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That's what we at SONBC would like to know- this week, on "Return To Santa Barbara", Sophia, the long-suffering matriarch of the Capwell clan was killed off! But at the end of Saturday's episode, viewers saw Sophia alive and awake(!) on a plane with Dr. Edmund Lavery. So just what's going on here? To get to the bottom of it, SONBC took the opportunity to sit down and chat with the creator and exec producer of 'RTSB', juniorz1.

SONBC: Welcome.

juniorz1: Thanks for having me.

SONBC: Let's get down to business- what's up with Sophia? Is that the real Sophia we saw on Saturday?

juniorz1: Yes, that's our Sophia, alive and well on the plane with Edmund. A LOT will be explained on Monday this week- through flashbacks, we'll learn exactly how Edmund made it appear that Sophia was dead. We'll also learn more about his past with CC and the real reason for his hatred of the man. Pay attention. There's some foreshadowing of what's in store for Sophia.

SONBC: Where are they heading?

juniorz1: Back to London. Remember our previous interview where I said the action would be split between Santa Barbara and London? This is the beginning of that.

SONBC: Interesting. I do recall you saying that, now that you mention it....

juniorz1: The locations I've been mentioning in 'RTSB' may play into storylines down the road, as you'll soon find out.

SONBC: So in the meantime, Sophia's family thinks she's dead.....

juniorz1: Yes, and there still is a chance she could die. Medically, she still needs the treatment from Edmund if she's going to live without the aneurism.

SONBC: True. Any tidbits on what's going on with the Julia/Mason/Mary triangle?

juniorz1: Obviously, that's going to play for a while and will take some time to resolve. These are two very different women and two very different relationships for Mason. For the first time, they are coming in conflict. It's a situation Mason never dreamt he'd be in.........nor Julia, for that matter. The story Mary's telling him about the baby isn't washing, though. So much of it doesn't make sense- ESPECIALLY the fact that Mark McCormick is alive and well. They'll be on the hunt for him to get some answers. Mason's going to be asking a lot of Julia and she's really going to be tested as far as how much she can take. She may surprise herself.

SONBC: What else can we expect to see?

juniorz1: This week kicked off a very big storyline- the umbrella tale that I talked about early on when 'RTSB' started. This coming week, Ashton Lavery will be introduced and revealed as Kelly's new husband! Ashton will play a key role in this story as everything unfolds. There will come a point where a few MAJOR events have happened, one story seemingly unrelated to the next. But just wait- this story is going to have a ripple effect that will touch much of the cast.

SONBC: How about Cruz & Eden? We know you're a big A & Marcy fan, yet surprisingly, Cruz & Eden have taken a back seat for much of the series.

juniorz1: Hey, at least they're happy, right? So far, the couples that are heavily featured are in complete and utter turmoil, are you wishing that on my Eden & Cruz too?

SONBC: I see your point. I'm kind of afraid to ask now.

juniorz1: Too bad because you already did. Cruz & Eden have some stuff coming up with the Ramirez family. It's going to be another one of those stories where everything is not what it seems. It's going to start off one way and head into a completely different stratosphere from where it seemed it would go. That story will hit the frontburner shortly and will lead to a huge mystery mining the rich history of Cruz & Eden. So don't be jealous Mason/Julia & CC/Sophia fans- I'm not playing favorites & Cruz/Eden will be just as tortured as the others, probably even more so.

SONBC: That's a scary thought. I can't imagine what could be worse than what's happened to CC & Sophia.

juniorz1: Unfortunately for you (and them), I have.

SONBC: We're just about out of time. Anything else you care to add?

juniorz1: Just a couple of quick things. First, thanks to everyone who has read it and commented on it, whether it be on SON, or through message groups or other Santa Barbara message boards (shouts to CC & Sophia group on Yahoo, lane-davies.com, and my friends on the Cruz2Eden board!). your thoughts & comments mean a lot. 'RTSB' jumped back to #1 in the SONBC ratings again this week with nearly 900 views- thanks all of you for your continued interest and support! Also, today, I'll be adding a new content block on the right of the screen, where the weekly schedule will be posted. The block will be updated every Sunday. And don't miss Episode 35 on Monday! See you there! :)


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Shout out to you from the CC and Sophia group at Yahoo.....most of us following this blog and being loyal although vocal at times. :) But I am confused....I am new to this type of fanfic....what is a content block? And is that for the comments or the show itself?

Loved the Interview by the way.

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Everything on the right side of the screen is contained in a content block- users, months, recent comments, cast list, etc...... So the schedule will now be on the right side of the screen at all times, under the cast list. Look for the change later tonight when I post the schedule.

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It has taken me the six days since I joined to catch up on all the post, but now that I have, I have to tell you what an outstanding job you have been doing and I can't wait to read more. I was a fan of the show since about 1985 when I started H.S. and you have truly recaptured the glory, the romance, the mystery, and the humor of the show. I can hear the cast speaking the lines in my head because you have done such a good job of writing the dialogue. The plot is magnificent to say the least. I am on the edge of my seat now and anxious for tomorrow's episode. Keep up the excellent work.


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I think adding the schedule will be helpful to all of us!! I am always looking to see what time the next episode will be posted. This way it will be right where we all can easily find it!!! Thanks :P

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I think adding the schedule will be helpful to all of us!! I am always looking to see what time the next episode will be posted. This way it will be right where we all can easily find it!!! Thanks :P

That's what I figured. Plus, it puts more pressure on me to get the episodes out on time!!! By the way, I LOVE your siggy. Honestly, the best thing that could come from 'RTSB' would be enough people talking about 'SB' and interested in it again that Soapnet takes notice & re-airs it. It's a stretch, but we can wish, right?

It has taken me the six days since I joined to catch up on all the post, but now that I have, I have to tell you what an outstanding job you have been doing and I can't wait to read more. I was a fan of the show since about 1985 when I started H.S. and you have truly recaptured the glory, the romance, the mystery, and the humor of the show. I can hear the cast speaking the lines in my head because you have done such a good job of writing the dialogue. The plot is magnificent to say the least. I am on the edge of my seat now and anxious for tomorrow's episode. Keep up the excellent work.


WOW! That's SO cool of you to say- thank you so much! You're obviously a dedicated fan to catch up on 34 episodes in 6 days! Look forward to hearing from you now that you're all caught up! :)

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Juniorz, do you link your blog to the sites you mentioned? That could certainly help. I loved the interview, you know I am a Santa Barbara fan. I can't wait to see what happens Monday. I love it and your blog is the first one to make me cry

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Actually Tish, here's the background on those sites I mentioned:

I used to visit the Cruz2Eden board regularly, especially when

Marcy was fired from AMC. When I started the blog up, I noticed

some new members had joined the site & were viewing the blog.

I had no idea how they found out about it because I only had posted

info about it on SON. I noticed unicorn (Wendy) had a site listed

in her profile so I visited and found the CC & Sophia Yahoo group.

Much to my surprise, they had taken notice of 'RTSB' before it had

even started- there were already a few messages sent out linking to

it. I joined the group and found out from Wendy that a link was sent

out by someone who ran a SB Tape Trading Site and she just relayed

the info from there.

After I realized this, I checked out some other SB-related sites including lane-davies.com and the Cruz2Eden message board. Much to my surprise,

they had already been talking about it on those sites as well. I was absolutely

floored that word had spread about it in the SB online community!

Now, I visit the sites semi-regularly and even receive comments from

people who didn't join SON. I've re-connected with some of my old SB

pals (Hi Marlena!) and made some new friends in the process.

Shannon (sb84fan) and Wendy (unicorn) really got the word out and I just hope now that 'RTSB' is living up to their expectations as well as everyone who has

decided to check it out.

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WOW! That's SO cool of you to say- thank you so much! You're obviously a dedicated fan to catch up on 34 episodes in 6 days! Look forward to hearing from you now that you're all caught up! :)

I was a huge fan then and time has not diminished my love for this great soap. I love that you totally discounted the last year. I had stopped watching right before it went downhill because I had joined the military and from what I have read, I am glad I missed it. I was a big fan of Mason and Mary and when she died, I was devastated. Once Julia and Mason were an item though, they became my all time favorite soap couple. The triangle you have going with Julia/Mason/Mary is wonderfully torturous for me. I can't wait to see where you go with it. Like I said before, keep up the good work and I am so happy I found out about your blog from the Lane Davies site.


PS - Living in the same city as you makes it awfully tempting to come on over and get a sneak peak......lol

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Hehe, thanks tk! Hot today, wasn't it? Crazy weather this year......

Anyhoo, maybe on the next interview I post, I'll insert a picture of me so you all

can see what I look like. :)

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The only way I found out about RTSB was when you posted a reply to my topic on SON about the SB clip series. It's funny because I rarely post on that board and was surprised when you responded and talked about your blog. I love when I find new interest in SB! :P So, I spread the word!! LOL

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Juniorz, I am so happy for you because your blog rocks and is so good. I am glad it is getting the recognition it deserves. Now, post another episode!

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Hehe, I'm getting a late start tonight but it will be up in an hour or two.....promise! :) Oh and thanks so much for the compliment Tish!

ETA: I changed it back Teri. Sorry- I always edit my comments if something isn't right as I assumed it was. I'm nitpicky I guess! :lol:

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What I meant to type was Wonderfun. LOL That played so much better in my head than it came out........LOL


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ETA: I changed it back Teri. Sorry- I always edit my comments if something isn't right as I assumed it was. I'm nitpicky I guess! :lol:

Thought you might be interested in why I used Wonderfun. I had just finished watching a clip on some site where Cruz and Eden are at a Masquerade and Eden has had maybe a few too many glasses of champagne. While dancing with Cruz, she tells him she is having a Wonderfun time. Cruz then tells her she definately has had too much to drink if she is making up words. I always thought that was a great word and probably was a misspoken line by Marcy that the editors decided to leave in because it really fit with the scene.

BTW I understand about the editing of comments. A lot of people at work think I am the most nit picky, perfectionist, and buttinski person they have ever met and if I had a blog of my own, I would probably do the exact same thing.


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