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Casting Call!!




Casting Call Issued For 4 Roles

Sources close to those at Port Charles/General Hospital are reporting that the show has issued a casting call in order to fill 4 recurring roles that will have major impact on current and future stories to come:

***Names Are Subject To Change***

"Ethan Scott" - A complex character with a dark past. He is between the ages of 23-26 and will interact with the current young adult set and the younger teens. Will be a professor/teacher at Port Charles University or Port Charles High School. He is a real ladies man, someone that the younger girls crush on and can make older women swoon. Has the "boy next door" quality. Will be around for 13-20 weeks. Not a long-term character.

"Blake" - A young man, between the ages of 25-28 who's used to getting what he wants. Considered to be snobbish at times, even conceited, though deep down, he's just someone who is lonely and misunderstood. He uses his arrogance as defense mechanism to protect himself from getting hurt. Comes from a very wealthy family, maybe connected to someone in Port Charles.

"Hunter" - A 21 year old college student who befriends Lucas. Is related to someone who was in Port Charles for a short time, but was involved with some important characters. Harbors some ill will towards those who interacted with his relative(s). Is currently on the outs with his family for being a "disappointment". Struggles for acceptance.

"Trevor" - Trevor is the father of Ric Lansing. He has many layers to him with a very dark past. Has a mental hold on Ric that no one else has.

We are currently in the process of casting these roles. If you have any ideas for who we should choose, please let us know.


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The first three can alternate between any of the three younger roles...

1) Brennan Elliott (look at IMDB)

2) Agim Kaba

3) David Tom

Ric's Father:

*Craig T. Nelson

*Larry Bryygman

*Jerry Douglas

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Ethan Scott I could see as that guy from the OC, the lead Ben something.

I like the David Tom suggestion, what about Greg Rikkart too?

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Here are my suggestions:

The Younger Set

David Krumholtz (he's 28 but still)

Jared Paladecki

Matt Czuchry

Dave Annable

Greg Rikkart

Trevor Lansing

I like Larry Bryygman as a suggestion

Charles Keating keeps coming to mind

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A couple of suggestions --

Eric Winter

Jason Campbell - a newbie from Bruno's group - he's young, nice looking, the boy next door.

Brandon Veda (Bruno Group)

And you know my pick for Trevor - Roscoe Born

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For Trevor, what about Kale Browne? Or David Forsyth (can you tell I am a AW fan). I can see both going dark.

The guy that is currently playing Alexander Cambias Sr on AMC is certainly dark and sinister if you are going that route.

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I thought of another one for Trevor. Anthony Herrera, James Stenbeck from ATWT. Excellent actor and I would love to see him in a blog

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