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Episode 42




(EXT: Ted & Angela's Condominium)

----Angela lays in bed in her satin slip, laughing in her sleep and muttering something about Ted. She wakes up to realize it's a pillow that she's hugging and now her husband. Ted walks in from the bathroom, buttoning the last button on his shirt. He begins putting on his tie, but Angela has something else in mind. She starts kissing his neck and unbuttoning his shirt.

"What are you doing?" he asks

"Saying a proper good morning to my husband...."

"Oh, Good Morning"

He gives her a less than passionate peck on the lips and walks toward the mirror, re-buttoning his shirt and leaving her sitting on the bed looking like Maggie the Cat.

"Something wrong?" she asks him.

"Nah, not at all. I just don't want to be late for work, that's all. I have an early meeting...."

Angela takes that cue to get out of bed and walk up behind him, starting to kiss him on the neck again. She reminds him that he owns the company and can afford to be a few minutes late to a meeting. Ted nudges her off of him.

"I told you I don't want to be late- I'm not in the mood. I'll see you at the office."

He grabs his keys and hurries out the door, leaving a disappointed Angela alone on the bed.

(EXT: The Capwell Mansion)

---Rosa opens the door to Kelly's room and nervously walks inside. She remembers CC asking her to get a hair from the brush and his refusal to tell her what it's all about. She begins to make the bed and straighten out the room, trying to keep her mind off of it. She tidies up and makes her way into the guest bathroom. She begins cleaning in there and notices the hair brush laying out. She walks toward it and grabs it, holding it in front of her face. She's startled when the door flies open.

"What are you doing?" Ashton asks her.

"Cleaning up- that's what I do around here, as I'm sure your wife has told you."

"I figured that- what are you doing holding my brush like that?"

"Oh...I'm sorry, terribly sorry. I must look like a fool. I was cleaning up in here and when I found the brush, for a minute I thought it was Ted's- he used to have one just like it. I was just trying to figure out where it came from when you walked in and it dawned on me- It must be yours! Honestly, when you've worked in this house as many years as I have, it's impossible to keep track of who's living here at any given time....."

Ashton tells her that it's quite alright, she just looked frozen is all and had an odd look on her face. Rosa apologizes again and sets the brush back down in its place. Ashton asks her if he could have some privacy, he needs to freshen up. She says no problem but continues to clean. Ashton smiles at her and walks toward the bathroom, telling her he isn't shy and begins to unzip. Rosa realizes what he meant and embarassed, hurries out of there. When she's out of site, his face changes into one of extreme seriousness. He locks the door and goes for the brush. He studies it, asking himself aloud what on Earth the Capwell maid would want with his brush. He continues to stare and focuses on the hairs sticking out. He pulls one off with his hand and looks at it.

"Of course.......I should have known the old man would move quick....."

(EXT: Capwell Enterprises)

----Keith knocks on Gina's office door. She opens it hurriedly and throws him inside, looking both ways down the hallway to be sure nobody is around. She quietly shuts the door and locks it. He asks her what's with all the James Bond theatrics, telling her he hopes she found out something on her little mission the night before.

"Oh I found out something alright, something that'll knock your socks off!" she tells him.

"I'm listening....."

"That 'stipulation' that Joann told you about.......well, it just so happens that I found out what it is....."

"Oh? Well.....come out with it- WHAT DID YOU FIND??!?!"

"SHHHHHHHHH!!!! Last night while you were entertaining our favorite Wayne sister, I dug up the contract she and CC entered into during the merger. Apparently, the last-minute stipulation Ms. Elizabeth had was that CC amend his will so that none of Sophia's children would inherit Capwell Enterprises in the event of his death....."

"GOD, I love how she operates...."

"But that's not the best part- the child he chose to will it to isn't Mason."

"Who? Who is it then- Greg Capwell? That dud of a kid he had with Megan Whatsherface..."

"Not Greg you fool! Channing! He willed the company to our little Channing!"

Keith is taken completely off guard by the news as Gina celebrates, saying that someday, someday, the company will be her son's. Keith warns her not to break out the champagne yet, that the news isn't as good as it may seem. Gina asks how could it possibly not be good news?

"Well, let's face it my pet, in order for little Chan Chan to inherit Capwell, CC has to die first. As in pass away. Permanently. Now how many times since we've known him has the old coot been on death's door only to make some miraculous comeback? I promise you, sweetheart, 25 years from now, you'll be seeing CC's Capwell's picture on the TODAY Show, with Willard Scott announcing his 100th birthday!"

"From what I hear, 25 years from now, all we'll be watching is the Today Show!"

Keith tells her that while this is promising news, it's not for the reasons she may think. What it does prove is that Elizabeth's hatred for her sister obviously goes deeper than they even imagined. She insists that Elizabeth is insignificant at this point- she's served her purpose and now the company will be Channing IV's someday. Keith tells her that with what he has in mind, someday could come a lot quicker than CC's death.

"Uh oh" Gina says "You've got that look in your eye...."

"What look?"

"The look a bobcat gets when it eyes its prey...."

Keith continues to stare off with that exact look in his eye.

(EXT: Ted's office)

---Ted arrives at work and sees that Kelly is waiting outside of his door. He invites her in and asks what she's doing at the office. She tells him that she's coming back to work and was actually on her way to set up her office. Ted tells her that Joann was actually given her office in her absence. He tells her that nobody was sure when or if she was coming back to work. Kelly scoffs at him, saying that of course she would come back at some point.

"Well when? We couldn't leave it empty forever.......hell, you didn't even come in for my wedding, so why would we think you'd be coming back at all?"

"It's the family's company Ted- Of course I'd always want to be a part of it. What's wrong with you? Why are you being so snippy with me?"

Ted apologizes, saying she just caught him on a bad day. She asks if it has anything to do with Sophia and he admits that's all that's been on his mind lately. He says that he just cannot accept the fact that she's gone. Kelly tells him that she's been having trouble with it herself. He tells her that if he had any time to prepare then maybe it would be easier- it just doesn't make sense to him that Sophia was so close to death yet she didn't let on to her family. Over and over, he tries to think of things she was doing, acting out of character, and he thinks of all those times she was feeling under the weather lately or had headaches. It tortures him that all of this happened right in front of him yet he didn't pick up on anything being wrong.

"It's not your fault Ted. None of us knew that she was sick- you couldn't have..."

"But I could....no, I SHOULD have. All those conversations we had, she had to have alluded to it more than once. I'm her son, damnit. I should have known, I could have done something, helped her, been there for her...."

"We all feel that way but there's nothing we can do now......."

"Damn that woman! Damn her for what she did to my mother! How could dad do that, give in to her demands so easily? WHY would she do this to her own sister? And then she shows up at the funeral, crying her crocodile tears, and leaves in the middle of the eulogy...."

"I know. I don't understand it either. I tried talking to her....but it's no use. She was actually very cold. You should have seen the way her face changed when I told her I was her niece.....It was as though she was suddenly repulsed by me and couldn't wait to get away from me...."

Ted changes the subject, saying he heard that she's married. She shows him the ring and jokes that they're even, since neither of them attended the other's wedding.

Angela walks up but sees that he's talking to Kelly. Instead of entering, she stands next to the door and listens from outside.

Ted says he's anxious to meet his new brother-in-law and Kelly tells him that CC is planning to throw them a wedding reception the following night. Kelly says she told him not to do it since the family might not be up for it but he insisted, telling her it's exactly what they need. Ted admits that it may be exactly what the doctor ordered. Kelly asks him how things are going in his marriage and he admits things are a bit tense.

"I know she means well but I don't think she knows how to comfort me right now. I don't think she really understands what I'm going through and it's hard on both of us. You know in some ways I wish she were more like mom.....mom was so sensitive and almost knew instantly when something was wrong with anyone and almost instinctively knew how to make it better...."

"Angela Cassidy is nothing like our mother that's for sure. But she loves you Ted- I can see it...."

"Oh, I know that...it's just, sometimes, I'm not sure she knows how I need to be loved.

Angela's face tenses up as she hears her husband's words. She starts to tear up, covers her mouth and walks away so as not to be heard.

(EXT: The Capwell Mansion)

---Rosa continues tidying up the living room as Ashton scurries down the Capwell staircase, into the foyer. He peeks into the room at Rosa, who's dusting the furniture.

"Okay Rosa, just wanted to let you know I'm going. Thanks so much for your hospitality and cleaning up the room- it's spotless"

"Oh, you're very welcome. Good luck with your meeting."

"Thanks" he says as he exits through the front door.

Alone, Rosa quickly walks up the stairs of the house and heads back toward Kelly's room. She goes in and walks directly to the guest bathroom. She enters through and opens the medicine cabinet, looking again for the brush. When it's not there, she starts looking frantically through the drawers and the doors underneath. She looks by the other sink but still, no brush. Frustrated, she wonders if maybe he moved it into the bedroom. She walks through the doors and is stunned when she sees Ashton standing in front of her, holding the brush in his hand. He takes his other hand and pulls a hair from the brush.

"Mr. Lavery, I...."

"Is this what you're looking for?" he says, ignoring her and holding up the hair. "Here." He places the hair in her hand.

"Go on, take it, it's is what you wanted isn't it?"

"I'm not sure what you mean..."

"It's okay Rosa, I know what's going here and I expected something of this sort from a man like CC. Figures that he wouldn't do his own dirty work. But go ahead, take it to him, let him have it analyzed. After all, we can't be too careful in this day & age, no? I'm sure CC wants me checked out, my health history, background, etc..... He could have asked himself but.....it doesn't surprise me in the least that he didn't. It's not the easiest thing to bring up in conversation, no?"

Rosa takes the hair and thanks him for being so understanding. She turns around and leaves the room, with the hair in her hand. In the hallway, she places it in a ziploc bag and hurries off.

Inside the room, Ashton smiles. "Good show, old man, Good Show."


ETA: By the way, join Melissa & I tonight for a test episode of the SB/RTSB Talk show on BlogTalkRadio!!!! Be sure to check it out & call in with your thoughts!!!! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/santabarbaratalk


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