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declaring my majors!!

Ms. Walsh


Next week I'm declaring my majors (History/Spanish). I know that I still have another year, but if it's official then I can take the time to calculate what classes to take.

And my History professor agreed to be my advisor for that major. Actually, she suggested being my advisor, and who am I to protest?? She's going on sabbatical next year, but since (hopefully) she'll be back for my last two years I don't think it will be a big problem, especially since she'll e-mail me and I do have another advisor in the Spanish dept. Now I have to talk to my pre-major advisor, and hopefully she'll agree to be my Spanish advisor. If not, I won't declare the Spanish major until next year.

The Spanish major seems easy to obtain. I have to take 244 (next semester), and two of the 250/251/260/261 combo (spring semester and fall junior semester), and then, of course, I am going JYA in the spring junior year. Also, I'm taking 2 or 3 Portuguese courses. And then senior year I have to take two 300 level classes (one first semester and one second), so it's not that bad. I'll probably get more than the major requires since I'm going JYA.

As for History, I have to take 11 courses, 5 w/in the concentration (one as a seminar senior year.) So if I take 2 History classes (1 Am and 1 not) (one will be at Amherst or Hampshire, the other will probably be in the American Studies dept), and then one spring semester, and one junior fall semester. Also, I have to take one class that's not European or American History for the geography requirement.

Well, I have to get to Women's Studies. Then I have my interview!!!! I'm so nervous!! After it, though, I'm going to the library to do homework until work. :rolleyes:



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