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January 8, 2007




-As the excitement and danger of New Year’s Night continues, Cassie is wheeled into the emergency room after suffering a fainting spell. Dr. Rich Glancy, the new attending physician, examines Cassie to see what the problem is. When she comes to, she is informed that she was found passed out by a nurse upstairs and was brought down to the emergency room. Cassie tells the doctor that all she remembers is feeling lightheaded but nothing after that.

Dr. Glancy tells her that they know who she is by the identification they got from her purse and asks if there is anyone she wishes to be contacted. She hesitantly says no, not right now. She wonders if the cause was having too much to drink that evening. The doctor tells her they are running a battery of tests to find the cause and will let her know ASAP.

Later that night, the doctor returns. He says that they can’t find anything wrong and chalks it up to stress. He then tells her to take it easy. She informs him about the nausea she suffered from earlier and he gives her a prescription, telling her to get it filled right away. He also tells her that they will contact her with the rest of the test results as soon as they become available. She is free to go. After the doctor and nurses leave, Cassie wonders out loud where her grandfather and aunt are and then wishes they were there by her side.

She quietly gets dressed, and slowly walks out of the ER, hoping that the test results come back negative on all counts.

-On the upper patient floor, Max and Abby continue to talk about their plans for the future as Jack and Billie walk by. Jack looks through the window of his daughter’s room and sees her happily talking to Max. He turns to tell Billie:

Jack: I’m sure glad she had someone to share New Year's with. (Looking back at Abby) Sometimes, I really feel like I’ve failed her as a father.

Billie: Don’t say that, Jack. You have done the very best you can with Jennifer being gone and all. The tragedy that Abby & Chelsea went through was because of poor decision making, not anything you or I have done.

Jack: That’s easy to say. (Sighing deeply) I just know that Jennifer is looking down on me and just shaking her head. Not only for Abby but for Steve and all the drama at the Ball earlier. Lucas shot, Roman fighting for his life........

Billie: And you blame yourself for that? Look at me. Victor, Stefano and Bo are to blame for this whole mess. As well as this new threat we all may now be facing. All you, I, and everyone else tried to do was to stop this madness before someone got killed.

Jack: And that still happened. Eleven people dead, twenty three others wounded, and Lucas and Austin among those. That is on top of my daughter being paralyzed and yours losing the use of her arm.....I mean, what did we do to deserve all this?

Billie: I ask myself that same question often. I overheard Abby earlier talking about why she can’t feel anything in her legs. She knows we and her doctors are keeping something from her, as does Chelsea.

Jack: Abby probably also feels I’m hiding something from her as well, doesn’t she?

Billie: (Pausing) Well, Jack........I, uh...........

Jack: That’s what I thought. (Pausing briefly) Well, I think it’s about time that we stop hiding things from them and tell them what they are facing. What do you think?

Billie: I think.......that you’re right. They need to know what the future holds.

Jack: Ok, then. You take your daughter..........and I’ll take mine.

Billie: Deal. Good luck.

Jack: You too.

Jack and Billie separate to go tell their children the grim news that they both have been keeping from them and hope that they have enough inner strength to make it through.....with their love and support.

-As Billie rounds the corner to go to Chelsea’s room, she finds Kate walking towards her. She tells her that now is the time.....to tell her daughter what she is facing. Kate agrees and follows her into Chelsea’s room, where she is in a deep sleep. Upon waking her, Chelsea exclaims:

Chelsea: What the hell?! I was sound asleep!

Billie: I’m so sorry about that, honey, but I think that now is the time to tell you how badly injured you are.

Chelsea: At two o’clock in the morning?

Kate: Yes at two o’clock in the morning. So.....why don’t you just....please, be quiet, while your mother speaks to you.

Chelsea wipes away the sleep from her eyes and then looks at Billie, waiting for her to say something. Billie does, telling her:

Billie: Chelsea......what everyone has been keeping from you......is that.......I don’t know how to say this......

Chelsea: Will you tell me or let me go back to dreaming about Brad Pitt?! Please?!

Billie: Ok.....ok. The doctors and all the experts that have been brought in....feel that.....you may not have the full use of your arm.

Chelsea is shocked.

Chelsea: But.....they mean for the time being, right? Please tell me that it’s just until I learn to use it again. Please.

Billie: I’m so, so sorry, dear. But they feel that you will never have the use of it. Period.

Chelsea starts crying.

Chelsea: So this is what you all have been hiding from me?! Oh My God!! How could you keep this from me?! Huh?! How could you be so damn cruel?!?!

Billie: (Trying to comfort her) Chelsea, baby, you have to understand, I was only trying to protect you.

Kate: (Crying) She was, dear. We both only meant the very best for you.

Chelsea: Oh.....this coming from a grandmother who can never keep her damn nose out of everyone’s lives! And NOW you want to stay out of something?! (Looking at both Billie & Kate) You both make me sick!

Billie: Oh, Chelsea. Don’t say that. (Crying) Please. I’ve tried to be the best mother I can be.

Chelsea: Oh, please!! Stop acting like my mother because your not!!

Billie: What?

Chelsea: (Calming down) Uh...nevermind. It's just...you haven't been much of a mother to me lately with everything going on. You just...you should have told me......sooner.

Kate: We both know that. Don’t blame her. She had your best interest at heart. Now, you know that. So, for once, stop giving her a hard time and just realize how much your mother loves you.

Chelsea wipes away her tears and says:

Chelsea: I’m sorry for yelling at you like that. I hope you understand.....

Billie: Oh yes, baby. I do understand. Please forgive me.

Chelsea: I do. For now. But.....you must promise me to start being......the mother you haven’t been.

Billie: Oh, I will. If you still vow to keep your promise about turning your life around.

Kate: I think that’s only fair, don’t you?

Chelsea: Yeah. Yes, that’s fair.

Chelsea then says that she will try with all of her heart to get back the use of her arm. Both Kate and Billie look at each other with worry, thinking that a miracle would have to occur for that to happen.

-While Billie, Chelsea & Kate sort out their problems, Jack walks into Abby’s room and takes off his tuxedo jacket. He smiles at Max and then shakes his hand, thanking him for the New Year’s Eve present he gave his daughter. Max says no problem but then asks Jack why does he look so serious. Jack responds:

Jack: Well, Maxwell, Abby and I have to have a very serious talk. About her condition...and some other things.

Max stands and begins to excuse himself from the room to give the two more privacy. Jack wouldn’t hear of it.

Jack: No, no please. Sit down. This involves you too.

Max returns to his seat and then softly takes Abby’s hand.

Jack: I know you’ve been through a lot since your mother’s death.

Abby: Yeah. And you could have died as well tonight. Max filled me in. Are you alright?

Jack: (Taking her hand) Oh, I’m just fine, Abigail. But, we’ll get into that later. This is much more important.

Abby: Ok, Daddy. Go.....go ahead. (Her voice trembling) What......do you want to tell me?

Jack: Well.....sweetheart, the doctors are of the opinion (Looking away from her)......that you may.......(Looking at her) that you may never walk again.

Abby: Oh..........nooooo!!! No, Daddy!! (Crying) I have to walk. Please tell me that they’re wrong. (Grabbing his hand) Please!!! They have to be wrong.

Jack: They have done test after test and they just don’t see any way that you will recover fully from this tragic accident. (Starting to cry) I’m so sorry, baby.

Abby cries heavily, taking this horrible news in. She then slowly turns and looks at Max, asking him, through her tears:

Abby: Did you know? Did you know the truth?

Max: (Looking at Jack, then back at Abby) Yes. Yes, I did know.

Abby: So you were protecting me too, huh? Protecting the cripple, huh?

Max: (Kissing her hand softly) Let me say something to you. I don’t care if you can walk or not. That never meant anything to me.

Abby: Really?

Max: Yes, really. You are all that matters to me. I just found happiness with you. Now why would I ruin all that by walking away? Huh?

Abby: You mean......you will still want me? Even like this?

Max: I never stopped wanting you. Your my angel, Abby. You have been......and always will be, ok?

Abby: Well.......I guess that will have to do.

Abby starts crying once again, as Jack looks on. He also sees Max take her in his arms and hug her, comforting her through this life changing news. Jack sits and watches, proud of this young man who has stepped up to the plate for his little girl.

What none of them sees outside Abby’s room........is Cassie. She looks into the room at Abby and Max, with burning hatred in her eyes. She turns away from the window, vowing to herself that:

Cassie: If it’s the last thing I do, they won’t be a couple by the end of this year. That is......if I can find out what’s wrong with me first

She then turns and storms off, pulling out her cell phone in another attempt to call the one person who can help her get revenge......

Her grandfather, Stefano.

-Meanwhile, back upstairs in the I.C.U. waiting room, Hope, Caroline and Maggie wait to receive word on Roman’s condition. Kayla comes out of Lucas’s room and joins the ladies in going to get some coffee. Once at the upstairs lounge, Kalya tells everyone that:

Kayla: Roman can’t have any visitors but he is still in critical but stable condition.

Caroline: Well, that’s some decent news for a change.

Hope: Yes, it is. Considering who may have done this to him.

Maggie: You mean Bo......or Victor?

Hope: Unfortunately, both.

Caroline: That’s true, sad to say. I know Shawn is looking down on Bo and just shaking his head. I can’t understand it myself. I don’t know what Bo’s problem is......or Victor’s, for that matter.

Kayla: Well, when will it be time for Bo and Victor to take responsibility for their actions?

Maggie sits quietly and listens....

Hope: Kayla, what does that mean? Victor said the same thing to us. Are you also blaming us for what has happened to Bo?

Kayla: No, I’m not. Please don’t take it that way. What I’m saying is.....Bo has been my brother longer than he’s been your husband and he’s always been so damn headstrong and stubborn. You have to hit him upside his head with the side of a mountain for him to get the hint......and, by the way, he is a grown man. He knows what he’s doing.

Caroline: (Looking at Maggie) Maggie, you seem to be very silent once again. I guess you feel Victor is doing what he has to do, right?

Maggie looks at Caroline but doesn’t respond.

Caroline: Look. I know that man better than anyone here. At one time, we were very close. But no more. I hold him just as responsible as Bo and Stefano for everything that has happened in the last six months and, especially, for the past evening. (Walking up to Maggie) And, if you want to take his side in this thing.......you are a lot more stupid than I ever gave you credit for!

Hope and Kayla try to calm down Caroline, reminding her, as Maggie does, that this is not the time or the place to keep rehashing this same old argument. Besides, Hope says, she’s really tired of talking about it. Kayla agrees and tells the ladies that she is going to check on Steve and check on the status of his test results.

As she leaves, Maggie tells Caroline that whatever is going on between her and Victor is personal. She wishes that Caroline would just give her a break.....for now. Maggie walks off, leaving Hope and Caroline to hope for Roman’s recovery.......and Bo’s safety.

-Once again, Sami & Belle catch up to Marlena in I.C.U. They both ask if she has seen their father yet, to which she responds:

Marlena: No. They aren’t allowing any visitors.

Belle: Oh, really.

Marlena: Yes, little girl. Really.

Sami: Well, you sure don’t seem too broken up about your husband being in intensive care.

Marlena: Did I ask you for your opinion, Samantha Jean? The last time I checked, weren’t you busy ruining other people’s lives?

Belle: Hey, hey, hey. Enough of that. We haven’t done one damn thing to you to deserve this kind of treatment.

Sami: Exactly. I took it at the party and I also took it once again a while ago. But.......mother or not, I’m starting to get sick of all the hatred you seem to have towards us.

Marlena once again gives them a stare filled with blinding hatred. Belle turns to Sami, whispering in her ear that:

Belle: That was the same look she had on the island.......before she disappeared into that volcano.

Sami: I know.

They both look at their mother and slowly walk away from her to confer on what they should do next.

Sami: Maybe I should ask her what is going on with her.

Belle: And have her snap at us again? That has gotten quite old, Sami. I don’t want her to snap and then one of us say something that we’ll either regret or will push her farther away from us.

Sami: I know, sis. But it’s a chance we have to take. With Dad out of it right now, we can’t turn to him. Uncle Steve is in the hospital and Uncle Bo is on the run. That leaves us, don’t you think?

Belle: I guess so. Sami.....be careful.

Sami: Ain't I always?

Both sisters smile at one another and then Sami walks back over to her mother, followed closely by Belle. She asks Marlena what happened to her after the shootout at the party. Marlena responds that after Belle went Barry Bonds on the back of her head, she was helped or, rather forced, outside by police officers and paramedics, who helped bandage her head. After things calmed down, she made her way to the hospital, where she now stands getting bothered by her nosy daughters.

Sami and Belle look at each other and Sami winks at Belle when Marlena’s back is slightly turned, telling Belle that she doesn’t buy her story. Belle slightly nods her head, agreeing with Sami’s assessment of the situation. Sami turns back to Marlena and announces that:

Sami: That’s a load of BS, mom. Neither of us buy that for one damn minute.

Belle: I get the feeling you may have to do better than that, Mom. Much better.

Marlena once again gets up in the girls’ faces, loudly telling them:

Marlena: How many damn times must I keep repeating myself?! This is the third time I’ve had to say this, so for once, clean the wax out of your ears and listen!

STAY OUT........ OF MY...... DAMN....... BUSINESS!! OK?!

Marlena once again storms off and heads to the outer hallway. But, this time, Hope, Maggie, Caroline & Maggie overhear her commotion as they return from the I.C.U. nurses’ station. When they ask what’s wrong with her, Sami fills them all in and Belle backs her up. Hope says that she acted like that before her “death” on the island and for her sake, and theirs.........

They better keep an eye on her, before it’s too late.

-As the shocking scene continues in Roman’s room, Bo is trying his best to finish what he started. His arm continues in a berserker stabbing motion and he has a psychotic look on his face.

After a moment, though........he suddenly stops. He steps back, looking at his handy work. He smiles evilly at what he’s done. He has finally succeeded in completing his mission.

That is........until he hears a voice. A voice, that is telling him to.........

Roman: Please don’t start laughing. You’ll get me started.

Bo: Oh, I’m sorry, bro. I just thought you would find it funny to get stabbed to death by your own brother.

Roman: Really? (Inspecting the scalpel) With a rubber scalpel?

Bo: Yeah. I had it since I was a kid.

Roman: I know. That’s when you wanted to be a doctor........for all of five minutes.

Bo: Well, Ma and Pop didn’t mind, did they?

Roman: No, they were used to humoring you.

Bo: Oh, that’s cold.

Both brothers laugh once again. Roman then asks:

Roman: How did it go? Are we a hit?

Bo: Oh, yeah. Kayla and the paramedics are all doing what they must. No one suspects a thing. No one knows that it is an I.S.A mission.

Roman: Good, good. You know.......if Victor, Stefano, or our families find out about this......there will be hell to pay.

Bo: I know but the good thing is that Hope thinks I’m so far gone there may not be any hope at all. That works in my favor.

Roman: But being on the run doesn’t.

Bo: Not the first time, bro. I’m old hat at this, remember?

Roman: Yes. As am I, little brother.

Roman then tells Bo that it may be time for him to get out of there. Bo agrees, telling Roman to take care of himself. Before he leaves, he makes one request of Roman:

Bo: Roman, do me a favor. Uh, I’m 51 years old. Don’t you think it’s about time you stop calling me “Little Brother”?

The brothers share one more laugh before Bo sneaks out of Roman’s room, unaware that someone has not only seen him enter and leave but now looks in on a very healthy Roman.....

And that someone.....is a seething Marlena. She says nothing, as she stalks off angrily.

Marlena then heads to her destination....the roof of the hospital. She gets a phone call, telling the caller:

Marlena: You read my mind. I’m on the roof. I know. It must be Grand Central Station up here. What did you just say?! (Pausing) Are you out of your damn mind?!Shut your damn mouth this instant! Let me tell you one damn thing. I call the shots, got that?! (Looking shocked) Do you realize what you’re asking me to do?! Ok, ok. Fine! I don’t know how....but I’ll get it done. Somehow, some way.

Marlena hangs up the phone. She then throws it to the ground in frustration and says:

Marlena: How on earth am I going to pull this off with those two nosy daughters of mine already on my back. They are probably convincing others of their suspicions too. No matter, I have to do what I have to do...(looking at her phone, which she just picked up off the ground) for my annoying pest of an ally and...for me.

She looks off into the night sky, as the screen slowly fades to black.

Next Time, On Salem Lives.............

Maggie to Alice: What do I do? Do I turn my back on Victor?

Kayla to Kimberly: What am I going to do? I mean, nothing seems wrong so...how do I help him?

Steve to Shane: I can't tell Kayla. She can't know. It's too risky and I expect you to stay quiet. Will you?

Cal to Katherine: Wow...never expected to see this. This is a whole other side of you, doctor.

Lucas to Sami and Kate (with Austin, Doug and Julie in the background): There is something you both should know...about my future.

Philip to Belle (while violently grabbing her arm): You do what I tell you to, you little [!@#$%^&*]!!


Recommended Comments

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LOL, it's still New Year's Eve???

Well., New Year's Day early morning.

Keep in mind, we only did 3 episodes last week because normally

an average day lasts about 4-5 episodes with the way we write.

Tomarrow's episode is set around mid-morning New Year's day.

We had midnight hit on the 12/29/06 show.

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Just got caught up. Very nice kick-off to the week guys.

The Marlena stuff is intriguing and very well done. Right

now, that's my favorite storyline you have going, even

ahead of the MCF. Also, nice twist with the Bo/Roman

ISA mission. Makes total sense. :)

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