Episode #295 - Friday, January 26, 2007:
- Austin, Carrie, and the rest of the Brady’s and Horton’s remain vigil by baby Roman’s side.
- Simone and Vivian recap the crazy last few days. Simone breaks down at the thought of losing the baby. Vivian tells Simone that she knows the baby is going to make it! And Simone says she can’t bear to lose the baby to Austin and Carrie either!
- Sami sits alone in her cold, dark jail cell and cries herself to sleep.
- Shawn and Philip continue to argue and fist fight! Belle arrives with Claire. Philip demands Belle give him the baby!
- Vivian and Kate clash. Vivian says she is going to expose Victor’s secret to Caroline if he doesn’t give her majority shares of Titan! But Kate informs Vivian she cannot do that because Victor will then expose a huge secret about Kate which will hurt Alamain International as a result, since Kate is the V.P. of Alamain!
- Rae comes into the waiting room, and it looks like she has some bad news for the Brady’s.
- The Fury hides out in his or her lair and prepares boxes for mailing.
- Belle refuses to hand over Claire to Philip, but Philip reminds her of the court documents that say he has temporary custody until the permanent custody trial can take place.
- Kate, Vivian, and Victor realize they have to do something because they each have secrets on each other, and they’re caught in a stalemate.
- Lucas and Will have an emotional conversation about Sami. Will says he sees how much Sami has hurt his father. Will can’t even recognize his father anymore he’s been so hurt by Sami.
- Max and Cassie grow closer than ever as they bond of their baby, but she secretly plots and schemes to make sure no one ever finds out that Jeremy was the real father.
- Meanwhile, Jeremy flashes back to when Jan asked him on a date, and he said no. Then he remembers how his father, Mike, skipped town without a word. Jeremy drinks himself into oblivion.
- Rae does not have bad news for Austin, Carrie, and the Brady’s! In fact, she has excellent news. Rae reveals that Austin and Carrie’s bone marrow donations worked wonders, and they were both matches for the baby. Carrie and Austin are overjoyed. They hug in the moment of happiness, and they share a tender peck on the lips. They watch intently as Rae checks all of baby Roman’s vitals.
- Lucas asks Will if he’d understand if he left town for a while. Will tells his father that he needs to do whatever is best for him right now.
- A bunch of packages arrive at the hospital…a nurse explains to Bo and the rest of the Brady’s that these packages appeared outside suddenly. Bo fears the packages might be from the Fury.
- Belle lashes out at Philip, telling him she can’t believe how evil has become! Philip explains he isn’t evil, but Claire is all he has! An emotional Philip tells Belle and Shawn if he is going to lose Belle, then he won’t lose Claire too!
- Victor says all he wants is for Alamain to stop their tricks and deceitful attempts to one up Titian…and Vivian says all she wants is to reap some of Titan’s benefits! Kate comes up with the perfect solution!
- There is a package for Marlena, Cassie, Jack, Caroline, Maggie, and Roman! Bo says what is on everyone’s mind…these people were all victims of the Salem Serial Killer!
- Lucas says a touching goodbye to his son, Will. Lucas sheds tears and tells Will that he knows Will is going to find love in Salem very soon. The two men break down and touch foreheads. Lucas tells his son he doesn’t want to leave him. Will understands and tells his father to go. Lucas breaks down and says goodbye to his son.
- Kate suggests merging Alamain and Titan! That way, everyone will get what they want, and NO ONE’S secrets will be revealed! Vivian and Victor refuse, at first, but when Kate argues her case, they realize it makes the most sense.
- Belle tells Philip she refuses to sympathize with him! Shawn asks Phil if he paid off a judge. Philip swears he hasn’t. But Belle chimes in that it must have been Victor then because no judge would ever take Claire away from his parents and give her to Philip!
- Marlena opens her package and finds a bloody, orange jumpsuit - the same one she was wearing when she was shot and “killed” in prison after she was arrested for the serial killings. Roman’s present is a mini groom that rests on top of a wedding cake - similar to the one that was shoved down his throat when he was “murdered.” Jack’s present is a bloody brick. Maggie’s is a bloody bottle of wine. Cassie is given a dead turkey, reminding her of the piñata was stuffed in.
- Victor and Vivian agree to sit down with Frankie and map out a legal plan to merge the two companies. Caroline receives Irish Soda Bread, which was what poisoned her when she was "killed."
- Jan realizes that Willow can never learn Shawn and Belle are raising baby Trey now, or she’ll go after the family Shawn and Belle have now created with Trey and Belle. Jan says to her mother she does care about that baby, and she knows she was not what is best for the baby, and neither is Willow! Jan tells Megan that Willow can never know Shawn and Belle are raising that baby, or she’ll use him as a means to shake Shawn and Belle down for money. Unfortunately for them all…Willow is listening!
- Lucas shares a touching goodbye with Austin, Kate, and Billie. Kate is devastated to see him leave town over the likes of Sami Brady. Lucas tells them it has to happen…Lucas and Kate say goodbye.
- The police officer takes Claire from Belle’s arms and hands her over to Philip. Belle breaks down in Shawn’s arms. They both fall to the ground as Philip and the police officer leave with Claire. Shawn and Belle are grief-stricken as baby Claire is snatched from their arms, but little do they know that, at this very second, Willow is kidnapping baby Trey right from their loft while the babysitter is distracted!
- Everyone is devastated and blown away by their gifts from The Fury. Bo and Roman wonder if since Marlena received a gift, if she is off the suspect list. Bo tells Roman he can’t shake the feeling that something weird is going on with Marlena.
- Meanwhile, Kristen drugs Marlena’s coffee when no one is looking with the same drug she’s been drugging Marlena with for weeks. Kristen is determined to make sure Marlena loses her mind.
- Sami awakens in her jail cell to Lucas. Sami is happy because she thinks Lucas has come to show his support for her. Lucas tells Sami to shut up. Sami is confused. Lucas explains to Sami that he has come to say goodbye to her…forever. Sami cries and says “No” over and over. Lucas tells her that it’s over for them forever. He says he has heard about her sentence of twenty-five years to life, and he is happy. Sami is appalled. Lucas says she deserves everything, EVERYTHING she gets for what she has done to Austin and Carrie over the years. He cannot believe how many times she has hurt her parents, her son, and him over and over and over again! Lucas tells her she’ll never know the pain of having a soul mate who is one constant disappointment…a person who is constantly keeping a secret from him. Lucas says its exhausting. He says the last fourteen years…and his love her has drained him of every ounce of energy, and it’s not worth it to him anymore. Lucas claims that at his core, he is a good, decent person, looking for a good, decent person to share his life with. And he says at Sami’s core, she is a liar and always manipulating life. Lucas tearfully says they will never mesh, and they will never be together again. Sami tries to argue, but he angrily lashes out and tells her shut up! Lucas informs Sami he is leaving town…and leaving her behind forever. Lucas walks out. Sami’s screams, and her yells echo throughout all of the jail cell.
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