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May 3, 2007




-At the Green Mountain Lodge, Cal and Katherine are enjoying their wedding night in their honeymoon suite. Cal promises her this is only the first of many special nights. He is going to spend the rest of his life making her happy. They continue to make love.

Later, they begin to talk about their future. Cal says he wants to continue hypnosis and his therapy right away. Katherine says they should wait first. They just got married and should enjoy that. Cal says he wants to prove to her that he wasn't pulling one over on her. He meant what he promised her. He wants to remember his past and feel like a complete person again, even if he learns horrible things. He tells Katherine they will face it all together. They both smile at each other. Cal mentions that he does have one request and really needs to run something by her. Katherine tells him to go ahead. Cal mentions that he knows they came out to the mountains to isolate him and to help him in his treatment but he feels that isn't necessary and they can continue his therapy elsewhere. Cal tells Katherine he wants to go back to Salem. Katherine is stunned.

-On the cruise ship, Chelsea watches as both Abby and Forrest have fallen asleep. She whispers to Abby for her to get up. Abby wakes up angry, asking why she woke her. There is nothing to do in the cell they are in and she is tired. Chelsea says she wants to talk to her about this Forrest guy. Chelsea says she thinks there is something off about him. Abby says he seems very nice and seems like he has been through alot. Chelsea asks her how much they know about him. Abby says not much other then he doesn't understand why he is there either. Chelsea explains that is her point and it worries her, especially one thing in particular. Abby asks what that is. Chelsea admits what worries her is the way he looked at Abby.

-Back in Salem, at the Kiriakis Mansion, Jack and Billie walk into Victor's secret surveilance room. Frankie, Greta, Max, Nico, Victor, and Shane are all there watching things. They tell Jack and Billie there is nothing to report yet. Billie tells Jack they need to catch a break fast or they may never find their children. She asks Jack what will happen if they are never found. Jack says that won't happen. He won't let it. He then takes her in his arms.

Billie realizes that Carrie's bachelorette party is tonight and that she should be there. Nico and Shane volunteer to stay back and monitor things so everyone can go. Max says he wants to stay. He has no reason to party and thinks he is better off trying to help find Abby and Chelsea and bust the MCF. Shane explains that Max should be there as Austin is marrying adopted niece, Carrie. Max reluctantly agrees, saying Abby and Chelsea would want him to go.

The group then heads off for the bachelor/bachelorette parties as Shane tells Nico they better catch a break soon. The MCF needs to be stopped as he or she has run amok for too long. Shane fears if they don't catch him or her soon...the worst may still be yet to come.

-At the Penthouse Grill, the restaurant is divided by a curtain to separate the bachelor/bachelorette parties. Hope and Caroline are putting up decorations. Hope asks Caroline where Sami and Lucas are. Caroline explains they went to get a few missing things for the parties as they are the maid of honor and best man. They also needed to pick up Will. Hope explains that Alice, Maggie, Julie, and her father will be there soon. Caroline explains that she is so happy he has been released and embraces Hope. Hope thanks her for that.

Hope then asks if everything is ok with Bo at the Pub. Caroline says he's fine. He's rather quiet but he is helping her. Hope tells Caroline she knows that her, Kayla, Kim, and Roman have an idea what Bo is keeping from her and begs Caroline to tell her. She is Bo's wife and wants to help. Caroline says it isn't a good idea and just isn't her place. She will have to find out from Bo. Hope understands she is just trying to keep her son's confidence. Caroline excuses herself to handle some things.

Kayla then arrives and asks if she can do anything. Caroline says everything seems ok and explains that the men will be on the side of the restaurant with the bar and the girls will be on the other side with a makeshift bar set up. Caroline explains the men will enter via the service entrance to avoid the women. Kim then wheels in. Caroline asks how she got in and Kim mentions one of the caterers helped her. Kayla ignores Kim's presence and then excuses herself.

Kim then asks Caroline when this is going to end. Caroline says she is trying to put the family together again but there have been so many secrets and lies. She preaches forgiveness but feels it's fallen on deaf ears. Caroline explains this wedding may be what the family needs. They could use some celebration and, hopefully, it leads to their family heading down the path to forgiveness and unity. Kim hopes so as she feels bad enough already and knows Caroline must hate her for her part in hiding the truth about Bo. Caroline embraces her and says she could never do that. She is her daughter and she has forgiven her. She understands why Roman and her did it. Kim says she hopes the rest of the family grows to understand as well.

Meanwhile, Belle arrives and puts her gift down to get something from her purse. A drunk Philip then comes up in the elevator and comes up behind her. Belle is appalled by how he smells like booze and tells him to stay away. He lashes out at her, saying he is suffering because of her and that their daughter is too. Belle says she will be better off without him and that Philip is getting what he deserves. She says he deserves it all and so much more. Hope sees what is going on and tells Philip he was supposed to enter on the service end. She orders him to the men's side but also thinks it may be better if he leaves. Philip says he knows everyone would like that, which is why he is staying. He aimlessly walks by Hope and Belle and then turns to Belle, telling her it's not over by a long shot.

Hope comforts Belle, who says she's ok. He is never going to see Claire again and it's what he richly deserves. Victor then makes his presence known, having witnessed the exchange between Philip and Belle after coming off the elevator, and asks to speak with Belle. Hope reminds him the men are on the other side. Victor says he knows but it's important he speak with Belle. Hope leaves as Victor tells Belle that they need to discuss Philip and Claire.

Hope goes to put the finishing touches on some decorations as Greta arrives. She greets Hope and both women ask how the other is. Hope explains it's tough with everything going on with Bo being so distant but is happy her father is better. Greta says she was praying for him. Hope thanks her and asks how the MCF case is going. Greta says they have some irons in the fire right now and are just waiting for big break. She explains to Hope she can't go into it because you never know when the MCF is listening and watching. Hope understands. Greta swears her to secrecy once again about the MCF investigation her, Frankie, Jack, and Billie are a part of. Hope says she doesn't have to worry. Her lips are sealed.

Greta then asks Hope if she ever plans on telling Bo about Chelsea. Hope says she wants to but with him being a mess already and with Billie engrossed in the MCF investigation, she doesn't feel now is the time and place. Greta says she can't disagree but reminds Hope that secrets have a way of coming out. Hope says she knows and does plan on telling Bo and Billie that Chelsea is her daughter and they aren't her parents. It just needs to be at the right time and place and she just needs to hope they understand why she has hid the truth so long. Greta says she will pray for her. Hope thanks her and runs off to handle things.

Greta then tells herself to talk her own advice about not keeping secrets as they always come out somehow. She looks over at Victor and says telling him he is her father right now would be wrong, given what is going on with the MCF investigation and all. They can't afford any distractions right now. She just needs to wait until it's the right time and place, just like Hope will with her secret.

-Back at the Green Mountain Lodge, Cal explains to Katherine he knows that he isn't Roman anymore but he cares for the people there and it's his home. He just wants to go back there with his new wife and settle down. Katherine says she sees his point. Her practice is there and she already has been away too long. She thinks he has come along well enough for them to go back so she agrees. Cal thanks her and says that it looks like they just made their first big decision as husband and wife. Katherine notes that they didn't even fight. They then profess their love and begin to make love again.

-Back on the cruise ship, Abby asks what Chelsea is getting at. Chelsea says that it was almost like Forrest was fascinated with Abby. Abby tells her she is ridiculous. Chelsea then recalls how Abby said her mom was raped by someone named Lawrence Alamain and asks for confirmation from Abby if that is Forrest's brother. Abby says it is and that Forrest even mentioned his brother. Abby also says that Forrest was presumed dead in an accident for years and that Roman Brady even thought he was him at one point. Chelsea comments on how confusing this is and says she just gets a bad feeling and vibe from Forrest. She mentions how if Lawrence could hurt her mom like that, Forrest could certainly hurt Abby and the way he looked at her sent chills down her spine.

Abby asks if this is the same Chelsea thatr went out partying with men and got stoned and drunk. Chelsea says she learned her lesson and she knows what it's like. She used to get the same vibe and feeling before with men but never recognized or did anything with it and that is how she got raped more then once. Abby says that this isn't the same situation. Forrest is a prisoner, just like them. Abby also mentions how Lawrence Alamain seems to have cleaned up and is married to Carly Manning and is living somewhere in Europe.

Chelsea says she still can't shake a feeling she has in the pit of her stomach. She also wonders why they were put in there with Forrest. They must have other cells, she says. Abby thinks it was random and tells Chelsea to calm down and to stop over-analyzing. Chelsea apologizes but knows she is right. Something isn't right and it's not just because they are being held by Ernesto and whoever else. She reiterates that something is up with Forrest and she knows it's not good.

-Back in Salem at the Penthouse Grille, Belle tells Victor she doesn't want to speak to him right now. it will have to wait. Her sister is on her way and she is needed. Victor says it's important and will only take a few minutes. Belle tells Victor she will discuss matters with him later. Victor agrees and tells Belle she better come talk to him later. This can't wait any longer. Victor leaves as a frustrated Belle takes a deep breath and joins Caroline, Hope, Kayla, Greta, and a just arrived Billie.

On the men's side of the restaurant, Max is sitting at the bar drinking shots. He thinks it's wrong he is there and that he should be looking for Abby and Chelsea. He promises to find them and says that he is going to fight for Abby. He isn't going to let go of what they have and he feels it's not to late.

Jack and Frankie are talking and wondering where all the guests are. Victor joins them and says it seems some are running late. Victor sees Philip sitting at a table nearby and asks Jack and Frankie if he has done anything else but sit there. Jack says not really and that Hope had to tell the bartender not to serve him since he was already two sheets to the wind. Victor excuses himself and goes over to Philip. Philip then gets up and walks out. Victor moves to follow but loses him when Philip goes around the corner. Victor wonders what he needs to do to snap his son out of this self-destructive pattern he is in.

Meanwhile, Philip goes into a kitchen supply closet and closes the door behind him. He angrily tosses some items around in a drunken rage and lashes out about how no one cares and will help. They all think he is weak but he isn't. He is just being held back...by his father. He is limiting his power. He mentions how if his father had really been gone when he was presumed dead that he would have it all. All the power, money, influence, Claire, and Belle. Now he has nothing and has lost everything. He also knows he is losing his honored reputation as a soldier and as a Kiriakis. He complains how he is sick of being the loser and always coming out on the bottom. He lost Chloe, Belle, and his daughter on top of everything else.

His phone then rings and a person greets him with a "Hello" on the other end. Philip doesn't recognize the voice on the other end and doesn't grasp that the voice is being altered due to his drunken state but asks:

Philip: Who are you?

MCF (with voice changer): The person who can give you all that you desire.

The screen then freezes on Philip's intrigued face and then fades out.


Philip to MCF: Just what can you do for me?

Victor to Belle: I am afraid for my son, Belle. I think you are the only one that can help him.

Kate to Nicole: With or without me, the truth will come out and you will be lucky if you aren't lynched.

Eric to Sami and Lucas: Something is going on with Nicole and Kate. I am telling you...my wife is in involved in something up to her knees.

Carrie (opening an envelope): Oh my God...


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