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Episode 46





(EXT: The Capwell Hotel)

---Rafe arrives with Samantha and Adriana. Samantha is pleased to see her father and mother talking across the room. They see their daughter and immediately walk over to her. Julia hugs her and is elated to see her on her feet. Samantha directs them to her cane, saying that she's not 100% but she and Rafe will be working on it. Adriana sees her own mother and leaves to give them all some time together. Rafe follows her.

"I'm just walking 50 feet to my mom Uncle Rafe. I doubt anything is going to happen to me...."

"If you're walking 50 feet, then so am I." She looks at him. "Hey, I'm under strict orders from my brother..."

Adriana gives in and lets him follow her. Eden tells her daughter how beautiful she looks but Adriana immediately wants to know where her father is. Eden explains that Cruz is over at Angel & Carla's house, waiting for contact from the kidnappers. Adriana

realizes that this means they've heard from them and asks what she knows. Eden sees Kelly and Ashton walking up and tells Adriana that this isn't the right time to discuss that. Kelly introduces Ashton to her niece and Rafe. He again takes Adriana's hand and kisses it.

"My you're so lovely- much like your aunt here.......and you're own mother of course..." he says.

"Thanks so much. If you'll excuse me, I see some people over there I'd like to talk to. It was nice meeting you...."


----Pamela finds CC in the back room, sitting and looking quite somber. She is unable to resist temptation and enters the room.

"It's a lovely party..." she says.

"What do you want, Pamela?"

"I was just wondering why you aren't out there enjoying yourself with everyone else is all. Is it Sophia ? What am I saying, of course it is. I saw her sister, Elizabeth I believe, running out of here, crying. She didn't do anything to upset you, did she?"

"No she did not, now if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone..."

"Actually, I do......mind, that is."

Pamela says that she refuses to leave him until he opens up to her. CC is appalled and asks why she would think that he'd want to confide in her in the first place. She says that they have a history together and she understands the relationships he has with the people in his life, that including Sophia.

"CC, please, clearly something is troubling you. Let me help."

"Help? You think you can help me? Lady, you obviously need to make an appointment with your shrink because you've lost your mind if you think I'd ever trust ANYTHING about me or my family with you...."

"She wasn't perfect, CC. Far from it. Why can't you see that? How any of you can't see that is beyond me..."

"What are you babbling about?"

"Don't be coy CC, you know exactly what I'm talking about: your wi....deceased wife, Sophia."

"I wouldn't discuss Sophia with you if you were the last woman on earth......or in this case, the only person in the room. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be with my family....."

(EXT: The Ramirez House)

----Cruz, Carla, and Angel sit diligently by the phone, waiting for it to ring. It finally does and Angel picks up. He quickly realizes that it's a telemarketer calling and angrily hangs up on them.

"Aye! I can't take this....waiting when God only knows what they're doing to my baby." he says

"You can't think like that man. They contacted you earlier. They're gonna call."

"Easy for you to say" Carla interrupts "If it weren't for you.......no, both of you, my baby girl wouldn't be with those animals right now. Some police protection by the way."

"Hey, my little girl was almost abducted too and don't think for a second that you can beat up on me any more than I already have myself. I'd do anything if they were both safe right now."

"But they're not safe, are they detective?" Carla retorts "Adriana is safe, yes, but my baby, my Marta is out there somewhere....."

The phone rings before she can go on and all three of them freeze. It rings again and Carla motions for Angel to pick it up. He answers.


"Papi!" Marta says, shown tied up on the other end of the line.

"Mira, are you alright? Have they hurt you."

"I'm okay dad, pretty uncomfortable but..."

Cisco snatches the phone from her and begins. "Yo, Ramirez, you better listen up- we're gonna make this real short and sweet. The deal needs to be signed and notorized- you will not testify against Carlos Esteban under any circumstances and will invoke your fifth amendment rights if questioned. We also want someone with you, other than you, making the exchange."

"What do you mean, someone else? What are you talkin ab...."

"You think some piece of paper from some thug turned inmate turned snitch is gonna mean anything to us? We want someone from there, someone from the SBPD, verifying, delivering and sworn statements signed by them, as a witness, and the district attorney. Don't send no legal aide, rookie intern neither, someone legit. We'll call you with more instructions tomorrow.......early. Be ready."

"But wait- why do you.." He hears the dial tone.

Cruz asks what they wanted and Angel explains what was said. Cruz thinks that's an odd demand, but one they can use to their advantage. Angel says that the guy sounded real paranoid, like he didn't believe Angel had any of the resources, including the SBPD, backing him. Angel asks if the D.A. will agree to his signing such a waiver and Cruz says that he can sign the document but if everything goes the way he hopes, it will never take effect. Angel asks what that means.

"I'll tell you what it means, Angel, it means I'm goin with ya. I'll be the one to make the exchange. Only we'll be a couple steps ahead of these punks. You with me?"

Angel looks at him and actually starts to crack a smile. Carla becomes exasperated and throws her hands up in frustration.

"Oh perfect, this is just PERFECT! Let me tell you two something- if you don't bring my baby home to me, may God help you, because only he will be able to protect you from my wrath....."

(EXT: The Capwell Hotel)

---Angela brings Ted another drink and is beginning to feel a bit light on her feet. She asks him if he'd like to dance with her but he's elusive, saying he isn't in the mood and is wondering where his father is. He sees Lily and Gina out of the corner of his eye and begins walking toward them, completely ignoring Angela as she asks him where he's going.

Rafe notices Ted walking toward Angela and heads to stop him, but Samantha cuts him off, telling him that he promised her a dance. He tells her that he'd like to in just a minute, but he needs to take care of something. Samantha stops him again, insisting when she hears a tango come on. She tells him that she's sure he knows how to tango and he admits he does.

"Prove it."

"Samantha, I honestly don't know if you're strong eno..."

"Exercise, Rafe. Exercise."

She reaches her hand out and they begin to dance. Meanwhile, Ted catches up with Lily and Gina excuses herself. Lily acts coldly toward Ted, saying that she only came out of support for her mother and little brother. Ted tells her they both know that's untrue- she knew he'd be there. She tries to insist it isn't that way but he cuts her off.

"I've done a lot of thinking lately Lil. Since mom died and all.....I just want you to know that I'm sorry for how things turned out. I'm sorry I hurt you, hell humiliated you the way that I did. You didn't deserve that- you were nothing but good and faithful to me and I treated you like garbage. I don't know how you could ever forgive me.....I'm not sure I can forgive myself."

Lily tears up a little, seeing the honesty in Ted's eyes. The music slows down and she notices Rafe and Samantha dancing close together. She remembers just what she's lost because of Ted's duplicity. She looks back again at Ted, who's extending his arm and offering her a dance. She accepts and he pulls her close, the two dancing cheek to cheek.

Angela sits at the bar from across the room, looking on with Warren. Angela can't for a second understand why Ted would want anything to do with 'that woman.' Warren reminds her that the Capwell men are not the most faithful brood. Julia walks up to the bar for a drink and sees the two of them watching Ted & Lily.

"They do look cozy, don't they? Makes your wonder if Ted hasn't used some of his money to buy a clue, doesn't it Angela?"

"Go to hell Julia. I don't see Mason anywhere nearby- did you let him off his leash today?"

"ACTually, Angela" Mason says, cutting her off. "I was just about to ask my wife if I could have this dance."

"Sure. Excuse me Angela.....oh, bartender? Another glass of loneliness for the lady!" Julia snarks as Mason escorts her onto the dance floor.

----Eden sees the couples dancing from across the room and tells Kelly she wishes Cruz were there. Adriana agrees. Ashton walks up behind Kelly and begins leading her to the dance floor.

"I guess we're going to dance now..." she says, laughing as he whisks her away. "I'll be back in a minute......"

Adriana's face lights up when she sees Cruz entering the banquet room. She tells Eden to turn around and Eden immediately walks up to Cruz and hugs him, thanking him for being there. She asks how things went at Angel's and he tells her quickly about the call, but says he doesn't want to talk about the case right then. Their attention is immediately redirected when they see CC barreling through the dance floor with an incensed Pamela walking behind him.

"Turn around." She says as he continues walking away.

She walks toward him more furiously and begins to tug at his coat.

"I SAID TURN AROUND AND LOOK AT ME DAMNIT!" she says, pulling down fiercely.

CC is seething when he feels her tug and violently whips around, pushing Pamela's hands off of his jacket. She is stunned and the motion takes her off balance, causing her to fall backward and crash into the DJ and records and eventually land on the floor. This cuts the music off in the entire room. The entire party- Warren, Angela, Ted, Lily, Gina, Adriana, Samantha, Rafe, Kelly, Ashton, Eden, Cruz, Mason, and Julia stops what they're doing and stares at the scene. CC looks at Pamela on the floor, bitterly and angrily. Pamela stares back at him with much ferocity and hurt in her eyes.

"You're going to regret doing that CC." she spits at him.

THE END.................for today

*****If anyone feels like discussing today's episode of 'RTSB' or any of the stories, I'll be in the chat room for a while, so come on in & join me!!!! CHAT ROOM


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"CC is seething when he feels her tug and violently whips around, pushing Pamela's hands off of his jacket. She is stunned and the motion takes her off balance, causing her to fall backward and crash into the DJ and records and eventually land on the floor. This cuts the music off in the entire room. The entire party- Warren, Angela, Ted, Lily, Gina, Adriana, Samantha, Rafe, Kelly, Ashton, Eden, Cruz, Mason, and Julia stops what they're doing and stares at the scene. CC looks at Pamela on the floor, bitterly and angrily. Pamela stares back at him with much ferocity and hurt in her eyes.

"You're going to regret doing that CC." she spits at him." :lol: :lol: :lol:

CC might regret it, but it was funny as hell!!! :D:lol::rolleyes:

I actually laughed out loud!!!! Thanks!

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I loved that scene with Pamela at the end! I can totally see it. So much humor in this episode. I love Julia. She rocks.

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