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February 22, 2007




-At the Carver house, Abe rushes downstairs to see Celeste and Theo at the dinner table. Celeste asks how his shower was. Abe says it was good and that now he has to go back to the station. Celeste says there is something they need to discuss first. It's about Alexandra.

-At the McCluer home, Renee confirms to James that she knows he had a meeting with some cloaked person and Dr. Marlena Evans. She tells him she wants answers. Their family deserves answers. JJ and Angel begin to fill him in on how they found out but he stops them and says he knows all about it. He just didn't know that Renee and Jonathan found out. JJ says they just told them because they were beginning to figure it out.

A frustrated James reaches for his head and begins to pull on his hair. He tells them he wishes they had just stayed out of it. Renee says she is sick of all the secrets. They deserve the truth. James says he can't tell them anything. They already know enough and now that they even know what they know, they have alot of problems. James says they are all now in grave danger.

-At University Hospital, Billie is with Abby in her hospital room.

Abby: I'm sorry I threw Chelsea out. I was just upset and...

Billie: She said the wrong thing. It happens alot. It's fine.

Abby: You know...you don't have to be in here with me just because my dad is gone and no one else is.

Billie: I want to be in here with you. It's fine.

Abby: Even after the horrible way I have treated you in the past.

Billie: It's forgotten. We have a clean slate. (smiles) Is there anything I can get you?

Abby: I wish you could turn back time or be a miracle worker so I wouldn't have to be paralyzed and Cassie wouldn't have fallen down the stairs.

Billie: We can't turn back time. You can't give up. Fight for Max. Fight to beat your paralysis. Don't give up a chance at happiness and a good life like I did.

Abby: Yeah but you have another one don't you. With my father.

Billie: Abby...we are just friends. Good friends.

Abby: I know but you were also good friends with mom. It's different with you and dad. You guys are best friends but, lately, you two seem alot closer. I just feel bad for being so mean before and trying to mess with you both.

Billie: It's in the past, like I said. As for me and your father, we will always be close but there is nothing but friendship between us. We spend alot of time together on cases and stuff but that's it.

Abby: For now. It could always end up being more. Mom and dad started out working together and they slowly fell in love. You and dad are already close and now working together can only bring you closer. Billie, I can see it in your eyes everytime you look at dad. You care about him more then you say. Don't you?

Billie is silent.

-In Cassie's room, Cassie is caressing her stomach.

Cassie: I am so sorry little one. I may not have been ready to be a mother but I would've loved you. I feel horrible but your death was just the thing I needed. Now, Max and Abby are falling apart and, with Chelsea's help, it's only a matter of time.

Chelsea (walking in to the room): The hell it is.

Cassie: Chelsea, how nice to see you.

Chelsea: Shutup. Do you know what you are doing to Max and Abby? God, you don't even give a damn about the child you lost or what this is doing to both of them? Your just happy that this gives you what you need to break Max and Abby up, aren't you?

Cassie: I loved that baby. I would never wish harm upon any child, let alone my own, just for a guy. I didn't want this to happen but, now that it has, you better believe I am going to use it to my advantage. Now, kindly be quiet because you and me have to talk about the next step of the plan.

Chelsea: I am not doing anymore for you. I killed me having to make Abby feel so guilty. I am not helping you anymore. They are my friends and...

Cassie: Tell me, Chelsea. Do you feel like destroying so many lives, including your own? That is what will happen if your little secrets come out. Bo, Billie, and so many others will be devestated by the fact that Hope and some unknown guy are your parents. You will go to jail for murdering your rapists and your family will have to deal with that black eye forever. You don't want that so just cooperate. Otherwise, you and your loved ones pay the consquences.

Chelsea: I hate you.

Cassie: Beleive me, darling, the feeling is mutual. Now that we understanding each other, on to the next step. We do understand each other, right?

Chelsea (after a long pause): Whatever.

Cassie (smiling): Knew you would see it my way.

-In another part of the hospital, Max is on his way back to Cassie's room with a juice drink for her when he is stopped by Jack, who says they have to talk. Max says he really needs to get back to Cassie.

Jack: Oh, yes. Everything is about Cassie these days. What about Abby? You know, the girl you said you cared about? The one that is paralyzed and was promised by you that you would be by her side no matter what.

Max: Look, Jack. I know all that. I don't need to be reminded nor do I need a lecture from you. I just lost my child and the mother of my child needs me.

Jack: I get that Max. I know how much you loved the child. I know because of the childhood you had you wanted to give it a good life. But, don't you see, Cassie is using that to manipulate you. I know Cassie. We spent months in captivity together. She cares about others but not before herself. All that time on the island and in the castle she kept talking about how she missed the mall and all these material things. It was all about her and not about seeing loved ones again. They were second. It's always about her first. Now, I know she loved that child but a big part of that love was that it gave her a hold over you. I know she feels horrible about losing it but it also gives her what she wanted. She needed something, Max. Something that could take you away from Abby and something she could mainpulate so you would be by her side. This was it. She is using the death of your child. She knows about your childhood and how you wanted better for the child and she knows damn well that Abby is so good-hearted and caring that she would feel guilty as hell. She knows she can get you by her side now and manipulate you. Open your eyes, Max.

Max: Look, I don't know what to believe. One thing I know is that I would now if I was being manipulated and, while I know Cassie is a Dimera and was diificult to deal with in the past, I can't see her using our baby's death like that.

Jack: Then you are naive and stupid. You know Abby...she wouldn't force her to fall. Yes, Abby played a part in this but Cassie could have walked away too. Neither of them did, Max. You can't put this all on my daughter. You promised her that you would be by her side. She needs you. You gave her hope when she was giving up. Without you, she has nothing to keep her going right now.

Max: Jack, this is not the time for this. I don't know what to think or believe. It's been really rough. I know Abby is hurting but I can't deal with her right now. I think it's for the best that I avoid her for awhile until things settle and we know more.

Jack: You shouldn't have to know more. You know my daughter. What the hell is your problem, Max?

-Back at the Carver home, Celeste and Abe sit down. Abe tells Celeste he thinks about Lexie everyday and wonders if she survived that gunshot wound in Sydney. Celeste says she has visions of Lexie and she believes she has. Celeste asks Abe what would happen if and when Lexie came back. Would he take her back?

Abe stops to think and says that he isn't sure. Her betrayal with Tek hurt him so bad but, over time, he realized he still loved her and wanted to be with her. Everything that happened in Sydney made him see that. Even after everything that went down at Theo's custody hearing, he still loved her. Celeste reminds Abe that he told her that Alexandra showed signs of her old self down in Sydney and asks if that is correct. Abe says that's true. She seemed conflicted over what her father was doing to him and all of their friends. She was trying to hide the fact that it upset her but he saw that it did.

Celeste says that there is hope they can save her from the Dimera curse. It would be even easier if she was there with them. Abe agrees and says he thinks the only way to save Lexie from her family and becoming one of them is to destroy the Dimera's. Celeste agrees and says she has wanted to destory them for many years. Abe admits that he can only do so much in his role in the SPD but he really feels like he should start doing some investigating under the radar. It may make it easier to find something to bring the Dimera's down.

Celeste says that is a good idea and that she can help. She knows the Dimera family and organization. She was a part of it and knows all the inner workings. She suggests they work together on their own to find something that can help them stop Stefano and the Dimera's for good. Abe agrees but says they need to keep it quiet. He is not a supporter of off the record investigations like this but he feels it is something that could work. Celeste agrees and says she will start jotting down some notes about the Dimera's that may help them investigate.

Abe says that is a good idea and then says he really has to be getting going and gets up to leave. Celeste tells Abe she needs to ask him something before he goes. She asks him if he would give Alexandra another chancer if and when she came back. She begs him to consider giving her another chance to work things out. She thinks that another chance to be a family with him and Theo could be the thing to pull her away from the Dimera's and Stefano.

Abe thinks for a moment and says he will think it over but thinks she is right. It may be what is needed so giving her another chance to try to work things out may be a good idea. He then agrees that if and when Lexie returns, he will talk to her and they will try to work things out. However, he still wants to go ahead with the secret investigation. Celeste agrees and thanks him, saying he won't be sorry, as he leaves for the station.

-Back at the McClure home, everyone is clearly upset.

Renee (crying): We have been through this before. All the lies and deciet. You ended up in jail and now here we go again. What the hell is your problem? Why are you putting us through this again? When I married you, you were a kind and thoughful man. What has happened to you?

James then grabs his life and grips her tight.

James (right in her face): You know I care about you. (looks at JJ, Jonathan, and Angel) I care about all of you. Everything I do is for you. For a better life...to protect you. Please, you all already know too much. I can't tell you anymore about anything. Please...all of you. Listen to me. This is a matter of life and death. This is serious. You have already put yourselves in danger. You are targets.

Renee: Oh, great. That makes me feel better. Where did all this start? Does this have to do with you working for Victor?

James: I can't talk about anything, Renee. Don't you understand? This is dangerous!! You are all in danger now. If you open your mouths to anyone, you are all dead. Do you hear me? I'm not kidding. This is why I don't tell you!!!

Renee: Then why did you get involved!!!


JJ: Dad...we just wanted to prove that you weren't doing anything bad and...

James: I know, son. I appreciate it. You too, Angel.

Jonathan: Oh please. dad, you are just mad you got caught. All this talk about us being in danger and as good as dead. Give me a break.

James: I am sorry you feel that way, son. I know you have a problem with me because of the way I have hurt your mother but I am being serious. I need all of you to promise me..promise me you will stay quiet about what you know. Please!!!

JJ: Yeah, dad.

Angel: Yeah. Jack and Billie already warned us.

Renee: I don't want to be a part of this.

James (holding Renee in his arms): Renee...please. Do it to protect the kids. Look, trust me. I know that is hard to do but this is the right thing. Please stay silent.

Renee: Fine. Fine. Whatever.

James: Jon...

Jonathan: No!! I am telling the police. I am sick and tired of you messing up this family. I want you to pay and wheover you are involved with to pay. I am reporting everything I know and then you can just burn in hell, pops.

Meanwhile, outside, the MCF is watching.

MCF (with voice changer): Not the right thing to say, kid

Marlena then arrives, dressed in a black cloak as well.

MCF: What the hell are you wearing?

Marlena: Upset I stole your look. So, the kid doesn't want to keep his mouth shut...oh well. I wasn't on board with letting James try to keep them quiet. I knew that action needed to be taken and now I know it has to be.

MCF: You don't do anything without my permission. I am in charge here.

Marlena: I am not standing by and letting everything be shot to hell. I have come too far. I am not going to see my plans...

MCF: Ah, always about you and your plans. Remember, we have to complete my plans dear. That was the deal. Me first and then you are free to do your thing.

Marlena: Yeah, well, I am out for me. All I know is I am not letting Jimmy boy's family blow this. I am going to do something....tonight.

MCF: Yeah, you will do something. You will follow Jack and Billie around and make sure they don''t find out anything else.

Marlena: I have to take care of them too. They are loose cannons, just like the McClure's.

MCF: You won't do anything but follow Jack and Billie and report to me. If I see that you do anything else, then you will pay the consequences of defying me. Understood?

Marlena (snidely): Understood.

MCF: Good. Now go find Jack and Billie and report to me later.

Marlena: Yeah. Fine.

Marlena walks away and then pulls out a knife, saying:

Marlena: I am not going to see my plans go down the tubes. The loose cannons need to be taken care of and I will do it my way. People are going to die tonight...it's the only way.

Back inside the McCluer home, James continues to beg Jonathan to be like the rest of the family and stay quiet. James then embraces Jonathan, telling him he loves him. He knows that he is disappointed in him but he wants him to know he loves him and just wants to protect him. Jonathan says he doesn't need it but James says he does. Renee jumps in and says she will make sure Jonathan says quiet. She will make sure they all will...for now.

James says thanks her but says they need to stay silent until he says otherwise. He begs them to trust him on this. James then sees the MCF outside the house and says he has to go. He embraces his three children and tells him he loves them. JJ and Angel say they love him too...no matter what he has done. James then looks at Renee and asks her if she knows how much he loves her. Renee says sometimes she wonders. He then kisses her passionately and says there will never be another woman for him.

Renee's eyes well up with tears as Jonathan turns away in disgust. James tells them all goodbye and warns them to remain silent and to be careful.

Outside, James meets the MCF in the bushes and asks:

James: What do you want?

MCF: I need you to go and find Marlena. She may be up to something and I need you to keep an eye on her. I sent her to watch Jack and Billie until you take over.

James: Fine. Why are you here?

MCF: Just making sure it went well with your family. Your wife and the other kid knowing is disturbing but good job. I am satisfied but I will be watching them. Nothing happens to them unless they break their silence.

James: They won't.

MCF: They better not. Now, go find Marlena.

James: Fine.

James leaves as the MCF watches Jonathan argue with JJ, Angel, and Renee about keeping what they know to themselves. The MCF then approaches the house, as does another cloaked figure as night falls on Salem.

Jonathan continues to stand by his stance of calling the police but Renee. JJ, and Angel beg him to reconsider. Renee says she has never saw the fear in their father's eyes that she saw tonight. They need to take this seriously. Jonathan shrugs it off and says it's dad's fault that their family keeps getting put through the ringer. He needs to pay so why not turn him in and get the cops on his ass. Nothing is going to happen to them.

The lights then go off. Renee, JJ, and Angel huddle together as Jonathan looks around and is then pulled into the huddle by Renee. They are all scared and wonder if someone could be there as the MCF and another cloaked figure lurk around separately outside.

-Back at the hospital, Max tells Jack he doesn't have time for this. Jack then takes him by the shirt and throws him against the wall. He tells Max to make time and warns him that if he keeps hurting his daughter like this, he will feel pay. He lets go of Max and walks away as Max looks on, somewhat frightened and confused over what is going on.

Meanwhile, Cassie has finished telling Chelsea about the next step of the plan and she is appalled. She refuses to do it but Cassie reminds her what will happen if she doesn't and says:

Cassie: You do as I say or you lose everything. Easy concept, Chelsea.

Chelsea then walks out, angry and in tears, as Cassie smiles and sadistically laughs . She doesn't want to do this to her friends but feels she has no choice. Only two people get hurt this way but many get hurt if her secrets come out.

In Abby's room, Billie tells Abby again that nothing is going on with her father and her. Abby reluctantly agrees to change the subject, even though it helps her keep her mind off of things, and says she is worried about her father. She hopes he didn't go to talk to Max as that could turn ugly. Billie says she told Jack not to get involved heavily but Abby mentions that he never did heed words of warning. Billie agrees and offers to go and find him to make sure everything is ok. Abby thanks her.

As Billie leaves, her cell rings. She realizes her mistake in not turning it off in a hospital and answers it. It's JJ and he says:

JJ: Billie, it's JJ. Something is wrong.

Billie: Hey, are you ok? You sound upset?

JJ: Look...my mom and brother know everything. We had to tell them. Our father came home and warned us to stay silent if we wanted to protect ourselves.

Billie: Oh, God. Ok. Well, it seems everything is fine other then your father knowing and...

JJ: It's not fine, Billie. Shortly after my dad left, the lights went out. Everyone else's lights on the street are on but our's. Someone must have cut the power.

Billie: Is someone there? Do you hear...

JJ: We heard something outside. There isn't any wind tonight but we may just be hearing things and...

Billie: Ok. Look, sit tight. I will be right there and I think I will need to bring some help. Just stay put and be careful.

JJ: Ok, thanks.

Billie: Hey, JJ. Say a prayer or two. ok.

JJ: Yeah.

Billie: Bye.

JJ: Bye.

Billie hangs up just as Jack shows up.

Jack: Hey, everything ok?

Billie: No. We need to get over to the McClure's. JJ just called and all hell may be about to break loose. Him and his family may be in alot of danger. I think it's time we bring in the police.

Jack: Billie, I...

Billie: I know but we may need reinforcements, Jack. This could be serious. It's about people's lives. We have to. Tell Abby we are leaving and l will call the police so we can go.

Jack: Ok.

Jack goes to Abby as Billie dials her cell.

Billie: I just hope this is nothing but, if it's something, I hope we aren't too late.

The screen then fades out on Billie's worried face.

On the Next Salem Lives...






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I absolutely can't stand Cassie...the sooner she is found out, the better...Chelsea better wise up and fess up to Abby and Max; she's made things worse, but Cassie sitting in a hospital bed, thankful that she lost a baby just to get Max back is beyond morbid.

The Abby/Billie scenes were great...She was dead on when she said that Jack and Billie may be close friends, but they are closer than they truly care to admit...I actually could see Abby wanting to give her blessing for them to be together, despite what she did to them in the past.

I know I've missed reading some eppies and I'm sorry, but Marlena is tripping me out...Never thought I could see a cold and calculated Marlena in a fan fiction...It's pretty interesting to see.

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