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-Steve heads to Llanfair!

-A man is seen at Willow’s door, Willow tries to shut it but he keeps it open with his fist! He barges in and Willow orders him to get out!

-Billie asks Bonnie how she even knows Victoria Lord Davidson. Bonnie answers that she came to Alice’s one night and they became very close……Billie wonders what’s going on!

-Kate asks Forrest who he is. Forrest tells her that’s not important, but what is is the business proposition. Kate asks what it is, and Forrest tells her he wants them to combine their company powers to take care of a very powerful business rival…..

-Vivian considers calling Lawerence Alamain, her nephew, back to town!

-Belle painfully walks into the Morgue to see Shawn’s corpse! Marlena guides her along the way.

-Hope walks over and slaps Jan, accusing her of lying! Jan tells her it’s true and confesses to the Horton’s the WHOLE story! The Horton’s and Brady’s are all horrified! Jan quickly flees from the hospital in pain about Shawn’s death. She is in tears and broken so she drives out of town!

-Stefano and Megan plan on how to break Lexie out of jail!

-Lilly and Erin enter an intense catfight! Max struggles to break it up!

-Helena meets up with EJ and informs him a powerful opponent has died tonight! EJ is confused.

-Steve arrives on the Llanfair grounds. He sneaks in through the back and into the living room….

-John visits Cassie. Cassie tells John she learned her medical condition could be in grave danger!

-Billie tries to ask Bonnie more questions, but Bonnie tells Billie she has to get out of Salem! Bonnie begins to cry and heads out to the car. She gets in, starts it, and says goodbye to Salem as she exit’s the town.

-The man tells Willow “No way babe!” and grabs her and pulls her into a kiss! She pulls out of it and slaps him, then she backs up saying get out or she’ll call the cops on him!

-Victor vows that Jan will be on his hit list of enemies when he strikes at them all, but for now he must deal with getting Philip Claire!

-Kate asks who that might be. Forrest reveals it’s VIVIAN ALAMAIN! He thinks to himself that he can use Kate to take care of Vivian!

-Belle breaks down as she approaches Shawn’s body. Marlena tells her everything will be alright and she can do this! Belle walks over it and she looks down and screams “No Shawn!!!!!!” she breaks down again and asks “Why did he have to die?”

-Seve sneaks through the living area and searches the mansion. Unknown to him Dorian is watching! He is up stairs searching, when he somehow triggers a wall to open! He wonders if in there could give him the information he needs….he slowly walks in but once inside is knocked unconscious! A form steps over Steve’s unconscious body and looks down on it with a gun…


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