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Episode #298 - Wednesday, January 31, 2007:

  • Shawn and Belle are shocked beyond words when they hear what Jan has to say - that Trey’s biological mother has kidnapped Trey!
  • Frankie and Greta continue to be the new, young lovers of Salem.
  • Austin and Carrie finally are able to see their baby as he is given a clean bill of health. Carrie and Austin are moved to tears during their reunion with their son.
  • Shawn and Belle tell Jan this is why they wanted the mother’s identity so they could acquire legal custody of Trey! Shawn screams at her and says what Willow did was probably legal because Jan probably stole the baby from her first! Jan says that’s not how it is!
  • Melissa is disgusted at how Frankie and Greta can carry on like this when Greta essentially stole Frankie from her.
  • Eric cannot help but replay over and over in his head what he can only imagine Frankie and Greta’s sex life to be.
  • Austin and Carrie kiss as they bond with their son. They cannot believe the moment that is happening right now.
  • Julie and Megan wonder how they can stop Bo and Billie’s wedding, and they realize their choices are limited.
  • Billie and Jack continue to have the awkwardness from New Year’s Eve.
  • The Fury tears up a picture of Austin and Carrie.
  • Meanwhile, Hope tries and tries in vain to break out of her cell in London.
  • Jeremy arrives as Shawn and Belle yell at Jan, and she is pleasantly surprised when he comes to her defense. Jan explains she did not steal Trey from Willow - she bought him! She says Willow is a dangerous person and makes Jan look like a Saint! Jan says she was trying to protect Shawn, Belle, and Trey. Jan explains Willow only came to town because she ran out of money and wanted more!
  • Kristen approaches Eric, and she puts the pressure on for him to confess to Marlena that they slept together. She is, of course, just plotting and scheming to ruin Marlena’s life. Eric, meanwhile, is so depressed over Greta, he actually does not have it in him to battle it out with Kristen today.
  • Will, Billie, and Kate arrive at the fashion show to see Georgia in her first runway show.
  • Felicia screams at Georgia for not losing the weight they agreed upon.
  • The Fury holds a bottle of pills and apparently plans to poison Austin and Carrie.
  • Philip awakens after his sex romp with Willow to find she is not there. He walks downstairs to find the babysitter knocked unconscious. He searches for Claire, and she is gone! Philip panics! He calls his brother, Bo, and he reports Claire has been kidnapped! Bo is floored.
  • Bo tells John, Marlena, Shawn, and Belle that he doesn’t know how to say this but…Shawn and Belle just tell him to tell them! Belle says she’s lost Claire to Philip and she’s lost Trey to some kidnapper, and nothing can be worse now. Bo says not so fast…Bo tells her, as gently as he can, that Philip has reported that Claire has been kidnapped! Belle lets out a guttural moan that reverberates throughout the apartment building.
  • Kristen goes against hers and Stefano’s plan and actually lets down her guard around Eric who is depressed over Greta. She takes Eric to lunch at Chez Rouge as she asks him for a chance to prove to him that she isn’t as evil as her mother and everyone in Salem has painted her to be.
  • Belle is inconsolable. Philip arrives, and Belle lashes out at him asking him he could have let this happen! Philip lashes back saying she should know considering her and Shawn’s other baby was also kidnapped! Bo says this cannot be a coincidence and suspects the same person has kidnapped the babies. Bo asks Philip to tell him everything. Philip explains he met a woman, a mother, and they brought their babies back to the mansion, and then, they went out for drinks. They came back, things got hot and heavy, and then he woke up and both babies were gone. Belle lashes out at him and slaps him across the face for being so careless and letting this madwoman come into his home!
  • Georgia is so upset about Felicia yelling at her, and some of the other models notice it. The models tell Roo, Georgia’s modeling couch, that the girl is not ready. Roo is concerned because she believes in Georgia. Roo decides to give Georgia some pills that might help her along in her journey to be the best model she can be. Roo gives Georgia a bottle of amphetamines. Georgia is taken aback at first, but Roo tells her it will help her lose that weight, and she’ll keep it off if she uses these pills. But she warns Georgia to use them in moderation.
  • The Fury realizes Marlena’s Retirement Party is the perfect place to attack Austin and Carrie.
  • Eric is freaked out when he finds himself somewhat sympathizing with Kristen as she tells him all about her descent into the scheming and the lying.
  • Philip begins describing the woman, and Jan says THAT is Willow! Philip says the woman called herself Kara, but he says it must have been an alias. Bo discovers Willow has a record, and he pulls up her mug shot. Philip and Jan both confirm this is the woman! They realize Willow has kidnapped both Trey AND Claire!

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