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May 8, 2007




-At the Penthouse Grille, Philip asks the MCF what any of this means to him or her. Philip asks why he should trust in him or her. It seems he or she is nothing but some nutjob terrorizing the people of Salem. The MCF says that isn't the case and that he or she won't explain themself. The MCF tells Philip that all he has to do is agree to meet him. They can talk about a proposal he or she has for Philip. Philip, who is still feeling the effects of being drunk, isn't sure. The MCF tells Philip he must be willing to do what is necessary to acquire the power and influence he needs...no matter what it is. Afterall, that is how people like his father and Stefano Dimera rise to the top. Philip realizes the MCF is right and says:

Philip: I will do whatever it takes...to have the power I want and need.

On the other end of the restaurant, Caroline stops Austin from going to the terrace to look for Carrie. She tells him, Lucas, Sami, Eric, Will, and Belle she needs their help taking the decorations down and cleaning up from the party. Hope and her just can't handle it on their own and she thought they could, which is why she told Kayla she could leave. Austin and the other agree and begin to help her as Austin says that Carrie has to be around. He notices his mother is missing and figures they are off talking somewhere. Eric notices Nicole is missing as well and wonders where she is.

On the terrace, Nicole picks herself back up as Carrie attacks her yet again. Both girls are on their floor fighting when Kate pulls a feisty Carrie off of Nicole. Nicole tells Kate to give her a tranquilizer or something. Carrie lashes out at Nicole for taking Evan from her. Nicole says she didn't take him. She found him. Kate explains that Nicole is right and tells Carrie that somehow the MCF intercepted Evan from Alan and Nicole and Eric found him. Kate also notes that Nicole never learned Carrie was Evan's mother until the day she did as well. Carrie says that doesn't excuse it and she admits she is stunned Kate would hide this from her. She also admits she is stunned Alan didn't say anything to her but thinks maybe he did take Evan to a hospital to drop him off but that the MCF took him somehow and made sure Nicole and Eric found him. The MCF is hellbent on destroying lives and seems to focus alot on her family so giving her baby to her half brother and his wife would fit.

Carrie asks Nicole how she can go along with something that involves someone as dangerous as the MCF, who has terrorized the lives of Salemites and even tried to harm some of them. Nicole says she has no chouce. The MCF is threatening her and, evenso, Evan is her child now and she isn't giving him up. Carrie says the hell she isn't and then looks at Kate, asking if the MCF is threatening her. Kate nods, saying he or she threatened to destroy or harm the people she loves. Carrie can't beleive this and says that she doesn't care. She is telling everyone the truth and she will get her baby back. She is not going to let the MCF interfere with that.

-In another part of the restaurant, Maggie asks Victor what he wants. Victor says it's been a long time since they talked and he thinks they need to discuss what happened with him and Nicole. Maggie says she doesn't want to. She knows what happened. Victor says it wasn't what it seems but Maggie tells him to shutup. She doesn't want to listen to him. It was what happened that night that caused her to drink. Hell, she had finally gotten past her relapse and he sunk her right back down. She admits that he was bad for her. The ups and downs they had led to nothing but more heartache and now she has to live with causing the fire that night and nearly killing Doug and others. Victor says he's sorry but Maggie won't have it. She tells him to forget the ride. She will get a taxi or a ride with Hope. Victor begs her to wait and says he has one question:

Victor: I still love you. How about you?

Meanwhile, the MCF is happy to hear Philip say that and tells Philip to meet him or her at warehouse 21 in the old section of the warehouse district near the south end of the pier. Philip agrees but warns that there better not be no double cross and that this better be on the up and up. The MCF assures Phillip it is and says he or she needs him. Philip doesn't understand but the MCF insists all will be explained. Philip hangs up, wondering if he is doing the right thing but realizing he has no choice. He knows what the MCF is capable of and he or she may be of some service. Philip then says he can't go into this blind and that he will need protection. He goes out the back stairs to get to his car.

Back on the terrace, Nicole and Kate warn Carrie to think about this. Kate says she understands Carrie wanting her child but this could destroy so many lives and who knows what the MCF will do. He or she clearly has a stake in this for some reason. Carrie says she doesn't care. She wants her child and she will do whatever it takes to have him. Carrie's cell rings. Kate and Nicole both react, saying they both know who that is. Carrie doesn't get it and answers her phone. The MCF is on the line and tells Carrie:

MCF (via voice changer): I will make this short and sweet. Listen to Kate and Nicole. If you tell anyone what you learned tonight, I will make sure you never see Evan again. I will see to it that all of the people you love are destroyed. I already shot your father on New Year's, Carrie. Do you want to really test me? You know what I am capable of. You will still see your child. Eric is married to Nicole so you can be his aunt. If Eric and Nicole divorce, you can still see him. Nicole is around. Just keep your mouth shut...or else. Have a good evening and enjoy your wedding tomarrow.

The MCF hangs up as Carrie's eyes well up with tears. Both Kate and Nicole ask if that was who they think it was. Carrie nods. Kate then asks Carrie what she is going to do now. Carrie is silent.

-Philip returns to the Kiriakis Mansion and seems to be sobered up quite a bit. He goes into his father's desk and into a secret compartment. He opens it and pulls out a gun, saying he isn't going to take any chances with the MCF and needs to be prepared...just in case.

-Back at the Penthouse Grille, Maggie tells Victor that he hurt her bad and she doesn't see how they can ever get past what happened. Victor then says that even if him and Maggie are never close again he will appreciate the time they had together and he will never regret covering for her with the fire. Maggie thanks him for that but says she feels it's wrong still. Marlena taking the blame is wrong. She needs to be punished as she started the fire. Victor shakes his head and says Maggie has been through hell and been punished enough. Maggie says she has to go and tells Victor to just leave her alone. She has enough to deal with. Victor promises to abide by Maggie's wishes. Maggie leaves as Victor says he knows Maggie is hurting and regrets doing what he did but, sadly, he can't take it back. He hopes she can someday forgive him and at least let him be in her life.

Maggie comes over to Hope. Hope asks if she is ok. Maggie says she will be fine. She asks Hope if she may have a ride. Hope says she can and that she will be done in a minute. Maggie says she will meet her down at the car and says she is going to the ladies room to freshen up. Hope says ok.

Hope then tells Caroline she is leaving. Caroline thanks her for her help. Hope says it's nothing but says she can do something for her to show her thanks and that is for her to give her the answers she needs. Caroline tells Hope that she can interrogate her, Kayla, Roman, and Kim all she wants. It's not their place to say what is going on with Bo right now and all the circumstances surrounding it. Hope tells Caroline that she is Bo's wife and should know about this. Caroline agrees but says she promised Bo she wouldn't say anything. Hope understands and says she just hopes he will let her in...and soon. She feels he needs her now more then ever.

Belle comes over to Sami, Austin, Will, Eric, and Lucas and says that grandma Caroline said they are finished. Austin says that's good as he is worried about Carrie and mom. Sami says she hasn't seen Kate in awhile either and it's weird. Eric notes that Nicole has gone MIA as well. Austin looks over and says he thinks he sees both of them on the terrace. He stares and seems flustered. Belle asks him what is wrong. He says Nicole is there too and they all seem upset. Austin races over, saying something is wrong. Belle asks Sami if she has any ideas. Sami says she has no idea.

On the terrace, Kate tells Carrie she knows this is a tough decision and tells her that, hopefully, they will catch the MCF and then she can come clean. Until then, they are all in danger. Even without the MCF, Kate admits she worries about the paternity issue with Austin and Lucas and how it will affect their relationship and her family. Carrie says she understands but it's her baby...her child.

Austin, Eric, Lucas, Sami, Will, and Belle all enter on to the terrace. Austin asks what is going on. Nicole panics as Eric gives her a suspicious stare. Kate turns and looks at Carrie, who appears at conflict with herself. Her eyes welling with tears, Austin comes up to her and asks her why she looks like she is about to cry. They are getting married tomarrow. Carrie looks at both Kate and Nicole and recalls the words of the MCF. She begins to tremble as Austin asks Carrie, Nicole, and Kate what the hell is going on.

Carrie looks into Austin's eyes and says:

Carrie: There is something you should know.

Belle, Lucas, Sami, Eric, and Will look on curiously as a stunned Kate and Nicole look on, wondering if Carrie will actually take that big of a risk and tell all. Austin looks into Carrie's eyes and she into his, as she struggles to tell him the truth as the screen freezes on her face and fades to black.


Philip to MCF: I mean it...I call the shots. I am in control. Understand?

Maggie to Julie: I still love him. I still love Victor.

Doug to Alice: Something is off with Julie and Maggie and I just can't put my finger on it.

Eric to Nicole: Tell me the truth or we're finished.

Nicole to Eric: I thought we already were.

Austin to Carrie: If you have to tell me something, please. Tell me.


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Sorry I couldn't comment sooner.....

MCF, you better not be threatening my Carrie! :angry:

LOVED Victor and Maggie stuff.

Philip sure is brave in that preview....

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Poor Carrie! I can see her pounding the crap out of Nicole. How many times does Carrie's heart have to be ripped out?

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