Episode 263
At Lucinda's, Craig comes to the door and Lucinda wonders aloud what he wants this time...since his last visit lasted until the wee hours of the morning...and the visit mostly consisted of his whining about not having Sierra and Lucy in his life anymore and how he thinks someone is following him. Craig tells Lucinda that he knows someone is following him home every night. He's not crazy. As soon as he describes what vehicle, he thinks they drive, Lucinda flashes back to issuing a hit on Craig and then calling it off. Craig asks where Lucinda "went" and Lucinda assures Craig that all of this chaos will end soon. After Craig leaves, Lucinda calls Rico and tells him to bring his tail over to her house...right now!
Holden angrily blasts Luke for drinking again and wonders what might have brought this on. Lily gets upset and while taking a drive to relieve some stress and clear her head, flashes back to her kiss with Mike. Lily decides that she must come clean to clear her conscience.
Dana shows up for her first day on the job. Her work suddenly turns into research, though, as she uses the B.R.O. database to find models who were at a fashion show in Baltimore back in 1997.
Grant runs into Lisa at the Lakeview and she excitedly hands him a slip of paper. Grant cracks that Lisa's a little too old for love notes and Lisa whips back that it's the best thing she could for such a classy guy. Grant opens up the slip of paper to discover that as of tomorrow, he is no longer a tenant of the Lakeview.
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