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January 13, 2007





-Cassie is pacing around the Dimera mansion, nervously awaiting the results of her medical tests. She wishes her grandfather, Stefano, and Lexie were there to lend their support and help her through this. She asks one of the servants to bring her some water to help ger relax. She wonders what it could be that has been making her so ill of late. The servant brings her the water and she slowly sips it.

She looks into the fireplace, deep in thought, and jumps when a hand touched her right shoulder. She is shocked to see Stefano standing behind her, grinning from ear to ear. She embraces him and then asks him where he has been. He explains to her how he has been lying low since the New Year's Eve debacle and how he must now leave Salem. He needs to keep a low profile for awhile and must return to Lexie and make sure she is being properly cared for. Now is the perfect time to leave with the SPD & co. seemingly being focused on Victor and Bo.

Cassie wishes he wouldn't leave. She needs him. He asks her what the problem is and she explains how she hasn't been feeling well and that she even collapsed. Stefano is concerned and hopes it wasn't because of his asking her to aid in his revenge plans against the Brady's. She says it isn't but she is very worried. Stefano asks about how things are going with her getting closer to Max. Cassie flashes back to sleeping with Max back in October and tells Stefano that everything is going well. She hasn't seen Max in awhile though.

Stefano urges her to take a little break from helping with his plans to relax. He doesn't want her health to be at risk and insists that he will be watching her from afar and will stay in touch. If she needs anything, he urges her to feel free to ask. He makes her promise to tell him if she needs any specialized medical assistance when he does contact her to check in. He will be sure to get her whatever she needs. Cassie thanks him and wishes he didn't have to go but he says he must go ASAP. They embrace and say how much they love each other as he leaves via a secret passageway in the foyer.

-Marlena is outside University Hospital and seems rather troubled. She is then tapped on the shoulder by James, which startles her:

Marlena: What the hell is wrong with you?! I thought I told you we couldn't meet out in the open anymore?

James: You did but I saw you out here when you should be in there doing what you were told to do.

Marlena: I am out here thinking of a way to do what I have to do you idiot!!! It's not that easy, you know? There is security around and...

James: Ok!! Ok...I know. I'm sorry. I just hate being involved in all this and it's sort of nerve wrecking.

Marlena: Yeah...well, I hate people telling me what to do. That is why I hate this. I have no choice though.

James: (looking down) Yeah...I know where you are coming from.

Marlena: Well, enough talking. I have to get in there. Next time, Jimmy boy, remember that we don't discuss matters in public, got it?

James: Yeah, sorry. I probably should be getting back to the Kiriakis mansion anyway. Victor wouldn't let me be a part of his escape plan yet since I am a new employee and he doesn't quite trust me enough yet but he wants me to take care of some things at his home.

Marlena: Well, go then. You don't need him getting suspicious or firing you. You need to be on the inside of his organization.

James: Yeah, I know. Well, then...see ya.

Marlena: Yeah, whatever.

James then leaves as Marlena enters the hospital. Marlena makes her way up to the ICU and stares into a room:

Marlena: It's time to get this done and over with so that I can move on to bigger and better things.

Marlena goes up to a security guard outside the room. The guard recognizes her as Dr. Evans and Marlena convinces him to go and take the break he has yet to have today. She is a doctor and works at the hospital so it's no problem if she takes over for him, especially since it's her...

....husband's room!!!

The guard thanks Marlena and leaves. Marlena looks back at the nurses station and sees it's clear. She opens the door and coldly stares at a sleeping Roman. She stands over him and blankly stares at him, contemplating her next move.

-Abe and Shane slowly make their way deeper into the warehouse district, avoiding the detection of Victor's men. Abe and Shane then split up to lead separate units as they close in on warehouse 9. Abe tells Shane and all units to move in on his orders.

-Victor is stil embracing a crying Maggie, who continues to beg him to end this nightmare.

Maggie: Look, I understand. You know I do. I never judged what you were doing. I wanted revenge too for what happened to Mickey. I know that alot of what you are doing is extreme and wrong but I understand the motivation. The intentions you have are good. I don't know why you targeted Roman and the fact that so many innocent people were hurt or killed...Victor, I can't condemn you. I know you are only doing this to protect those you love and care about. You were sick and tired of standing by and watching the Dimera's and others ruin lives. We all are and I see where you are coming from.

Victor: Well, I am happy you do Maggie but I really don't have time for this.

Maggie: Victor, my point is, I will help you. We can figure something out. You don't have to run. You have so much money and power that you can utilize and I'm a Horton so my supporting you should really mean alot. I'm sure Julie would too.

Victor: Maggie, look, I need to go. I need to lie low for awhile. You have to understand that.

Maggie: No!! Ok...you know what? If you really have to go, then...I'll go with you.

Victor: Maggie...I don't think...

Nico walks in and whispers in Victor's ear that the car has arrived and they are about to switch. They must go now as it seems someone has tipped the SPD off to their whereabouts. Nico looks at Maggie and then tells Victor that he knows what he has to do. Victor nods and his face turns grim. Meanwhile, outside the warehouse, Caroline prepares to enter with gun in hand.

Back inside, Victor turns to Maggie and says:

Victor: Maggie, dear. You can't go with me. I can endanger you life anymore. You nearly died in Sydney and you could've been killed on New Year's Eve. I care about you far too much to see you get hurt getting in the way by trying to help. I appreciate everything you have done. Your loyalty is touching and I have cherished your friendship but it must end here. I don't want anything to happen to you.

Maggie: I appreciate everything you have done for me too. You were there for me on the island and, if it weren't for you, I would've never made it through Mickey's death and my falling off the wagon. I need you, Victor. You have been there for me. You have saved me...please, let me help you. Let me go with you.

Victor: Maggie, you can't. I don't want you to live this sort of life. Can't you understand that this is for the best? Your family and friends need you.

Maggie (crying): This is not for the best, Victor. Please...

Victor: Magg... (Maggie jumps back into his arms)

Maggie: No!!! You either stay or I go with you. I won't let you go. I love you, Victor!!!

Caroline then bursts out from behind some crates, aiming her gun right at Victor:

Caroline: The hell you do!!! How can you love a vengeful, cold-blooded monster like Victor Kiriakis.

-Outside the warehouse, Bo is stunned to see Hope. Hope, nearly in tears, asks Bo what he is doing. Bo is about to answer when Hope sarcastically says he is no doubt doing more henchmen work for Victor.

Hope: Is this what you have resorted to? God, Brady. What the hell is wrong with you?

Bo: Hope, this is not the time or place...

Hope: You know, I know I pushed you away after the Island and when you wanted so badly just to talk to me. I know that was a mistake but I thought we got past that. I thought you udnerstood how hard it was to just put Zack's death and your involvement in the past.

Bo: I did, Hope. I know how hard that was and you did good. You even dropped the charges against Chelsea.

Hope: Yeah...look. I know you are frustrated with the system and the law. I know you share that belief with Victor and you think that doing things this way will get you justice and...Brady, you know that all that is happening here is doing nothing but causing more pain. Look at all the innocent people hurt and killed. You almost died in Sydney. How many of your own loved ones nearly died there or on New Year's Eve? You shot your brother, Roman!! Do you realize what is happening here! (crying) I thought you finally understood!! You and I...before Christmas and when JT returned, I thought we had an understanding. I thought we finally found ourselves again but, then...Bo...please!! I want the truth, damnit!! Tell me the truth!!

Bo: Hope...not now. Please!! This is the wrong time and place. Yes, we do need to talk. (takes Hope's hands) There is alot we need to talk about but not now.

Bo sees an SPD officer off in the distance, surveying the area.

Bo: Hope, something is about to go down. You can't be here. You need to go...

Hope: Oh, the hell I will!!

Hope pulls out a gun and points it at Bo.

Hope: You are coming with me and we're going to talk. I am done letting you call the shots. It's time you and me finally lay all the cards out on the table.

Bo: Hope, I...

Hope: You wanted to play hardball, Brady. Well, I'm game. Let's do it.

-Back in the warehouse, Caroline holds Victor and Maggie at gunpoint.

Maggie: I do love Victor, Caroline.

Victor: Caroline, don't be stupid. Put the gun down.

Caroline: Oh yeah, Victor. I will put the gun down. Once I am finished here. Well, it seems alot has changed. After all you have done to my family...so much for that great love you had for me.

Victor: I do...

Caroline: NO!! YOU DON'T!!! Look what you've done!!! It started with my husband. He saw that tape of us in the castle on the island. Our love killed him!!

Victor: Is that why you pushed me away? You thought our love killed him?

Caroline: It did. Deep down, he always knew. Why do you think he always got upset when you were with me alone? He knew it, Victor. I could never be with you after that. I couldn't face my children if I was with you. How would they ever accept their mother being with the man whose love cost them their father?

Victor: That's not the way...

Caroline: I don't care how you see it. I see the truth now, Victor. I am so glad I never went back to you. This is the real you. Hell, if you never made that promise to Isabella you may have never changed. By the way, what happened to that promise? Did you totally disregard it?

Victor: No...but I have to do what I have to do to protect...

Caroline: Your family. That is always your justification.

Victor: It's the truth. Isabella would understand.

Caroline: Oh yes. Protecting your family and loved ones. You nearly killed some of the very people you profess to love in Sydney. Your son, Bo, was shot multilple times!!! Your beloved, Maggie, was shot!! Oh, and then there is New Year's Eve, where many innocents were hurt and killed including your own son Philip!!! What a great job you are doing protecting those you love!! Don't you see, you are only making things worse!!

Victor: Sometimes bad things happen. Sacrifices have to be made and...

Caroline: No!! Don't you justify what you are doing!!

Victor: Caroline, calm down!!

Caroline: I will...when I know you can't destroy anymore lives. When I know you can't destroy my family anymore then you have. Roman is fighting for his life and it was your little mind games that resulted in my son, Bo shooting his own brother. Any love or affection I had for you is gone. It's dead. It began to die with Shawn and, with every action you have taken since then, it's died a little more. I hate you...I HATE YOU!!!

Victor: Caroline, please...

Caroline: Oh, don't worry, you have a new lover now. She will help you get over me just like she has been for months. She blindly accepts what you are in your current state. You two will be wonderful together and can live a full and...

Victor: Caroline...I don't have time for this. I have to go.

Caroline: Your going nowhere. Your reign of destruction ends here!!

Maggie looks at Victor and sees Nico at the back door, motioning for Victor to hurry up. Maggie looks at Caroline with the gun and lunges for her. Both women fall to the ground and a shot is fired.

-Back at the Dimera mansion, Cassie then is told by a servant she has a call from the hospital. She answers and is told her tests results are in. Cassie hangs up and stares off into the distance, taking a deep breath and wondering what is in store for her.

-At the Kiriakis mansion, James arrives outside when he gets a phone call. He answers his cell and seems upset by the call:

James: Damnit...give me a break!! I am doing my best!! What else do you want me to do? I am trying to make up for the past and trying to provide...you know what? Calm the hell down!!

James then hangs up and nearly throws his phone in disgust, clearly bothered by the call.

-At the hospital, Marlena stands over Roman's sleeping body. She then looks around the room and her eyes light up when she notices a pillow. She picks it up and fluffs it. She then flashes an evil grin and says:

Marlena (whispering): Perfect. Well, my beloved hubby, the time has come. Do you know how hard it is...being a secret assassin? Having to wait around and take orders from people that you hate all so you can accomplish your goals? It's not easy but it will all be worth it in the end. Now, without further adieu...

Marlena takes the pillow and covers Roman's face with it. Marlena then holds it down as Roman tries to fight her and get the pillow off for air. Marlena's eyes glaze over and she seems like she is in a trance as she forcefully holds the pillow over Roman, who is desperately trying to free his face for air!!!

-In the warehouse district, Abe is told that an officer hears yelling in the area of warehouse 9 and that two cars are parked outside of it. Abe thinks it's time to move in and orders Shane and all units to being their pursuit!!

Outside the warehouse, Bo can here Abe and Shane's units coming. He tells Hope, who is still pointing the gun at him, that he will tell her everything but not here. They need to get out of the area. Hope agrees.

Inside the warehouse, Maggie and Caroline get up and are both unharmed. They both see Victor take off through the back door with Nico. Maggie takes off after them, as does an angry Caroline. Bo sees Victor and Nico come out of the warehouse just as a SWAT team comes around the corner of another building. Bo sees that the situation is about the explode and grabs hold of Hope, telling her they need to get out of the way. Maggie and Caroline come out for the warehouse and hear a car door shut. Both limos begin to start up and drive away, just as the rest of Abe and Shane units appear. They all give chase as the cars begin to move.

Abe sees that Caroline and Maggie are out of the line of fire and that no one else is in the way. He then orders all units to fire!!!

All units open fire on both black limos that are beginning to speed off in haste. Bo pushes Hope to the ground to protect her from the bullets. Caroline and Maggie stay off to the side and shield themselves. Maggie then sees one of the limos open fire from the back end and screams:

Maggie: No!!!

A wave of bullets hits the fiery back end of the limo and it then EXPLODES!!!

Maggie lets out a blood curdling scream as a stoic Caroline watches. Bo and Hope slowly raise themselves from the ground. Hope then looks at Bo, who says:

Bo: Victor...it was Victor's limo.

The screen then fades out on an overheard shot of the explosion.

On the next Salem Lives...

James: I'm doing what I have to do. Why isn't that enough?

Marlena to Roman: You can't fight it when it's YOUR TIME TO DIE!!!

Caroline to Maggie: Get over it!! We are all better off without him.

Maggie to Caroline: This is all your fault and I will make you pay!!

Hope to Bo: Victor is gone. I want the truth. Last chance, Bo, or you and me are through for good.

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Great episode!!!!!!!!! I'm really in suspense for this Marlena story!!!!!!!!! I wonder if she'll actually kill Roman! I still am anxious to know what on earth happened to her after she fell down that volcano.

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