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May 9, 2007




-At the Horton house, Doug is sitting with alice. Alice asks where Julie is. He says she is over at Maggie's to make sure she gets home ok since she stayed with Victor at the Penthouse Grille. Alice says she can tell Doug doesn't like that. Doug says he is sick of Victor butting in to Maggie's life and thinks he is bad for her. Alice mentions that she can sense something else is troubling him. Doug says there is something and that is he feels something is off about Julie and Maggie. He has thought that since he woke from his coma. He just can't think of what it is.

Meanwhile, at Maggie's house, Maggie arrives home as Julie embraces her, happy to see her home. Maggie says Hope brought her home. Julie asks what happened to Victor. Maggie fills her in on what happened and says that he can say what he wants. She doesn't buy any of it. Julie says that she doesn't beleive Maggie for some reason and asks Maggie what her answer to Victor's question was. Does she still love him or not? Maggie is silent and then, as tears well in her eyes, she says she didn't want to tell him then but, as much as he hurt her, she does still love him.

-In an alley in the old warehouse distract, Philip is searching for the designated warehouse for his meeting with the MCF. He finds it and enters. He walks around the warehouse and calls out to see if anyone is there. He then hears a noise and, fearing an ambush or a trap, he pulls out the gun he took from his father's secret compartment drawer at the mansion and aims it ahead. The MCF then appears from the shadows and, with a voice changer, asks Philip what he is doing. Philip says he is defending himself...just in case this isn't on the up and up. The MCF laughs as Philip says:

Philip: I mean it...I call the shots. I am in control. Understand?

-At the Penthouse Grille, Austin asks Carrie what she wants to say and begs her that if she needs to tell him something she should just go ahead and do it. Carrie hesistates, remembering Kate and Nicole's words and, also, the words of the MCF. Carrie fights backs tears and says she just wants to say she loves him...so much that she wouldn't blame him for leaving her because of everything she put him through. Leaving him, hiding for months, losing their baby...she woud understand. Austin then grabs her and says she made mistakes and she did hurt him but he has hurt her too. It's all in the past and she is his one true love. She is who he wants to spend the rest of his life with and there will never be anyone else for him but her.

Carrie begins to cry and says he is the only one for her too. Always has been, always will be. They embrace and share a tender kiss. Kate is happy to see them together but also hates that Carrie has to keep this secret and not reunite with her child. Nicole lets out a sigh of relief over Carrie not revealing the truth, which Eric notices. Belle says that she thinks that if there is nothing else to say then they should all head home. They have a long day tomarrow. Sami agrees and tells Carrie it's nearly midnight so she has to say goodbye to Austin. Carrie says she isn't sure if she can. Austin tells her they will see each other at the altar tomarrow...and this time it will be forever. They kiss and he wishes her a good night, telling her to have sweet dreams of their future together. She smiles and tells him to do the same.

Austin thanks Eric for letting him stay with him at his father's old house. Eric says it's no problem. He gives Austin the keys and tells him he will be home soon. Austin smiles at Carrie as he leaves. Lucas tells Sami he and Will are going to the car and will meet her down there. Belle hugs Carrie and says she will see her at tne Penthouse and will keep the door unlocked. Carrie thanks her. Belle says good night to Sami and leaves. Sami tells Belle she could've stayed with her. Carrie says that the Penthouse had room with Marlena gone and all. Sami wishes her good luck and says she really is happy for her. Carrie says she feels the same about her since she turned her life around. They embrace. Sami adds that she hopes this is a new beginning for all of them. They all need to band together right now. Carrie agrees.

-Back at the warehouse, the MCF tells Philip to put the gun down as there is no need. He or she wants to make this meeting quick and tells Philip to listen up. Philip puts the gun in his pocket. The MCF asks Phillip if he meant what he said before about doing whatever is necessary to obtain the power and influence he so desires. Philip nods. The MCF says he or she has a plan but it requires extreme action...in regards to his father. Philip asks if the MCF wants him to kill his own father. The MCF shakes his or her head but does mention he or she heard him on camera say he wishes his father never came back from the dead a few months ago. Philip admits he did say that and wonders how the MCF knew. The MCF says he or she knows all.

Philip says that even so, he doesn't think he could kill his father. The MCF says that wasn't the idea. The idea was for Philip to kidnap Victor and take him out of the picture for awhile. Victor would be in the MCF's care and would just be out of the picture for a bit, long enough for Philip to get Belle and his daughter back and get a firm grasp on his father's empire. They can make it look like Victor is presumed dead or just disappeared. However he wants. Philip isn't sure but the MCF assures him Victor won't be hurt. While Victor is MIA, Philip can get what he wants and prove himself worthy. The MCF adds that Philip's hands will be clean. Victor won't know he helped to orchrestrate this. Philip asks the MCF why he or she cares so much and why they want his father out of the picture.

The MCF insists Victor has been on his or her trial, along with several others, and removing him for awhile would be removing one more threat to him. The MCF promises Philip he or she won't harm him. The MCF admits he or she is not invincible and that he or she is afraid of wronging the Kiriakis family. Philip notes that the MCF shot Stefano and the Dimera's are just as bad. The MCF says that there were reasons but, ultimately, lies and says it was a mistake. The MCF asks Philip if they have a deal. Philip isn't sure this is right. The MCF asks him how desperate he is to get what he wants. He said he would do what is necessary and then the MCF asks how much Philip loves Belle and his daughter. Philip contemplates and asks for reassurance that his father won't be harmed. The MCF says he won't and that Philip can even monitor things personally to make sure.

Philip then reluctantly agrees and says he doesn't have a choice. He will not stand by and watching his life and dreams fade off into dust. He is going to have what he wants. The MCF tells Philip he is making the right decision. Philip hopes so. The MCF then says he or she will be in touch with more information. He or she then reminds Philip to remember that he or she knows all. Philip nods as the MCF says he or she must go as there is much for he or she to do. The MCF exits as Philip hopes that he is doing the right thing and not causing more harm then good.

-Back at the Horton house, Alice reminds Doug that both Maggie and Julie have been through alot. Everyone has. Doug says he knows and he supposes that is it but something is just bugging him. Alice tells him to just relax and enjoy life. Heaven knows it's too short. Doug smiles and agrees.

Meanwhile, at Maggie's house, Julie asks Maggie if this means she wants a future with Victor. Maggie explains that he hurt her and she doesn't think she can get over that even though part of her wonders why he would sleep with Nicole all of a sudden. Julie, recalling Victor wanting to cut ties to Maggie, lies and says he must have had a reason. Maggie says she is tired and wants to go to bed while she doesn't have bad tnoughts on her mind. Plus, it's going to be a long day tomarrow with the wedding. She doesn't think she will ever get over starting the fire and pinning it on Marlena. Julie urges her to just move on with her life. Everyday will get better and it will all be a memory soon. She'll see. Maggie hopes so and tells Julie good night and to lock the doors on the way out. Julie agrees.

As Maggie goes up the stairs, Julie wonders if she should tell Maggie that Victor and Nicole sleeping together was a scam. She then says that Maggie is probably better off without Victor even though she supported his friendship with her in the beginning. Julie gets her purse and leaves. When she gets outside, she wonders if she is doing the right thing not telling Maggie...and if Maggie, Victor, and her were right to cover for Maggie with the fire and blame Marlena. Regardless, Julie prays the truth about the fire never comes out or Maggie's life will be destroyed...and so will hers.

-At Roman Brady's old home, Austin looks at a picture of him and Carrie and promises that tomarrow is the first day of the rest of their lives.

Meanwhile, back at the Penthouse Grille, Eric confronts Nicole and asks her why she looks like she just passed a final exam or something. Nicole says she doesn't follow. Eric notes that she looked relieved when all Carrie had to say was that she loved Austin and wouldn't blame him for leaving her because of everything. He asks her what she thought she was going to say. Nicole tells Eric that she wishes he would back off. She is hiding no secret. Eric has had enough and says:

Eric: Tell me the truth or we're finished. I mean, afterall, you told me weeks ago we would talk and we never did. Evan was supposed to be our son together and you make it so you are his only parent and I never even see him. I know there is something. Alot of people though. You went to Victor for help with getting a job at Titan and to get Evan. What did you offer him in return? What else are you hiding, Nicole? I want the truth or else I file for an annullment tomarrow. It will be over for us. This time...for good

Nicole: I thought we already were over, Eric. The minute you stopped trusting me and started questioning every move I made or every word I said.

Eric: Well, you lied first.

Nicole: Really?! Who never told me they were dying for months? Huh?

Eric: That was a mistake but it was also me trying to be selfless and it happened before we took our vows, which you broke with your lies. God...that is why you married me. I was dying and everything was so fast...

Nicole: I did love you, Eric. I still do but you don't trust me. You interrogate me everytime we see each other...

Eric: Can you blame me? You lied to me about going to Victor and about the adoption papers...I mean, come on. You say you love me but you never met with me to talk things out and...it's like you don't give a damn about working things out. Whether something changed or not...I don't know but your sole focus is now Evan and...

Nicole: As it should be...

Eric: Plus, I am your husband. You were supposed to trust in me to let me try to help us adopt Evan.

Nicole: Oh, please. We needed power and influence. Victor had that so I went to him. Get over your bruised ego and male pride...

Eric: Whatever...we really are over. We are so out of touch. My God...what happened to us?

Nicole: I don't know and, right now, I don't care. I have a baby to get home too. If you want to talk annullment, have your attorney call mine.

Eric: That's it. You don't even care that we are ending things?

Nicole: Oh, I do but the Eric I love is gone. The minute he left is the minute this marriage died for me.

Eric: Don't turn this on me and make it sound like I changed when...

Nicole: Good night, Eric. See you at the wedding.

Nicole leaves as Eric is left behind, silent and wondering what went wrong with him and Nicole and what she could be hiding. He vows to find out what it is and won't give up until he does.

Meanwhile, insider the Penthouse Grille, Sami embraces Carrie and says she will see her bright and early in the morning for her big day. Carrie smiles and thanks her. Sami says good night and leaves as Kate approaches Carrie, saying she did the right thing. Carrie tears up and says she had no choice. The MCF threatened the lives of those she loved and he or she already killed her father, nearly killed Sami, and has terrorized so many others. Plus, he or she is the reason why her baby ended up in Nicole's hands. Kate understands how hard it is to sacrifice being with her child and keeping a secret like that but adds they can't risk destroying the lives of those they care about. Carrie says she knows. Nicole comes over and tells Carrie she made the right decision.

Carrie tells her to get out of her face. Nicole says she knows it will be hard to deal with but tells Carrie she can see Evan when she wants. She just needs to be careful not to call herself mommy in front of him. Carrie tells her to leave as she begins to cry. Kate orders Nicole to go. Nicole says she will see them both at the wedding. Carrie tells her not to come. Despite her being invited, she isn't welcome. Nicole reminds Carrie she is still Eric's wife and is family. Plus, she is a good friend of Austin's. She promises to keep a low profile and not rub her keeping Evan in her face. She wishes them both a good night and leaves.

Kate asks Carrie if she is ok. Carrie says:

Carrie (crying): No. No I'm not. Tomarrow is supposed to be the happiest day of my life and, instead, I am keeping secrets from my groom and I am having to watch my son be cared for by a heartless bitch because some cloaked person is trying to destroy all of our lives. God...why is this happening? How can I...why...what am I going to do?

Kate comforts Carrie and embraces her as Eric watches, saying:

Eric: Why is Carrie crying like that? What is going on with Nicole, Kate, and her? We walked in on something tense on the terrace and now things seem to have got tense with those three again and Carrie is crying...hmm. What is going on here? Does all this go back to Nicole? What am I missing here......

The screen then freezes on kate comforting Carrie as a curious Eric watches in the background and then the scene fades to black.


Celeste to Abe: I can't help but feel like...this may be a trap.

Hector to Lexie: Something isn't right...

Steve to MCF: No. I won't do this.

Austin to Lucas: I am ready to marry the love of my life.

Sami to Carrie (with Belle): What's wrong? This is your wedding day, Carrie.

Carrie to Sami: I don't think I can do this.

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So glad Kate is on Carrie's side in this and that she has someone to turn to.

Nicole better not get away with this! I want to see her PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope Eric figures out everything.

I sure hope this wedding goes through....

However, as much as I love her, nice to see Carrie in Sami's position for once! :lol: I want to see her turn to Sami for help!

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