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January 16, 2007




-At the hospital, Abby is being prepped to be taken down to physical therapy. The nurse tells her that Chelsea will also be down there at the same time so they can get through it together. This makes Abby feel better. Jack, Doug, and Julie all assure her that she will do fine. Alice, who is sitting on a chair, tells Abby to be strong and reminds her that she is a Horton woman and Horton women are fighters. Julie reiterates that claim .

Alice also tells Abby that her great grandfather Tom and her mother are watching over her. Abby's eyes tear up as she nods and says she knows. Max vows to stand by her and even go down with her but Abby shakes her head. She is determined to do it on her own and he would only distract her. Plus, it may be uncomfortable with Chelsea down there.

Max says he is confident she can do it and will be waiting for her to get back to her room. Abby asks him what happens if she doesn't do well and never walks again. Max reminds her of his vow to always be by her side and says he doesn't plan on breaking that-walking or no walking.

Meanwhile, in Chelsea's room, Kate and Billie try to give her a pep talk prior to her therapy. They both tell her she will do great. Chelsea asks what will happen if her arm doesn't get better. Billie says they will deal with it and assures her she can still lead a happy and full life. Both Billie and Kate hug a crying Chelsea and remind her that Abby will be going through the same thing with her, maybe worst as she can't walk, and that both girls will be side by side going through this together.

Chelsea nods and says she wants to turn her life around and change but, if her arm doesn't get better, it will be very hard for her to deal with. It's hard to change your life when everything in your life always seems to go wrong. Billie and Kate tell her to just wait and see how things go. They wheel her into Abby's room.

-Meanwhile, in another part of the hospital, Cassie is in a exam room waiting for her test results. All sorts of thoughts race through her mind. She wonders if it's cancer or something else along those lines. Dr. Glancy then enters, telling her he has her results and to relax.

Cassie begs him to just tell her what is wrong, if anything. He tells her that she is in perfect health, which is good news considering what the tests found. Cassie is confused and asks what they found. Dr. Glancy says that the tests showed that she is pregnant and is three months along. He congratulates her. Cassie is stunned and remains silent as Dr. Glancy explains to her that she needs to make appointments with the OB-GYN and what else she needs to do given her condition.

Dr. Glancy asks if she is ok. Cassie explains that she never thought she would have a baby, let alone this soon. The way she grew up and the way her life is now, it just seems surreal. Dr. Glancy asks if Cassie plans to go through the pregnancy. Cassie turns and then has a flashbacks of making love to Max back in October. Cassie smiles and turns to Dr. Glancy, saying she will definitely go through with the pregnancy. She is a little stunned but it may be the best thing that has ever happened to her.

-In the ER, Bo is raced into a cubicle. Kayla and Belle come running in, saying they got Shane's call. Abe and Caroline fill them in on what's happened. Kayla goes into Bo's cubicle to find out what is going on. Hope is distraught, wondering what is going on with him. Shane comes over to tell everyone that Frankie is bringing Kimberly over.

Kayla returns from the cubicle, saying that Bo's blood pressure and heart rate is sky high. Something is clearly upsetting him. Hope fills everyone in again on what happened after they left the explosion scene. Kayla notes that it's similar to what Steve is going through, almost like he is caught in his painful memories. Hope remembers that Bo kept saying after the explosion something about "what do they mean" and "I thought they were gone." Kayla thinks that may be referring to some sort of memories.

Hope wonders what the memories could be. Bo has no secret unknown past. Shane mentions his being in the merchant marines so maybe something happened there and he was so traumatized he blocked it out. Hope doesn't think so but admits anything is possible. Caroline mentions Zack's death but Hope says that it was like Bo was trying to fight someone off so it wouldn't make sense.

Caroline wonders if Victor may have brainwashed Bo. That would explain his actions, especially towards Roman. Hope's eyes light up, thinking that could be something. Kayla reminds them that brainwashing is Stefano's specialty. Caroline says that Victor has the means and may have taken a page from the Dimera handbook to take them out. Maggie overhears and verbally attacks Caroline for accusing Victor of brainwashing his own son.

Belle and Abe hold her back. Caroline looks at her and just turns back to Hope and Kayla. Belle tries to comfort Maggie but she is inconsolable over Victor's death. She asks Abe if anything has been reported from the crash site. Abe shakes his head.

-In the east wing of the hospital, Austin enters Lucas's room. He asks Lucas why he called to see him. Lucas says they need to talk about Carrie. Lucas tells him to sit down, which Austin does. Lucas explains to Austin that he always idolized Carrie as his dream girl. That and the fact that he always felt inferior to Austin and bagging Austin's girl would make him feel good is partly why he wanted Carrie. He admits he cared about her and always will but he diluted himself into thinking it was love.

He tells Austin that what he had with Carrie wasn't love but lust. It was something he wanted for selfish reasons. He wanted to compete with his brother, the brother that he was jealous of. Carrie was like a trophy and, after Sami hurt him and Austin hurt her, they found comfort in each other so being together made them feel good. It was nothing more then that and it was nothing compared to how he feels for Sami. He was stupid to ever think he could love anyone else when he knew the truth all along in his heart.

Austin says he always felt like he belonged with Carrie and Lucas belonged with Sami. Lucas says he knows and only wishes he learned sooner. Austin tells Lucas he has nothing to worry about. Sami and him aren't really involved since they all learned what she did to Carrie through Lexie. he has forgiven her, like everyone has, but they never picked up their relationship. Lucas says good and then laughs, as he says it's good to know he won't have to fight him for Sami like he did Carrie.

Luxas tells Austin that he still plans to be a father to his and Carrie's baby and also gives Austin his blessing to be with Carrie if and when she returns or they find her. Austin thanks Lucas and they shake hands. Sami then knocks and both men ask if she heard their exchange. Sami nods, saying she is glad things are being ironed out. She asks if she can speak to Austin for a minute. Lucas is fine with it, saying he wants some quiet time anyway. Sami laughs as she walks out with Austin.

-A nurse comes up to Abby's room, saying they are ready for her. Billie and Kate wheel Chelsea in with another nurse. Chelsea says it seems they are ready for her too. Abby looks at Chelsea and tells her that it seems they are doing yet another thing together. Chelsea laughs and says that everyone always tells them they are inseparable and going through physical therapy together will only prove that. They both laugh.

Jack and Max give Abby a kiss and assure he she will be fine. Alice, Doug, and Julie wish her well. Alice holds her hand as she is wheeled away in a wheelchair. Billie and Kate wish Abby well too. Max takes a moment to wish Chelsea well. She thanks him and is wheeled away with Abby. Max tells Jack he hopes it goes well. He doesn't think Abby can deal with never walking again.

Meanwhile, Cassie is watching Max talking to Jack from nearby. She has been looking for weeks for something to help her get Max away from Abby and now she has it. She is carrying his child and she vows to make sure this baby tears Abby and Max apart.

Belle comes into Abby's room. She tells Alice, Doug, Julie, Jack, Billie, Max, and Kate about what is going on with Bo. They all bolt for the ER as Doug tells Julie he will bring Alice slowly behind them.

-Outside Lucas's room, Austin asks Sami what she wants to discuss. Sami says she overheard everything in there and Lucas giving him his blessing to be with Carrie. Sami explains that there is something she has known for some time but never told him she knew. She thinks it's time she told him.

Sami admits to Austin she knows he slept with Carrie and could be the baby's father. She admits she has known since September when they were out near Green Mountain looking for Carrie. Austin asks why she didn't say something. Sami says there was so much going on and it wasn't her place. She didn't want anyone to get hurt. She tells Austin that things are finally getting settled and that now may be the time for Lucas to learn the truth.

Even with Carrie gone, everything else is out in the open. Sami tells Austin that it's well past time for Lucas to know. If they all want to move on, it's time the truth come out. Austin agrees and says they can't wait for Carrie to come home. In fact, it may be better having this settled now so, if and when she returns, she won't have to deal with it as much. Sami agrees and tells Austin that he should be the one to tell Lucas and that he should do it when Lucas is released to go home.

Austin agrees but asks why him. Sami says it will be better coming from him. She knows he will be mad that she kept this from him and that he and Carrie did too. She just hopes he can forgive all of them so they can move on. Austin smiles and is in awe of how much Sami has changed. He comments on how the old Sami would've used this somehow to get what she wants or switched paternity tests or something.

Sami smiles and vows those days are done. She just wants to move on and hopes Lucas will forgive all of them for hiding this secret so they can get on with their lives. She just wants to be a family with Lucas and Will. Austin says he just wants to resolve all this and for Carrie to return so they can be happy. Sami hopes that happens for him and that all four of them find happiness...this time forever.

-Abe has a call at the nurses station and goes to take it. Frankie wheels Kimberly in and Hope and Caroline fill both of them in on what is happening. Abe returns to all of them and says one of his officers at the explosion site found a very small burnt piece of Victor's passport near the remains. They know it's his because they say the letters "Kir" where the last name would normally be. They can't make out the rest.

Abe says it seems Victor is really dead. Maggie breaks down and runs off just as Belle, Julie, Billie, Jack, Kate, and Max walk into the ER. Julie says she will go after her and asks Belle to tell Doug and Alice where she is. Shane and Abe fill Billie and the others in on what is happening.

Julie stops Maggie right before she walks out of the hospital exit. Maggie breaks down in Julie arms, still in disbelief that Victor is gone. She then has a flashback to something Caroline said to her:

Maggie: You will pay for saying all that!! You...your the reason he is dead. Your had us at gunpoint. He could've gotten away if it weren't for you. He's dead because of you!!! I'm going to make you pay!!!

Abe and Shane hold Maggie back.

Caroline: The same could be said for you. You were here before me. If you never showed up, he may have still escaped.

Maggie: No...I...

Caroline: Look...Maggie. Victor brought this all on himself ok. He made his bed now he has to lie in it.

As the flashbacks ends, Maggie begins to crumble in Julie's arms, saying:

Maggie: I did this. Oh my God...I'm the reason Victor is dead. I stalled him, Julie. Caroline did too but he may have been gone before she got there if I never showed.

Julie: You don't...

Maggie: Oh my God!!! I did it...I killed Victor. He's dead because of me.

Julie comforts a devestated Maggie as the scene then fades back to....

Caroline as she turns to Hope and says at least they don't have to worry about Victor anymore. Hope nods. Kayla then asks what if Victor did brainwash Bo or do something to him to cause what happened. Even with Victor gone, they will all have to deal with the aftermath. Hope and Caroline both look at each other, terrified.

Meanwhile, Kimberly wheels herself over near Bo's cubicle. She asks a nurse if she can go in and see her brother. The nurse says it's fine as she was about to tell everyone that Bo can have visitors anyway. Kim thanks her and wheels over to Bo. She hears him mumbling:

Bo: No...please...stay away. I don't like you...don't like you. NO!!

Kim's face looks worried. She then turns around and is very upset, saying:

Kimberly: Oh my God...this can't be. I can't let this happen. Bo can't know. He can't.

She then turns back to Bo as the screen fades out on a split-screen of Kimberly and Bo.

On the next Salem Lives...

James to Renee: What the hell is your problem?

Renee to James: You!! Your lying to me. I can tell and I want the truth!!

Chelsea to Abby: I'm not sure we can do this.

Abby to Chelsea: We have to...if we want to have normal lives.

Cassie to Abby and Chelsea: Oh, look at you two. Don't worry...I'm sure there are guys that will feel sorry for two cripples like you.

Maggie to Julie: I lost Mickey and now I lost Victor. Their blood is on my hands, Julie, and I deserve to be punished.

Kimberly: I need to see Roman...he will know what to do about Bo.


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Intense! I love the Bo scenes. The flashbacks were great. I can't say enough how much I love how you use the veterans on the show. It is always good to see them driving story, not just supporting it.

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