off as Jack tells Victor, Max, Frankie, Greta, and Shane they have to get down there and follow. Billie will need them if she manages to catch up to the MCF.

Meanwhile, Sami and Lucas are searching the streets of Salem for Will. Sami blames herself for Will running off again. Lucas tells her it's not her fault. She was frustrated and just wanted answers. He was about to do the same thing. Sami just hopes he is alright. Lucas looks around and asks where his mom is as she was close behind them when they left the Penthouse Grille. Sami says she doesn't know and doesn't care as she is blaming this all on her anyway. Lucas says that is unfair and tells Sami not to listen to her. Sami tells Lucas she is probably looking for Will on her own.

The scene then shifts to Kate, who is searching for Will on the pier. She comments on how she couldn't bear to search with Sami and that this is all her fault. Whatever is going on with Will has to be her doing. God knows she has done enough to make that boy unstabile. Kate hears footsteps that sound like someone running. She calls out to Will and races around the corner to bump right into the MCF. Kate's face turns to one of terror as she asks what the MCF is doing there. The MCF turns to see if anyone is behind him or her. Knowing full well Billie and the others are on his or her tail, the MCF grabs Kate and tells her she is coming with him or her. She tells him or her to let her go. He or she pulls out a gun and tells her to shutup and come on. The MCF drags Kate off.

The scene then shifts to Will, who is on another end of the pier. He sees Bo looking out over the pier at the water. Bo turns and is shocked to see Will. He asks him what he is doing out so late and on the pier, especially with the MCF on the loose. Will fills Bo in on how his parents interrogated him and he folded under all of it and ran out. He just couldn't take it. Will tells Bo he just doesn't know what to do. Bo tell him he needs to tell the truth. That is all he can do to make all this stop.

-Back at the Penthouse Grille, Katherine gets Cal a glass of water and asks once more if he is ok. Cal tells her he is fine and that the headache has stopped for the moment. Katherine tells him that the headache, along with all of his memory flashes of late, may mean that it won't be long until he is whole again and remembers everything. Cal hopes she is right because the sooner that happens the sooner they can stop worrying about it and just focus on their new life together as husband and wife. Katherine smiles as Cal moves in and kisses her passionately.

Meanwhile, Carrie tells Eric nothing is going on. She just keeps seeing Nicole with Evan that it reminds her of her child. She tell him that Nicole mentions him all the time and Kate took offense too it and that was why they all looked upset when Eric saw them. Carrie admits she thought Nicole was doing it on purpose so that is why she got upset and told her to leave last night. Carrie says she realizes that Nicole wasn't doing any of it on purpose. She is just a new mom and proud of it. She is doing what any new mom would do. Eric isn't so sure he buys Carrie's story and reminds her he is her brother and she can tell him what is going on. Carrie tells him nothing is as what she told him is the truth. She tells him her and Austin need to get going and that she will see him when they return from the honeymoon. She kisses him on the cheek and leaves as Eric shakes his head, saying there is definitely more going on and he will find out what it is.

The scene the shifts to Nicole, who tells Austin that Carrie is naturally upset because she keeps seeing her hold Evan. It reminds her of her child that died. She explains how she constantly talks about Evan and it's not intentional but it happens as a new mom. She tells Austin that his mom took offense to it and that is why they ended up in a fight last night and Carrie thought it was on purpose too at first and got upset. Nicole says everything is ok now and everyone is fine. Carrie is going to get upset right now seeing any child because the death of her child is still fresh. Carrie overhears and says Nicole is right. She tells Austin they need to get going. Austin looks at his watch and agrees. He looks at both Carrie and Nicole and asks if that is all that is going on. Carrie nods and Nicole says that's it. Austin buys it and tells Carrie they can go. It's time to start their honeymoon. Nicole wishes then luck and good wishes. Austin thanks her as him and Carrie leave.

Nicole then collects her things and prepares Evan to leave as Eric approaches her. Nicole rolls her eyes and asks what he wants now. Eric says nothing but he did want to give her a warning. He knows something big is going on and he isn't going to give up. He is going to find out what is really going on and, when he does, he won't show mercy on her. She will pay for whatever she did and it's obviously something. Nicole shakes her head as she tells Eric she can't beleive she ever loved him, let alone married him. Eric says the feeling is mutual. It's clear the cold-hearted, selfish woman that is in front of him is the real Nicole. Nothing but a total bitch. Nicole slaps him and tells him to burn in hell. She then pushes the stroller and leaves as Eric says he knows he is close and he will find out the truth. It's only a matter of time.

-On the pier, Jack is searching for Billie desperately. Frankie, Greta, Shane Max, and Victor join him. No one has found her or the MCF. Jack is worried and says he can't lose Billie. He doesn't know what he would do if anything happened to her. They need to find her because, if she is with the MCF, there is no telling what might happen as she can't handle him or her on her own. They know what the MCF is capable of. Shane says they just need to continue searching. Jack says they need to hurry as time is running out. They all race off.

Meanwhile, Billie calls Nico and asks if he has any updates on where the MCF is. Nico says that the MCF was last seen on the pier but they don't have enough cameras to cover everything. He or she was heading north. Billie says she is on the north end now and there is no sign of the MCF. Nico says the warehouse district is nearby so he or she may have headed there since he or she would have to pass Billie on the pier if he or she turned bac. Billie says she will go and search the warehouse district. It will be a pain to search all the warehouses but she has to do what she must. She tells Nico to update her if he sees anything on the monitors and hangs up. Billie says she won't give up until she catches this person.

The scene then shifts to the MCF, who still has Kate. Kate asks why he or she is doing this. The MCF says he or she needs a hostage as some people are after him or her. It's just a precaution in case a human shield is needed. Kate asks if this is what she gets for following orders. The MCF notes that Kate has followed orders well and that this isn't personal. He or she takes her into a warehouse and says they can just hide in there for awhile as a terrified Kate wonders what the MCF may do to her as anything is possible with him or her.

-Back at the Penthouse Grille, Katherine tells Cal they better get going or she just may have her way with him right there in public. Cal says he doesn't object. They both laugh. Katherine promises him that with all the progress he has made, it shouldn't take much to get him his whole memory back. Cal is happy to hear that. A few months ago, it seemed like he had no hope but now he is married, starting a new life, and also beginning to remember his old life and past. Things couldn't be better. Katherine says things could always be better and they will be. This is just the beginning for them. They kiss again and Cal tells her they better get home before he can't restrain himself. They both laugh and then head for the elevator.

-Carrie and Austin return to their room at the Salem Inn. Austin carries her over the threhold and says it feels easier the second time. He jokingly asks if Carrie has lost weight. She laughs and slaps his shoulder. He lays her on the bed and then jumps on it with her, telling her this is just the beginning. He knows he promises this same thing to her the first time they married but this time it is forever. This is just the beginning of all the wonderful nights they will have together. The nights, days, months, year, etc. Carrie then stops him from going on with a kiss. Austin smiles and says he gets the feeling she wants him to shutup. Carrie smiles and then nods. She tells him to just kiss her and put his arms around her. He tells her he will be happy to oblige to his wife's first request as her wish is his command. They kiss and begin to make love.

-On the pier, Will tells Bo that he knows that he can't tell the truth. Alan will do something to hurt his family. He already raped Sami and hurt him. There is no telling what he may do. Not to mention how the press and public would have a field day. He would love nothing more then putting Alan behind bars as it would make everyone safer but telling the truth could cause him to do something that hurts him and his family. Bo says he knows where he is coming from, only he only just remembered what happened to him. He can't get the images out of his mind. Will says he can't either. Bo admits that he is happy, in a way, he didn't remember until now. He may not have been able to live like he did. Although, now, he can't live remembering what happened to him. He can't even be with his family. He just feels like less of a man, He feels weak. Will says he knows the feeling and it seems they are both in the same boat. They don't want pity and they have circumstances which prevent them from just admitting all and making life easier.

Will then hears Sami and Lucas yelling for him. Will tells Bo he has to go and thanks him for listening. He doesn't know what he would do without him. Bo says he feels the same. It helps to have someone. Will bids Bo goodnight and races off into the night as Bo wonders when both him and Will will find peace so they can get back to some kind of normalcy.

On another end of the pier, the search for Billie continues. Jack is worried sick and has a bad feeling. Frankie tries to calm him. Victor interupts and says he just called Nico to check in. He talked to Billie and gave him a location of where she might be. She was heading for the warehouse district. Shane says they have to hurry and races off with Victor, Max, Frankie, Greta, and Jack.

-In the warehouse district, the MCF and Kate continue to hide out in a warehouse. Kate asks the MCF how long they will be staying put. He or she tells her as long as need be. The MCF then wonders about his or her hideaway. If Jack, Billie, and others begin to search the warehouse district for him or her they may find his or her hideaway. The MCF isn't ready for that to happen. Kate can hear him or her mumbling due to the sound made by the voice changer and asks what he or she is muttering about. The MCF tells her to nevermind that and to just be quiet so no one hears them as he or she points the gun closer to a terrified Kate's head.

Meanwhile, Billie has searched a few warehouses in the warehouse district and enters another run. It's abandoned, much like many of the surrounding ones. She searches the warehouse with a flashlight so she doesn't tip off the MCF by turning on a bright light. She opens closets and searches rooms. She enters the office of the warehouse she is in and looks around. She makes her way over to the closet in the back of the office behind the desk. She opens it to search it and is stunned by what she finds.

Right in front of her is the MCF's collage of pictures on the closet wall, which contains pics of all of the Salemites Billie knows and loves. Billie notices the word REVENGE written in big red letters at the center of the collage. Still stunned, she opens the door on the left side of the office to reveal the MCF's surveilance center. A stunned Billie then realizes and finally concludes that...SHE IS IN THE MCF'S HIDEAWAY!!!

The screen then fades out on a stunned Billie's face and then fades to black.


Austin to Carrie: You had a nightmare. You said something about a secret or something. Are you sure you aren't keeping something from me?

Sami to Will (with Lucas): We just want to help you.

Will to Sami: You can help by just staying out of it!!

Kate to MCF: Please...end all this. Leave us alone!

MCF to Kate: Not until I finish my mission.

Billie to Jack: You won't believe what I found. I found the cloaked figure's hideout!!


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Am I on contract here? I demand that the writers of "Salem Lives" gives Stefano DiMera a frontburner storyline.

:lol: You are contract and you will have frontburner story. Just have to get things in place to get it going.

You are one of our faves to write for. You have nothing to worry about. :)

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