S&L: Episodes 100-104

Secrets & Lies: Episodes 100-104
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Written by: Ryan Chandler, Jennifer Snyder & Venus Stone (SweetNYGal33)
Executive Producer: Ryan Chandler
Consulting Producer: Jennifer Snyder (SoapQueen89)
New Opening Video
- Noah just finished his shift at the hospital and all he could think about while there was Bobbie. It was obvious that Bobbie was hurt by something; why else would she be contemplating drinking again? Just the thought of her holding the bottle of rum sent chills down his spine. What happened that Christmas night? He truly was worried about her, and he couldn’t help but want to go check up on her; try to talk to her, and be there for her.
“I thought your shift was over. What are you still doing here?” Patrick questioned, snapping Noah out of his thoughts. “You do know you can go home, don’t you, you don’t have to stand in the middle of the hospital wondering what to do,” he said, obviously trying to make a joke that fell flat. “Dad, it was a joke. What’s the matter with you?”
- Monica sits in her office thinking about what went wrong in her relationship with Alan, and what’s going right in her relationship with Kevin. Can she call what they’ve been doing a relationship? It feels like one…except they have to be together in secret. Oh the thought of being able to kiss Kevin in public just…..she can’t wait. But now is not the time for the truth to come out. Her thoughts are interrupted when Georgie knocks on her door.
“Sorry for interrupting you Dr. Quartermaine.” Georgie says apologetically. “I have a delivery for you.”
“What is it?” asks Monica.
“I’m not sure. I was told that you’ll have to sign for it though.”
Monica signs for the package and dismisses Georgie.
- At the Quartermaine Mansion, Alan walks into the den and finds AJ staring at a picture of Michael when he was a child. Alan walks over to him and puts his hand on his shoulder. AJ looks up and just shakes his head.
“I don’t know how I’m gonna fix this Dad. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to have a relationship with Michael…especially after the things I’ve done to him.” Says AJ with a frown.
“You’re making good steps in recognizing that you’ve made mistakes,” says Alan comforting his son. “It takes a big man to admit when he’s been wrong, and though you’ve made a lot of mistakes, you want to make up for them. I couldn’t be more proud of you right now.”
“You know I look at you and the way you’ve raised all of us and I’m envious.” AJ gets up and walks over towards the fireplace. “You loved us unconditionally. No matter how much we’ve disappointed you, you always wanted the best for us.”
“I wasn’t perfect AJ.”
“But you tried your best to love us through our faults,” AJ says as he turns to his father. “I didn’t do that for Michael. I say I love Michael, but I didn’t show him any love. I wanted to possess him. I wanted to prove what a horrible father you were to me, by being a great father to Michael, but I went about in the wrong way.”
“I played favorites with you and Jason and it affected you. I praised him and everything he did, while I criticized you for the mistakes that you made and I’m sorry. I should have never done that to you and Jason.”
“What am I gonna do?”
“You’re going to make up for the things you’ve done. It may take a year, it may take forever, but you will show your son that you actually care about him. And I’ll help you.” Alan says as he hugs his son. “I’ll help you try to repair your relationship with Michael.”
- Looking at his son, Noah tried to pull himself out of his worries. “Nothing, nothing at all, I was just thinking about something.” Trying to put a smile on his face, Noah attempted to change gears. “So, tell me, how was your Christmas and New Year’s with Robin?”
Patrick felt his cheeks growing warm at the mention of Robin’s name. “It was ….it was wonderful. We had a wonderful time, and celebrated the New Year in style.” Patrick was not about to give intimate details of his scorching night with Robin Scorpio. Not a chance in hell would he ever do that. “Dad, I got to go,” he said, hastily, trying to keep from being asked anymore questions. Slapping him on the back, he ended with. “Get some sleep.”
Walking towards the elevator, Noah opted not to sleep, but to go to check on the person who’s been on his mind all day.
- At the hospital, Monica opens up the package to find another piece with an image of her and Kevin on it. With the piece is a note, letting her know that this person knows her secret and wonders if Alan knows what she’s up to. Monica burns the letter and throws a book at her wall. She flashes back to her and Kevin making love. It dawns on her that the only person who could be doing this is Lucy. Monica takes off to go confront Lucy.
- The crowd begins to gather on the steps of City Hall. The media is aware that Mayor Floyd will be making a big announcement in a few minutes. Mac, Robert, Lucky and Cruz are among the many in attendance. Ric and Alexis, fresh from their trip to Greece stand at the Mayor’s side as he walks to the podium.
Mayor Floyd: Ladies and gentleman, thank you for joining me here today. I know that you all have taken time from your jobs to come here today, so I won’t take too much of your time. For the past 10 plus years, the Port Charles Police Department hasn’t had the best reputation for solving crimes. The citizens have spoken to me and let me know that they don’t feel safe in this town anymore. Unfortunately I had to make a decision that pained me very much, as of 3 weeks ago; Malcolm Scorpio is no longer the Police Commissioner. I respect his dedication to the PCPD and thank him for all of the great work that he has done….but it wasn’t enough.
Reporter: Mayor! Who have you chosen to replace him?
Mayor: If you let me finish Harry I’ll tell you. After much consideration, I’ve decided to go with someone who has, in my opinion, a great record on getting rid of crime. My selection is no stranger to the PCPD and is no stranger to police work in general. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, your newest Commissioner of Police………Anna Devane!
Anna walks through the double door leading to where the Mayor is standing. Alexis claps very strongly, happy to see a woman in position of authority. Robert smiles at Anna, who smiles back at him. Mac shoots a glare at Robert, then Anna. Anna just smiles while near the podium, making sure the photographers get a great shot and prepares to speak as General Hospital comes to an end.
On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-
- Anna declares war on organized crime in Port Charles
- Mac feels insulted by Anna’s comments during her speech
- Lainey gives Nikolas her opinion regarding Sam’s condition
- Sam reveals to Lucky why she feels connected to him
- Luke returns to town and gets into it with Skye
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