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King's DAYS

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Episode #319 - Thursday, March 1st, 2007:

  • Will confronts Georgia on still being addicted to her amphetamines.
  • The Fury vows to kill again.
  • Bo and Hope have a wonderful night of lovemaking.
  • Jack and Billie bond as they flashback to how Jack shaved his head for Billie.
  • Peter works with a private investigator to find Annie Douglas.
  • Will threatens Georgia to knock off the pills or he’ll tell her parents everything!
  • Peter hits pay dirt and discovers Annie Douglas is living it up in Chicago, and he plans to hunt her down!
  • Kate is terrified when she, Belle, Shawn, and the others figure out Jan and Jeremy have gone on the run.
  • Kate, Shawn, Belle, Philip, Cassie, Max, Abby, Connor, Mimi, and Rex return to Salem! They do so with baby Trey and Claire in tow.
  • Georgia says she needs to keep using the pills for a little while longer until she loses just a few more pounds.
  • Andy decides to enroll at the all boys college in Chicago and commute into Salem to see his family and work on the police force. He also decides to dorm at the school. He hopes he will finish out his schooling and learn some vital tips to catch the Fury!
  • Kate and Stefano meet in a darkened alleyway and mourn the death of Megan. Kate grabs Stefano and demands he promise he has nothing to do with the Fury. Stefano throws Kate’s hand off of him and FURIOUSLY screams at her for placing her hands on him. He threatens her never to do this again.
  • Will goes to his Aunt Billie to tell her all about Georgia’s addiction, but he decides not to when he realizes her cancer must have returned…
  • Andy meets his roommate, E.C., who is very peculiar, but quirky and very nice. Andy settles into life at school very nicely.
  • Connor struggles with whether to tell Abby the truth about Cassie.
  • Rex urges Cassie to confess everything to Max, but she refuses.
  • Will interrupts Bo and Hope’s night of romance and asks to speak to Bo.
  • Philip tells Belle that he is over her, and he means it! He says he wishes Belle and Shawn the utmost happiness. He also explains how he realizes now his selfishness over Claire was the reason she was kidnapped by Willow, and he doesn’t plan on interfering in Shawn and Belle’s family anymore.
  • Shawn meets with Frankie and learns he can get legal custody of Trey now that Willow has been proven to be his real mother, and she is now deceased.
  • The Fury stalks Andy and E.C.!
  • Will manages to get Bo away from Hope, and he confesses to Bo that Georgia is addicted to amphetamines her agent gave her! Bo is floored. *FREEZE FRAME.*


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I can't help but think that Andy's return to school is a major plot point in this story. :blink: Might just me being very overly analytical, but it just keeps sticking out to me as something important that'll come into play down the road.

Who's playing E.C.?

I can't believe Will told Bo! Go, Will!

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