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Episode 70





(EXT: The Ramirez House)

----Carla tries to insist to Eden that Angel & Marta haven't come home yet, but she doesn't buy it. She storms past Carla, calling for Angel & Marta, opening the doors to each and every room looking for them.

"They're not here, Eden. I don't appreciate you tearing through my home, disrespecting it and me. Now I told you they aren't here....."

"If they're not here, then where are they Carla? Because I'm not leaving here until I have some answers!"

"Please, will you just calm down? I told you, they are not here- they haven't even been home from Mexico yet...."

"Why not? I know she's safe and sound, Carla, so where ARE they? Running.....from me? I know what he did, Carla. I know about the maps. I know that Angel was probably in cahoots with these guys from the beginning. How could you let-"

"YOU know NO SUCH THING! How dare you accuse him of something like that- we were worried SICK about Marta. I didn't know if my baby was dead, brutalized, raped.......you can't imagine the thoughts that have entered both of our minds. And for you to come here, hurling these accusations, as if he or I knew something or had something to do with our own daughter's kidnapping is..........Look, I know you're upset right now. I read about Cruz and I'm sorry for your loss. But that doesn't give you the right to come here and harass me or my family. Now I'd like you to leave..."

"UPSET? Don't tell me about accusations Carla- your husband participated in this, deliberately confusing the police, myself.....Cruz could have been saved, he could have lived had Angel, for ONCE in his life, done the right thing. Cruz was helping him- helped him get out of prison early, was helping him try to put his life together- he was doing nothing but good for Angel and helping him rebuild his life..."

"Which Cruz destroyed..."

Eden doesn't let that pass, telling Carla that Angel made his own choices and chose a life of crime. She reminds her that Angel wasn't so innocent, dealing drugs, holding up the clinic- he was anything but honorable...until prison reformed him. Or at least they thought it had. Eden agrees to leave, but warns Carla that she'll be back. They head to the door and as they walk out, they see Angel and Marta pulling into the driveway.

"Well look who got home..." Eden says to a worried Carla.

(EXT: New York City- La Guardia Airport)

---Ted is annoyed when he & Laken arrive at the airport and sees that his flight has been delayed. She suggests they grab some lunch in the airport restaurant. He mentions that a beer would do his nerves some good. They sit down at the table and order drinks. Laken comments that she never realized that he was so afraid to fly. Ted says it's more of a patience issue- he's ready to get back home.

"I suppose you would be quite anxious to get home, what with everything that's going on...." a familiar voice says from behind a newspaper.


Augusta lowers the newspaper & reveals her face. "Surprise!"

Laken asks what she's doing there and she tells her daughter she's there for what was supposed to be a short layover from her trip to Chicago. Instead, thanks to all of the delays, she's spending 1/2 a day in the airport. Laken asks why she didn't call & Augusta says she tried, but got Laken's voice mail. She sits down, asking what exactly the two of them are doing in New York. Laken explains the situation, but Ted interjects, asking Augusta what she meant by 'everything that's going on'.

"You haven't heard? I'm surprised nobody's told you...."

"Told me what, Augusta?"

"You may as well know- Cruz, you're brother-in-law- he was killed in Mexico a few days ago. They received confirmation it was him, just the other night...."

"Oh my God. I've got to call Eden- why wouldn't anyone tell me!?! .... Excuse me...."

He gets up and excuses himself from the table. Laken lays into Augusta, telling her she knows what she's doing.

"Good heavens, Laken, his brother-in-law died.......he should know...."

"And you were just dying to tell him, weren't you? Honestly, I would have thought that after grandmother died, this feud between the Lockridges and the Capwells would have died with her. But you and dad, hell even Warren- all of you just insist on perpetuating it, don't you?"

"Honestly Laken, you're overreacting. There were no sinister alterior motives behind my telling Ted. I can't believe you'd think me so cold as to think I'd use Cruz's death to cause disruption in the Capwell family....."

"Are you kidding mother? You wrote the book- daddy and you both. Whatever feud you guys want to have, if you want to continue acting like the Capulets and the Montagues, you all go right ahead. But leave me out of it. I have no desire to be part of any more tragedies that this feud is sure to cause!"

Laken gets up from the table as Ted's walking back. He asks where she's going and she tells him she suddenly isn't hungry. He looks at Augusta, then walks away with Laken. Augusta goes back to her newspaper and begins to laugh.

"Sophia as Lady Capulet?!?!" she laughs.

Over the speaker, a man announces that the flight for London, England is now boarding. She pays her bill and heads toward her gate.

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---Elizabeth and Joann go over the latest figures for the company. Joann laughs that she can't believe that Elizabeth is married to Keith Timmons. Joann warns Elizabeth to be careful of Keith, telling her of Keith & Gina's investigation into who CC willed the company to. Elizabeth asks Joann what she's talking about, and Joann explains to her that Keith was fishing around shortly after the takeover, trying to find out exactly what Elizabeth's stipulations were. Joann tells her that she was very coy with Keith, but he was obviously curious.

"What exactly did you tell him Joann?"

"You have to understand, I was in a precarious position- he was going to go to CC about my involvement with Kirk, which, even though my true loyalties were with you, would still probably cause me to be fired or worse. And it would've looked suspicious at the time for you to keep me......so I told him what I knew.....or at least, what I thought was safe for him to know, which that the contract you two entered into had.....stipulations..."

"But you didn't give him a copy of the contract or the will?"

"No, absolutely not. I thought he could find those things out on his own...."

Elizabeth immediately buzzes Kathleen into the office. She asks her if she's seen any suspicious behavior from Keith or Gina....

"They're behavior is always strange, Ms. Wayne....."

Elizabeth asks specifically, telling her to think back to a little over a month ago. Kathleen remembers letting Keith man the phones one day, after he tricked her into going to another floor for CC. Elizabeth asks if there's anything else- and it dawns on Kathleen that she saw Gina snooping around the office late one night, acting very suspiciously. She remembers thinking it odd because she's never seen Gina in the building at that hour. Elizabeth asks her if she can remember exactly when it was and she does right away- it was the night before Ashton & Kelly's wedding reception.

"That little weasel...."

"What, Elizabeth? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? He set me up, that's what's wrong......He pressed CC's buttons, knowing exactly what would happen- Why would he DO such a thing? That man- that SNAKE!"

Elizabeth storms out of the office, leaving a baffled Joann & Kathleen behind.

(EXT: The Ramirez House)

---Angel and Marta get out of the car, and Carla runs to her daughter. They have a tearful reunion, with Carla kissing her on the forehead over and over, then hugging her husband. Angel looks up and sees Eden standing there.


"Hello Angel, Marta- Welcome Home. (sarcastically) It must have been so awful being taken away from your family like that, huh?"

"It was. But thanks to my dad............and your husband, everything turned out ok...."

"For you maybe, but meanwhile, the two of you exchanged MY husband's life for your own..."

"I don't-" Marta starts to say.

"Don't you dare, don't you dare try and tell me that you don't know what I'm talking about. I wasn't born yesterday. Did you really think I wouldn't be able to piece it together? That I wouldn't try? After my husband DIED?........ If I were YOU, Marta, I'd enjoy this little reunion you're having right now. Because I'm going to make sure your lying father there doesn't see the light of day ever again!"

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

---Joann walks back into her office, shutting the door behind her. She pours herself a cup of coffee and notices a new file has appeared on her desk. She picks it up and opens it, finding a form letter addressed to the board of directors. She reads it out loud, as it outlines all of her wrongdoing, including helping Elizabeth.

"What is this? Who would DO this? Who put this here?"

She crosses to her phone and dials Kathleen, asking if she's seen anyone come out of her office. Kathleen insists that she hasn't. Joann thanks her and hangs up the phone, nervously staring at the paper, wondering who could be blackmailing her. She hears a light snicker and looks up, realizing for the first time that the chair at her desk is turned backwards. Slowly, it turns around, revealing the man in the chair.......

Man in the Chair

"Oh my God!"

"Honey, I'm home!"

THE END...............FOR the WEEK!!

Don't forget- Radio Show- TODAY!!! 3 PM EST - Talkin Santa Barbara!


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What's funny is that so many flights in NYC are being delayed today because of weather. Nice touch. I love Augusta. I can't wait to see the fallout of Ted's trip when he gets home. Lily will be right there...

Joann is quite the enigma. I am not sure what to make of her. I wasn't surprised that Kirk was there, but I don't know if she wanted him there.

Oh Eden, I feel for her. I hope she kicks some serious ass. I can see her going into Mama Bear mode. Great episode!

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