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S&L: Episode 121



Secrets & Lies: Episode 121
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Opening Video

- GH begins in the apartment of Patrick Drake. He storms into his apartment, throwing the keys on the table. Robin follows him soon after demanding to know why he won’t speak to her. Patrick continues to walk through the apartment not answering, instead taking off articles of his clothing to get into the shower. Robin follows him into the bathroom and threatens she’ll continue to nag him until he answers her.

“I don’t appreciate being peed on,” snaps Patrick glaring at Robin.

Taken aback at what he says, Robin yells “What? I never peed on you. What are you talking about?”

“Obviously you feel like marking your territory. That’s what dogs do Robin. They pee on areas they feel belong to them. That is what you’re doing to me. You’re peeing on me.”

“Oh grow up.”

“No really. I have an innocent meeting with Sarah Webber and you show up preparing to mark your territory. I don’t appreciate that Robin.”

“Excuse me for wanting to let everyone know that we’re together and protecting the guy I like when I see another woman sniffing around,” she replies. “Maybe if you acted like we’re in a relationship in public, I wouldn’t have to ‘mark’ my territory. I’m outta here.”

Robin grabs her pocketbook and slams the bathroom door.


Patrick turns on the water and begins taking a shower. Suddenly the bathroom door comes open and Robin flushes the toilet.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” Patrick screams as the cold water hits his naked body. “What’d you do that for?!”

Smiling deviously, Robin says: “That was for being a jerk.” Robin then leaves the apartment smiling.

Elsewhere, Bobbie sits in her dark living room drinking a glass of vodka. She stares into the darkness seething about the argument she had the other day with Noah. She begins to vividly recall the events……

Bobbie stood in silence as Noah said the words to her, “I need to know if you’re drinking again.” Closing her eyes for a moment, she had to think of what to say to him.

“Why are you asking me this, Noah,” she questioned, walking away from him, making sure she wasn’t looking in his eyes.

Making sure as to not upset her more than she already was, he chose his words carefully. “Bobbie, I’m asking you because I care about you, and I know that you are dealing with a lot right now.”

Sniffling a little, Bobbie turned to face him, knowing that she had to tell him exactly what she had contemplated ever since seeing her son in the arms of another man. “Okay, you want to know the truth? Do you really want to know?”

“Yes, I do, he replied, sitting down on the couch. Extending a hand, Noah motioned for her to sit by him. “Just take your time; there’s no need to rush”

As the two were talking, neither was aware that Lucas came inside the house. When he heard his mother’s voice, he set forth in approaching. Unfortunately, when he heard what she was saying, he stopped cold; listening to every word.

“I just can’t get the images out of my mind, she said, clenching her hands into fists. “I thought I would surprise my son on Christmas by stopping by to spend time with him. I mean, I know we shared Christmas together, but I really wanted to show him that I was trying…” she replied, breaking off in mid-sentence.

“You were trying to show him that you could accept his relationship with Brandon,” Noah finished the sentence for her. “Bobbie, you need to talk to him; you can’t keep holding this inside. Look at what it’s doing to you now. You actually are contemplating taking a drink.”

Scoffing a little, she gave Noah an incredulous look. “What do you want me to say, Noah? Do you want me to tell my son that I walked in and witnessed him wrapped in the arms of another man; obviously enjoying being intimate with him? Just the thought of even telling him what I saw disgusts me.”

Back in the archway, Lucas stood completely shocked at the words he heard. It was one thing to learn that his mother witnessed his romantic night with Brandon, but it was the way she talked that hurt him the most. It proved to him that she was not at all accepting of his relationship with Brandon; in fact, she wasn’t accepting of who he is. He was tempted to confront her with what he heard, but rather chose to go upstairs.

A few hours passed when Lucas made his way downstairs. He spent most of the time talking to Brandon about what he learned, and now that he was finished, he wanted to settle a few things with his mother.

Reaching the living room, he found her sitting on the couch. It was obvious to him that she was merely pretending to read the magazine that was in her hands. Clearing his throat, he got her attention. “I want to talk to you,” he said, seriousness setting into his voice. “I don’t want you to say one word; I want you to listen to everything I have to say.”

Bobbie immediately sensed that the conversation that was about to take place was not going to be a good one. “Lucas, I really don’t feel like talking,” she began. Unfortunately for her, her son was in no mood to be understanding of her wishes.

“Right at this moment, I don’t care what you feel. After all, it’s obvious to me that you don’t care about how I feel,” he snapped, folding his hands against his arms.

“Of course I care about how you feel. Why would you say that I don’t care about you, Lucas?”

“Stop saying that!” he yelled, running his hands through his hair in frustration. “You know damn well that the only way you’d ever care about me is if I were the way you want me to be,”

Standing up, Bobbie tried to approach him, but he flinched away at her touch.
”Lucas, please talk to me. You know you can tell me anything,” she pleaded, tears beginning to fill her eyes.

Scoffing at her, he shot back in her direction, “When were you going to come around in telling me why you have been giving me the cold shoulder? Mother, I heard every word you said to Noah this afternoon.”

Panic set in, Bobbie, wondering what all he could have possibly heard her saying to Noah. “Please let me explain. You have to let me explain,” she begged, looking at her son.

“I don’t see what there is to explain. It’s pretty clear as to why you kept your distance from me,” he replied, turning his back on her, walking towards the window. “I guess I’m ‘disgusting’ in your eyes, aren’t I? Here I thought you were accepting me for who I am; and accepting who I fell in love with,” he said, still staring out the window. “Now I see everything you said to me was nothing more than a lie.”

Folding her hand, there was nothing she could say to erase what either one of them was feeling right now. “I’d like to explain if I could. I owe you that much.”

Waving his hand at her, Lucas turned on his heels and stared at the one person he thought would accept him forever. “I don’t want anymore explanations. What I heard you say was loud and clear,” he said, making his way towards the stairs again. “Don’t worry, mom, I’m going to make things a lot easier for you.”

Following behind him, she was curious as to what his final words meant. “What do you mean, ‘make things a lot easier’?” she questioned, fearing the worse.

Not bothering to stop his stride up the stairs, he called out. “I’m packing up the rest of my things. Me moving into Sonny & Carly’s old penthouse was to be temporary, but now I see that it’s the only place that I can call home. I’m moving out……permanently.”

Bobbie wipes a tear from her cheek as she comes back to reality. She grabs the bottle of vodka and drinks it straight from the bottle. She stares at a picture of her and Lucas from his high school graduation….disappointed at the life that he’s chosen for himself. She hugs the photo and cries herself to sleep as GH comes to an end.

On the next GH: Secrets & Lies…..

- AJ would like to have a relationship with Michael….but Carly won’t allow it.
- Alexis’ almost discovers Sam at Wyndemere while visiting Nikolas.
- Monica meets the person blackmailing her
- Jason has a confrontation with Lorenzo on the docks


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