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April 6, 2007




-Bill and Tommy get out of the limousine first and walk around to open the door for Alice. As they help her out of the car, everyone else starts filing out of their respective limousines. Alice thanks her two boys for helping her. Then, as all three look up towards the church, they all stop and grow silent. All of Marie’s family and friends look towards the steps of the church and see not only the Brady family and other friends but, an honor guard from the Marine Corps and from the S.P.D.

As Marie’s casket is being lifted from the hearse, they all are given the order and every single man stands at attention and salutes Marie is she is being brought past them. Many of these men knew this wonderful lady and they are now showing their respect and thanks for what she had given them. As Alice and her family follow the Honor Guard into the church, they are met by Fr. Jansen. He walks up to Alice and hugs her, saying how sorry he is. His studies took him around the world but Marie always made him feel at home. Bill and Tommy thank him and Alice tells him that Marie really liked him. She says she always had great instincts about people, which makes the Father smile.

The family now starts walking into the church. Alice looks towards the doors and sees Roman holding one of them open. Tears are coming down his face as Bill and Tommy help Alice into the church and Roman leans over and kisses Alice on the cheek. She smiles and pats his cheek, as he shakes Tommy’s hand and gives him a hug. They all file into the huge church, which is full to capacity. The mayor is here, as well as senators and congress people. Also in attendance is all of the women from the battered women’s home that Marie owned and ran until her cancer got the better of her. They all stand in respect for this fine lady, as her casket makes it way to the alter of the church.

Bill and Tommy place Alice in a wheelchair and then Bill pushes her down the aisle as her family follows. When she gets to Caroline, she bends over and places cards and letters in her lap. She then leans in and says to Alice.....

Caroline: These are from all of us. We love you all so much and are so sorry for your loss. Read them at your own good pace, ok?

Alice: I will, dear. Thank you so much for coming.

Caroline: I wouldn’t be anywhere else.

The two matriarchs of the respected families then hug one another as Austin, Carrie, Sami and Will look on. Lucas is standing next to Sami as well and, when Bill sees him, he reaches out for him. Lucas takes his hand and Bill gently pulls him out of the pews and towards him. He hugs his son and then steps aside, silently telling Lucas that he can take his place. With that, Lucas stands behind his grandmother and continues to push her up the aisle as Sami and her family look on and smile.

As they get closer to the alter, Marie’s family and friends start to see all of the flowers and reefs that have came from across the country and around the world and that now cover the alter. Tokens of affection from the Kiriakis family, the Ewing family of Texas, and the Newman, Chancellor and Abbott families from Genoa City, Wisconsin. The Quartermaines have sent 1,000 flowers as a token of love and respect and the Capwells and, yes, even the DiMera family have sent tributes for Marie. Alice smiles at her daughter’s casket, knowing that only she could have so many people tell her how deeply they felt about her.

The Carrington family of Denver sent a big letter which reads......

To Alice,

Marie was a very special lady. I knew her when she would sometimes come with your late husband here to Denver for a medical conference that took place once a year. She was a splendid woman and my wife, family and I are deeply saddened at the news of her passing. May God grant her the peace and love that she gave all of you while she was of this Earth and may He keep and bless you in your hour of sorrow.

Sincerely Yours,

Blake & Krystal Carrington

Denver, Colorado

As everyone sits down, Fr. Jansen walks towards the alter and starts to address the audience in attendance.

Fr. Jansen: I thank you all for coming today. Not to say farewell but to honor and say thank you, to God Almighty, for giving us his child, Marie Horton, for just a brief moment on His Earth.

As the news crews continue taping, the cameras pan through the church. The shots show Frankie, Max, Kimberly, Kayla, and Eric Brady, as well as Roman and Shane, who arrived to support Kimberly. Greta, Chelsea, and Belle, with Claire, are there as well. Billie is there and is seated next to Abby and Jack, who is holding Jack Jr. in his lap. Billie looks at him, as Jack seems to be drifting off, thinking about a lady that he once loved....

And lost.

Fr. Jansen continues with his eulogy......

Fr. Jansen: Knowing Marie, she is probably standing here now, with a smile on her face. I truly believe that she would be very humbled by the love and affection that is being felt here today. This “old soul”, as many have called her, had a heart the size of Mother Earth, as can be attested to by many of the people who are with us today. She lived a flawed, but humble life, and I’m sure that her family and friends all feel that their lives are the richer for have known her.

Alice’s mind drifts back to the time Marie was accidentally shot and she remembers her lying in a hospital bed, near death. All she can think about is the pain she felt at seeing her lying there and there was nothing that she couldn’t do for her. Now, she is gone, but she now feels at peace. Because she now knows that her child is in no more pain.

Fr. Jansen then ends his eulogy........

Fr. Jansen: So, as Marie’s loved ones speak of her today, let us all remember that she wouldn’t want anyone to grieve over her. She had told me, on so many occasions, that she was raised to face life head on. To deal with whatever it deals us....

And that is what we’ll all do here today.

The scene then fades from the good father to Bill, who is standing to the side of his sister’s casket, as he thinks of the little girl he loved so much......

Bill: All she ever wanted to do was to follow me everywhere. (Smiling) I can still remember all of the fights we got into because I didn’t want her hanging around me so much. I now remember the time she snuck into the backseat of Dad’s car and went on a date that I had, even though I didn’t know she was back there. She later told me that if I didn’t take her to the movies every Friday during the summer, she would tell Mom and Dad what I had did.

But now, looking back on it, I think all she ever wanted was for us to spend time together. I wish we had. I will always cherish the late night phone calls that we had, talking about the past, the joys and laughter, and the mistakes that we both made. And, above all else, (Crying) I hope that my little sister will always know......how very special she was to me and how much I loved her.

Take care, sis. Till we meet again.

The scene then fades from Bill, to his brother, Tommy......

Tommy: What can I say? A true angel of God. The finest kind. Even with the times that we told each other how much we hated each other, my love for her was as big as the universe. We only said those things because we had been arguing. Dad would rush upstairs because he couldn’t watch the news because we were yelling so loud. That’s when he would put his foot down and tell us to stop it or else. Then, after he left the upstairs hallway, we would look at each other, and then start laughing. I think we did it just to tick him off. And I swear, she would start every fight.

Just then, thunder slightly shook the church. On a clear day.

Tommy: Ok, Marie. We both started the fights.

Everyone breaks out into laughter.

Tommy: And now, all I can think of, is the sister that I have lost. And the deep affection and love that I have always had for her. We talked of the ladies that she took care of in her shelter and she always told me how much she loved each and every one of them. They all just needed a fresh start and to believe in themselves. That.....is what she taught me. To believe in myself. I’ll never forget that, as long as I live.

So sister, to quote a famous reverend.......

It’s Time To Rest. Come On Home.

You’re Body’s Weary, You’ve Done Your Best.

Your Witness And Character, Always Strong,

Your Voice Like Music, From Heaven’s Song

Your Beauty Warm, Like The Rays Of The Sun,

Goodnight, My Sister, And I Humbly Thank You

For A Life.....Well Done.

Applause breaks out as Tommy starts crying. He starts to leave the alter and, when he is almost overcome with grief, Nick and Hope jump up and run to his side and lead him back to his seat. Hope then sits next to him and comforts him, as he looks at his sister’s casket and says to her....

Tommy: I hope she knew.

Hope: She did, Uncle Tommy. She did.

The scene now fades to Julie, who is having a difficult time speaking......

Julie: It’s so hard. (Crying) All I can do is selfishly wish that she was still here. But, what I’m going to do, is thank God that he gave her to us for the time we had her. It was just a snap of His fingers and life becomes a moment in time but Marie spent it like many of us should. Doing what she wanted to do, full of life and vigor, and helping those who, at one time or another, were unable to help themselves.

No matter where life takes me or no matter what mistakes I make or, when my time comes, I will always, always cherish the wonderful times we had together. So, my dearest Marie, take care of yourself, and I’ll see you one day, my dearest angel.

Hope once again rushes up and hugs Julie, as she breaks down completely. She helps her back to her seat and sits her down, as Joshua and Jessica then walk to the alter to say a few words.....

Joshua: All I can do is thank everyone here for coming today. She would have really been proud.

Jessica: She sure would have been. Our family has always been proud of the fact that the door was always open at the Horton home and Marie was a huge part of that. She told me, when her cancer was progressing, that she knew this may be it. And to tell everyone back home, how much she loved and appreciated each and everyone of you.

Joshua: So, that is why she wanted to do something for some of the people that she loved. She signed over the battered women’s shelter to the seven women who currently stay there and has left an endowment big enough to see that it continues helping those who need a second chance.

Everyone applauds in unison, as the women hug each other and give thanks to this special lady.

Joshua: I’ll miss her so much. When I think of some 60's rock music, I’ll think of her. When I think of air popped popcorn, I’ll think of her. When I think of being read to late at night, or having a sprained ankle wrapped, or sitting on her lap while we watched television, or all the sound advice and love that a mother can give a child, I will always smile, look towards the heavens......

And thank her, and God, for blessing us with her.

Some time later, after state senators have issued proclamations in her name, and as the mayor has proclaimed this day Marie Horton Day, and some of Marie’s favorite songs are played, Hope stands up, as the last speaker of the day, to speak for Alice and the family.....

Hope: Wow. What a homecoming. If the measure of one’s life is seen by the people who give thanks to you, Aunt Marie, you are the richest person in Salem today. You were, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the coolest aunt anyone could have. I always marveled at your beauty but observed how you treated others and how you loved those who didn’t love themselves. We guess that’s why you became a nun, to help others. And, as Gran has always said, “Marie would do anything for anyone. She made mistakes but, when your heart is golden, you can touch other people’s lives. And she did.”

So, auntie, you take care of yourself. And God Bless your sweet loving soul.

With that, the pallbearers stand and walk towards her casket. They go to gently pick it up and as Tommy, Lucas and Bill help Alice back into her wheelchair, they stop when Alice asks Hope for one thing. Hope bends down to listen and, when she stands back up, Hope leans in and tells Lucas to take Alice to Marie’s casket. Lucas wheels his grandmother towards her and Alice leans in, speaking to her child for the last time.....

Alice: My dearest little girl. (Patting her casket) I’m so sorry I wasn’t there when you took your last breath. I should have been. (Crying) How do I say goodbye to you? How can I sum up how much joy you have brought to me, hmm? Well, you’re at peace now, my child. No more pain. Your job is done here. Your are in my heart and soul and I will forever thank God Almighty for granting you as a gift from Heaven. Till we see each other again, my precious baby. Farewell.

Alice then leans in and kisses Marie’s casket. She then pats it gently as Lucas wheels her backwards so that the pallbearers can take Marie out to the hearse to go to her final resting place. They gently pick her casket up and lead the procession out of the church, as everyone once again gives Marie a standing ovation. As they reach the outside of this beautiful day, Alice and her family see a group of teenagers from the local high school. As her casket is placed inside the hearse, with Tommy and Bill’s help, the students release five white doves into the air, as a token of affection for Marie.

Lucas, Tommy, Bill and Nick then take Alice back to her limousine and help her in. When Lucas gets ready to walk back to his limousine with Sami, Hope holds out her hand to him. He looks at her and then at Sami, who smiles at him, and tells him that she will see him at the cemetery. With that, he takes Hope’s hand, as she leads him to his place inside Alice’s car. When he sits down, he looks at Nick, who leans in and tells him.....

Nick: Time for you to come home, Lucas. You’re a Horton. We are your family.

Lucas shakes his head. as Alice watches this exchange, and then these two grown men shake hands. Lucas then looks out the window, while he sits next to his father, Bill.

Everyone, once back in their respective cars, hears them start up as on once again and, as Marie’s hearse pulls away, the fleet leave for the cemetery to finally take her home. As the fleet drives down the street, Hope pats her purse. She had seen a letter that was addressed to Alice earlier in the day and she saw that it was Marie’s handwriting on it. She wanted to save it for a special time, when Alice needed to hear her words. Hope then opened a letter from Steve, one that he had sent Alice, and asked if she could read it out loud.

With everyone’s permission, she read.......

Dear Mrs. H.,

Because of circumstances beyond my control, I could not be there for you on this difficult day. But, I just wanted to let you know, how much you mean to me. You were one of the first people who gave me a chance when I came to Salem and I will forever be grateful for that. It took a long time for the Patchman to turn back into Steve and you were one of the people who helped make that happen. I never met Marie but understand through Kayla, Roman, Caroline and the rest of the family, that she was one great gal. I think her and I would have had some good times if I had gotten a chance to meet her and now my life seems less for her passing. Please, whatever you do, remember that you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.

The Patchman.

Steven Earl Johnson

Alice smiles at his letter, grateful that he thought enough of them to write. She then stares out the window, as she holds Tommy’s hand tightly. Tommy knows that it is taking everything she has not to break down again and rubs his mother’s hand as the scene slowly climbs to the sky and then fades to black.

It is late at night now. Bill, Tommy, Nick and the rest of the family are asleep in the home of the youth. None of them could leave without spending one more night there, next to Alice’s side. Without saying it, they knew she needed them, and she knew that they needed her. What she doesn’t know, as the scenes shift from one bedroom to another, is that no one is asleep tonight.

Nick lays in his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking of the grandmother that he has just laid to rest. Bill and Tommy stand near their windows, looking out into the cool, night air. As Tommy turns to walk back to his bed, he is stopped in his tracks......by a voice that he swears that he can hear. All the voice says is.....

Voice: Take care of Mama. And yourself.

This causes him to breath in deeply and then turn back towards the window, saying......

Tommy: I will, sis. I will.

Then, the scene switches to Nick’s room. He is also laying in his bed, looking up at the ceiling, when he starts to hear humming. He looks around Marie’s room and, when he sits up in the bed, he looks into the corner. He stares at a lady holding a baby boy and rocking back and forth humming a song to him, which is putting him to sleep. Nick smiles as he remembers his grandmother rocking him to sleep. These are some of his first memories and they bring a smile to his face. All he can say, as the scene slowly fades out, is......

Nick: Thank you so much, grandma. Thank you for loving me.

He then lays back down on his bed, once again looking at the ceiling, as he wipes away his tears.

The scene then fades to Bill’s room, where he is also looking out the window. He then looks down and decides that he is too hungry to go to sleep, so he slowly walks downstairs to go to the kitchen. He has to stop and chuckle at himself because he finds himself tip toeing through the house, the very same way he used to when he snuck himself and Marie downstairs late at night to get something to eat. He continues down the stairs but already hears something coming from the kitchen.

When he slowly opens the door, he finds Melissa, Spencer, Mike, Sarah, Jeremy and Pete sitting around the table, eating and laughing, while talking about Marie and the times that they spent there as kids, teenagers and young adults. They all stop and then look over to Bill, who has now been joined by Tommy, Jessica, Joshua, Steven, Maggie, Laura and Hope. He smiles once again and says just one sentence......

Bill: The next generation. How happy you would be, sis.

Tommy pats his older brother on the back as the older Hortons raid the refrigerator as well. The scene then slowly leaves the kitchen, as we leave the Horton family, and goes through the house, hearing all of the voices of everyone who has lived there, and called this house a home. When it stops, we see Alice sitting once again on her bed, looking out the window. She is thinking of her little girl now and hoping that she is nice and warm and not wanting for anything. She tears up though, feeling guilt at not having been there in her final days and hours.

But, just then, there is a knock at the door. When it opens, it is Hope, who says to Alice.......

Hope: I was just checking on you, Gran.

Alice: Oh, I’m just sitting here. Thinking about Marie. Oh, how I wish I was there when she died.

Hope: (Holding a letter) Gran, I believe that you were.

Hope opens the letter that came while everyone was at Marie’s funeral and takes it out. Alice asks her read it, saying that her eyesight isn’t what it used to be. Hope smiles and opens the letter and, as she starts reading the first page, the song Wind Beneath My Wings (Hero) by Gladys Knight plays in the background. Hope, noticing that the letter is in Marie’s handwriting, begins.........

Well, Mama, I guess this is getting near the end. Before I got the point where I was too sick to put my thoughts to paper, I wanted to tell you some things that I have been wanting to say for so long but always took for granted. I love you. And......I thank you. Even after all of my mistakes and all the times that I picked fights with my brothers, or stole Dad’s medical journals to read, or even the time that I ate all of the cake batter for a cake you were going to bake and got sick as a dog, I always thanked God Almighty that He made you my mother. I learned everything that I know from you. You always imparted your love and wisdom with such respect. You never told me, or any of us, how to live our lives. But, you were always there for us when we all needed you. Especially me. You are my best friend. I could tell you anything and it would stay between us. You taught me how to be a parent and grandparent and I will be forever grateful for your love and respect, no matter where I go.

Well, this is not goodbye. But so long, for just a little while. I know that I’ll see you one day and then, we’ll all be together again. You take care of yourself. And I’ll tell Daddy, Mickey and Jennifer that everyone says hi.

I Love You Always, Mama

Forever And A Day

Your Loving Daughter,


Hope looks up at Alice, through her tear stained eyes, and sees that she can’t hold out any longer. Alice has broken down and is crying so deeply that Hope has to hold her up. Hope rocks her back and forth, saying to her in a shaky voice.....

Hope: It’s alright, Gran. It’s alright. I’m here. Just let it out, ok? Just let it out.

Alice cries on Hope’s shoulder, as they rock back and forth. As they both sit by the window, the scene then slowly pans upward, and then slowly fades to black.


Laura to Abby: How about it? Give Max another chance?

Jack to Billie: This could be our big break.

Cassie to MCF: I've waited longt enough. What do you want with me?

Greta to Frankie: Something is wrong...

James to Alan: We can't make any mistakes. Do you hear me?

Cal to Katherine: Don't ask questions. Just come with me. I know you won't regret it.


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Heartbreaking. I never got to see Marie Horton, but she's a Horton and part of the core family of the show. And just to see Alice break down on Hope's shoulder. It's sad.

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I was crying through the whole thing. As I got further into the episode I cried more. Especially when it came to the letter and I imagined Lanna actually saying those words. When Alice broke down at the end, I couldn't take it any more and I burst into more tears than I have in years.

This episode has to be your guys' best in all of 2007 IMO. They are all great, but this one beats them all.

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