The MCF is examining his or her collage of pictures on the wall of the abandoned warehouse office closet. He or she points to and caresses a picture of Cassie.
MCF (via voice changer): It's your time now, my dear.
The MCF then examines the rest of the collage.
MCF: The day is nearly here. Everyone is nearly in position. Soon, the ship will be here and the grand finale will commence. The day of reckoning is on the horizon...a day I have been waiting for and worked so hard for. I can only hope it satisfies my thirst for vengeance...for evening the score. Soon...
The scene then shifts to Tony and Anna, who are still in their cell.
Anna: I still can't beleive you were right about that person.
Tony: Yeah but it's only the associate. If I could only find out who the ringleader of his circus is...
Tony and Anna then hear someone coming and race to the cell door. They see the mysterious associate, who is wearing a suit yet again and has a black hood on again as well.
Tony: Hey!!!
Mysterious Associate (low and whispering tone): What?
Tony: Is it really necessary to wear the hood? We know who you are. You also don't need to whisper
Mysterious Associate: Hmm...your right. Force of habit. My apologies, Count. I am still quite upset with you pulling off my hood.
The mysterious associate takes off his hood.
Tony: Well, that's a shame but it's certainly is nice to look at you face to face. Now, why don't you tell us who your boss is? Afterall, we aren't going anywhere.
The camera then pans up to reveal the identity of the mysterious associate as...
Mysterious Associate: I can't do that, my friend. I am afraid you will just have to settle for knowing one half of the equation.
The mysterious associate laughs sadistically as the screen fades into...
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